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[Botany • 2017] Spathoglottis jetsuniae • A New and Striking Spathoglottis (Orchidaceae: Collabiinae), honoring Her Majesty the Queen of Bhutan


Spathoglottis jetsuniae N.Gyeltshen, K.Tobgyel & Dalström

Gyeltshen, Tobgyel & Daltröm, 2017


A new, attractive and morphologically unique species of Spathoglottis is described, illustrated and compared with the most similar species. The new species is currently only known from two localities in southeastern Bhutan and differs distinctly from its closest relative, Spathoglottis hardingiana, by the glabrous pedicels, forward-curved acuminate apices of the petals, a yellow hypochile of the lip, two pairs of unequal callus “horns” and swellings, and a spirally coiled epichile of the lip, versus a densely pubescent inflorescence and pedicels, a pale purple hypochile, a single pair of erect and clavate, or“bubble-shaped”, callus swellings, and a projecting and narrowly triangular epichile of the lip for S. hardingiana. 

Keywords: Orchidaceae, Collabiinae, new species, Spathoglottis, Bhutan

Figure 5. The striking flowers of Spathoglottis jetsuniae.

 Photo by Nima Gyeltshen

Spathoglottis jetsuniae N.Gyeltshen, K.Tobgyel & Dalström, sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Spathoglottis jetsuniae is similar to S. hardingiana C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f. (Fig.7), but differs by having sub-glabrous inflorescence, axis and pedicels, petals with abruptly acuminate apices curved forward, a yellow lip with a pair of spreading fleshy callus lobes and an additional, parallel pair of digitate, or “sausage-shaped”, callus structures above, and a narrow and coiled-up, strap-like mid-lobe. In contrast, S. hardingiana has distinctly pubescent inflorescence, axis, ovaries and pedicels, acute petals, a pale mauve lip with a single pair of thick and clavate, or bulbous, erect callus structures, and a porrect and narrowly triangular mid-lobe (Parish & Reichenbach 1875; Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 1904).

Distribution: Spathoglottis jetsuniae is so far only known from two localities in southeastern Bhutan. 

Eponomy: Spathoglottis jetsuniae is named in loving and respectful honor of Her Majesty the Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck of Bhutan, who has a dedicated and sincere interest in the protection of the environment and the wild flora and fauna of Bhutan.

Figure 7: Spathoglottis hardingiana from the Curtis’ Botanical Magazine, plate 7964 (1904).

Nima Gyeltshen, Kezang Tobgyel and Stig Daltröm. 2017. A New and Striking Spathoglottis (Orchidaceae: Collabiinae), honoring Her Majesty the Queen of Bhutan.  LANKESTERIANA. 17(3); 395–393.  


[Ichthyology • 2017] Exostoma gaoligongense • A New Species of Sisorid Catfish of the Genus Exostoma from the Salween drainage, Yunnan, China


 Exostoma gaoligongense
Chen, Poly, Catania & Jiang, 2017

A new species of the sisorid catfish genus Exostoma Blyth, 1860 was collected from two hill-stream tributaries of the Nujiang (Salween River) drainage in Gaoligong Mountain, south-western Yunnan Province, China from 2003 to 2006 and from two tributaries of the Salween River in Cangyuan County, Lingcang Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China (in 2007) and in Yongde County, Lingcang Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China (in 2015). Exostoma gaoligongense sp. nov. is the 10th species of the genus and is most similar to E. vinciguerrae in morphology but can be distinguished by pelvic fin reaching anus vs. not reaching; maxillary barbels just reaching or slightly surpassing pectoral-fin origin vs. surpassing pectoral-fin origin or even reaching posterior end of gill membrane; abdominal vertebrae 23-25 vs. 25-27; length of dorsal fin/dorsal to adipose distance 90.3%-287.0% vs. 59.2-85.7. A key to Exostoma spp. is provided.

Keywords: Glyptosterninae; Sisoridae; Nujiang; Gaoligong Mountain; Yunnan

Figure 1: Holotype of Exostoma gaoligongense sp. nov. (KIZ 200310738); lateral (top), dorsal (middle), and ventral (bottom) views (photos by Xiao-Yong Chen)

Exostoma gaoligongense sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific name is an adjective that refers to the Gaoligong Mountain in which the type locality is located, and the suffix agrees in gender with the generic name Exostoma (gender neuter).

Notes on biology: This species was collected from shallow water ( < 1 m deep) in a fast flowing stream with clear water. Water temperature was 18.8 ℃, water pH 6.95, conductivity 45.6 μS/cm. The bottom substrate was boulders, cobbles, gravel, and sand with many diatoms that made the rocks slippery. This species was obtained from fast water and small waterfalls. The new species of Exostoma seems to have much lower tolerance to either low dissolved oxygen or to stress from electrofishing than Pseudexostoma brachysoma Chu, 1979, which occurs in the same habitat. After shocking sampling on 7 October 2003, all the Exostoma were dead, whereas all the individuals of P. brachysoma survived until the next morning.

Xiao-Yong Chen, William J. Poly, David Catania and Wan-Sheng Jiang. 2017. A New Species of Sisorid Catfish of the Genus Exostoma from the Salween drainage, Yunnan, China. Zoological Research. 38(5);  291-299. ZooRres.ac.cn/article/2017/1358/ZoolRes-38-5-291.html
A Chinese biologist’s 14-year quest to prove his new catfish species  scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2123595/chinese-biologist-proves-his-myanmar-discovery-new-catfish via @SCMP_News

[Herpetology • 2017] Microkayla huayna • A New Species of Microkayla (Anura: Craugastoridae: Holoadeninae) from Department La Paz, Bolivia


Microkayla huayna
De la Riva, Cortez & Burrowes, 2017


We describe a new species of direct-developing frog of the genus Microkayla from the Cordillera Real of the Bolivian Andes, in the Department of La Paz. The new species, Microkayla huayna sp. nov., is closely related to M. teqta and can be distinguished from other species of the genus by its brown dorsal skin and the presence of a large dark brown vocal sac in males. This is the second species of Microkayla known from the Zongo Valley, and the ninth in the Cordillera Real, contributing to a total of 22 described species in Bolivia. Given its small distribution range, we recommend to considering it as Vulnerable according to IUCN criteria.

Keywords: Amphibia, Andes, Microkayla huayna, Terrarana, vocalizations

 Ignacio J. De la Riva, Claudia Cortez and Patricia A. Burrowes. 2017. A New Species of Microkayla (Anura: Craugastoridae: Holoadeninae) from Department La Paz, Bolivia. Zootaxa. 4363(3); 350–360.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4363.3.2

[PaleoOrnithology • 2017] Maaqwi cascadensis • A Large, Marine Diving Bird (Avialae: Ornithurae) from the Upper Cretaceous of British Columbia, Canada


Maaqwi cascadensis
McLachlan, Kaiser & Longrich, 2017


Mesozoic bird fossils from the Pacific Coast of North America are rare, but small numbers are known from the Late Cretaceous aged sediments of Hornby Island, British Columbia. Most are unassociated fragments that offer little information, but additional preparation of a large coracoid has revealed more details of its structure, as well as three associated wing bones. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Maaqwi cascadensis, gen. et sp. nov. represents a derived crown or near-crown member of Ornithurae, and specifically suggests affinities with Vegaviidae. M. cascadensis is characterized by large size, and regressions based on dimensions of the coracoid suggest a large bird, with an estimated body mass of approximately 1.5 kilograms. The bones are robust, with thick walls, suggesting that M. cascadensis was a bird adapted for diving, similar to modern loons and grebes. The wings are short, while the coracoid is unusually short and broad, similar to modern loons. Along with the Ichthyornithes and Hesperornithes, M. cascadensis and Vegaviidae appear to represent a third clade of bird that evolved to exploit marine habitats in the Late Cretaceous, one specialized for foot-propelled diving and rapid cruising flight over water.

Fig 2. Photographs and schematic illustrations of Maaqwi cascadensis holotype RBCM.EH2008.011.01120 depicting wing bone orientation. (A, B) dorsal face of right coracoid and partial humerus. 

 acrocoracoid, partial humerus, ulna and radius. Shading denotes preserved cortical bone (white), exposed trabecular bone (light grey), and matrix (dark grey). c = coracoid. h = humerus. u = ulna. r = radius. Scale bar = 1 cm. 

Systematic paleontology

Avialae Gauthier 1986
Ornithothoraces Chiappe and Calvo 1994
Ornithuromorpha Chiappe and Walker 2002

Ornithurae Haeckel 1866 sensu Chiappe
Vegaviidae Agnolín et al. 2017

Maaqwi cascadensis gen. et sp. nov.

Etymology: The generic name, Maaqwi, is derived from “ma’aqwi”, the Coast Salish word meaning “water bird”. The specific name, cascadensis, reflects provenance in the Cascadia region of western North America.

Holotype: RBCM.EH2008.011.01120 consists of a concretionary mudstone nodule containing a right coracoid, as previously described by Dyke et al. [18]. However, at the time of initial description, the specimen had not been prepared and only the dorsal face of the coracoid was visible [18, Fig 2A]. The acrocoracoid appeared to be missing and only the broken ends of the three associated long bones were visible. Subsequent mechanical preparation of the coracoid revealed that its head was everted ventrally and had been buried within the matrix. Further preparation revealed central portions of three wing elements; a humerus, ulna and radius (Fig 2). The specimen is housed within the RBCM.

Locality: RBCM.EH2008.011.01120 was recovered from a coastal outcrop of the upper Campanian Northumberland Formation exposed on the northwestern shore of Hornby Island, British Columbia.

Diagnosis: Coracoid compact, polygonal in profile, with the omal portion approximately one third of the medial length. Coracoid shaft a stout, flat bar. Coracoid and humerus robust, highly pachyostotic.

Maaqwi cascadensis appears to represent a lineage of Cretaceous marine birds distinct from either Ichthyornithes or Hesperornithiformes. Instead, it appears to be closely allied with—or perhaps part of—crown Aves. The wings are reduced, inconsistent with soaring, and instead suggest a bird specialized for fast cruising flight over water. The thickness of the walls of the bones suggest that it was a diver but the wings are not modified for underwater propulsion. Instead, it was most likely a foot-propelled diver, although it may have made occasional use of its wings for steering underwater. Phylogenetic analysis suggests affinities with Vegavis iaai, which has recently been reinterpreted as a foot-propelled diver, taking its place along side other advanced ornithurines specialized for foot-propelled diving within the Vegaviidae including Australornis lovei, Neogaeornis wetzeli, and Polarornis gregrorii. Clearly, additional fossil material is needed to better understand the affinities and ecology of these Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene marine birds.

Sandy M. S. McLachlan, Gary W. Kaiser and Nicholas R. Longrich. 2017.   Maaqwi cascadensis: A Large, Marine Diving Bird (Avialae: Ornithurae) from the Upper Cretaceous of British Columbia, Canada. PLoS ONE. 12(12); e0189473.  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189473

[Herpetology • 2017] Goggia incognita & G. matzikamaensis • Molecular Phylogeny reveals Strong Biogeographic Signal and Two New Species in A Cape Biodiversity Hotspot Endemic Mini-Radiation, the Pygmy Geckos (Gekkonidae: Goggia)


Goggia matzikamaensis
Heinicke, Turk & Bauer, 2017


The gekkonid genus Goggia includes eight described species of mostly small-bodied rock dwelling gecko endemic to the southwestern portion of southern Africa, in South Africa and extreme southern Namibia. Previous studies focused on Goggia have employed external morphology and allozyme electrophoresis, but no sequence-based molecular phylogeny of the group has been produced. We have generated a molecular phylogeny of Goggia including all named species and multiple individuals within each species, using sequences of the mitochondrial gene ND2 and nuclear genes RAG1 and PDC. The phylogeny depicts a basal divergence between eastern and western species of small-bodied Goggia, with additional divergences also showing structure strongly correlated with geography. Goggia lineata and G. rupicola are shown to be non-monophyletic, and examination of external morphology supports the distinctiveness of these lineages. We describe two new species to accommodate the southern lineages of “G. lineata” and “G. rupicola”:Goggia incognita sp. nov. and Goggia matzikamaensis sp. nov. Both new species are separated from their northern relatives by geographic barriers: the Knersvlakte plain for G. incognita sp. nov. and G. lineata, and the high Kamiesberg mountains for G. matzikamaensis sp. nov. and G. rupicola. The possible roles of geography, ecology, and climate in promoting diversification within Goggia are discussed.

Keywords: Reptilia, allopatry, Cape Fold Belt, fynbos, Karoo, Namaqualand, taxonomy

Goggia incognita sp. nov. 
Diplodactylus lineatus (part) Gray, 1845
Phyllodactylus lineatus (part) Smith, 1849
Phyllodactylus lineatus lineatus (part) Hewitt, 1937 
Goggia lineata (part) Bauer, Good, and Branch, 1997

Etymology. The specific epithet is from the Latin word incognitus, meaning “not known”. The English phrase “going incognito” refers to remaining hidden or disguised. The name is chosen to reflect the 150+ year time period in which this species has remained hidden within what were considered nominotypical populations of Goggia lineata. It additionally reflects the natural history of the species, as members of the species are typically inconspicuous and hidden under cover objects by day. The name is used as an adjective.

One of the newly described Dwarf Leaf-toed Geckos - Goggia matzikamaensis from near Kliprand in the Western Cape, South Africa.

Goggia matzikamaensis sp. nov. 
Phyllodactylus rupicolus (part) Branch, Bauer, and Good, 1995 
Goggia rupicola (part) Bauer, Good, and Branch, 1997

Etymology. The specific epithet means “from Matzikama”, and refers to the type locality, which is within Matzikama Local Municipality, the northernmost municipality in Western Cape Province. The epithet is used as an adjective.

Matthew P. Heinicke, Dilara Turk and Aaron M. Bauer. 2017. Molecular Phylogeny reveals Strong Biogeographic Signal and Two New Species in A Cape Biodiversity Hotspot Endemic Mini-Radiation, the Pygmy Geckos (Gekkonidae: Goggia).  Zootaxa. 4312(3); 449–470.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4312.3.3

[Entomology • 2017] Systematics of the east Palaearctic Pear Psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) with Particular Focus on the Japanese and Korean Fauna


Cacopsylla jukyungi  (Kwon, 1983) 

Cho, Burckhardt, Inoue, Luo & Lee, 2017

The confused taxonomy of the east Palaearctic pear psyllids, serious pests on cultivated pear, is reviewed. Fifty-six nominal species have been reported from Pyrus, 25 of which we consider valid and ten as not being associated with Pyrus. Our taxonomic revision suggests that, in Korea, four Cacopsylla species develop on pear: the univoltine C. burckhardti Luo et al. previously misidentified as C. pyrisuga (Foerster), the polyvoltine, seasonally dimorphic C. jukyungi (Kwon) (winter form ‘cinereosignata’ Luo et al., summer form ‘jukyungi’), commonly found in Korean pear orchards, and C. maculatili Li (winter form ‘maculatili’, summer form ‘qiuzili’ Li) previously misidentified as C.pyricola (Foerster) by some authors, as well as the probably polyvoltine but not dimorphic C. sandolbaea (Park & Lee). The former three species (C. burckhardti, C. jukyungi, misidentified as C. chinensis (Yang & Li), and C. maculatili) occur also in Japan. Keys to the adult and fifth instar immatures as well as short biological notes are provided, and C. jukyungi and C. sandolbaea are redescribed. Following nomenclatorial changes are proposed: Cacopsylla betulaefoliae (Yang & Li, 1981) = Psylla heterobetulaefoliae Yang & Li, 1981, syn. nov.; Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc, 1907) = Psylla jiangli Yang & Li, 1981, syn. nov.; Cacopsylla jukyungi (Kwon) = C. cinereosignata Luo et al., syn. nov.; Cacopsylla maculatili Li = C. qiuzili Li, syn. nov.; Cacopsylla nigella (Konovalova), comb. nov. from Psylla. The synonymy of P. obongsana Kwon with C. sandolbaea is confirmed.

Keywords: Hemiptera, Psyllidae, Cacopsylla, taxonomy, host plant, Pyrus, Rosaceae, Manchurian pear, Asian pear, European pear, China, Japan, South Korea, Russian Far East

Fig 3: Cacopsylla jukyungi (adult female, summer form). 

  Geonho Cho, Daniel Burckhardt, Hiromitsu Inoue, Xinyu Luo and Seunghwan Lee. 2017. Systematics of the east Palaearctic Pear Psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) with Particular Focus on the Japanese and Korean Fauna. Zootaxa. 4362(1); 75–98. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4362.1.4

[Botany • 2017] Pinus vallartensis • A New Species (Pinaceae) from western Jalisco, Mexico


Pinus vallartensis Pérez de la Rosa & Gernandt

 Pérez de la Rosa & Gernandt. 2017
Illustration by G. Rodríguez  DOI:  10.11646/phytotaxa.331.2.7 


We propose and describe Pinus vallartensis Pérez de la Rosa & Gernandt as a new species from western Jalisco, Mexico. The pine occurs near the southern limit of the Sierra Occidental at the intersection of the municipalities of Puerto Vallarta, Cabo Corrientes, and Talpa de Allende. Pinus oocarpa occurs within the margins of this forest to the south and P. jaliscana to the west. The more distantly related pine, P. maximinoi, also occurs in the area. Pinus vallartensis is like P. jaliscana and P. oocarpa in possessing leaf resin canals in a septal condition and serotinous seed cones on slender peduncles. It is distinguished mainly by its small seed cones and lax foliage. This discovery highlights the exceptional diversity of pines in Mexico and the state of Jalisco.

Keywords: Gymnosperms, pine, Oocarpa Group, septal, ovoid cones

FIGURE 1. Pinus vallartensis sp. nov., A, seed cone, B, leaves, C, branch with leaves and pollen cones D, lateral view of cone scale, E, abaxial view of cone scale, F, adaxial view of cone scale, G, seeds with articulate wings.

 (Illustration by Gretchen Rodríguez, from J. A. Pérez de la Rosa & D. Gernandt 2134 in MEXU).

Pinus vallartensis Pérez de la Rosa & Gernandt, sp. nov. 

Type:—MEXICO. Jalisco: municipio de Puerto Vallarta, 100 m al sur de “Las Juntas” (arroyos Palo María y Chupalodo), elevation 423 m, 17 September 2016, J.A. Pérez de la Rosa & D. Gernandt 2134 (holotype: IBUG!; isotype MEXU!).

Diagnosis:— Similar to Pinus oocarpa and P. jaliscana, differing in its lax leaves and smaller seed cones that range in length from (2.2–)2.5–3(–4.0) cm.

Distribution:— To date, no hard pine (subgenus Pinus) with a more restricted population has been found in the state of Jalisco. The species is almost exclusive to the southern part of the municipality of Puerto Vallarta (Fig. 2). The populations are reached by ascending paths, and have a north-south and east-west exposure. At its southern limit the species enters the municipalities of Cabo Corrientes and Talpa de Allende, ... at elevations of 380–1347 m a.s.l.

Etymology:— The name of this pine is in honor of the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, where the main part of the population of this species is found. It seems to be the only pine that occurs in this municipality.

FIGURE 3. Photographs of three pines from the Oocarpa group with septal resin canals,
A, Pinus jaliscana seed cone (J.A. Pérez de la Rosa 1841), B, Pinus oocarpa seed cone (D.S. Gernandt 560), C, Pinus vallartensis seed cone (J.A. Pérez de la Rosa s.n.), D, Pinus jaliscana seed (J.A. Pérez de la Rosa 1841), E, Pinus oocarpa seed (D.S. Gernandt 560), F, Pinus vallartensis seed (J.A. Pérez de la Rosa s.n.). Bar = 1 cm. (Photos by D.S. Gernandt).

Jorge Pérez de la Rosa andDavid S. Gernandt. 2017. Pinus vallartensis (Pinaceae), A New Species from western Jalisco, Mexico. Phytotaxa.  331(2); 233–242.  DOI:  10.11646/phytotaxa.331.2.7

[Herpetology • 2017] Arthroleptis troglodytes Poynton, 1963 • The Rediscovery of A Lost Frog


 Arthroleptis troglodytes  Poynton, 1963
Becker & Hopkins, 2017 

The cave squeaker Arthroleptis troglodytes Poynton, 1963 was first collected in 1961/62, and not observed again for 54 years despite several attempts to locate it. We rediscovered this species near the type locality in the Chimanimani mountain range in eastern Zimbabwe. We describe for the first time the call and colour in life, and highlight several morphological and habitat features not previously recorded for this species.

Keywords: amphibian, Arthroleptis, high altitude, Possibly Extinct, taxonomy, Zimbabwe

Adult male Arthroleptis troglodytes.

Francois S. Becker and Robert W. Hopkins. 2017. The Rediscovery of A Lost Frog: Arthroleptis troglodytes Poynton, 1963.  African Zoology. 52(3); 183-187. DOI:  10.1080/15627020.2017.1370982

Rare 'cave squeaker' frog seen in Zimbabwe for first time in 55 years  theguardian.com/environment/2017/feb/05/return-of-zimbabwes-cave-squeaker-as-rare-frog-found-fifty-years-on

[Crustacea • 2017] Procambarus virginalis • The Marbled Crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) represents An Independent New Species


Procambarus virginalis  Lyko, 2017


Marbled crayfish are a globally expanding population of parthenogenetically reproducing freshwater decapods. They are closely related to the sexually reproducing slough crayfish, Procambarus fallax, which is native to the southeastern United States. Previous studies have shown that marbled crayfish are morphologically very similar to P. fallax. However, different fitness traits, reproductive incompatibility and substantial genetic differences suggest that the marbled crayfish should be considered an independent species. This article provides its formal description and scientific name, Procambarus virginalis sp. nov.

Keywords: Crustacea, parthenogenesis, annulus ventralis, genetic analysis, mitochondrial DNA

FIGURE 2. Procambarus virginalis new species holotype, dorsal views.  

Procambarus virginalis sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Body pigmented, eyes well developed. Rostrum with marginal spine and lacking median carina. Carapace with cervical spine. Areola 5 to 7 times as long as wide, constituting 30 to 35 percent carapace length (Tab. 1). Suborbital angle obtuse and weak. Postorbital ridge well developed with cephalic spine. Hepatic area punctate. Antennal scale approximately 2.5 times as long as wide, widest at midlength. Annulus ventralis bellshaped, about 1.6 times as broad as long, bisected by narrow furrow leading caudally into median depression. Sinus originating on median line, continuing longitudinally on anterior half, then curving dextrally before curving caudally before continuing and terminating on median line. Sternum immediately cephalic to annulus with no tubercles or projections and not overhanging annulus. Unadorned bell-shaped postannular sclerite with central longitudinal furrow, width similar to annulus. First pleopods present. Mitochondrial DNA with guanine and cytosine at positions 8754 and 8783, respectively (GenBank accession number KT074364, see Tab. 2 for a list of discriminatory genetic variants).

Etymology. The name Procambarus virginalis is derived from the preliminary designation Procambarus fallax forma virginalis (Martin et al., 2010) and reflects the species' unique parthenogenetic mode of reproduction

Remarks. The oldest known record of P. virginalis is from a German biologist and hobby aquarist. In a personal conversation with the author (February 2017), he recalled obtaining an uncharacterized batch of "Texas crayfish" from a pet trader specializing in American insects and other invertebrates, at a trade fair in Frankfurt (Germany) in 1995. Animal numbers of this original stock increased rapidly and animals were subsequently distributed to other German aquarists, eventually reaching commercial traders and pet stores. The absence of male animals and the parthenogenetic mode of reproduction were soon recognized among aquarists and subsequently confirmed in the first scientific description of marbled crayfish (Scholtz et al., 2003).

Frank Lyko. 2017. The Marbled Crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) represents An Independent New Species. Zootaxa. 4363(4); 544–552. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4363.4.6

[PaleoOrnithology • 2017] Kumimanu biceae • A Paleocene Penguin from New Zealand Substantiates Multiple Origins of Gigantism in Fossil Sphenisciformes


Kumimanu biceae
Mayr, Scofield, De Pietri & Tennyson, 2017

One of the notable features of penguin evolution is the occurrence of very large species in the early Cenozoic, whose body size greatly exceeded that of the largest extant penguins. Here we describe a new giant species from the late Paleocene of New Zealand that documents the very early evolution of large body size in penguins. Kumimanu biceae, n. gen. et sp. is larger than all other fossil penguins that have substantial skeletal portions preserved. Several plesiomorphic features place the new species outside a clade including all post-Paleocene giant penguins. It is phylogenetically separated from giant Eocene and Oligocene penguin species by various smaller taxa, which indicates multiple origins of giant size in penguin evolution. That a penguin rivaling the largest previously known species existed in the Paleocene suggests that gigantism in penguins arose shortly after these birds became flightless divers. Our study therefore strengthens previous suggestions that the absence of very large penguins today is likely due to the Oligo-Miocene radiation of marine mammals.

Systematic paleontology
Aves Linnaeus, 1758
Sphenisciformes Sharpe, 1891

Kumimanu biceae, n. gen. et sp.

  Holotype. NMNZ S.45877: partial skeleton of a single individual including cranial end of left scapula, incomplete right coracoid, cranialmost portion of sternum, partial left humerus, incomplete proximal end of left ulna, right femur, right tibiotarsus lacking proximal end, partial synsacrum, three vertebrae, and various bone fragments.

  Etymology. From kumi (Maori), a large mythological monster, and manu (Maori), bird. The species epithet honors Beatrice (“Bice”) A. Tennyson, the mother of AJDT, who fostered his interest in natural history (pronounced “bee-chee-ae”).

  Type locality and horizon. Hampden Beach, Otago, New Zealand (NZ Fossil Record Number J42/f0956; precise locality information is recorded at NMNZ); Moeraki Formation, late Paleocene (late Teurian, local stratigraphic level NZP522, which has an absolute age of 55.5.-59.5 million years23; a matrix sample taken from the fossil (GNS Science sample L29126) contained a specimen of the dinoflagellate Palaeocystodinium australinum and an unnamed dinoflagellate taxon that support a Teurian age for this sample; C. Clowes, pers. comm.).

  Diagnosis. A very large-sized sphenisciform species, which is characterized by proximodistally low and widely spaced condyles of the tibiotarsus. Distinguished from the late Paleocene Crossvallia and all post-Paleocene Sphenisciformes of which humeri are known in the dorsoventrally narrower humerus shaft, with ratio of maximum width of proximal end of humerus to minimum width of shaft being 2.4 (less than this value in Crossvallia and all post-Paleocene Sphenisciformes of which the humerus is known). Distinguished from Waimanu tuatahi in having the bicipital crest of humerus not forming a distally directed bulge. Distinguished from Waimanu manneringi (the humerus of which is unknown) in having the tibiotarsus with proximodistally lower and more widely spaced condyles.

The humerus (top) and a bone from the shoulder girdle (coracoid, bottom) of the Paleocene giant penguin Kumimanu biceae, compared to the corresponding bones of one of the largest fossil penguins known to date (Pachydyptes ponderosus from the Eocene in New Zealand) and those of an Emperor Penguin (Aptendodytes forsteri).

photo: G. Mayr/Senckenberg Research Institute.

Gerald Mayr, R. Paul Scofield, Vanesa L. De Pietri and Alan J. D. Tennyson. 2017. A Paleocene Penguin from New Zealand substantiates multiple origins of gigantism in fossil Sphenisciformes. Nature Communications. 8, Article number: 1927. DOI:  10.1038/s41467-017-01959-6

A giant human-sized ancient penguin has been discovered  ibt.uk/A6vYD 
Ancient man-sized penguin found in New Zealand beach  zmescience.com/science/news-science/man-sized-penguin-zealand-12122017/ via @zmescience
 「怪物」サイズのペンギン、ニュージーランドで化石発見  afpbb.com/articles/-/3155164?pid=19636136 via @afpbbcom


[Herpetology • 2017] Hemidactylus kurdicus • A New Species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkota: Gekkonidae) from Qara Dagh Mountains, Kurdistan Region, with A Key to the Genus in Iraq


Hemidactylus kurdicus 
Safaei-Mahroo, Ghaffari, Ghafoor & Amini, 2017


We describe a new species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus from the oak woodlands of Zagros Forest Steppe of Qara Dagh Mountains, Sulaimani, northeastern Iraq, based on morphological and molecular characteristics. Hemidactylus kurdicus sp. nov. is distinguished from all other related Arid clade Hemidactylus species in the Middle East by having a single pair of postmental scales; it differs H. turcicus, H. robustus, H. ulii, H. sinaitus, H. shihraensis and H. yerburii based on the number of lamellae under the first and fourth toes of pes. Mitochondrial DNA including CytB and 12S identify a consistent divergence between H. kurdicus and H. persicus. An identification key to the genus Hemidactylus in Iraq is presented.

Keywords: Hemidactylus kurdicus sp. nov., morphology, phylogeny, taxonomy, Geckoes, habitat, Zagros Mountains forest steppe, Qara-Dagh Mountain, Reptilia

Hemidactylus kurdicus sp. nov.

Etymology. The generic nomen kurdicus is derived from the word “Kurd” which refers to the name for the Kurdish nation (Kurdistan Region), the location where the new species was found.

Barbod Safaei-Mahroo, Hanyeh Ghaffari, Aram Ghafoor and Saywan Amini. 2017. A New Species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkota: Gekkonidae)  from Qara Dagh Mountains, Kurdistan Region, with A Key to the Genus in Iraq.  Zootaxa. 4363(3); 377–392. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4363.3.4

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[Mammalogy • 2018] Taxonomic Review of the Genus Cyclopes Gray, 1821 (Xenarthra: Pilosa), with the Revalidation and Description of New Species


silky anteater  Cyclopes didactylus

photo: Quinten Questel  commons.wikimedia.org
Miranda, Casali, Perini, et al. 2018.    DOI:  10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx079 

The taxonomy of Cyclopes didactylus is marked by a confusing history of new names, with few or no references to types, and new subspecies without any verified geographic correspondence. Here, we review the taxonomy of the genus Cyclopes using an integrative approach that combines morphological, morphometric and molecular data. We, therefore, aim to clarify many issues concerning the taxonomy, distribution and conservation status of the valid taxa and describe new previously unrecognized species for the genus. We examined a total of 287 specimens of Cyclopes, including skins and skulls, housed in 20 natural history collections and 33 samples for molecular analyses. Based on evidence provided by molecular phylogenetics using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, allied with coalescent species delimitation analyses, diagnostic characters of the skull, colour patterns and structures of pelage, we suggest that the genus Cyclopes comprises at least seven species. Four previous species designations are considered valid here: Cyclopes didactylus (Linnaeus, 1758); Cyclopes ida Thomas, 1900; Cyclopes catellus Thomas, 1928; and Cyclopes dorsalis (Gray, 1865). In addition, three new species are described. The results presented here have large implications for the conservation status and management practices of silky anteaters.

Family Cyclopedidae
Genus Cyclopes Gray, 1821

Cyclopes didactylus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Cyclopes ida Thomas, 1900
Cyclopes dorsalis (Gray, 1865)
Cyclopes catellus Thomas, 1928

Cyclopes thomasi sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific name honours Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas, in recognition of his extensive contribution to mammalogy, and specifically to the taxonomy of Cyclopes.

Cyclopes rufus sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific name rufus (meaning ‘red’ in Latin) refers to the reddish tone of the dorsal coloration of this species.

Cyclopes xinguensis sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific epithet xinguensis refers to the type locality of this species in Vitória do Xingu, Pará, Brazil. Xingu is an indigenous word meaning good and clean water.
The silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus

photo: Quinten Questel/CC 3.0/Wikimedia Commons 

Flávia R Miranda, Daniel M Casali, Fernando A Perini, Fabio A Machado and Fabrício R Santos. 2018. Taxonomic Review of the Genus Cyclopes Gray, 1821 (Xenarthra: Pilosa), with the Revalidation and Description of New Species.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. zlx079.  DOI:  10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx079 

Brazilian researchers uncover 6 new species of silky anteater
 eurekalert.org/e/84qs via @EurekAlert
 Cientistas brasileiros descobrem seis novas espécies de tamanduás-anões -   ciencia.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,cientistas-brasileiros-descobrem-seis-novas-especies-de-tamanduas-anoes,70002115814  @estadao

[Botany • 2017] Revised Treatment of Mozambican Memecylon (Melastomataceae — Olisbeoideae), with Descriptions of Four New Species in Memecylon section Buxifolia


Memecylon incisilobum  R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona

in Stone, Mona & Ramdhani, 2017 


Memecylon sect. Buxifolia R.D. Stone (Melastomataceae, Olisbeoideae) is a group of forest shrubs and small understory trees distributed from tropical East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) to eastern South Africa and with a disjunct occurrence in Madagascar. Previous authors had recognized three species of this section as occurring in Mozambique, i.e., M. natalense Markgr., M. torrei A. Fern. & R. Fern. and M. insulare A. Fern. & R. Fern. Here we describe four new species of M. sect. Buxifolia from Mozambique and adjacent parts of Malawi and Tanzania: Memecylon incisilobum R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona, M. nubigenum R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona, M. rovumense R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona and M. aenigmaticum R.D. Stone. In accordance with previous molecular results, M. incisilobum and M. nubigenum are semi-cryptic species that had been confused with M. natalense (considered here to be a South African endemic). Memecylon rovumense and M. aenigmaticum had also been confused with M. natalense, but their conspicuously verrucose-wrinkled fruits indicate a closer affinity with M. torrei. We assess the conservation status of each new species according to the IUCN Categories and Criteria, and provide an identification key to the seven species of Memecylon currently recognized in the flora of Mozambique.

Keywords: Eudicots, Africa, Melastomataceae, Memecylon, Mozambique, new species, plant conservation, plant taxonomy

FIGURE 2. Memecylon incisilobum.
. Leafy branchlet; B. Trunk showing character of the bark. C. Flower. D. Fruiting branchlet.

Photographs in A–C by John Burrows; in D by Hermenegildo Matimele.

Memecylon incisilobum R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona, sp. nov.

Etymology:—The epithet incisilobum is an adjective referring to the incised calyx-lobes, this being one of the main features distinguishing this species from M. natalense.

Memecylon nubigenum R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona, sp. nov.  

Etymology:—The epithet nubigenum is a compound derived from the Latin noun nubis meaning “cloud” and the verb gignere meaning “to be born.” It functions as an adjective and means “born of or originating from the clouds.” It is a reference to the habitat in mountains of northern Mozambique and southern Malawi.

Memecylon rovumense R.D. Stone & I.G. Mona, sp. nov.  

Etymology:—The epithet rovumense is an adjective used to indicate geographical origin, i.e., to emphasize that the new species is an endemic of the Rovuma region of northern Mozambique and southeastern Tanzania. The region itself gets its name from the Rovuma River which forms the border between these two countries.

Memecylon aenigmaticum R.D. Stone, sp. nov. 

Etymology:—The epithet aenigmaticum is an adjective based on the Greek noun ainigma meaning mysterious or difficult to interpret or understand. It is in reference to the fact that this new species has been previously confused with both M. natalense and M. rovumense (q.v.).

Robert Douglas Stone, Imercia Gracious Mona and Syd Ramdhani. 2017. Revised Treatment of Mozambican Memecylon (Melastomataceae—Olisbeoideae), with Descriptions of Four New Species in M. section BuxifoliaPhytotaxa.  331(2); 151–168.  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.331.2.1

[Fungi • 2017] Trogia benghalesis • A New Species (Marasmiaceae, Basidiomycota) from West Bengal, India


Trogia benghalesis

 Dutta, Nandi, Tarafder, Sikder, Roy & Acharya, 2017

A new species of Trogia (Marasmiaceae, Basidiomycota) is described from West Bengal, India. Analysis of the molecular sequence (nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region) data suggests that Trogia benghalesis is phylogenetically distinct from its closely related species. Comprehensive description based on macro- and microscopic characters, photographs and comparisons with morphologically similar and phylogenetically related species are provided.

Keywords: Fungi, Agaricales; nrITS; taxonomy; West Bengal


 Arun Kumar Dutta, Sudeshna Nandi, Entaj Tarafder, Rimpa Sikder, Anirban Roy and Krishnendu Acharya. 2017. Trogia benghalensis (Marasmiaceae, Basidiomycota), A New Species from India. Phytotaxa. 331(2); 273–280. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.331.2.11

[Entomology • 2017] Taxonomic Revision of the Species of Colletes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) found in Chile


Colletes arthuri
Ferrari. 2017


A taxonomic revision of Colletes Latreille species with known geographic distribution in Chile is presented. In addition to the traditional morphological approach to taxonomy, DNA barcoding was employed to facilitate sexual association and cryptic species recognition. I provide diagnoses, synonymies, geographic and floral records, and a fully-illustrated key for 31 recognized species, 23 of them previously described: C. alocochila Moure, C. atacamensis Janvier, C. atripes Smith, C. bicolor Smith, C. chusmiza Rojas & Toro, C. cognatus Spinola, C. cyanescens (Haliday), C. cyaniventris Spinola n. stat., C. flaminii Moure, C. fulvipes Spinola, C. gilvus Vachal, C. guanta Rojas & Toro, C. longiceps Friese, C. lucens Vachal, C. mastochila Moure, C. murinus Friese, C. musculus Friese, C. nigritulus Friese, C. patagonicus Schrottky, C. quelu Rojas & Toro, C. rutilans Vachal, C. sulcatus Vachal, and C. vicugnensis Rojas & Toro. In addition, eight new species are described: Colletes arthuri n. sp.Ccoquimbensis n. sp.Cflavipilosus n. sp.C. kuhlmanni n. sp., Cnigropilosus n. sp., Csimulatus n. sp., Ctoroi n. sp., and Cventricarinatus n. sp. Lectotypes for the following species are designated: Andrena cyanescensColletes bicolorC. campoi Herbst, C. chubutensis Cockerell, CgilvusClucens, CpatagonicusCrufosignatus Cockerell, and C. viridans Vachal. Colletes seminitidus Spinola and C. viridans are both proposed as junior synonyms of C. cyanescens, and C. araucariae Friese is considered a junior synonym of C. sulcatusColletes cyaniventris n. stat. is resurrected from synonymy.

Keywords: Apoidea, bee, Colletini, key, Neotropics, review, systematics

Rafael R. Ferrari. 2017.  Taxonomic Revision of the Species of Colletes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) found in Chile. Zootaxa. 4364(1); 1–137. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4364.1.1

[Diplopoda • 2017] Glyphiulus subbedosae & G. semicostulifer • Two New Species of the Millipede Genus Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847 (Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae) from Laos


Glyphiulus subbedosae [a-b] & G. semicostulifer [c] 

 Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, 2017

in Likhitrakarn, Golovatch, Inkhavilay, Sutcharit, Srisonchai & Panha, 2017

Two new species of Glyphiulus are described and illustrated from northern Laos. The epigean Glyphiulus subbedosae Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, sp. n. is the second member of the granulatus-group to be found in that country and it seems to be especially similar to G. bedosaeGolovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel, 2007. However, it differs from the latter species by a row of several strong setae near the median marginal ridge on the paraprocts, combined with the gnathochilarium being considerably less densely setose on the caudal face, and the anterior gonopods showing a pair of smaller, apical, but larger lateral teeth on the coxosternal plate. Glyphiulus semicostulifer Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, sp. n. is the fourth member of the javanicus-group to be discovered in Laos, taken from a cave. It seems to be particularly similar to G. costulifer Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel, 2007, but is distinguished by the more sparsely alveolate background fine structure of the metazonae, coupled with the gnathochilarium being considerably less densely setose on the caudal face, much stronger paramedian prongs and 4-segmented telopodites on ♂ coxae 1, the slightly longer and more slender apicoparamedian sternal projections on the anterior gonopods, and the much longer flagella of the posterior gonopods. An identification key to and a distribution map of Glyphiulus species in Laos are also presented.

Keywords: Cave, forest, Glyphiulus, key, Laos, map, millipede, new species

Figure 1. Habitus, live coloration.
 A, B Glyphiulus subbedosae sp. n., ♀ paratype from Kacham Waterfall, depicted not to scale
C, D Glyphiulus semicostulifer sp. n.
, ♀ paratype. Scale bars: 10 mm.

A, B Glyphiulus subbedosae sp. n., ♀ paratype from Kacham Waterfall, depicted not to scale 

Family Cambalidae Cook, 1895

Genus Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847

Glyphiulus subbedosae Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, sp. n.

Etymology: To emphasize the obvious similarities to G. bedosae Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel, 2007.

Diagnosis: This new species is particularly similar to G. bedosae, with which it shares the following diagnostic characters: the presence of a row of several strong setae near the median marginal ridge on the paraprocts, combined with the gnathochilarium being considerably less densely setose on the caudal face, and the anterior gonopods showing a pair of smaller apical. It differs from G. bedosae primarily by the larger lateral teeth on the coxosternal plate. See also Key below.

Remarks: The granulatus-group currently encompasses 34 described species. The above new one is only the second species in this group to be reported from Laos. Two populations have been found, each from near a forest at a waterfall, and both show the remarkable colour pattern as described above.

C, D Glyphiulus semicostulifer sp. n., ♀ paratype. Scale bars: 10 mm.

Glyphiulus semicostulifer Likhitrakarn, Golovatch & Panha, sp. n.

Etymology: To emphasize the obvious similarities to G. costulifer Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel, 2007.

Diagnosis: This new species is particularly similar to G. costulifer, with which it shares the following diagnostic characters: the unique carinotaxy formulae, coupled with anterior gonopod structural details. It differs from G. costulifer by the more sparsely alveolate background fine structure of the metazonae, coupled with the gnathochilarium being considerably less densely setose on the caudal face, the paramedian coxal prongs on ♂ legs 1 much stronger and their telopodites 4-segmented, the apicoparamedian sternal projections on the anterior gonopods slightly longer and more slender, and the flagella of the posterior gonopods much longer. See also Key below.

Remark: The javanicus-group is currently comprised of 23 species, including this new species, a fourth in this group to be reported from Laos.

Most Glyphiulus species in Laos come from caves or surrounding areas, except for G. subbedosae sp. n. found epigeically near waterfalls. Several of the cave species show troglomorphic traits such as an unpigmented tegument and ocellaria (if any), combined with elongated antennae and legs (Golovatch et al. 2011a). The above two new species, however, are pigmented and have short antennae and legs, while the epigean G. subbedosae sp. n. presents a distinct colour pattern. Such characters are rather evidence of the cave-dweller G. semicostulifer sp. n. being only a troglophile likely to occur also outside caves. Usually only a single cambalopsid species is found per cave. The single exception known so far concerns two Plusioglyphiulus species, P. bedosae Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel, 2009 and P. pallidior Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel, 2009, coexisting in the same cave in Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia, but both these species differ so strikingly in body size that this alone strongly suggests niche segregation (Golovatch et al. 2009).

The diplopods of Laos are still poorly known, with only a small fraction of their diversity being assessed. There is little doubt that, with further progress in the study of the millipede fauna of Laos, both epigean and cavernicolous, many more novelties are to be expected. As regards the Cambalopsidae alone, we seem to have only touched the tip of the iceberg (Golovatch et al. 2007a).

 Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Khamla Inkhavilay, Chirasak Sutcharit, Ruttapon Srisonchai and Somsak Panha. 2017. Two New Species of the Millipede Genus GlyphiulusGervais, 1847 from Laos (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae). ZooKeys. 722; 1-18.  DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.722.21192

[Botany • 2017] Dinizia jueirana-facao • The Majestic Canopy-Emergent Genus Dinizia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), Including A New Species Endemic to the Brazilian State of Espírito Santo


Dinizia jueirana-facao  G. P. Lewis & G. S. Siqueira

in Lewis, Siqueira, Banks & Bruneau, 2017.

Since its description, almost 100 years ago, the genus Dinizia has been treated as monospecific, comprising the single canopy-emergent species Dinizia excelsa Ducke which grows in non-flooded Amazonian forests of Guyana, Suriname and seven states of northern and central-western Brazil. Dinizia jueirana-facao G. P. Lewis & G. S. Siqueira, which grows in a restricted area of semi-deciduous Atlantic rain forest in Espírito Santo state, Brazil, is described as a new species in the genus. The new species is also a canopy-emergent of impressive stature. We provide descriptions for both species, a key to species identification, a distribution map and the new species is illustrated. Fossil leaves, inflorescences and fruit provide evidence for a Dinizia-like ancestor occurring in south-eastern North America during the Eocene. In contrast to D. excelsa where pollen is dispersed in tetrads, the pollen of D. jueirana-facao is shed in monads. D. jueirana-facao is considered critically endangered following IUCN conservation criteria, whereas D. excelsa is assessed to be of least concern. A lectotype is designated for D. excelsa.

Key Words: Fabaceae, fossils, Neotropics, pollen, taxonomy 

Fig. 3 Dinizia jueirana-facao.
A flowering branch and part of a bipinnate leaf; B leaflets at the base of a single pinna; C hermaphrodite flower; D functionally male flower opened to show stamen filaments and suppressed gynoecium development; E calyx opened out, outer surface; F longitudinal section of hermaphrodite flower to show gynoecium; G petal, outer surface; H stamen; J anther; K fruit; L part of a single valve of dehisced fruit with seeds attached; M seed.

A – J from Folli 4889 (K), K – M from Folli 4484 (K). drawn by Margaret Tebbs.

Dinizia jueirana-facao G. P. Lewis & G. S. Siqueira sp. nov. 
Type: Brazil, Espírito Santo, Linhares, Reserva Natural Vale, 30 July 2004 (fl.), D. A. Folli 4889 (holotype CVRD!; isotypes HUEFS!, K!).

Recognition. Dinizia jueirana-facao differs from its sister species D. excelsa in having leaflets in (9 –) 15 – 23 (– 24) pairs per pinna (vs 7 – 14 pairs), the leaflets completely glabrous (vs puberulent to glabrescent on their lower surface), its individual racemes 28 – 35 × 3 – 4.5 cm (vs 10 – 18 × 1 – 2 cm), buds ellipsoid to obovoid (vs globose), flowers 8.5 – 10 mm long (vs 4 – 5 mm long), its floral bracts spathulate and caducous (vs lanceolate and often persistent), its fruit woody and dehiscent along both sutures (vs indehiscent), seeds 25 – 30 × 16 – 19 mm (vs (10 –) 14 – 15 × 6 – 7 mm); and pollen in monads (vs tetrads).

Distribution. Dinizia jueirana-facao is currently known only from two locations, one (19°08'52.0"S, 40°05'16.4"W) in the Reserva Natural Vale in Linhares, northern Espirito Santo state, Brazil, and the second (19°05'12.1"S, 40°10'41.2"W) just outside the reserve in the surroundings of the small hamlet of Santa Luzia Sooretama. Map 1.

Habitat. An emergent tree in semi-deciduous forest and mata ciliar in the Reserva Natural Vale, an area of 22,000 hectares of pristine Atlantic Forest. This is the largest protected area of semi-deciduous forest in eastern Brazil. Also known from mata de tabuleiro, in the surroundings of Sooretama, just outside the Vale Reserve. Growing at elevations of 40 – 150 m above sea level.

Etymology. The species name is taken directly from the local name, “jueirana-facão”, for the tree in Espirito Santo. In the Reserva Natural Vale, the large legume tree Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth ex Walp. is known as jueirana-vermelha and the new Dinizia species, which has a very similar bark which breaks off in large woody plates, but much larger fruits, is locally differentiated by replacing vermelha (Portuguese for red) with facão (Portuguese for large knife or machete), because the woody fruits of D. jueirana-facao have the appearance of a machete sheath or scabbard. According to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (McNeill et al. 2012) an epithet can be a word in apposition (Art. 23.1) and taken from any source whatsoever (Art. 23.2), but the Code does not give clear guidance on diacritical signs, just ruling (Art. 60.6) that “the [diacritical] signs are to be suppressed with the necessary transcription of the letters so modified” but without elaborating on what “necessary transcription” means beyond the cited examples, which do not include ã. We thus transcribe the ã as a in the specific epithet here chosen for the new species.

Jueirana is thought to be derived from the Tupi word yuá-rana. Yuá (or Juá) is a Tupi common name for several different plant species, especially those in the Solanaceae with round, spiny fruits (Andrade 2006; Sampaio 1987). Rana in Tupi means similar to, so yuá-rana or jueirana means false juá (or similar to juá), although there is little resemblance between the new legume species and any Solanaceae. A number of place names in Brazil are derived from jueirana or an orthographic variant of this.

Notes. Dinizia jueirana-facao, as currently known, is a narrowly restricted species endemic to a small area of Atlantic forest in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo. Although a tree of shorter stature, and lacking buttresses, many of its vegetative and reproductive morphological characteristics are greater in number and/or size than those seen in its widespread Amazonian sister species, D. excelsa. D. jueirana-facao has leaflets in (9 –) 15 – 23 (– 24) pairs per pinna (7 – 14 pairs per pinna in D. excelsa), the leaflets glabrous (vs puberulent to glabrescent on their lower surface), its individual racemes 28 – 35 × 3 – 4.5 cm (vs 10 – 18 × 1 – 2 cm) in open flower, its flower buds ellipsoid to obovoid (vs globose), its flowers 8.5 – 10 mm long (vs 4 – 5 mm long), its floral bracts spathulate and caducous (vs lanceolate and often persistent), its fruit woody and dehiscent along both sutures (vs indehiscent), its seeds 25 – 30 × 16 – 19 mm (vs (10 –) 14 – 15 × 6 – 7 mm), and its pollen in monads (vs tetrads). D. jueirana-facao is critically endangered and presently known from less than 25 trees in two small areas, of which only one locality is inside a protected reserve. The type collection of the new species is from one of the largest trees growing inside the reserve.

G. P. Lewis, G. S. Siqueira, H. Banks and A. Bruneau. 2017. The Majestic Canopy-Emergent Genus Dinizia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), Including A New Species Endemic to the Brazilian State of Espírito Santo. Kew Bulletin. 72:48.  DOI: 10.1007/s12225-017-9720-7

Probably the world's heaviest living organism described in 2017? kew.org/blogs/kew-science/probably-the-worlds-heaviest-living-organism-described-in-2017
New tree species in Brazil probably the world's heaviest living organism  phy.so/432289612 via @physorg_com

[Ichthyology • 2017] Brachychalcinus reisi • A New Species of Brachychalcinus (Characiformes: Characidae) from the rio Xingu basin, Serra do Cachimbo, Brazil


Brachychalcinus reisi 
Garcia-Ayala,Ohara,Pastana & Benine, 2017


Brachychalcinus reisi, a new species of characid fish, is described from the rio Curuá, tributary of rio Iriri, rio Xingu basin, Serra do Cachimbo, Pará State, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a series of longitudinal black wavy stripes on the entire body and by a lower number of longitudinal scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line (7–8 vs. 8–12). Additionally, the new species differs from B. copei, B. parnaibae, and B. retrospina by the lower number of branched dorsal-fin rays (9 vs.10). This is the first description of a new species of the subfamily since the revisionary study of Stethaprioninae, published almost 30 years ago.

Keywords: Pisces, Stethaprioninae, Neotropical region, freshwater fishes, taxonomy, Amazon

FIGURE 4. Brachychalcinus reisi, MZUSP 119456, paratype, 57.3 mm SL, Brazil, Pará, Altamira, rio Curuá, rio Xingu basin. 

Brachychalcinus reisi new species

Etymology. The specific name reisi is in honor of Roberto Esser dos Reis, for his great contributions to the knowledge of the Stethaprioninae and the Neotropical ichthyology as a whole. A genitive noun.  

  FIGURE 6. Type-locality of Brachychalcinus reisi, Brazil, Pará, Altamira, upper rio Curuá, rio Xingu basin.  

James R. Garcia-Ayala,Willian M. Ohara,Murilo N. L. Pastana andRicardo C. Benine. 2017. A New Species of Brachychalcinus (Characiformes: Characidae) from the rio Xingu basin, Serra do Cachimbo, Brazil. Zootaxa. 4362(4); 564–574.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4362.4.5

[Ichthyology • 2017] Neopomacentrus aktites • A New Species of Damselfish (Pisces: Pomacentridae) from Western Australia


Neopomacentrus aktites
Allen, Moore & Allen, 2017


A new species of damselfish,Neopomacentrus aktites n. sp., is described on the basis of 50 specimens, 17.8–54.1 mm SL, collected from Western Australia. The new species was formerly confused with Neopomacentrus filamentosus, an Indo-Malayan species that appears morphologically indistinguishable and has a mostly similar color pattern. However, the new species lacks several markings characteristic of N. filamentosus, i.e. a large black spot on the pectoral-fin axil, a large dark marking at the lateral-line origin, and yellow or gold color on the upper edge of the rear opercle. The two species differ by 7.55% (K2P) in the sequence of the mtDNA-barcode marker COI. The new species is only 2.19% divergent from an undescribed damselfish species from eastern Australia and southern New Guinea, but differs from that species by having dark margins on the proximal half of the caudal fin and lacking a bright yellow caudal fin, caudal peduncle, and posterior parts of the dorsal and anal fins.

Key words: taxonomy, systematics, ichthyology, coral-reef fishes, Indo-Pacific Ocean, DNA barcoding. 

Neopomacentrus aktites  n. sp.
Figure 2.  
aquarium photograph of freshly collected adult, approx. 45 mm SL, Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia.
Figure 3.  underwater photograph of juvenile, approx. 25 mm SL, Cassini Island, Kimberley District, Western Australia.

photos: G. R. Allen

Neopomacentrus aktites, n. sp. 
Western Australian Demoiselle

Diagnosis. Dorsal-fin elements XIII,10–12 (usually 11); anal-fin elements II,10–12 (usually 11); pectoralfin rays 17–19 (rarely 19); tubed lateral-line scales 16–19 (usually 17–18); total gill rakers on first arch 21–23 (usually 21–22); body depth 2.2–2.4 in SL; ventral margin of suborbital exposed (i.e. not hidden by scales); middle fin rays of dorsal and anal fins filamentous; dorsal and ventral margins of caudal fin filamentous; mainly dark brown in life except pale posteriormost parts of dorsal and anal fins and pale central portion of caudal fin; dark margins of caudal fin restricted to proximal half of fin; small dark spot at upper pectoral-fin base, but not extending into axil of fin.

Etymology. The species is named aktites (Greek: shore dweller) with reference to its relatively shallow-water habitat. The specific epithet is treated as a noun in apposition. 

Distribution and habitat. The new species is currently known only from Western Australia, ranging from Shark Bay northward to the Kimberley coast in the far northern portion of the state. The species is generally associated with rocky substrates with ample crevices and coral formations, which are utilized for shelter. Capture depths range from about 1–10 m, but there is considerable tidal fluctuation (10+ m), especially along the Kimberley coast. They frequently occur in large aggregations, which feed well above the bottom on zooplankton

Gerald R. Allen, Glenn I. Moore and Mark G. Allen. 2017. Neopomacentrus aktites, A New Species of Damselfish (Pisces: Pomacentridae) from Western Australia. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation. 29, 1–10.  oceansciencefoundation.org/josf29a.html

[Botany • 2017] Nervilia kasiensis • A New Terrestrial Orchid Endemic to Vientiane Province, northern Laos | Studies in Asian Nervilia (Orchidaceae) VII


Nervilia kasiensis  S.W.Gale & Phaxaysombath

Gale & Phaxaysombath, 2017.

A new species belonging to the terrestrial orchid genus Nervilia is described from Kasi District, Vientiane Province, northern Laos. Referable to the widespread and species-rich N. adolphi/punctata alliance on account of its solitary flower, slender white and violet-marked labellum and glabrous, angular leaf, Nervilia kasiensis is morphologically most closely allied to N. muratana of southern China and northern Vietnam. As in that species, the flowering and leafing phases overlap, an unusual feature among members of the genus. The new species can be distinguished from N. muratana by its shorter inflorescence, its weakly spreading perianth with beige sepals, its narrower labellum with a central pubescent strip on the epichile, its arched column, and by its faintly tessellated leaf. A morphological description, line drawing and notes on the species’ ecology and conservation status are presented.

Keywords: Hysteranthy; Laos; Orchidaceae; new species; species complex

Fig. 1  Nervilia kasiensis S.W.Gale & Phaxaysombath. 
a. Plants in leaf at the type locality in northwest Laos showing the faint silver-grey mottling on the adaxial surface; b. plant in flower showing the non-hysteranthous growth habit; c. close-up of inflorescence; d. lateral view of flower showing slightly saccate base of the lateral sepals; e. front view of flower showing the weakly spreading perianth. 

Nervilia kasiensis S.W.Gale & Phaxaysombath, sp. nov.  

Etymology. Named after Kasi District, northern Laos, in which this species was discovered.


 S.W. Gale and T. Phaxaysombath. 2017. Studies in Asian Nervilia (Orchidaceae) VII: Nervilia kasiensis, A New Lao Endemic.  Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants.   62; 1–5. DOI:  10.3767/000651917X694732

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