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[Botany • 2017] Magnolia montebelloensis • A New Species in Section Magnolia from Lagunas de Montebello National Park, Chiapas, México, with A Key to Magnoliaceae of Chiapas


Magnolia montebelloensis   A.Vázquez & Pérez-Farr.

 Vázquez-García, Pérez-Farrera, Gómez-Domínguez, Muñiz-Castro & Sahagún-Godínez, 2017


A new species of Magnolia, from the Lagunas de Montebello National Park, in the central highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, is described and illustrated. Magnolia montebelloensis belongs to section Magnolia; it differs from M. poasana in its smaller habit, densely pubescent terminal twig internodes, stipules and spathaceous bracts, shorter peduncular internodes and more numerous stamens. A key, an ecological and a conservation assessment of the eight Chiapan species of Magnoliaceae are included. Magnolia montebelloensis grows in montane rain forest and is contrasted with other Chiapan Magnolia species regarding their climate and vegetation preferences. It was assessed as critically endangered (CR) according to IUCN B1ab(ii,iii) and B2ab(iii) criteria. Half of Magnolia species in Chiapas occur in protected natural areas, and thus immediate action is required to protect the other four species, M. faustinomirandae, M. mayae, M. sharpii and M. zamudioi. Seven out of the eight Magnolia species (88%) are not found in ex-situ collections despite being endangered or critically endangered.

Keywords: Magnolia guatemalensisMagnolia hondurensisMagnolia poasana, “Tajchack” (Tzeltal language), Magnoliids

FIGURE 4. Magnolia montebelloensis. A. Flower after male phase. B. Flower manually forced open with stamens removed. C. Flower bud with densely hirsute spathaceous bract and early vegetative buds. D. Leaf stipule in late vegetative bud. E. Gynoecium with early axillary leaf buds and terminal internode; sepals, petals and stamens removed. F. Developing fruit. G–H. Fruits during dehiscence. Illustration by Esaú Vázquez-Verdejo. A–C & E from the holotype. D, F–G from Vázquez-García et al. 10107; H from Vázquez-García et al. 10108.

FIGURE 2. Magnolia montebelloensis. A. Tree, standing at the base Miguel Muñiz & Antonio Vázquez. B. Stipule on late leaf bud. C. Leaves. D. Flower bud with spathaceous bract and early axillary leaf buds. E–F. Flowers forced open with and without stamens, respectively. G. Flower after male phase. H. Developing gynoecium, with axillary leaf buds. I. Developing fruit. Photographs by Antonio Vázquez, A–C & I from Vázquez-García et al. 10107; & D–H, from the holotype.

Magnolia montebelloensis A.Vázquez & Pérez-Farr., sp. nov.

Eponymy:—This species is named after the Lagunas de Montebello National Park, the type locality. 

J. Antonio Vázquez-García, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Farrera, Héctor Gómez-Domínguez, Miguel Ángel Muñiz-Castro and Eduardo Sahagún-Godínez. 2017. Magnolia montebelloensis, A New Species in Section Magnolia from Lagunas de Montebello National Park, Chiapas, México, with a key to Magnoliaceae of Chiapas.  Phytotaxa. 328(2); 101-114. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.328.2.1

[Herpetology • 2017] Strophurus trux • A New Species of Gecko (Squamata: Diplodactylidae: Strophurus) from central Queensland, Australia


 Strophurus trux  Vanderduys, 2017

Golden-eyed Gecko  ||  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4347.2.7


A new species of diplodactylid gecko in the genus Strophurus Fitzinger, from central Queensland, Australia, is described herein as Strophurus trux sp. nov. It is similar to the recently described Strophurus congoo Vanderduys from north Queensland and apparently shares a habitat preference for Triodia hummock open woodlands. It is notably different from the latter in possessing a vivid yellow to golden eye. It is only known from one small area of the Brigalow Belt Bioregion, although it is expected to occur more widely than the one area in which it has been found. It is likely that it is endemic to the Brigalow Belt Bioregion.

Keywords: Reptilia, Brigalow Belt, Triodia, Golden-eyed Gecko

Strophurus trux sp. nov.
Golden-eyed Gecko

Etymology. The specific epithet " trux " is Latin for wild, savage, harsh and pitiless, including instruments of human savagery, and also of the scene of such cruelty (Lewis & Short 1879; Glare 1982). This name was Chosen in reference to the only location known for Strophurus trux sp. nov. It is in the proximity of the "Marlborough stretch", a section of the old Bruce Highway in Central Queensland with notoriety as a wild and dangerous place in the 1960s and 1970s because of a series of murders and shootings (Gibson 2002) and its general remoteness.

FIGURE 1. Holotype QMJ94287 male Strophurus trux sp. nov. showing the scattered peppering of dark grey to black spots and faint reticulations on the dorsal surface. Also clearly visible is the relatively clear demarcation of tone along the lateral surface of the tail. 

FIGURE 3. Bright yellow to golden-brown eyes of Strophurus trux sp. nov. which lend it the common name golden-eyed gecko; QMJ94285 above, QMJ95524 below. 

FIGURE 7. (a) Male QMJ95524 showing bolder markings than other specimens; (b) female QMJ95523; (c–d) male QMJ94284.

FIGURE 8. Male Strophurus williamsi QMJ94288 collected 235 m from S. trux sp. nov. QMJ94287, showing distinguishing features where the two species are sympatric; orange eyes with the pupil surrounded by a black over white reticulum, relatively bold dorsal pattern, enlarged orange tubercles on dorsal and caudal surfaces. 

Eric Vanderduys. 2017. A New Species of Gecko (Squamata: Diplodactylidae: Strophurus) from central Queensland, Australia. Zootaxa. 4347(2); 316–330.   DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4347.2.7

[Entomology • 2017] Taxonomic and Biogeographic Revision of the New Guinean genus Ophiotettix Walker, 1871 (Tetrigidae: Metrodorinae: Ophiotettigini trib. nov.), with the Descriptions of 33 New Species


Ophiotettix storozhenkoiO. filiformaO. pulcherrima, et al

Tumbrinck & Skejo, 2017

Long-headed pygmy grasshoppers (genus Ophiotettix Walker, 1871) from the New Guinean region (New Guinea and adjacent islands) are taxonomically and biogeographically reviewed. For Ophiotettix and the morphologically similar genera Paraspartolus Günther, 1939, Spartolus Stål, 1877 and Threciscus Bolívar, 1887 a new tribe is erected, Ophiotettigini trib. nov. This tribe is close to Clinophaestini Storozhenko, 2013, which is placed here also under Metrodorinae. Bufonidinae syn. rev. are regarded to be synonymous with Batrachideinae, not Cladonotinae, as previously considered. Statuses of currently known taxa of Ophiotettix are reviewed. The genus now includes 40 species, seven of them previously described: O. buergersi Bolívar, 1929, O. cygnicollis Walker, 1871, O. limosina (Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1865), O. lorentzi Bolívar, 1929, O. modesta Bolívar, 1929 stat. rev., O. scolopax Bolívar, 1929, O. westwoodi Bolívar, 1929 stat. rev. 33 new species are described and illustrated, namely:O. amberiana sp. nov., O. bewana sp. nov., O. bomberaiensis sp. nov., O. brevicollis sp. nov., O. cheesmanae sp. nov., O. depressa sp. nov., O.filiforma sp. nov., O. flyriveriensis sp. nov., O. fritzpahli sp. nov., O. hansscholteni sp. nov., O. imbiana sp. nov., O. kaitani sp. nov., O. karimuiensis sp. nov., O. katharinae sp. nov., O. luce sp. nov., O. meggy sp. nov., O. mountnokensis sp. nov., O. parvicollis sp. nov., O. projecta sp. nov., O. pulcherrima sp. nov., O. pushkari sp. nov., O. quateorum sp. nov., O. rebrinae sp. nov., O.roesleri sp. nov., O. rohwedderi sp. nov., O. sanguinea sp. nov., O. schapinae sp. nov., O. stallei sp. nov., O. storozhenkoi sp. nov., O. subbrevicollis sp. nov., O. telefominensis sp. nov., O. tenuis sp. nov., and O. toxopei sp. nov. An annotated identification key to species is provided. Antennal morphology (especially morphology of five apical segments) is diagnostically important in the taxonomy of this group and provides the best morphological character for species delimitation. Function of modified antennae is not fully understood. Differences between species exist also in head morphology, facial colouration, and morphometrics. Pygmy Giraffhoppers are a diverse group occupying most biogeographical regions of New Guinea North of the Central range, while only few species inhabit areas south of the central range.

 Keywords: Orthoptera, Tetrigidae, pygmy grasshoppers, Discotettiginae, New Guinea, taxonomy, new species, widened antennal segments, long head, horn

Josef Tumbrinck and Josip Skejo. 2017.   Taxonomic and Biogeographic Revision of the New Guinean genus Ophiotettix Walker, 1871 (Tetrigidae: Metrodorinae: Ophiotettigini trib. nov.), with the Descriptions of 33 New Species. In: Telnov, D., Barclay, M.V.L. & Pauwels, O.S.G. [Ed.] Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea. 3; 525-580.   bib.irb.hr/904156

[Herpetology • 2017] Dibamus floweri • A New Species of Dibamus Duméril & Bibron 1839 (Squamata: Dibamidae) from A Hill Station in Peninsular Malaysia


 Dibamus floweri 
 Quah, Anuar, Grismer & Grassby-Lewis, 2017


A new species of worm-like lizard, Dibamus floweri, is described from Fraser’s Hill, Pahang, in the central highlands of Peninsular Malaysia based on the following unique combination of characters: maximum SVL of 112 mm; tail length 11.4–15.2% of SVL; labial and nasal sutures absent; rostral suture present but incomplete; a single postocular; four scales bordering the posterior edge of first infralabial; no enlarged, medial, sublabial scale; 21 scale rows around midbody; 23 scale rows around the body immediately posterior to head; 21 scale rows around the body immediately anterior to vent; 175–194 ventral scales; 23–46 subcaudal scales and light coloured bands on body. Dibamus floweri, new species, is the third species of dibamid discovered in Peninsular Malaysia and is the first montane species. Its discovery underscores the importance of uplands regions as important habitats for herpetological diversity and their understudied nature. 

Key words: herpetofauna, montane, new species, taxonomy, conservation, systematics

Dibamidae Boulenger, 1884
Dibamus Duméril & Bibron, 1839

Dibamus floweri, new species
Flower’s blind lizard

Diagnosis. Dibamus floweri, new species, differentiated from all other congeners by this combination of characters: maximum SVL of 112 mm; tail length 11.4–15.2% of SVL; labial, nasal sutures absent; rostral suture present but incomplete; single postocular; four scales bordering posterior edge of first infralabial; no enlarged, medial, sublabial scale; 21 midbody scale rows; 23 transverse scale rows just posterior to head; 21 transverse scale rows just anterior to vent; 175–194 ventral scales; 23–46 subcaudal scales; relative size of frontal to frontanasal 1.1–1.5; relative size of interparietal to surrounding scales 1.3–1.8; and light coloured bands on the body. These characters are scored across all nominal species of Dibamus in Table 2.

Etymology: The specific epithet, floweri, is in honour of Major Stanley Smyth Flower, who was one of the pioneers for herpetological discoveries in the Malay Peninsula. He made many notable discoveries over the course of his explorations in the region and his natural history observations well over a century ago were very detailed and contributed tremendously to improving our understanding of the ecology and behaviour of many species to this day.

 Distribution: Dibamus floweri, new species, is presently known only from Fraser’s Hill, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia at elevations between 1,207 and 1,500 m (Fig. 3). 

  (A) Holotype of Dibamus floweri, new species (LSUHC 12481) from Fraser’s Hill, Pahang (Photograph by Rupert Grassby-Lewis).
(B) Paratype of Dibamus floweri, new species (ZRC 2.7240) from Fraser’s Hill, Pahang at ease. Photographs by Evan Quah.
(F) Leaf litter microhabitat at Fraser’s Hill, Pahang where the paratype of Dibamus floweri, new species, was found.

Natural history: Both specimens were found while digging through leaf litter that had accumulated along the banks of roads. The holotype was discovered at night in a drainage ditch along Jalan Girdle in a damp and shaded area. The paratype was uncovered during the day underneath approximately 3 cm beneath the soil (Fig. 2F), and in the same pile of leaf-litter, the skink, Larutia miodactyla (Boulenger, 1903) was also found. When handled, both specimens flared up their body scales, giving them a wrinkled appearance (Fig. 1C). This behaviour is interpreted as a defensive, anti-predator mechanism employed by Dibamus to mimic a possible non-palatable species of worm (Darevsky, 1992). The other two Peninsular Malaysian species, D. booliati and D. tiomanensisdisplay the same behaviour when agitated (Das & Yaakob, 2003; Diaz et al., 2004; Grismer, 2011).

Evan S. H. Quah, Shahrul Anuar M. S., L. Lee Grismer and Rupert Grassby-Lewis. 2017. 
A New Species of Dibamus Duméril & Bibron 1839 (Squamata: Dibamidae) from A Hill Station in Peninsular Malaysia. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 65; 681–690. 

[Paleontology • 2017] The Squamation of the Eocene stem-Basilisk Geiseltaliellus maarius (Squamata: Iguanidae: Corytophaninae) from Messel, Germany


Geiseltaliellus maarius  Smith, 2009

life reconstruction by J. Eberhardt & A. Vogel  (SMF)
Smith, 2017SALAMANDRA. 53(4) 


 An exceptional new specimen of the stem-basilisk Geiseltaliellus maarius from the middle Eocene of Messel, Germany, preserves details of the squamation of this extinct species. The dorsum and extremities were covered by small, rhomoidal scales, about 0.2 mm in size in most places; somewhat larger scales were present on the lower extremities and on the head. Scales of the venter were arranged in transverse rows, unlike in extant Polychrus and Laemanctus. There is some evidence that the scales on the extremities possessed keels, as in extant basilisks and Polychrus. Keratin appears to be preserved in places. The “Oberhäutchen” is nearly featureless, probably the result of postmortem microbial decomposition; scale organs were not observed. Overall, the body of G. maarius possessed a fine, homogeneous squamation most similar to Basiliscus. Possible sexual dimorphism in the form of the parietal crest raises the prospect of a projecting median keel composed of skin in male G. maarius, although direct evidence on this point is currently lacking. The squamation of the tail is discussed in light of the pseudoautotomy shown by this species. 

Key words: Fossils, Corytophanidae, Eocene, scales, keratin.

Figure 1. Skeleton with skin shadows of Geiseltaliellus maarius, SMF ME 11380a (part).
 (A) Detail of temple region of head. (B) Detail of throat or shoulder region. (C) Detail of right lower leg scales (over tibia and fibula). (D) Detail of left lower leg scales (torn downward and preserved around toe). (E) Detail of digit IV of left pes. Scale bar is 5 mm.

Figure 8. Reconstruction of the squamation of male Geiseltaliellus maarius from Messel.
Juliane Eberhardt (SMF) drew the life reconstruction, colored by Anika Vogel (SMF). 

 K. T. Smith. 2017. The Squamation of the Eocene stem-basilisk Geiseltaliellus maarius (Squamata: Iguanidae: Corytophaninae) from Messel, Germany. SALAMANDRA. 53(4); 519–530.  


[Arachnida • 2017] Revision of Hindumanes Logunov, 2004 (Araneae: Salticidae: Lyssomaninae), with Description of A New Species, H. wayanadensis, from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India


Hindumanes karnatakaensis   (Tikader & Biswas, 1978)

 Sudhin, Nafin & Sudhikumar, 2017


The monotypic genus Hindumanes Logunov, 2004 is revised. We present fresh specimens of Hindumanes karnatakaensis (Tikader & Biswas, 1978), the type species, and describeHindumanes wayanadensis sp. nov. from the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, a part of the Western Ghats, Kerala, India. This paper provides the first description of the male of H. karnatakaensis and a redescription of its female. We also transfer the genus from Asemoneinae Maddison, 2015 to Lyssomaninae Blackwall, 1877. The relationship between Hindumanes and Lyssomanes Hentz, 1845 and the zoogeography of the subfamily are discussed. The distribution records of the genus are mapped.

Keywords: Araneae, long-legged jumping spider, subfamily placement, zoogeography, relict, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, biodiversity hotspot

Puthoor Pattammal Sudhin, Karunnappilli Shamsudheen Nafin and Ambalaparambil Vasu Sudhikumar. 2017. Revision of Hindumanes Logunov, 2004 (Araneae: Salticidae: Lyssomaninae), with description of a new species from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Zootaxa. 4350(2); 317–330.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4350.2.7

[Botany • 2017] A Revision of Middletonia (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand


Middletonia gebosa C.Puglisi: A. Habit, showing young fruit; B. Flowers; Mreticulata (Barnett) C.Puglisi: D. Habit; E. Flowers.
Photographs by Preecha Karaket (A, C–E) and David Middleton (B). 

Puglisi & Middleton. 2017. DOI: 10.20531/tfb.2017.45.1.07


The genus Middletonia in Thailand is revised. We recognise four species, including the newly described Middletonia glebosa C.Puglisi and the resurrected M. reticulata (Barnett) C.Puglisi. A key to the species, full descriptions and proposed conservation assessments are provided. 

KEYWORDS: taxonomy, new species, Flora of Thailand

Figure 1. Middletonia gebosa C.Puglisi: A. Habit, showing young fruit; B. Flowers; M. reticulata (Barnett) C.Puglisi: D. Habit; E. Flowers.
Photographs by Preecha Karaket (A, C–E) and David Middleton (B).

Taxon. 65: 286. 2016. 
Type species: Middletonia multiflora (R.Br.) C.Puglisi.

Five species, found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia. Four in Thailand.

1. Middletonia evrardii (Pellegr.) C.Puglisi, Taxon. 65: 286. 2016

Distribution.— Lao PDR, Vietnam.
Thailand.— EASTERN: Nakhon Ratchasima, CENTRAL: Nakhon Nayok
 Ecology.— Evergreen forest.

Note.— The material from Thailand differs slightly from the Vietnamese material, especially in the leaf shape which is more elongated and with an acute apex in the Thai specimens. As there are rather few specimens from throughout the distribution range, with no floral material from Thailand available for dissection, further collections are necessary to assess whether the Thai and Vietnamese plants belong to one or more species.

2. Middletonia glebosa C.Puglisi, sp. nov. 

Similar to Middletonia regularis in having the inflorescences shorter than the leaves and to Middletonia reticulata in the shortly caulescent habit. Differs from both in having a dense indumentum on the adaxial side of the leaf, with glands and eglandular hispid hairs (upperleafsurface glabrescent or minutely glandular in Middletonia regularis, glabrescent in M. reticulata), and in the short, non-twisted, lumpy and irregular fruit (longer, weakly to strongly twisted, smooth and regular in M. regularis and M. reticulata). 

Type: Thailand, Sukhothai, Ram Kham Haeng National Park, Khao Luang, alt. 520 m, 11 Oct. 2012, fr., Middleton, Karaket, Suddee & Triboun 5559 (holotype E [E00547434]; isotypes BK, BKF [SN201922]).  

Distribution.— Cambodia.
Thailand.— NORTHERN: Sukhothai. 
 Ecology.— Mixed deciduous forest with bamboo on granite bedrock.

Etymology.— The specific epithet is the Latin adjective glebosus, -a, -um, which means “lumpy” and refers to the peculiar surface of the capsule.

Notes.— In Ram Kham Haeng National Park this species grows in a mixed population with Middletonia reticulata. The two are readily told apart in the field by Middletonia glebosa having softer, paler leaves, a shorter inflorescence, generally slightly smaller flowers, and the curious short, straight, lumpy fruit. The species is known only from Ram Kham Haeng National Park and a single collection made around 150 years ago in Cambodia. The Cambodian collection, placed in Paraboea regularis by Xu et al. (2008), is only in fruit so the identification will need to be verified with flowering material. However, the fruit of this species is rather distinctive.

3. Middletonia regularis (Ridl.) C.Puglisi, Taxon. 65: 287. 2016.

Distribution.— Malaysia. 
Thailand.— PENINSULA: Surat Thani, Phangnga; SOUTH-WESTERN: Kanchanaburi.

Ecology.— Lowland evergreen forest on limestone soils. 

Note.— The protologue of Paraboea monticolasuggests the flowers to be much larger: “lobes … 6–9 × c. 6.5 mm”. However, none of the material available for this study had lobes longer than 3.3 mm. 

4. Middletonia reticulata (Barnett) C.Puglisi, comb. nov.
Boea reticulata Barnett, Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 20: 20. 1961.
Type: Thailand, Chiang Mai, Mae Wang

Ecology.— Mixed deciduous forest on granite bedrock. 

Distribution.— Currently endemic to Thailand but possibly also occurring in Lao PDR and Myanmar.
Thailand.— NORTHERN: Mae Hong Son; Chiang Mai; Lamphun; Lampang; Phrae; Sukhothai. 

 Note.— This species is resurrected from synonymy of Middletonia multiflora (R.Br.) C.Puglisi from which it differs in the distinctively reticulate venation pattern covered in loose brown indumentum on the lower surface of the leaves, and in the auriculate leaf base. Middletonia multiflora has a denser indumentum on the leaf and the tertiary venation is less densely reticulate and less visible altogether. Middletonia multiflora is widespread along the northern distribution of the genus (from India to Vietnam), but none of the material from Thailand studied can be attributed to M. multiflora.

Carmen Puglisi and David J. Middleton. 2017. A Revision of Middletonia (Gesneriaceae) in Thailand. THAI FOREST BULL., BOT. 45(1); 35–41. DOI: 10.20531/tfb.2017.45.1.07

[Paleontology • 2017] Spinosaur Taxonomy and Evolution of Craniodental Features: Evidence from Brazil


Spinosaurid cranial remains from Brazil.
Sales & Schultz, 2017 


Fossil sites from Brazil have yielded specimens of spinosaurid theropods, among which the most informative include the cranial remains of IrritatorAngaturama, and Oxalaia. In this work some of their craniodental features are reinterpreted, providing new data for taxonomic and evolutionary issues concerning this particular clade of dinosaurs. The mesial-most tooth of the left maxilla of the holotype of Irritator is regarded as representing the third tooth position, which is also preserved in the holotype of Angaturama. Thus, both specimens cannot belong to the same individual, contrary to previous assumptions, although they could have been the same taxon. In addition, the position of the external nares of Irritator is more comparable to those of Baryonyx and Suchomimus instead of other spinosaurine spinosaurids. In fact, with regards to some craniodental features, Brazilian taxa represent intermediate conditions between Baryonychinae and Spinosaurinae. Such a scenario is corroborated by our cladistic results, which also leave open the possibility of the former subfamily being non-monophyletic. Furthermore, the differences between spinosaurids regarding the position and size of the external nares might be related to distinct feeding habits and degrees of reliance on olfaction. Other issues concerning the evolution and taxonomy of Spinosauridae require descriptions of additional material for their clarification.

Fig 1. Map of northeastern Brazil showing the location of the Araripe and São Luís-Grajaú basins. The (likely) provenance of the holotypes of local spinosaurid taxa is indicated. Modified from Bittencourt and Lange. 

Fig 2. Specimen SMNS 58022, holotype of Irritator challengeri.
A, Left lateral view. B, Right lateral view. The abbreviation for the third tooth of the left maxilla follows Hendrickx et al. [2015].

 Additional abbreviations: ao.f, antorbital fenestra; c.c, crista cranii; e.n, external naris; m, maxilla; m.r, mandibular ramus; n, nasal; n.c, nasal sagittal crest; n.p, nasal process; o, orbit; pm, premaxilla; s, stapes.

Fig 11. Spinosaurid cranial remains from Brazil.
 A, Reconstruction of specimen SMNS 58022, the holotype of Irritator challengeri. B, Specimen USP GP/2T-5, the holotype of Angaturama limai. C, Specimen MN 6117-V, the holotype of Oxalaia quilombensis.

The fragmentary maxilla (MN 6119-V) tentatively referred to O. quilombensis was not included. A is modified from Sues et al. [2002].

Final remarks
Spinosaurid dinosaurs have been surrounded by an enigmatic atmosphere due to their bizarre anatomy and morphology as well as the fragmentary nature of most collected specimens. The tragic loss of the holotype of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus also contributed to this condition. Despite being incomplete, spinosaurid cranial remains from Brazil are informative in multiple ways and help fill in some gaps in the knowledge on these theropods. The reinterpretation of certain craniodental features supports, for example, the distinction between Irritator and Angaturama at least at the individual level, and our cladistic results indicate the latter taxon and Oxalaia as successive outgroups of MSNM V4047. In addition, the evolution of spinosaurid craniodental features is likely related to different trends towards semiaquatic and/or piscivorous habits. These trends might have had a major impact on the position and size of the external nares, suggesting the reduction of the importance of olfaction in relation to other senses during foraging. However, other issues remain more disputable, such as the possible non-monophyly of Baryonychinae, the possible synonymy between the Araripe spinosaurids, and the sequence of morphological changes during the evolutionary history of Spinosauridae. Further study is needed to address these issues, including the formal description of additional cranial and postcranial remains. In this sense, although African materials are usually the focus of most investigations, Brazilian specimens play an important role in discussions concerning the evolution and paleobiology of Spinosauridae. This statement is clearly corroborated by new findings of these dinosaurs in understudied fossil sites.

Marcos A. F. Sales and Cesar L. Schultz. 2017. Spinosaur Taxonomy and Evolution of Craniodental Features: Evidence from Brazil. PLoS ONE. 12(11); e0187070. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187070

[Entomology • 2017] Taxonomic Review of the Oriental Flower Beetle Coilodera penicillata species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)


Coilodera grandimaculata   Qiu, Xu & Chen, 2017


The taxonomy of the Coilodera penicillata Hope, 1831 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) species complex, which is recognized by the black body and elytra with larger tomentose maculae, is revised. Six Indochinese species assigned to this complex, including Coilodera grandimaculata new species from Tibet, China. Coilodera nigroscutellarisMoser, 1902 revised status and C. formosana Moser, 1910 revised status formerly treated as two subspecies of C. penicillata Hope, 1831 are elevated to species rank. The distribution of C. penicillata in China is confirmed based on examination of specimens from Yunnan and Tibet, and almost all previous Chinese literature records should be referred to C. nigroscutellaris. Coilodera dives(Gory & Percheron, 1833) revised status previously synonymized with C. penicillata is herein considered as a valid species based on the examination of types and additional specimens, and C. miksici Antoine, 1986 new synonymy is regarded as a junior synonym of C. dives. A lectotype is designated for Coilodera dives (Gory & Percheron, 1833). The record of C. mearesii (Westwood, 1842) in southeastern China is attributed to a misidentification of C. nigroscutellaris, and it is here newly recoreded from Tibet near the Nepal-China border. Diagnosis characters and intraspecific variations are illustrated for all six species, new distribution records and a key to species are also presented. Ecological information is provided for all species.

 Keywords: Coleoptera, Taenioderini, Taenioderina, revision, new species, synonym, lectotype, commensalism, China

 Jian-Yue Qiu, Hao Xu and Li Chen. 2017. Taxonomic Review of the Oriental Flower Beetle Coilodera penicillata species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae).  Zootaxa. 4350(3); 511–537. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4350.3.5

[Botany • 2016] Floral Specialization for Different Pollinators and Divergent Use of the Same Pollinator Among Co-occurring Impatiens Species (Balsaminaceae) from Southeast Asia


Researchers have presented their results on specialization in pollination techniques in flowers of the genus Impatiens. For two months in 2014, they have studied 7 co-occurring species of the genus Impatiens in the Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

 Ruchisansakun, Tangtorwongsakul, Cozien, et al. 2016.

Floral variation among closely related species is thought to often reflect differences in pollination systems. Flowers of the large genus Impatiens are characterized by extensive variation in colour, shape and size and in anther and stigma positioning, but studies of their pollination ecology are scarce and most lack a comparative context. Consequently, the function of floral diversity in Impatiens remains enigmatic. This study documents floral variation and pollination of seven co-occurring Impatiens spp. in the Southeast Asian diversity hotspot. To assess whether floral trait variation reflects specialization for different pollination systems, we tested whether species depend on pollinators for reproduction, identified animals that visit flowers, determined whether these visitors play a role in pollination and quantified and compared key floral traits, including floral dimensions and nectar characteristics. Experimental exclusion of insects decreased fruit and seed set significantly for all species except I. muscicola, which also received almost no visits from animals. Most species received visits from several animals, including bees, birds, butterflies and hawkmoths, only a subset of which were effective pollinators. Impatiens psittacina, I. kerriae, I. racemosa and I. daraneenae were pollinated by bees, primarily Bombus haemorrhoidalis. Impatiens chiangdaoensis and I. santisukii had bimodal pollination systems which combined bee and lepidopteran pollination. Floral traits differed significantly among species with different pollination systems. Autogamous flowers were small and spurless, and did not produce nectar; bee-pollinated flowers had short spurs and large floral chambers with a wide entrance; and bimodally bee- and lepidopteran-pollinated species had long spurs and a small floral chamber with a narrow entrance. Nectar-producing species with different pollination systems did not differ in nectar volume and sugar concentration. Despite the high frequency of bee pollination in co-occurring species, individuals with a morphology suggestive of hybrid origin were rare. Variation in floral architecture, including various forms of corolla asymmetry, facilitates distinct, species-specific pollen-placement on visiting bees. Our results show that floral morphological diversity among Impatiens spp. is associated with both differences in functional pollinator groups and divergent use of the same pollinator. Non-homologous mechanisms of floral asymmetry are consistent with repeated independent evolution, suggesting that competitive interactions among species with the same pollination system have been an important driver of floral variation among Impatiens spp.

Keywords: autogamy; bee pollination; butterfly pollination; floral asymmetry; nectar robbing; nectar spur; pollen placement; sympatry; tropics

Figure 3. Impatiens flowers, showing variation in colour and shape and floral visitors:
 I. muscicola (A); 
I. santisukiipollinated byPolytremis lubricanslubricans (B) and Bombus haemorrhoidalis (C);
I. racemosa pollinated by B. haemorrhoidalis (D);
I. chiangdaoensispollinated by Notocrypta curvifascia (E) and visited by a nectar-robbing B. haemorrhoidalis (F);
 I. psittacina pollinated by B. haemorrhoidalis (G);
I. kerriae pollinated by B. haemorrhoidalis (H) and visited by Apis cerana (I), Macroglossum belis (J), and Aethopyga gouldiae (K).
  I. daraneenaepollinated by an unknown bee species (Apidae) (L).

Black arrow in (A) indicates the typical position of the shed anthers onto the lower lateral united petals, facilitating autonomous self-pollination. All other arrows indicate pollen placement sites on visiting bee species (C, D, G, H, L). Scale bar in (A) represents 1 mm, all other scale bars represent 10 mm.

Saroj Ruchisansakun, Pornpimon Tangtorwongsakul, Ruth J. Cozien, Erik F. Smets FMLS and Timotheüs van der Niet. 2016. Floral Specialization for Different Pollinators and Divergent Use of the Same Pollinator Among Co-occurring Impatiens Species (Balsaminaceae) from Southeast Asia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 181(4); 651–666.  DOI: 10.1111/boj.12427

In a study in the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, researchers (including 4  from Naturalis) have presented their results on specialization in pollination techniques in flowers of the genus Impatiens. For two months in 2014, they have studied 7 co-occurring species of the genus Impatiens (see video) in the Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Impatiens develops diff. floral shapes to specialize in pollination techniques + avoid competition! Blog+video https://science.naturalis.nl/en/about-us/news/onderzoek/flowers-impatiens-genus-and-their-specialization-pollination-techniques/?platform=hootsuite

[PaleoIchthyology • 2017] Eoanabas thibetana • Fossil Climbing Perch and Associated Plant Megafossils indicate A Warm and Wet Central Tibet During the late Oligocene


Eoanabas thibetana
Wu, Miao, Chang, Shi & Wang, 2017

Understanding the Tibetan Plateau’s palaeogeography and palaeoenvironment is critical for reconstructing Asia’s climatic history; however, aspects of the plateau’s uplift history remain unclear. Here, we report a fossil biota that sheds new light on these issues. It comprises a fossil climbing perch (Anabantidae) and a diverse subtropical fossil flora from the Chattian (late Oligocene) of central Tibet. The fish, Eoanabas thibetana gen. et sp. nov., is inferred to be closely related to extant climbing perches from tropical lowlands in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. It has osteological correlates of a labyrinth organ, which in extant climbing perches gives them the ability to breathe air to survive warm, oxygen-poor stagnant waters or overland excursion under moist condition. This indicates that Eoanabas likewise lived in a warm and humid environment as suggested by the co-existing plant assemblage including palms and golden rain trees among others. As a palaeoaltimeter, this fossil biota suggests an elevation of ca. 1,000 m. These inferences conflict with conclusions of a high and dry Tibet claimed by some recent and influential palaeoaltimetry studies. Our discovery prompts critical re-evaluation of prevailing uplift models of the plateau and their temporal relationships with the Cenozoic climatic changes.

Systematic Palaeontology  

Teleostei Müller, 1845
Anabantiformes sensu Wiley and Johnson, 2010

Anabantoidei sensu Lauder and Liem, 1983
Anabantidae Bonaparte, 1839

Eoanabas thibetana gen. et sp. nov.

Etymology. The generic name combines ‘Eo-’ (Greek, early/primeval) with ‘Anabas’, the type genus of Anabantidae from tropical Asia. The specific name refers to Tibet, China.

Holotype. IVPP V 22782, a complete skeleton, part and counterpart (Fig. 1a,b).

Paratypes. Sixteen specimens are designated as paratypes (Supplementary Information).

Locality and Horizon. Jiangnongtangga (type locality) and Songwori in south Nima Basin and Dayu in Lunpola Basin in central Tibet (Supplementary Figs 1 and 2). Middle-upper part of Dingqing Formation, late Oligocene (Chattian) (ca. 26~23.5 Ma)6, 20, 26.

Diagnosis. A labyrinth fish displaying anabantid characteristics including a posterior notch of the opercle bounded by spines, a V-shaped strut on inner side of opercle and six to nine anal-fin spines. It shares with Asian anabantids the following derived characters: broad infraorbitals 3–5 completely covering the cheek, a sensory canal pore just behind sphenotic/pterotic junction and pelvic plate lying flat; and it shares with African anabantids some derived characters, e.g., sensory canal opening in between the infraorbitals, supraorbital commissure of the sensory canal absent and male postocular contact organ present.

Figure 1 A new fossil climbing perch, Eoanabas thibetana gen. et sp. nov. from the upper Oligocene of central Tibet. It resembles its extant tropical relatives in having a labyrinth organ for air breathing and postocular contact organ in male fishes for stimulating the female during a mating clasp.
(a) Photograph and (b) line drawing of holotype (IVPP V22782a), image horizontally rotated. (c) Photograph and (d) line drawing of the head of IVPP V18412a, red area in (d) representing muscular attachment facet.

Abbreviations: alm, attachment facet of levator operculi muscle; Cbr1, ceratobranchial of first gill arch; op.st, V-shaped struts on inner side of opercles.

Figure 2 Fossil climbing perch, Eoanabas thibetana gen. et sp. nov. from the upper Oligocene of central Tibet.
(a) Line drawing of the head of IVPP V18414a. (b) Photograph of IVPP V18414a. (c) Photograph of IVPP V18581a. (d) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of relics of labyrinth organ in (c), arrows pointing the pores on the lamellae. (e) Computerized tomography of labyrinth organ (lateral view) of Anabas testudineus (OP 435). (f) Cleared and stained head showing the labyrinth organ and associated structures of Anabas testudineus (collection no. OP 432). (g) Cleared and stained specimen of Anabas testudineus (collection no. OP 433). (h) Osteological restoration of Eoanabas, purported male; not to scale.

Images in (c), (d) are horizontally rotated. Abbreviations: br, branchiostegal rays; hp1, hypural 1; m., muscle; php, parhypural.

Feixiang Wu, Desui Miao, Mee-mann Chang, Gongle Shi and Ning Wang. 2017. Fossil Climbing Perch and Associated Plant Megafossils indicate A Warm and Wet Central Tibet During the late Oligocene. Scientific Reports. 7, Article number: 878.  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00928-9 

[Herpetology • 2017] Euspondylus excelsum • A New Species of Arboreal Microteiid Lizard of the Genus Euspondylus (Gymnophthalmidae: Cercosaurinae) from the Andean Slopes of central Peru with Comments on Peruvian Euspondylus


Euspondylus excelsum 
Chávez, Catenazzi & Venegas, 2017


We describe a new species of arboreal gymnophtalmid lizard from the eastern Andean slopes in central Peru. Euspondylus excelsum sp. nov. is assigned tentatively to this genus for the presence of a transparent and divided lower palpebral disc, a pair of prefrontals, striated, subimbricated and homogeneous dorsal scales, lateral scales reduced in proximity to ventrals, and a discontinuous series of femoral pores in males and females. We include a revision of the type material of E. maculatus and clarify morphological differences with the new species. Finally, we discuss the taxonomic status of Peruvian species of Euspondylus.

Keywords: Reptilia, Andes, new species, gymnophtalmid lizard, Cercosaurini, Squamata, taxonomy

Euspondylus excelsum sp. nov.

Etymology. The specific epithet “excelsum” is from Latin and means “tall”, in reference to the habitat of the new species in the canopy of the tropical rainforest.

FIGURE 2. Views of the holotype (CORBIDI 16457; SVL= 69.4 mm);
A) coloration in life; B) dorsal view of the coloration in preservative; C) ventral view of the coloration in preservative.
Photographs by Lesly Luján (A), and GermánChávez (B,C).

FIGURE 3. Views of the dorsum (left) and venter (right) of the paratypes in life,
 A–B) Adult male (CORBIDI 16465, SVL=83.7 mm); C–D) Adult female (CORBIDI 16463, SVL=81.4); E–F) Juvenile male (CORBIDI 16468, SVL=47.7). Photographs byLesly Luján. 

Germán Chávez, Alessandro Catenazzi and Pablo J. Venegas. 2017. A New Species of Arboreal Microteiid Lizard of the Genus Euspondylus (Gymnophthalmidae: Cercosaurinae) from the Andean Slopes of central Peru with Comments on Peruvian EuspondylusZootaxa. 4350(2); 301–316. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4350.2.6

[Crustacea • 2017] Birgus latro • Ruler of the Atoll: the World's Largest Land Invertebrate


A coconut crab (Birgus latro) kills an adult red- footed booby (Sula sula) on Chagos Archipelago (British Indian Ocean Territory) 
 Laidre, 2017.   
 DOI: 10.1002/fee.1730  

Predation can exert life-or-death selection pressures on prey over evolutionary time. Even when the observed frequency of predation is low, predators may induce wide-spread avoidance behavior in prey, thereby creating “landscapes of fear” (Laundré et al. 2014), which indi-rectly transform species abundance and community composition. For some animals, especially in remote areas, we know little about their predatory capacities or their potential impact on communities.

The coconut crab (Birgus latro) inhabits remote coral atolls and is the world’s largest terrestrial invertebrate, growing to what Charles Darwin described as “a monstrous size” (Darwin 1845), with a leg span exceeding 1 m and a weight of up to 4 kg. Following a brief larval stage in the ocean, these crabs spend the rest of their life on land, first as juveniles wearing remodeled gastropod shells (Laidre 2012) – like their closest evolutionary relatives, the terrestrial hermit crabs (Laidre 2014) – and then as adults living shell- free. Historically, coconut crabs were distributed across the Indo- Pacific on islands that for millions of years lacked any human presence. However, due to anthropogenic impacts, especially harvesting by humans, coconut crabs have been driven to local extinc-tion in many parts of their original range. Few studies of this remarkable animal’s behavior have been undertaken since Darwin’s Beagle voyage, but anecdotes abound, including rumors that the crabs ate Amelia Earhart (Nuwer 2013; though see Krieger et al. 2016 for well- documented predation on invertebrates). A review of the biology of coconut crabs emphasized that “behavioral ecology studies are few” and stressed “the need for further systematic research” (Drew et al. 2010).


Figure 1. A coconut crab (Birgus latro) kills an adult red- footed booby (Sula sula) on Chagos Archipelago (British Indian Ocean Territory) 

Mark E Laidre. 2017. Ruler of the Atoll: the World's Largest Land Invertebrate. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 15(9); 527–528.  DOI: 10.1002/fee.1730 

Giant coconut crab sneaks up on a sleeping bird and kills it

[Entomology • 2017] The Bees of Michigan (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), with Notes on Distribution, Taxonomy, Pollination, and Natural History


Lasioglossum pectorale (Smith, 1853)
Gibbs, Rightmyer & Isaacs, 2017


The state of Michigan occupies an area between the Great Plains and the northeastern United States, bordering four Great Lakes, with diverse biogeographical regions. Michigan also has the second most diverse agriculture in the country, with many crops that depend on bees for pollination. This unique combination provides a wide range of opportunities for bees to persist, yet there is no current published checklist of these important insects. This study was conducted to provide the first annotated checklist of the bee (Apoidea: Anthophila) fauna of Michigan, summarizing aspects of their taxonomy and behavior and to provide provisional conservation assessment. The list was compiled from a critical review of published literature, museum specimens, and database records, supplemented by new collections. In total, 465 species are included in the checklist, including 38 new records, however evidence for 13 species is poor, several more species require taxonomic revision, and the presence of additional species is expected. The exotic megachilid species Megachile apicalis Spinola, M. pusilla Pérez (=concinna Smith, auct.) and Osmia taurus Smith are reported from Michigan for the first time. New state records of native species include Anthidium tenuiflorae Cockerell and Nomada alpha alpha Cockerell, both previously undocumented from eastern North America, and Nomada sphaerogaster Cockerell, which has rarely been recognized. The taxonomy of some bee species is clarified by the formal publication of 11 new synonymies (some previously reported online or in manuscripts). The following list cites junior synonyms first followed by the valid name: Andrena chippewaensis Mitchell 1960 = A. (Simandrena) wheeleri Graenicher 1904; Osmia hendersoni Cockerell 1907 = O. (Melanosmia) tarsata Provancher 1888; Osmia michiganensis Mitchell 1962 = O. (M.) subarctica Cockerell 1912 (new status, removed from synonymy with O. (M.) tersula Cockerell 1912); Sphecodes persimilis Lovell and Cockerell 1907 = S. davisii Robertson 1897; Sphecodes knetschi Cockerell 1898 = S. dichrous Smith 1853; Sphecodes carolinus Mitchell 1956 = S. coronus Mitchell 1956; Sphecodes stygius Robertson 1893 = S. mandibularis Cresson 1872; Sphecodes prostygius Mitchell 1960 = S. fattigi Mitchell 1956; Stelis vernalis Mitchell 1962 = S. coarctatus Crawford 1916; and Stelis michiganensis Mitchell 1962 = S. foederalis Smith 1854. Poorly known Andrena (Cnemidandrena) are discussed, including A. parnassiae Cockerell, a new state record, A. robervalensis Mitchell, and the extralimital A. runcinatae Cockerell. Of these, only A. robervalensis was considered in the subgeneric revision, but we recognize all three as valid species pending further study. Nomada binotata (Robertson 1903) and N. quadrimaculata (Robertson 1903) are removed from synonymy with N. ovata (Robertson 1903), based on examination of the lectotypes. A new species, Triepeolus eliseaeRightmyer, the eastern representative of the verbesinae species group, is described. A putative undescribed species, Osmia aff. trevoris, is documented, but requires additional study for its status to be fully resolved. A rich bee fauna is documented that includes geographically-restricted species, rare and regionally-declining species, and economically-important species, providing information for ongoing conservation planning and future analysis of trends in bee populations.

Keywords: Hymenoptera, check list, faunal list, new species, nomenclature, pollinators, synonymies

Jason Gibbs, Molly G. Rightmyer and Rufus Isaacs. 2017. The Bees of Michigan (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), with Notes on Distribution, Taxonomy, Pollination, and Natural History. Zootaxa. 4352(1); 1-160.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4352.1.1

[Crustacea • 2017] Hexapleomera urashima • A Tanaidid Epibiotic (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) on Loggerhead Sea Turtles at Yakushima Island, Japan


Hexapleomera urashima
Tanabe, Hayashi, Tomioka & Kakui, 2017


We describe Hexapleomera urashima sp. nov. from the carapaces of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) on Yakushi-ma Island, southwestern Japan, the primary nesting site for the North Pacific population of this turtle. Hexapleomera urashima closely resembles H. edgari Bamber collected from Australian loggerheads (South Pacific population), sharing a uropod with four articles and maxillipedal endites with distal spiniform setae, but differs in having the maxillipedal coxa with two simple setae, the maxillipedal endite with two tiny dorsosubdistal and two distal spiniform setae, the labial palp fused to the outer lobe of the labium, and the basal article of pleopod 3 without inner setae. Several characters (e.g., size or presence/absence of a dorsal triangular process on the male fixed finger; number of inner setae on the pleopodal endopod), assumed to be diagnostic for species in Hexapleomera, actually vary within H. urashima, indicating that reassessment of species diagnoses is warranted. Hexapleomera urashima showed two COI haplotypes differing by one substitution, but separated from representatives of four other genera by 32.2–48.4% K2P distance. Indices of saturation substitution indicated that COI is not useful for phylogeny reconstruction within Tanaididae.

Keywords: Crustacea, Peracarida, Tanaidomorpha, Tanaidoidea, epibiont, morphological variation, DAMBE

Yuki Tanabe, Ryota Hayashi, Shinri Tomioka and Keiichi Kakui. 2017. Hexapleomera urashima sp. nov. (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), A Tanaidid Epibiotic on Loggerhead Sea Turtles at Yakushima Island, Japan.  Zootaxa. 4353(1); 146–160.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4353.1.9

[Ichthyology • 2017] Redescription and New Records of Jansen’s Goatfish, Parupeneus jansenii (Mullidae), from the Western Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean


 Parupeneus jansenii (Bleeker, 1856)
 Parupeneus heptacanthus (Lacepède, 1802)


For Jansen’s goatfish, Parupeneus jansenii (Mullidae), taxonomic knowledge has been rather poor and occurrence information restricted to a few localities only, with verified records from northern Sulawesi and Sunda Street (Indonesia), and Luzon (Philippines). This species is here included in the so-called “heptacanthus” group together with the Indo-Pacific cinnabar goatfish, P. heptacanthus, and five Indian Ocean congenerics, based on an evenly, symmetrically rounded posterior maxilla margin and similarities in meristic characters and preserved colour. In total 29 P. jansenii and 53 P. heptacanthus consisting of types, recently collected material from south-central Vietnam, southern Indonesia, and NE Australia, and geographically related reference material were studied along with single types of the other five heptacanthus-group species and P. angulatus, a morphologically similar Western Indian Ocean species. In total 62 quantitative meristic and morphometric characters including standard length (SL) were analysed after splitting the data into two size classes (small-sized fish, < 110 mm SL, vs. large-sized fish  > 110 mm SL) to account for size-related differences due to allometry. Diagnoses for P. jansenii and P. heptacanthus and a redescription for P. jansenii were prepared. Fresh-fish colour descriptions for both large- and small-sized voucher specimens of P. jansenii are provided and the effects of freshness status on colour patterns is documented. New records for P. jansenii for Vietnam, southern Indonesia and NE Australia (= first verified record for Australia) are reported and depth information (24–100 m depth range) is given for the first time. P. jansenii differs from the co-occurring P. heptacanthus - independently of size - in shallower body and caudal peduncle, smaller maximum head depth, shorter barbels, caudal and pelvic fins, shallower first dorsal fin, shallower first ray of second dorsal fin, and lack of small dark red or reddish-brown spot on or just below the eighth lateral-line scale. The populations of P. jansenii from Vietnam and Australia differ from each other in a single character, the height of the eighth dorsal-fin ray, but both overlap with the intermediate population from Indonesia. This comprehensive alpha-taxonomic approach provides a useful tool for uncovering the diversity of Parupeneus goatfishes.

Keywords: Pisces, heptacanthus species group, NE Australia, southern Indonesia, south-central Vietnam, morphometric characters, intraspecific variation, colour patterns

FIGURE 3. Parupeneus jansenii (left side) and P. heptacanthus (right side).
 (A) VNMN-I 4, 159 mm SL, Hon Ro landing site, Nha Trang City, Vietnam (Franz Uiblein); (B) VNMN-I 51, 135 mm SL, Binh Tan fish market, Nha Trang City, Vietnam (Tuan Anh Hoang); (C) CSIRO H 5972-19, 146 mm SL, Kedonganan, Jimbaran Bay (S coast of Bali), Indonesia (William T. White); (D) CSIRO H 8154-01, 81 mm SL, NE of Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia (Daniel C. Gledhill);
(EF) VNMN-I 49, 170 mm SL, Binh Tan fish market, Nha Trang, Vietnam (Tuan Anh Hoang); (G) CSIRO H 5972-17, 150 mm SL, Kedonganan, Jimbaran Bay (S coast of Bali), Indonesia (William T. White); (H) CSIRO H 7379-07, 122 mm SL, NE of Cairns, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia (Daniel C. Gledhill).

Genus Parupeneus Bleeker, 1863

Parupeneus jansenii (Bleeker, 1856)
Jansen’s goatfish 

Upeneus jansenii Bleeker, 1856 (type locality Manado, Sulawesi).
Parupeneus jansenii: Bleeker 1875; Randall 2004; Allen & Erdmann 2012

Description. Morphometric data as ratios of SL for large-sized fish, data for small-sized fish (including syntypes) in squared brackets: body elongated, its depth at first dorsal-fin origin 3.8–4.3 [3.9–4.5]; body depth at anal-fin origin 4.8–5.3 [4.8–5.4]; caudal peduncle depth 11–12 [11–13], subequal to interorbital length (10—12 [10–12]); maximum head depth 4.1–4.5 [4.2–4.9], subequal to barbel length (4.0–4.6 [3.9–4.6]); head depth through eye 4.7–5.2 [4.9–5.6]; head length 2.9–3.2 [3.0–3.2], larger than maximum depth of body and caudal-fin length (3.7–4.0 [3.5–4.0]); snout length 6.2–7.0 [6.6–8.0], shorter than postorbital length (8.0–9.4 [7.5–8.9]) in large-sized fish; orbit length 13–18 [13–15]; anal-fin height 7.2–8.4 [7.0–8.1]; second dorsal-fin height 7.3–9.3 [7.0–8.8]; pectoral-fin length 4.0–4.7 [4.3–4.6], subequal to barbel length and subequal to pelvic-fin length (4.6– 5.0 [4.3–4.9]) in small-sized fish.

Distribution, depth range, and size. Parupeneus jansenii occurs in the Western Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean in the area ranging from south-central Vietnam and northern Philippines to southwestern Indonesia and NE Australia, with verified records from Nha Trang Bay (this study), Luzon (Randall 2004), northern Sulawesi (type locality Manado), Sunda Strait off southern Sumatra (Randall 2004), southern Bali and southern Lombok (this study), and Torres Strait to Great Barrier Reef (this study). Depth range is 24–100 m, maximum size is 159 mm SL.

Parupeneus heptacanthus (Lacepède, 1802)
Cinnabar goatfish

Sciaena heptacantha Lacepède, 1802 (type locality not given)
Upeneus cinnabarinus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
Upeneus pleurospilos Bleeker, 1853 (type locality Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia)
Parupeneus heptacanthus Kim & Amaoka 2001, Randall 2004, Randall & Heemstra 2009, Allen & Erdman 2012

Franz Uiblein,Tuan Anh Hoang and Daniel Gledhill. 2017. Redescription and New Records of Jansen’s Goatfish, Parupeneus jansenii (Mullidae), from the Western Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean. Zootaxa. 4344(3); 541–559.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4344.3.6

[Ichthyology • 2017] Cirrhilabrus shutmani • A New Species of Fairy Wrasse (Teleostei: Labridae) from the Babuyan Islands, northern Philippines


Cirrhilabrus shutmani
Tea & Gill, 2017  


Cirrhilabrus shutmani, new species, is described on the basis of four specimens from Didicas Volcano, Babuyan Islands, Cagayan province, northern Philippines. The holotype and three paratypes were collected at a depth of 50–70 m, along denuded rubble slopes. The new species belong to a complex consisting of Cirrhilabrus blatteus, C. claire, C. earlei, C. jordani, C. lanceolatus, C. roseafascia, C. rubrisquamis and C. sanguineus. Aside from similar nuptial male colouration, the nine species share the following character combination: relatively short pelvic fins (not or barely reaching anal-fin origin, except for C. claire with relatively long pelvic fins); a pair of stripes on head (in both sexes); and, dorsal and anal fins without obvious stripes or spots. It differs from the other members of its group in lacking any stripes on the upper and lower body, and in having the following live colouration details: upper part of nape dusky red; dorsal and anal fin bright red with dusky markings; pelvic fins bright red, dusky anteriorly; caudal fin bright yellow basally with distal half bright red. We also present new distribution records for C. claire, C. earlei and C. lanceolatus, as well as a brief mention of a possibly new, related species from the Ogasawara Islands.

Keywords: Pisces, ichthyology; taxonomy; Didicas Volcano; colouration

FIGURE 3. Cirrhilabrus shutmani n. sp., male holotype, PNM 15354, 55.7 mm SL, from Didicas Volcano, Babuyan Islands, northern Philippines. Image reversed. Photo by B.P. Shutman.
FIGURE 4. Cirrhilabrus shutmani n. sp., male, approximately 50 mm TL, from Didicas Volcano, Babuyan Islands, northern Philippines. Specimen not retained. Photo by B.P. Shutman.

FIGURE 5. Cirrhilabrus shutmani n. sp., males,
A) approximately 57 mm TL, B) approximately 60 mm TL, C) approximately 65 mm TL, all from Didicas Volcano, Babuyan Islands, northern Philippines.
Specimens not retained. Photos by B.P. Shutman.

Cirrhilabrus shutmani n. sp. 
Magma Fairy-wrasse

Diagnosis. Cirrhilabrus shutmani shares similar meristic counts to the other species in its complex, but differs from congeners in the following live colouration details: upper part of nape dusky red; dorsal and anal fin bright red with dusky markings; pelvic fins bright red, dusky, and unmarked; caudal fin bright yellow basally with distal half bright red.

Etymology. Named in honour of Barnett Paul Shutman, who first provided photos as well as the type specimens of the new species (via Aquarium Iwarna, Singapore). The common name, magma fairy wrasse, alludes to its live colouration, as well as the type location of Didicas Volcano, an active volcano part of the “Pacific Ring of Fire” at the southern end of the Luzon Volcanic Arc. 

Distribution and habitat. Cirrhilabrus shutmani is known only from the type locality, Didicas Volcano in the Babuyan Islands at the northern tip of the Philippines (Figure 6). It appears to inhabit steep slopes comprised mostly of volcanic rubble at depths ranging from 50–70 m

FIGURE 8. Males of selected Cirrhilabrus species. All are in nuptial display except D, F and I.
A) Cirrhilabrus shutmani n. sp., aquarium specimen from Didicas Volcano, Babuyan Islands, northern Philippines (photo by D. Laux); B) C. earlei, aquarium specimen from Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands (photo by T. lauderdale); C) C.jordani, aquarium specimen from the Hawaiian Islands (photo by Y.K. Tea); D) C. blatteus, Israel, Gulf of Aqaba (photo by J.E. Randall); E) C. roseafascia, aquarium specimen from Coral Sea, Australia (photo by Y.K. Tea); F) C. lanceolatus, aquarium specimen from Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea, western Philippines (photo by B.P. Shutman); G) C. sanguineus, aquarium specimen from Mauritius (photo by H. Tanaka); H) C. rubrisquamis, aquarium specimen from the Maldives (photo by T. Lauderdale); I) C. claire, aquarium specimen from Mo’orea, French Polynesia (photo by Y.K. Tea).

 Yi-Kai Tea and  Anthony C. Gill. 2017. Cirrhilabrus shutmani, A New Species of Fairy Wrasse from the Babuyan Islands, northern Philippines (Teleostei: Labridae). Zootaxa. 4341(1); 77–88. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4341.1.6
The Magma Fairy Wrasse Is Now Officially Cirrhilabrus shutmani http://disq.us/t/2vdew8f
The Magma Fairy Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus shutmani, Just Described From Northern Philippines https://reefbuilders.com/2017/11/01/cirrhilabrus-shutmani-just-described-from-northern-philippines/ via @anteksiler

[Crustacea • 2017] Uroptychus macquariae • Southern High Latitude Squat Lobsters II: Description of A New Species from Macquarie Ridge


Uroptychus macquariae
Schnabel, Burghardt & Ahyong, 2017 


Squat lobsters have only recently been recorded from the Macquarie Ridge, which extends south between New Zealand and Antarctica. Among these, Uroptychus insignis (Henderson, 1885) was recorded for the first time outside the western Indian Ocean, exhibiting only subtle morphological differences. Reexamination of the Macquarie Ridge and Indian Ocean specimens attributed to U. insignis using morphological and molecular data revealed the Macquarie Ridge form to represent a separate species. Subtle but consistent morphological differences are evident and partial CO1 sequence data indicates that the specimens collected on Macquarie Ridge differ from those collected in the Indian Ocean by more than 7%. The Macquarie Ridge species is described herein as Uroptychus macquariae n.sp. Subtle morphological differences between the new species and U. insignis are discussed.

Keywords: Crustacea, Anomura, Chirostyloidea, New Zealand, cytochrome c oxidase I gene (CO1), DNA barcoding

Kareen E. Schnabel, Ingo Burghardt and Shane T. Ahyong. 2017.  Southern High Latitude Squat Lobsters II: Description of Uroptychus macquariae sp. nov. from Macquarie Ridge. Zootaxa. 4353(2); 327–333.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4353.2.4


[Herpetology • 2018] Cyclocorinae (New Subfamily) • Discovery of An Old, Archipelago-wide, Endemic Radiation of Philippine Snakes


Subfamily Cyclocorinae

 Weinell & Brown, 2017.

• Three snake genera placed into molecular phylogeny for first time
• Hypothesized close relationship between Myersophis and Oxyrhabdium confirmed
• Hypothesized close relationship between Cyclocorus and Hologerrhum confirmed
• Novel, Philippine-endemic clade of snakes described as new subfamily Cyclocorinae
• Diversification within Cyclocorinae inconsistent with Pleistocene “species-pump”

The extraordinarily rich land vertebrate biodiversity of the Philippines includes at least 112 species of terrestrial snakes (74% of which are endemic to the archipelago) in 41 genera (12% endemic). Endemic Philippine snake genera include Cyclocorus (two species), Hemibungarus (three species), Hologerrhum (two species), Oxyrhabdium (two species), and Myersophis (monotypic). Although Hemibungarus and Oxyrhabdium have been included in previous species-level phylogenies, the affinities of the other three Philippine endemic genera are completely unknown. We generated novel DNA sequences for six species from four genera and analyzed these in conjunction with data from earlier studies to infer a phylogeny for the group containing Colubridae, Elapoidea (Elapidae + Lamprophiidae), and Homalopsidae. We present a novel phylogenetic result that strongly supports the existence of an entirely endemic Philippine radiation of elapoid snakes that originated 35–25 million years ago. We provide a revised, phylogeny-based classification to accommodate the new clade, transfer CyclocorusHologerrhum, and Myersophis to Lamprophiidae, and provide the first estimate of the evolutionary relationships among these genera and the related Oxyrhabdium, setting the stage for future investigation of this entirely endemic, novel Philippine elapoid radiation.

Keywords: Cyclocorinae; CyclocorusHologerrhum; Lamprophiidae; MyersophisOxyrhabdium

Representative taxa of the Philippine elapoid radiation, subfamily Cyclocorinae: 
Myersophis alpestris (holotype, KU 203012),  Oxyrhabdium modestum (RMB 19937),Cyclocorus lineatus (KU 275744), Oxyrhabdium leporinum leporinum (KU 322339)

[map] Geographic distribution of Cyclocorinae new subfamily in the Philippines, including Cyclocorus, Hologerrhum, Myersophis, Oxyrhabdium, and the unnamed lineage.

Fig. 1. Representative taxa of the Philippine elapoid radiation, subfamily Cyclocorinae:
(A) Oxyrhabdium leporinum leporinum (KU 322339), (B) Oxyrhabdium leporinum visayanum, (C) Oxyrhabdium modestum (Uncataloged KU specimen [RMB 19937]), (D) Hologerrhum philippinum (KU 330056), (E) Cyclocorus lineatus (KU 275744), (F) Cyclocorus nuchalis (KU 344159), (G) and (H) Myersophis alpestris (holotype, KU 203012).

Cyclocorinae (new subfamily)

Type genus: Cyclocorus Duméril, Bibron, and Duméril, 1854
Type species: Lycodon lineatus Reinhardt, 1843

Content: Cyclocorinae includes four endemic Philippine genera:
Genus CyclocorusCyclocorus lineatus lineatusC. l. alcalaiC. nuchalis nuchalis and C. n. taylori.
Genus HologerrhumHologerrhum philippinum and H. dermali.
Genus OxyrhabdiumOxyrhabdium leporinum leporinum, O. l. visayanum and O. modestum.
Genus MyersophisMyersophis alpestris.

Jeffrey L. Weinell and Rafe M. Brown. 2018. Discovery of An Old, Archipelago-wide, Endemic Radiation of Philippine Snakes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. In Press.   DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2017.11.004


[Entomology • 2017] Oligoaeschna sirindhornae • A New Dragonfly Species (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) from Thailand


Oligoaeschna sirindhornae
 Ngiam & Orr, 2017


Oligoaeschna sirindhornae sp. nov. is described from a male from Sakaerat Silvicultural Research Station, Nakhon Ratchasima Province in Thailand. It is the only known Oligoaeschna species recorded from Thailand since Oligoaeschna pramoti (Yeh, 2000) and Oligoaeschna minuta (Hämäläinen & Pinratana, 1999) were transferred to the genus Sarasaeschna.

Keywords: Odonata, Anisoptera, Aeshnidae, Oligoaeschnasirindhornae, new species, Thailand, Nakhon Ratchasima, Sakaerat

FIGURE 1. Oligoaeschna sirindhornae sp. nov. holotype, habitus.

Etymology. We humbly dedicate this species to Her Royal Highness, The Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand, in recognition of her continuing support of nature conservation and as a mark of personal admiration by the authors. The specific epithet sirindhornae is a noun in the genitive case.

Robin W. J. Ngiam and Albert G. Orr. 2017. Oligoaeschna sirindhornae sp. nov., A New Dragonfly Species from Thailand (Odonata: Anisoptera: Aeshnidae).  Zootaxa. 4353(1); 195–200.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4353.1.13


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