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[Herpetology • 2010] Cyrtodactylus durio • A New Spiny, Prehensile-tailed Species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Peninsular Malaysia with A Preliminary Hypothesis of Relationships based on Morphology


Cyrtodactylus durio 
 Grismer, Anuar, Quah, Muin, Onn, Grismer & Ahmad. 2010

A new species, Cyrtodactylus durio sp. nov., is described from northwestern Peninsular Malaysia on the basis of its head, body, limbs, and tail being extremely spinose as well as other unique combinations of squamation and color pattern. It is proposed that C. durio sp. nov. forms a clade with C. brevipalmatus, C. elok, C. spinosus, and C. stresemanni on the basis of having a spiny, prehensile tail and that it is the sister species of C. stresemanni based on unique caudal tuberculation. Cytrodactylus durio sp. nov. is the latest in a growing list of new species of amphibians and reptiles recently described from the Malay Peninsula, and Peninsular Malaysia in particular, that clearly underscores the need for continuing exploratory research in these regions.

FIGURE 2. Holotype ZRC 2.9606 of Cyrtodactylus durio sp. nov. 

 Cyrtodactylus durio sp. nov.

Etymology. The specific epithet durio is in reference to the Latin generic name Durio for the durian fruits of Asia. It is derived from the Latin root dur, meaning hard or duable. Its application as the specific epithet herein is based on the similar spiny exterior of both the durian and the gecko.  

 Larry Lee Grismer, Shahrul Anuar, Evan Quah, Mohd Abdul Muin, Chan Kin Onn, Jesse L Grismer and Norhayati Ahmad. 2010. A New Spiny, Prehensile-tailed Species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Peninsular Malaysia with A Preliminary Hypothesis of Relationships based on Morphology. Zootaxa.  2625; 40-52.

[Entomology • 2018] Drepanosticta emtrai • A New Species of Damselfly (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from Vietnam with A Discussion of Drepanosticta vietnamica Asahina, 1997


Drepanosticta emtrai 
Dow, Kompier & Phan, 2018


Drepanosticta emtrai sp. nov. is described from Vietnam (holotype male Ha Tinh Province, 9 vi 2015, to be deposited in RMNH). The new species is allied to D. carmichaeli(Laidlaw, 1915) and a number of other species of Drepanosticta including D. vietnamicaAsahina, 1997. New illustrations of the paratype of D. vietnamica are provided and the species is discussed. The Drepanostictacarmichaeli-group, to which the above mentioned species belong, is defined and discussed.

Keywords: Odonata, Platystictidae, Vietnam, Drepanosticta emtrai, Drepanosticta carmichaeli-group, Drepanosticta vietnamica, new species

 Rory A. Dow, Tom Kompier and Quoc Toan Phan. 2018. Drepanosticta emtrai sp. nov. from Vietnam with a discussion of Drepanosticta vietnamica Asahina, 1997 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae).  Zootaxa. 4374(2); 273-282. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4374.2.7

PHÁT HIỆN MỘT LOÀI CHUỒN CHUỒN MỚI PHÂN BỐ RỘNG Ở VIỆT NAM  VNCreatures.net/all_species/new0013.php

[Crustacea • 2018] Molecular Phylogenetics of Swimming Crabs (Portunoidea Rafinesque, 1815) supports A Revised Family-Level Classification and suggests A Single Derived Origin of Symbiotic Taxa


 (E) Zygita murinae, comb. nov. (UF 36721; Farasan Banks); (F) Trierarchus woodmasoni, comb. nov. (UF 40079; Guam);
Trierarchus cf. cooperi sp. Acomb. nov. (UF 16023; Moorea Is.); (H) Trierarchus cf. cooperi sp. Bcomb. nov. (UF 40100; Guam);
Trierarchus rotundifrons, comb. nov. (UF 40067; Guam); (J) Trierarchus squamosus, comb. nov. (USNM 102963; Bikini Atoll; preserved specimen, grayscale, left frontal margin damaged).
Photographs (F, H–J) by Nathaniel Evans; photographs (E, G) by Gustav Paulay.

in Evans, 2018.   DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4260 


Portunoidea is a diverse lineage of ecologically and economically important marine crabs comprising 8 families and 14 subfamilies. Closely related portunid subfamilies Caphyrinae and Thalamitinae constitute some of this group’s greatest morphological and taxonomic diversity, and are the only known lineages to include symbiotic taxa. Emergence of symbiosis in decapods remains poorly studied and portunoid crabs provide an interesting, but often overlooked example. Yet the paucity of molecular phylogenetic data available for Portunoidea makes it challenging to investigate the evolution and systematics of the group. Phylogenetic analyses, though limited, suggest that many putative portunoid taxa are para- or polyphyletic. Here I augment existing molecular data—significantly increasing taxon sampling of Caphyrinae, Thalamitinae, and several disparate portunoid lineages—to investigate the phylogenetic origin of symbiosis within Portunoidea and reevaluate higher- and lower-level portunoid classifications. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out on sequences of H3, 28S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and CO1 for up to 168 portunoid taxa; this included, for the first time, molecular data from the genera Atoportunus, Brusinia, Caphyra, Coelocarcinus, Gonioinfradens, Raymanninus, and Thalamonyx. Results support the placement of all symbiotic taxa (Caphyra, Lissocarcinus, and two Thalamita) in a single clade derived within the thalamitine genus Thalamita. Caphyrina Paulson, 1875, nom. trans. is recognized here as a subtribe within the subfamily Thalamitinae. Results also support the following taxonomic actions: Cronius is reclassified as a thalamitine genus; Thalamonyx is reestablished as a valid genus; Goniosupradens is raised to the generic rank; and three new genera (Zygita gen. nov., Thranita gen. nov., and Trierarchus gen. nov.) are described to accommodate some Thalamita s.l. taxa rendered paraphyletic by Caphyrina. A new diagnosis of Thalamitinae is provided. Results also support a more conservative classification of Portunoidea comprising three instead of eight extant families: Geryonidae (Geryonidae + Ovalipidae; new diagnosis provided), Carcinidae (Carcinidae + Pirimelidae + Polybiidae + Thiidae + Coelocarcinus; new diagnosis provided) and Portunidae. Finally, 16s rRNA data suggests family Brusiniidae might not be a portunoid lineage.

Figure 1: Representatives of various Portunoidea taxa included in this study.
(A) Brusinia profunda (USNM 277519; New Caledonia; preserved color); (B) Coelocarcinus foliatus (UF 40176; Guam); (C) Carupa tenuipes (UF 39918; Palau); (D) Libystes (UF 23926; Moorea Is.); (E) Lupocyclus cf. philippinensis (UF 41639; Luzon Is.); (F) Podophthalmus vigil (UF 24543; Moorea Is.); (G) Portunus (Cycloachelous) granulatus (UF 40021; Guam); (H) Portunus (Portunus) sanguinolentus (UF 24538; Moorea Is.). Photographs (A–C, G) by Nathaniel Evans; photographs (D–F, H) by Gustav Paulay.

 Figure 2: Representative non-symbiotic Thalamitinae species.
(A) Cronius ruber (UF 35672; Florida); (B) Thalamitoides spinigera (UF 36697; Farasan Banks); (C) Gonioinfradens paucidentatus (UF 37141; Red Sea); (D) Goniosupradens acutifrons (UF 7114; Okinawa); (E) Charybdis orientalis (UF 41638; Luzon Is.); (F) Thalamonyx gracilipes (UF 42972; Mindoro Is.); (G) Thalamita admete (UF 40031; Guam); (H) Thalamita chaptalii (UF 39917; Palau); (I) Thranita coeruleipes, comb. nov. (UF 40078; Guam); (J) Thalamita cf. philippinensis (UF 43302; Mindoro Is.). Photographs (A, G–I) by Nathaniel Evans; photographs (B–F, J) by Gustav Paulay. 

Figure 3: Representative putative symbiotic Thalamitinae species.
 (A) Caphyra loevis (UF 39060); (B) Lissocarcinus cf. laevis (UF 39136; New Caledonia); (C) Lissocarcinus holothuricola (UF 30182; Marquesas); (D) Lissocarcinus orbicularis (UF 23972; Moorea); (E) Zygita murinae, comb. nov. (UF 36721; Farasan Banks); (F) Trierarchus woodmasoni, comb. nov. (UF 40079; Guam); (G) Trierarchus cf.cooperi sp. A, comb. nov. (UF 16023; Moorea Is.); (H) Trierarchus cf.cooperi sp. B, comb. nov. (UF 40100; Guam); (I) Trierarchus rotundifrons, comb. nov. (UF 40067; Guam); (J) Trierarchus squamosus, comb. nov. (USNM 102963; Bikini Atoll; preserved specimen, grayscale, left frontal margin damaged). Photographs (A–C, F, H–J) by Nathaniel Evans; photographs (D, E, G) by Gustav Paulay.

This study constitutes the most comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses of Portunoidea to date, but highlights numerous areas where additional work is needed. Results support a more conservative classification of Portunoidea with three instead of eight extant families: Geryonidae (Geryonidae + Ovalipidae; new diagnosis provided), Carcinidae (Carcinidae + Pirimelidae + Polybiidae + Thiidae + Coelocarcinus; new diagnosis provided) and Portunidae. Limited molecular data also suggest that the family Brusiniidae may still be valid, but might not be a portunoid lineage. A major aim of this study was to investigate the molecular phylogenetic origin of symbiosis within Portunoidea by substantially increasing taxon sampling of the subfamilies Caphyrinae and Thalamitinae. Results support a shared ancestry of all symbiotic taxa (Caphyra, Lissocarcinus, and two Thalamita) derived within the thalamitine genus Thalamita. Consequently, Caphyrina Paulson, 1875, nom. trans., should be considered a subtribe within the subfamily Thalamitinae. Although the nature, degree, and phylogenetic pattern of symbiosis within Caphyrina needs further study, this clade is clearly dominated by symbiotic taxa and likely originated from a symbiotic ancestor. Results presented here also support the following taxonomic actions within Thalamitinae: Cronius is reclassified as a thalamitine rather than a portunine genus; Thalamonyx is reinstated as a valid genus; Goniosupradens is raised to the generic rank; and three new genera (Zygita gen. nov., Thranita gen. nov., and Trierarchus gen. nov.) are described to accommodate some Thalamita sensu lato taxa rendered paraphyletic by Caphyrina. A new diagnosis of Thalamitinae has also been provided.

Nathaniel Evans. 2018. Molecular Phylogenetics of Swimming Crabs (Portunoidea Rafinesque, 1815) supports A Revised Family-Level Classification and suggests A Single Derived Origin of Symbiotic Taxa. PeerJ. 6:e4260.  DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4260

[Botany • 2018] A Revision of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae, Cucurbitales) from Northeast India, Description of A New Species, Begonia koelzii


Begonia acetosella Craib.; Begonia annulata K.Koch.; Begonia dioica Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don.   
  Begonia beddomei Hook.f. by M. Smith (Hooker 1884); Begonia cathcartii Hook.f. by W.H. Fitch (Hooker 1855); Begonia pedunculosa Wall. by Vishnupersaud (Wallich 1830).

in Camfield & Hughes, 2018. 


Following a taxonomic revision of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae, Cucurbitales) from Northeast India based on 332 herbarium specimens, 38 species are confirmed to occur in the region, of which ten are endemic. One new species is described, Begonia koelzii R.Camfield sp. nov., in B. sect. Platycentrum (Klotzsch) A.DC. One species is reduced into synonymy; B. barbata Wall. is now a synonym of B. thomsonii A.DC. Three species, B. difformis (Irmsch.) W.C.Leong, C.I Peng & K.F.ChungB. labordei H.Lév. and B. handelii Irmsch., are reported new for India, and B. lushaiensis C.E.C.Fisch. is reinstated as an accepted species, having previously been synonymised under B. modestiflora Kurz. A key to the species in the region and preliminary conservation assessments are presented.

Keywords: Begonia; taxonomy; revision; Northeast India

Fig. 7. Begonia acetosella Craib. A. Plant habit. B–C. Leaf variation. D. Female bud. E. Female flower. F. Reverse of flower. G. Styles. Photographs by Rebecca Camfield of a plant in cultivation at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (accession 19980065).  
Fig. 11. Begonia annulata K.Koch. A–B. Leaf. C. Male flower. D–E. Fruit. Photographs courtesy of Darrin Norton of a plant in cultivation in a private collection.
Fig. 23. Photograph showing habit and female flowers of Begonia dioica Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don. Photograph courtesy of Sangeeta Rajbhandary of a plant in Nepal.

Fig. 13. Illustration of Begonia beddomei Hook.f. by M. Smith (Hooker 1884). 1. Stamen. 2. Styles. 3. Fruit cross-section. Image from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, digitized by the Peter H. Raven Library  
Fig. 20. Illustration of Begonia cathcartii Hook.f. by W.H. Fitch (Hooker 1855). 1–3. Stamen, front, back and side view. 4. Pollen. 5. Immature fruit. 6. Cross-section of fruit showing ovary placentation. Image from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, digitized by the Peter H. Raven Library
Fig. 47. Illustration of Begonia pedunculosa Wall. by Vishnupersaud (Wallich 1830). 1. Male flower, front view. 2. Male flower, reverse view. 3. Female flower, front view. 4. Female flower, reverse view. Image from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, digitized by the Peter H. Raven Library

Fig. 34. Begonia koelzii R.Camfield sp. nov. A. Plant habit. B. Leaf. C. Bulbil. D. Young female flowers. E. Fruit. Photographs courtesy of Nick Macer, of a plant in Manipur. 

Begonia koelzii R.Camfield sp. nov. [sect. Platycentrum]
 Diagnosis:  Similar to B. macrotoma Irmsch. (1951: 41) in having lacerate leaves, but differs in having a larger lamina (20–40 cm long, not 12–15 cm) and female flowers with 4–6 (not 3) tepals.

Etymology: The epithet honours Walter N. Koelz (1895–1989), the American zoologist who collected the type.

Distribution and phenology: Endemic to the Arakan Mountain Range, usually found growing on cliff faces; 1000–2100 m.

Conservation status Data Deficient: The full distribution of B. koelzii in the Arakan mountains is unknown

Rebecca Camfield and Mark Hughes. 2018.   A Revision and One New Species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae, Cucurbitales) in Northeast India.  European Journal of Taxonomy. 396;  1–116. DOI:  10.5852/ejt.2018.396

[Ichthyology • 2018] Spectracanthicus javae • A New Species of the Genus Spectracanthicus (Loricariidae, Hypostominae, Ancistrini) from the Rio Javaיs (Rio Araguaia Basin), with A Description of Gross Brain Morphology


Spectracanthicus javae 
Chamon, Pereira, Mendonca & Akama, 2018

  DOI:  10.1111/jfb.13526  

A new species of Spectracanthicus is described from the Rio Javaés, Rio Araguaia basin. The new species is distinguished from its congeners (except Spectracanthicus immaculatus) by colour pattern: body dark grey to dark brown without dots or blotches (v. body colour with yellowish small dots in Spectracanthicus murinusSpectracanthicus punctatissimus and Spectracanthicus tocantinensis and large white dots in Spectracanthicus zuanoni). It can be further distinguished from S. immaculatus by having thicker and less numerous teeth, with up to eight premaxillary and 20 dentary teeth (v. teeth thinner and more numerous with up to 22 premaxillary and 30 dentary teeth); dorsal and caudal fins without curved spines (v. dorsal and caudal fins with curved spines). Other osteological characters can also diagnose the new species from its congeners. In addition, a gross brain description and brief comments on the new species' ecological habitat are given.

Figure 2. Colour in life of Spectracanthicus javae.

Spectracanthicus javae sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific epithet (a noun in apposition) is in reference to the Javaé people, an indigenous branch of the Karajá people in Brazil who inhabit the Ilha do Bananal and confer the name of the river (Rio Javaés), where the new species was reported.

C. C. Chamon, T. N. A. Pereira, M. B. Mendonca and A. Akama. 2018.  New Species of the Genus Spectracanthicus (Loricariidae, Hypostominae, Ancistrini) from the Rio Javaיs (Rio Araguaia Basin), with A Description of Gross Brain Morphology. Journal of Fish Biology.   DOI:  10.1111/jfb.13526 

Carine C. Chamon and Lúcia H. Rapp Py-Daniel. 2014. Taxonomic revision of Spectracanthicus Nijssen & Isbrücker (Loricariidae: Hypostominae: Ancistrini), with description of three new species. Neotropical Ichthyology. 12(1):1-25. 

[Botany • 2017] Zingiber arunachalensis • A New Species (Zingiberaceae) from northeastern India


Zingiber arunachalensis 
 A. Joe, T. Jayakrishnan, Hareesh & M. Sabu

in Joe, Jayakrishnan, Hareesh & Sabu, 2017. 

In 2015, during a floristic expedition in northeastern India, a population of an unusual Zingiber Miller (1754: 525) was found near Durga Mandir, between Bomdilla and Balukpong, in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh. At a first glance the species clearly belongs to section Cryptanthium Horaninow (1862: 27) in having a procumbent peduncle. Detailed studies revealed that it does not match any of the known species of Indian Zingiber, hence it is described here as new. Plants of this population are morphologically similar to Z. bipinianum Roy et al. (2015: 298) and Z. mizoramensis Kumar et al. (2015: 81), but detailed studies of the types and protologues confirm the novelty of this species. We also consulted relevant literature discussing Indian Zingiberaceae, which further confirms that this is a new species (e.g. Bai et al. 2015, Baker 1892, Leong-Škorničková et al. 2015, Kishor & Leong-Škorničková 2013, Kumar et al. 2013, 2015, Mood & Theilade 2002, Roscoe 1828, Sabu 2003, 2006, Sabu et al. 2009, 2013b, Talukdar et al. 2015, Thongam & Konsam 2014, Thongam et al. 2013, Triboun et al. 2014, Tripathi & Singh 2006, Wu & Larsen 2000).

Keywords: Arunachal Pradesh, India, new species, Zingiber, Zingiberales, Monocots

Zingiber arunachalensis A.Joe, T.Jayakrishnan, Hareesh & M.Sabu, sp. nov.  

Alfred Joe, Thachat Jayakrishnan, Vadakkoot Sankaran Hareesh and Mamiyil Sabu. 2017. Zingiber arunachalensis (Zingiberaceae): A New Species from northeastern India. Phytotaxa. 309(1); 95–98. 

[Paleontology • 2018] Kootenayscolex barbarensis • A New Burgess Shale Polychaete and the Origin of the Annelid Head Revisited


Kootenayscolex barbarensis
Nanglu and Jean-Bernard Caron. 2018. 

•An abundant Cambrian polychaete preserves exceptional morphological details
•The new species possesses a median antenna and large palps on the prostomium
•Neuropodial chaetae are present on the mouth-bearing peristomium
•A chaetigerous origin for the peristomial portion of the annelid head is proposed

Annelida is one of the most speciose (∼17,000 species) and ecologically successful phyla. Key to this success is their flexible body plan with metameric trunk segments and bipartite heads consisting of a prostomium bearing sensory structures and a peristomium containing the mouth. The flexibility of this body plan has traditionally proven problematic for reconstructing the evolutionary relationships within the Annelida. Although recent phylogenies have focused on resolving the interrelationships of the crown group, many questions remain regarding the early evolution of the annelid body plan itself, including the origin of the head. Here we describe an abundant and exceptionally well-preserved polychaete with traces of putative neural and vascular tissues for the first time in a fossilized annelid. Up to three centimeters in length, Kootenayscolex barbarensis gen. et sp. nov. is described based on more than 500 specimens from Marble Canyon and several specimens from the original Burgess Shale site (both in British Columbia, Canada). K. barbarensis possesses biramous parapodia along the trunk, bearing similar elongate and thin notochaetae and neurochaetae. A pair of large palps and one median antenna project from the anteriormost dorsal margin of the prostomium. The mouth-bearing peristomium bears neuropodial chaetae, a condition that is also inferred in Canadia and Burgessochaeta from the Burgess Shale, suggesting a chaetigorous origin for the peristomial portion of the head and a secondary loss of peristomial parapodia and chaetae in modern polychaetes.

Keywords: Annelida, polychaete, Burgess Shale, Cambrian Explosion, body plan, prostomium, peristomium, annelid head evolution, Marble Canyon

Life reconstruction of Kootenayscolex barbarensis.

Illustration: Danielle Dufault/Royal Ontario Museum  

Kootenayscolex barbarensis is part of a group of animals called annelids (or the 'ringed worms'). It had a pair of long sensory structures called palps on its head, with a small medial antenna between them (right). Its body was covered in fleshy appendages called parapodia which bear bristles called chaetae. These structures are used for movement.

 photo: Jean-Bernard Caron/Royal Ontario Museum

Karma Nanglu and Jean-Bernard Caron. 2018. A New Burgess Shale Polychaete and the Origin of the Annelid Head Revisited. Current Biology. 28(2); p319–326.e1.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.12.019

New 508-million-year-old bristle worm species from British Columbia's Burgess Shale wiggles into evolutionary history  phy.so/435841146 via @physorg_com
Half Billion-Year-Old Fossil Clue to How Worms Evolved  on.natgeo.com/2n58ibF via @NatGeo


[Ichthyology • 2017] Oxynoemacheilus ciceki • A New Nemacheilid Species (Teleostei, Nemacheilidae) from the Sultan Marsh, Kayseri Province, Turkey


Oxynoemacheilus ciceki  
Sungur, Jalili & Eagderi, 2017

 A new species of nemacheilid fish, Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n. is described from the Sultan Marsh, Kayseri Province, Turkey. The species differs from its congeners in the combination of the following characters: flank yellowish brown or pale gray with irregular spot; cheeks with numerous tiny spots; lacking scale; thinner caudal peduncle; complete lateral line; 4 central and 4 lateral pores in the supra-temporal canal; lower lip thick with a deep median interruption and marked furrows and small median incision in upper lip.

 Keywords: Freshwater fish, Taxonomy, Morphology, Loach.

Fig.1. Uncatalogued live specimen of Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n., Turkey: Kayseri prov.: Sultan Marsh.

Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n. 

Diagnosis: Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n. is distinguished from the other species of Oxynoemacheilus in the Kızılırmak basin by a combination of characters, none of them unique. Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n. is distinguished from O. angorae by having flank yellowish brown or pale gray with irregular spots (vs. yellowish with a mid-lateral row of horizontally elongated fused blotches), cheeks with numerous tiny spots (vs. without pigmentation), without scale (vs. scaled), shorter pelvic fin (11.3- 13.6 vs. 14.9-17.0 %SL), lower mouth width (16.0- 22.0 vs. 20.6-26.7 %HL).

Etymology: The new species is named after Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Çiçek, for his valuable contribution to the knowledge of freshwater fishes of Turkey.

Distribution: Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n. is knowns only from the Sultan Marsh, Kayseri Province (Fig. 6). This species mostly found slowflowing parts of streams in the Sultan Marsh. Pseudophoxinus elizavetae, Aphanius marassantensis, Seminemacheilus lendlii and Cobitis sp. coexist in the type locality with Oxynoemacheilus ciceki sp. n.

Sevil Sungur, Paria Jalili and Soheil Eagderi. 2017. Oxynoemacheilus ciceki, New Nemacheilid Species (Teleostei, Nemacheilidae) from the Sultan Marsh, Kayseri Province, Turkey. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology. 4(4); 375-383.   DOI: 10.22034/iji.v4i4.258

[Ichthyology • 2018] Conserving the Evolutionary History of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras (Chondrichthyes)


A representative taxon-complete tree with phylogenetic distribution of molecular data coverage.

Stein, Mull, Kuhn, et al. 2018.  

In an era of accelerated biodiversity loss and limited conservation resources, systematic prioritization of species and places is essential. In terrestrial vertebrates, evolutionary distinctness has been used to identify species and locations that embody the greatest share of evolutionary history. We estimate evolutionary distinctness for a large marine vertebrate radiation on a dated taxon-complete tree for all 1,192 chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) by augmenting a new 610-species molecular phylogeny using taxonomic constraints. Chondrichthyans are by far the most evolutionarily distinct of all major radiations of jawed vertebrates—the average species embodies 26 million years of unique evolutionary history. With this metric, we identify 21 countries with the highest richness, endemism and evolutionary distinctness of threatened species as targets for conservation prioritization. On average, threatened chondrichthyans are more evolutionarily distinct—further motivating improved conservation, fisheries management and trade regulation to avoid significant pruning of the chondrichthyan tree of life.

A representative taxon-complete tree with phylogenetic distribution of molecular data coverage. Clades are shaded according to molecular data coverage within each order, and those species with molecular data are indicated by outer ticks. Red dots highlight nodes defining orders, with the paraphyletic order Rhinopristiformes delimited by two highly supported nodes. 

R. William Stein, Christopher G. Mull, Tyler S. Kuhn, Neil C. Aschliman, Lindsay N. K. Davidson, Jeffrey B. Joy, Gordon J. Smith, Nicholas K. Dulvy and Arne O. Mooers. 2018. Global Priorities for Conserving the Evolutionary History of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2; 288–298. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0448-4

Saving sharks with trees: researchers aim to save key branches of shark and ray tree of life phy.so/436013572   @physorg_com

[Entomology • 2018] Megapropodiphora arnoldi • A Second Contender for “World’s Smallest Fly” (Diptera: Phoridae)


Megapropodiphora arnoldi
Brown, 2018

Flies of the family Phoridae (Insecta: Diptera) are amongst the most diverse insects in the world, with an incredible array of species, structures and life histories. Wiithin their structural diversity is the world's smallest fly, Euryplatea nanaknihali Brown, 2012.

New information:
A second minute, limuloid female phorid parasitoid fly (Diptera: Phoridae) is described. Known from a single specimen from a site near Manaus, Brazil, Megapropodiphora arnoldi gen. n., sp. n. is only 0.395 mm in body length, slightly smaller than the currently recognised smallest fly, Euryplatea nanaknihali from Thailand. The distinctive body shape of M. arnoldi, particularly the relatively enormous head, mesothorax and scutellum, the latter of which covers most of the abdomen, easily separates it from other described phorids. Most remarkably, the forelegs are extremely enlarged, whereas mid- and hind legs are reduced to small, possibly vestigial remnants. A possible male specimen, unfortunately destroyed during processing, is briefly described.

Keywords: tropical, parasitoid, biodiversity, taxonomy

Figure 2. Megapropodiphora arnoldi sp. n., female, dorsal view. Body length=0.395 mm.
Figure 3. Megapropodiphora arnoldi sp. n., female, ventral view. Legs re-arranged for easier viewing. Structure of mid- and hind legs approximate.
Drawing by T. Hayden.

Megapropodiphora  Brown, 2018, gen. n.
Type species: Megapropodiphora arnoldi Brown 2018, sp. n.

Diagnosis: There are a small number of minute, limuloid phorid genera in the world. In the New World tropics, the only relatively similar genera have large, differentiated frontal setae that are several times longer than the short frontal setae and do not have the scutellum covering the abdomen (Brown 1993). The Old World species of the genus Euryplatea Schmitz, likewise differ by having the abdomen not covered by the scutellum and by having a solid, triangular wing rudiment (Brown 2012).

Megapropodiphora arnoldi Brown 2018, sp. n.

Diagnosis: Female. Minute, limuloid; body setae scattered, sparse; wing with shed blades and short costa; head and scutum large, scutellum covering almost entire abdomen; oviscape thin, pointed, indicating a parasitoid lifestyle. Edge of scutum lateroventrally extended, posteriorly ending in narrowed flange (Fig. 4). Forelegs greatly enlarged; mid- and hind legs reduced.

Similar genera. Males of Brachycosta Prado, 1976, have a short costa, but much longer than that of Megapropodiphora gen. n., are much larger in size and have a larger frons and head. Females of this new genus are differentiated from all other phorids by minute size, leg structure and elongation of the scutellum to cover the abdomen.

Etymology: The genus name is Latin for large foreleg, referring to the structure of the female. The specific epithet refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California, whose own greatly enlarged forelimbs distinguished him in his pre-political careers.

Distribution: Amazonian Brazil

Biology: Unknown, but almost certainly a parasitoid. The torn wing membrane is reminiscent of other phorid flies that shed their wings when entering a social insect colony. It seems likely that the greatly enlarged forelegs are used to clutch a host, upon which the small, rounded body would appear similar to that of many phoretic mites.

Figure 4. Megapropodiphora arnoldi sp. n., female, dorsal, slightly oblique. Photomicrograph by B. Brown.

  Brian V. Brown. 2018. A Second Contender for “World’s Smallest Fly” (Diptera: Phoridae). Biodiversity Data Journal. 6; e22396.  DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.6.e22396

[Cnidaria • 2018] Revision of the Genus Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958 (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) with the Description of Three New Species


Adelogorgia osculabunda, A. hannibalis & A. adusta 
 Breedy & Guzman, 2018 


The genus Adelogorgia is distinguished from other holaxonians in having conspicuously ornamented double-disc sclerites and leaf clubs in the coenenchyme, and non-mineralised axis cores. The two eastern Pacific species currently recognised as Adelogorgia are diagnosed and illustrated. Three new species for the genus are described from new localities and depth ranges. Analysis of external and internal characters, especially sclerite colours and sizes, and colony colour, shape and branching, allows separating the species. An identification key to the five species is provided, as well as a character table for comparisons. This study was based on newly collected specimens from 50 to 200 m deep, and re-examination of all historical material. We conclude that the genus comprises five valid species with a wider distribution than previously reported. This research is a contribution to the octocoral systematics and biodiversity from mesophotic and deep waters.

Keywords: Anthozoa, Adelogorgia, Alcyonacea, biodiversity, eastern Pacific, plexaurid, soft corals, taxonomy

Class Anthozoa Ehrenberg, 1834
Subclass Octocorallia Haeckel, 1866

Order Alcyonacea Lamouroux, 1816
Family Plexauridae Gray, 1859

Genus Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958
Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958: 46; Bayer 1978: 1026–1027; Harden 1979: 137.

Type species. Adelogorgia phyllosclera Bayer, 1958 by original designation Type locality. La Jolla, California. Diagnosis (modified from Bayer, 1958; 1978). Colonies bushy, fan-shaped or sparsely branched. Branching lateral, irregular, or dichotomous; with moderately thick coenenchyme; polyps fully retractile, communicating directly with the longitudinal canal system (gastrodermal canals, solenia); anthocodia with eight subtentacular points consisting of spinous rods, not forming a distinct collaret. Polyp mounds prominent, slightly raised or flat, without specific types of sclerites, but leaf clubs concentrated around polyp apertures. Outer coenenchyme with conspicuous double discs with expansions on one side having various degrees of ornamentation; tuberculate spindles and leaf clubs. Axial sheath containing less developed spindles, radiates and capstans. Axis with wide cross-chambered central core. Loculi between lamellae and central core without mineralised filaments. Colony colours white, lemon-yellow, pink, orange and various hues of red. Sclerites of the same colours and colourless.

Distribution. The species has been reported from La Jolla, California, USA; Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (Bayer 1958, 1978); Baja California, Mexico (Harden 1979); and recently found along Pacific coast of Costa Rica and off Pacific coast of Panamá. Reported from 30 to 300 m deep (Cairns et al. 2002).

Adelogorgia phyllosclera Bayer, 1958

Adelogorgia telones Bayer, 1978

FIGURE 8. Adelogorgia osculabunda sp. nov., MZUCR 2494 (OCT-0083) (holotype)
(A) colony; (B) detail of the branches; (C) sclerites. 

Adelogorgia osculabunda sp. nov. 

Habitat and Distribution. The species has been collected by bottom trawls from sandy or muddy-sand substrata. It was also obtained from fishing lines and nets from rocky shoals, where the colonies were ripped as bycatch or were entangled in the lines from 40 to 60 m deep. Adelogorgia osculabunda was commonly collected together with Leptogorgia regis Hickson, 1928, Muricea fruticosa Verrill, 1868, Muricea subtilis Breedy and Guzman, 2016 and two Psammogorgia species. The species was found at various localities in Costa Rica, from: off Salinas Bay and Santa Elena Bay to Cape Santa Elena, Guanacaste (northern Pacific); and Punta Mala, Puntarenas (central Pacific) that suggests a wide distribution of the species along the Pacific. In Panamá, Pearl Islands, the colonies were obtained by dredging at 80 m deep, which presently represents the deepest record.

Etymology. Named osculabunda, Latin adjective derived from osculumlittle mouthkiss. In Latin context, osculabunda is the one that covers with kisses, in allusion to the red prominent polyp-mounds that cover the branches. Remarks. This species is similar to A. hannibalis in the prominent polyp-mounds showing a little darker orange contrasting with the colony colour, but is not as evident as in A. osculabunda. Thinner colonies of A. osculabunda look similar to A. hannibalis, but in A. osculabunda, the polyp-mounds are closer and stiffer than in A. hannibalis. Additionally, sclerite analysis shows clear differences between the two species.

FIGURE 10. Adelogorgia hannibalis sp. nov., STRI 1206 (holotype)
(A) colony; (B) detail of the branches; (C) sclerites. 

Adelogorgia hannibalis sp. nov. 

Habitat and Distribution. The species was found on the Hannibal Bank, a coastal guyot-type seamount that rises from approximately 500 m to 45 m, located 50 km from the mainland (Cunningham et al. 2013). The seamount is relatively protected as part of the Coiba National Park and World Heritage. The species was found on rocky substrate with strong currents. It is only known from the type locality, Hannibal Bank, from 180 to 200 m deep.

Etymology. Named after the Hannibal Bank and the surveyor USS Hannibal that discovered and charted the bank for the first time, presumably in 1934. The name Hannibal evokes the Carthaginian general, considered one of the greatest military commanders in ancient history. In genitive: hannibalis (L) meaning ¨of Hannibal¨.

FIGURE 12. Adelogorgia adusta sp. nov., STRI-HH 1220 (holotype).
(A) colony; (B) detail of the branches; (C) sclerites. B, photograph by Sean Mattson. 

Adelogorgia adusta sp. nov. 

Habitat and Distribution. The species was found in the Hannibal Bank, on rocky substrates impacted by currents. Adelogorgia adusta is only known from the type locality Hannibal Bank, from 73 to 94 m deep.

Etymology. Named adusta, Latin adjective meaning burntscorchedcharred, in allusion to the burnt appearance that the colony takes after fixation. The word adustus, in Castellan language, adusto, was evoked in verse 62 of The Fable of Polifemo and Galatea (Spanish poet Luis de Góngora) referring to the son of the Pirineo (giant mount) who supposedly was put in flames

Odalisca Breedy and Hector M. Guzman. 2018. Revision of the Genus Adelogorgia Bayer, 1958 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) with the Description of Three New Species.  Zootaxa. 4369(3); 327–348.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4369.3.2

New Fractal-like Soft Coral Species Discovered in Panama and Costa Rica  bit.ly/2E8vCxg


[Entomology • 2018] Caetitus gen. nov. • A New Genus of Neotropical Copiphorini (Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) to include C. porteri (Bolivar, 1903)


Caetitus porteri (Bolivar, 1903)

in Antunes, Takiya & Chamorro-Rengifo, 2018


Daedalellus porteri (Bolivar, 1903) was described based on a single broken female holotype collected in an undetermined locality in Brazil. This species is herein redescribed based on two males and one female collected in Caetité, Bahia State, Brazil, including its morphology of fastigium and male terminalia. Based on comparisons to other Daedalellus species and Neotropical Copiphorini genera, the new monotypic genus Caetitus gen. nov. is herein proposed. Caetitus porteri comb. nov. differs from species of Daedalellus and other related genera, such as Panacanthus, Copiphora, Borinquenula, and Lirometopum, mainly due to differences of the fastigium and male external terminalia.

Keywords: Orthoptera, brachyptery, Caetité, nomenclatural change, taxonomy, katydids

André Fonseca Antunes, Daniela Maeda Takiya and Juliana Chamorro-Rengifo. 2018. Caetitus gen. nov.: A New Genus of Neotropical Copiphorini (Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Copiphorini) to include C. porteri (Bolivar, 1903). Zootaxa. 4375(4); 578–586.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4375.4.7

[Herpetology • 2018] Systematics and Phylogeography of the Widely Distributed African Skink Trachylepis varia Species Complex: Trachylepis varia, T. damarana & T. laevigata


 Weinell & Bauer, 2018.

• A molecular systematic study was conducted for the wide-ranging Trachylepis varia complex.
• Phylogenetic analyses support the existence of at least eight species within the Trachylepis varia complex.
• The Southern African members of the Trachylepis varia complex are phenotypically distinct.
• We update the taxonomy for the southern Africa members of the Trachylepis varia complex.
• Diversification within the Trachylepis varia complex began during the mid to late Miocene or early Pliocene.

A systematic study of the Trachylepis varia complex was conducted using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers for individuals sampled across the species range. The taxonomic history of T. varia has been complicated and its broad geographic distribution and considerable phenotypic variation has made taxonomic revision difficult, leading earlier taxonomists to suggest that T. varia is a species complex. We used maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference to estimate gene trees and a multilocus time-tree, respectively, and we used these trees to identify the major clades (putative species) within T. varia. Additionally, we used morphological and color pattern data to distinguish and revise the taxonomy of the southern African clades. The major clades recovered in the multilocus time-tree were recovered in each of gene trees, although the relationships among these major clades differed across gene trees. Genetic data support the existence of at least eight species within the T. varia complex, each of which originated during the mid to late Miocene or early Pliocene. We focus our systematic discussion on the southern African members of the T. varia complex, revive Trachylepis damarana (Peters, 1870) and T. laevigata (Peters, 1869), and designate lectotypes for T. damarana and T. varia.

Keywords: Africa, Lygosominae, Phylogenetics, Phylogeography, Trachylepis damarana, Trachylepis laevigata

Trachylepis varia (Peters, 1867)
Euprepes varius Peters, 1867

Trachylepis laevigata (Peters, 1869)
Euprepes laevigatus Peters, 1869

Trachylepis damarana (Peters, 1870)
Euprepes damaranus Peters, 1870

  Trachylepis damarana from Haenertsberg, Limpopo Province, South Africa.

We find strong evidence that Trachylepis varia, T. damarana, and T. laevigata are distinct species that occur in southern Africa and that five additional, species-level clades occur north of the Zambezi and Kunene rivers, although future studies are needed to determine whether Trachylepis nyikae and Trachylepis isellii should also be recognized. The allopatric distribution and morphological distinctiveness of T. isellii (Largen and Spawls, 2010) suggests that this species is probably valid and the presence of multiple endemic species on the Nyika Plateau (Poynton, 1997; Burrows and Willis, 2005) suggests that T. nyikae may also be a valid species. Additionally, little is known about the distribution or natural history of the undescribed species sampled in Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Tanzania. Lastly, next generation DNA sequencing may be useful in resolving deeper phylogenetic relationships within the T. varia complex and for distinguishing historical gene flow from incomplete lineage sorting. This study is the first to use genetic data to address species diversity, phylogenetic history, and taxonomic issues for the T. varia complex and is an example of how both genetic and phenotypic data can be used to resolve taxonomic problems and to estimate species ranges.

 Jeffrey L. Weinell and Aaron M. Bauer. 2018. Systematics and Phylogeography of the Widely Distributed African Skink Trachylepis varia Species Complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.  120; 103-117. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2017.11.014

[Botany • 2018] Nephelaphyllum maliauensis • A New Species (Orchidaceae; Collabiinae) from the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo, with A Discussion of the Taxonomic Identities of N. pulchrum, N. latilabre and N. flabellatum


 Nephelaphyllum maliauensis

in Suetsugu, Suleiman & Tsukaya, 2018

Nephelaphyllum is a relatively small genus, containing only 11 species distributed from China through Indochina to Thailand and from Peninsular Malaysia eastwards through Indonesia to the Philippines (Chan et al. 1994). The species are easily recognised, even when not in flower, by their characteristic light green or yellowish leaves and dark green venation and blotches (Comber 1990). All species grow in deep, well-drained humus in dark conditions on the forest floor, especially in areas without severe dry seasons (Comber 1990).

Keywords: Orchidaceae, Collabiinae, Monocots

 Nephelaphyllum maliauensis Suetsugu, M.Suleiman & Tsukaya, sp. nov.

Kenji Suetsugu, Monica Suleiman and Hirokazu Tsukaya. 2018. Nephelaphyllum maliauensis (Orchidaceae; Collabiinae), A New Species from the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo, with A Discussion of the Taxonomic Identities of N. pulchrumNlatilabre and N. flabellatum.   Phytotaxa. 336(1); 89–94. DOI:  10.11646/phytotaxa.336.1.7

[PaleoMammalogy • 2017] Gomphotherium tassyi • A New Species of Gomphotherium (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from China and the Evolution of Gomphotherium in Eurasia


Gomphotherium tassyi
 Wang, Li, Duangkrayom, Yang, He & Chen, 2017

Gomphotherium is a stem taxon of Elephantida that was widespread in Africa, Eurasia, and North America during the Miocene. However, the evolution of this genus is greatly debated because of morphological variation among the species of Gomphotherium. In the present work, we describe a cranium and accompanying material of Gomphotherium from the late middle Miocene Hujialiang Formation of Linxia Basin, China. The new material shows dental similarities to G. subtapiroideum from the middle Miocene of Europe; however, it displays some cranial, mandibular, and dental feature combinations that are distinct from the known species of Gomphotherium. Therefore, a new speciesGomphotherium tassyi, is established. We further study the phylogeny of Gomphotherium by cladistic analysis and recognize four groups. The most basal ‘G. annectens group’ is a paraphyletic group that includes G. annectens, G. cooperi, G. sylvaticum, and G. hannibali. The African taxa, G. libycum and G. pygmaeus, constitute a monophyletic group that has not been named. The ‘G. angustidens group’ is a monophyletic group that includes G. inopinatum, G. mongoliense, G. connexum, and G. angustidens. In addition, the ‘derived Gomphotherium group,’ which includes G. subtapiroideum, G. tassyi, G. wimani, G. browni, G. productum, and G. steinheimense, was widely distributed in Eurasia and North America during the middle and late Miocene.


Shi-Qi Wang, Yu Li, Jaroon Duangkrayom, Xiang-Wen Yang, Wen He and Shan-Qin Chen. 2017.  A New Species of Gomphotherium (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from China and the Evolution of Gomphotherium in Eurasia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37(3); DOI:  10.1080/02724634.2017.1318284   

[Botany • 2018] Rediscovery of the Presumed-Extinct Dracaena umbraculifera || A Botanical Mystery Solved by Phylogenetic Analysis of Botanical Garden Collections


Dracaena umbraculifera  Jacq.

in Edwards, Bassüner, Birkinshaw, et al. 2018.
photograph by A. Lehavana  ||  stlpublicradio.org

Extinction is the complete loss of a species, but the accuracy of that status depends on the overall information about the species. Dracaena umbraculifera was described in 1797 from a cultivated plant attributed to Mauritius, but repeated surveys failed to relocate it and it was categorized as Extinct on the IUCN Red List. However, several individuals labelled as D. umbraculifera grow in botanical gardens, suggesting that the species’ IUCN status may be inaccurate. The goal of this study was to understand (1) where D. umbraculifera originated, (2) which species are its close relatives, (3) whether it is extinct, and (4) the identity of the botanical garden accessions and whether they have conservation value. We sequenced a cpDNA region of Dracaena from Mauritius, botanical garden accessions labelled as D. umbraculifera, and individuals confirmed to be D. umbraculifera based on morphology, one of which is a living plant in a private garden. We included GenBank accessions of Dracaena from Madagascar and other locations and reconstructed the phylogeny using Bayesian and parsimony approaches. Phylogenies indicated that D. umbraculifera is more closely related to Dracaena reflexa from Madagascar than to Mauritian Dracaena. As anecdotal information indicated that the living D. umbraculifera originated from Madagascar, we conducted field expeditions there and located five wild populations; the species’ IUCN status should therefore be Critically Endangered because < 50 wild individuals remain. Although the identity of many botanical garden samples remains unresolved, this study highlights the importance of living collections for facilitating new discoveries and the importance of documenting and conserving the flora of Madagascar.

Keywords: Botanical garden, Dracaena reflexa, Dracaena umbraculifera, extinction, living collections, Madagascar, Mauritius, phylogeny reconstruction

The original illustration of Dracaena umbraculifera from Jacquin (1797) 

Dracaena umbraculifera in Ile Sainte-Marie in full flower
photograph by A. Lehavana 

Christine E. Edwards, Burgund Bassüner, Chris Birkinshaw, Christian Camara,  Adolphe Lehavana, Porter P. Lowry, James S. Miller, Andrew Wyatt and Peter Wyse Jackson. 2018. A Botanical Mystery solved by Phylogenetic Analysis of Botanical Garden Collections: the Rediscovery of the Presumed-Extinct Dracaena umbraculifera. Oryx. DOI: 10.1017/S0030605317001570 

MoBot scientists use DNA testing to bring an African plant out of extinction news.stlpublicradio.org/post/mobot-scientists-use-dna-testing-bring-african-plant-out-extinction
Presumed-extinct 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘦𝘯𝘢 𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘢 rediscovered! Botanical mystery solved by phylogenetic analysis of botanical garden collections  bit.ly/2ANB5WN 

[Botany • 2018] Aristolochia sinoburmanica • A New Species (Aristolochiaceae) from north Myanmar


Aristolochia sinoburmanica Y.H.Tan & B.Yang

in Yang, Ding, Zhou, Zhu, Li, Maw & Tan, 2018

Aristolochia sinoburmanica Y.H.Tan & B.Yang, a new species of Aristolochiaceae from Putao, Kachin State, Myanmar, is described and illustrated. According to morphology (strongly curved perianth, 3-lobed limb, as well as 3-lobed gynostemium, anthers 6, adnate in 3 pairs to the base of gynostemium, opposite to the lobes), the species belongs to Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia. It is morphologically similar to A. faviogonzalezii, A. hainanensis, A. tonkinensis, A. saccata and A. xuanlienensis. The major differences between them are outlined and discussed. A detailed description, along with line drawings, photographs, habitat, distribution and conservation status, as well as a comparison to morphologically similar species, are also provided.

Keywords: Kachin state, Aristolochia, Aristolochiaceae, field expedition, Myanmar

Figure 2. Aristolochia sinoburmanica  Y.H.Tan & B.Yang, sp. nov.
 A young branch and adaxial leaf B young branch and abaxial leaf C cymes on old woody stems D front view of preanthesis flower E front view of open flower F lateral view of open flower G lateral view of young flower H longitudinal section of flower I gynostemium, ovary and pedicel. (Photographed by Y. H. Tan, H. B. Ding & B. Yang). 

Aristolochia sinoburmanica Y.H.Tan & B.Yang, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Aristolochia sinoburmanica is morphologically similar to A. hainanensis Merrill, A. saccata Wallich, A. xuanlienensis (Huong et al. 2014), A. faviogonzalezii T. V. Do, S. Wanke & C. Neinhuis and A. tonkinensis T.V. Do & S. Wanke from Vietnam (Do et al. 2015a), but is distinguishable from these species by the following diagnostic characters: leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate to narrowly ovate, subcoriaceous, base rounded to slightly cordate; cyme solitary on old woody stems and young branches, each cyme with 1–2 flowers; perianth claret (deep purple red), outside densely brown hirsute with parallel dark purple veins, 6.5–7.5 cm high; tube horseshoe-shaped, 8.3–8.5 cm, uniformly claret (deep purple red), with visible dark purple veins, limb trumpet-shaped, 4.2–4.8 cm high, 4–4.4 cm wide, 3-lobed, lobes subequal; throat deep purple red, glabrous.

Etymology: The species epithet refers to the type locality in Myanmar and adjacent regions of China. It also shows that the two countries are friendly neighbours, their friendship being retained over a long period and also expresses our appreciation for the whole-hearted cooperation amongst members of the China-Myanmar joint expedition.

Distribution and habitat: Aristolochia sinoburmanica is hitherto known from the type locality of Putao, Kachin state in north Myanmar and adjacent regions of Gongshan County, northwest Yunnan, southwest China, where, according to one sheet of the specimen deposited in KUN, it is a perennial liana which grows under the montane broadleaf forests, at an elevation of ca. 900–1400 m.

Discussion: Aristolochia sinoburmanica is morphologically similar to A. faviogonzalezii, A. hainanensis, A. tonkinensis, A. saccata and A. xuanlienensis. However, the new species differs from the aforementioned species in several important vegetative and reproductive characters (summarised in Table 1). A. sinoburmanica, with a horseshoe-shaped perianth of 3 lobes which are valvate in preanthesis, annulated perianth throat and gynostemium with trilobed stigma on top, each lobe consisting of one pair of stamens, belongs to the Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia (Wanke et al. 2006, Do et al. 2015a).This new discovery, along with several new species recently described from Vietnam (Huong et al. 2014, Do et al. 2014, 2015a, 2015b), Guangxi and Hainan Island, China (Xu et al. 2011, Huang et al. 2013, Wu et al. 2013) and Peninsular Malaysia (Yao 2012), provide evidence that the genus Aristolochia and, in particular, Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia is very diverse in South-East Asia. Currently there are only 12 Aristolochia species recorded in Myanmar (Kress et al. 2003), indicating that the species diversity of Aristolochia in Myanmar is still open to discovery. It is predicted that more new species will be discovered when more field investigations are conducted in this region.

Bin Yang, Hong-Bo Ding, Shi-Shun Zhou, Xinxin Zhu, Ren Li, Mya Bhone Maw and Yun-Hong Tan. 2018. Aristolochia sinoburmanica (Aristolochiaceae), A New Species from north Myanmar. PhytoKeys. 94: 13-22.  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.94.21557

[Entomology • 2018] Morphological Convergences in Ameles and Pseudoyersinia (Insecta: Mantodea): Taxonomic Implications of Wing Reduction and Flight Predisposition in some West-Mediterranean Amelini


Ameles andreae (Galvagni, 1976)

in Battiston, Correas, Lombardo, Mouna, Payne & Schütte, 2018.


Species in the genus Ameles Burmeister and Pseudoyersinia Kirby (Amelini) are traditionally defined as small-sized, ground-dwelling mantids whose males are distinct for being, respectively, macropterous and brachypterous. However, comparative morphological studies across Amelini confirmed the existence of short-winged males in Ameles, suggesting that this traditional diagnostic concept does not apply to all species. Our analyses of several species from West Mediterranean localities (Canary Islands, Spain, Italy, and Morocco) resulted in the relocation of Pseudoyersinia andreae Galvagni, 1976 to Ameles as Ameles andreae (Galvagni, 1976) (n. comb.) with Ameles insularis Agabiti, Ippolito & Lombardo, 2010 as its new synonym (n. syn.), the clarification of the taxonomic identity of A. gracilis (Brullé, 1838) and A. maroccana Uvarov, 1931, including diagnoses of their males, and the description of Ameles spallanzania obscura (n. ssp.) (from Spain). We also take the opportunity to describe Pseudoyersinia maroccana (n. sp.) (from Morocco) based on museum specimens separating it from Ameles maroccana Uvarov, 1931. We also found that wing length is positively correlated to ocelli size. We discuss this trend from an ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic perspectives to both facilitate species circumscription and justify the taxonomic modifications herein introduced.

Keywords: Mantodea, Ameles, mantids, new species, ecology, flight, wing reduction, colour, biogeography

Roberto Battiston, José Correas, Francesca Lombardo, Mohamed  Mouna, Keith Payne and Kai Schütte. 2018. Morphological Convergences in Ameles Burmeister and Pseudoyersinia Kirby: Taxonomic Implications of Wing Reduction and Flight Predisposition in some West-Mediterranean Amelini (Insecta: Mantodea). Zootaxa. 4377(1); 21–38.  DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4377.1.2

[Herpetology • 2018] Cornufer exedrus • A New Miniature Melanesian Forest Frog (Ceratobatrachidae: Cornufer) from New Britain Island, Constituting the First Record of the Subgenus Batrachylodes from Outside of the Solomon Archipelago


Cornufer exedrus
Travers, Richards, Broadhead & Brown, 2018


We describe a new species of Cornufer, subgenus Batrachylodes, from high-elevation forests of New Britain Island in the Bismarck Archipelago of Eastern Melanesia. The new species, Cornufer exedrus sp. nov., is a biogeographically disjunct member of the Batrachylodes clade, representing the first record of the subgenus from outside of the Solomon Archipelago. The new species is a small terrestrial form from dense, closed-canopy forests above 1500 meters elevation in the Nakanai Mountains of eastern New Britain. It differs from its closest relatives, the other members of the subgenus Batrachylodes, on the basis of its minute body size, degree of digital disc expansion, reduced subdigital tuberculation, color pattern, and other traits related to its small size. We also provide a description of the new species’ simple advertisement call. The diversity of ceratobatrachid frogs of the Bismarck Archipelago is most likely still underestimated despite several recent surveys. Our understanding of evolutionary trends and species boundaries in the subgenus Batrachylodes currently is hampered by lack of genetic samples and call recordings corresponding to voucher specimens of the endemic species of Bougainville Island.

Keywords: Amphibia, Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea, Southwest Pacific, Sticky-toed frogs, advertisement calls

 Scott L. Travers, Stephen J. Richards,  Taylor S. Broadhead and Rafe M. Brown. 2018. A New Miniature Melanesian Forest Frog (Ceratobatrachidae: Cornufer) from New Britain Island, Constituting the First Record of the Subgenus Batrachylodes from Outside of the Solomon Archipelago. Zootaxa. 4370(1); 23–44.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4370.1.2

[Herpetology • 2018] Oligosoma hoparatea • A New Species of Scincid Lizard in the Genus Oligosoma (Reptilia: Scincidae) from the mid-Canterbury high country, New Zealand


Oligosoma hoparatea
Whitaker, Chapple, Hitchmough, Lettink & Patterson, 2018


New Zealand has a diverse, endemic skink fauna, which is recognised as the most species rich skink assemblage of any cool temperate region on earth. All native New Zealand skink species are assigned to a single genus, Oligosoma Girard. A new species of Oligosoma is described from screes in montane tussock grassland in the mid-Canterbury high country, New Zealand, where it is currently known from four sites on two mountain ranges. The new species (Oligosoma hoparatea sp. nov.) can be distinguished from all congeners by a combination of mid-body scale row and lamellae counts, scale morphologies, and a bold striped pattern with smooth-edged, dark lateral bands. It is part of the O. longipes Patterson species complex, and occurs in sympatry with its closest relative, O. aff. longipes ‘southern’. The species is currently highly threatened, and is listed as Nationally Critical in New Zealand. Predation by a suite of introduced mammals is assumed to be a major threat to its survival.

Keywords: Reptilia, Conservation, Oligosoma hoparatea sp. nov., morphology, taxonomy

Tony Whitaker, David G. Chapple, Rodney A. Hitchmough, Marieke Lettink and Geoff B. Patterson. 2018. A New Species of Scincid Lizard in the Genus Oligosoma (Reptilia: Scincidae) from the mid-Canterbury high country, New Zealand. Zootaxa. 4377(2); 269–279. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4377.2.7

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