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[Botany • 2018] Hoya phuluangensis • A New Species of Hoya (Marsdenieae), Three New Combinations and Two New Names in Vincetoxicum (Asclepiadeae) from Thailand


Hoya phuluangensis  Kidyoo  
in Kidyoo & Kidyoo, 2018. 

Hoya phuluangensis Kidyoo, a new species from northeastern Thailand is here described and compared to the similar species, H. rostellata and H. siamica. All three species have glabrous stems and branches, glabrous coriaceous leaves, adaxially puberulent ovate corolla lobes with an acute apex, and flat to slightly erect coronal scales with an obtuse or rounded apex. However, H. phuluangensis differs from the other two species in the following characters: flowers with a shallow cup-shaped corolla tube and a corona diameter measuring less than half of the corolla tube diameter. Full description of H. phuluangensis is provided, together with line drawings and photographs. In addition, three new combinations and two new names in the genus Vincetoxicum, namely V. indicum (Burm.f.) Mabb. var. glabrum (Decne.) A. Kidyoo, V. kerrii (Craib) A. Kidyoo, V. sootepense (Craib) A. Kidyoo, V. lindleyi A. Kidyoo and V. potamophilum A. Kidyoo, are proposed.

Keyword: Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Hill evergreen, Hoya phuluangensis, Thailand, Vincetoxicum

Aroonrat Kidyoo and Manit Kidyoo. 2018. A New Species of Hoya (Marsdenieae), Three New Combinations and Two New Names in Vincetoxicum (Asclepiadeae) from Thailand. Taiwania. 63(1); 25-31.  DOI:  10.6165/tai.2018.63.25

[Herpetology • 2018] Hyperolius stictus • A New Reed Frog (Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius) from coastal northeastern Mozambique


Hyperolius stictus 
Conradie, Verburgt, Portik, Ohler, Bwong & Lawson, 2018


A new species of African reed frog (genus Hyperolius Rapp, 1842) is described from the Coastal Forests of the Eastern Africa Biodiversity Hotspot in northeastern Mozambique. It is currently only known from less than ten localities associated with the Mozambican coastal pans system, but may also occur in the southeastern corner of Tanzania. Phylogenetic reconstructions using the mitochondrial 16S marker revealed that it is the sister taxon of Hyperolius mitchelli (>5.6% 16S mtDNA sequence divergence) and forms part of a larger H. mitchelli complex with H. mitchelli and H. rubrovermiculatus. The new species is distinguished from other closely related Hyperolius species by genetic divergence, morphology, vocalisation, and dorsal colouration.

Keywords: Amphibia, Amphibian, endemic, coastal pans

 Werner Conradie, Luke Verburgt, Daniel M. Portik, Annemarie Ohler, Beryl A. Bwong and Lucinda P. Lawson. 2018. A New Reed Frog (Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius) from coastal northeastern Mozambique. Zootaxa. 4379(2); 177–198.   DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4379.2.2

[Herpetology • 2018] Liolaemus absconditus • A New Species of the Liolaemus alticolor-bibronii Group (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from East-central Argentina


Liolaemus absconditus 
Vega, Quinteros, Stellatelli, Bellagamba, Block & Madrid, 2018

We describe a new species of Liolaemus of the L. alticolor-bibronii group of the subgenus Liolaemus sensu stricto. We studied meristic, morphometric and qualitative pattern characters. Statistical tests were performed in order to evaluate morphological differences among the candidate species and the most closely geographically distributed species. Molecular analyses of Cyt-b mitochondrial gene were performed in order to estimate the position of the new species in relation to other taxa. We also recorded natural history data such as habitat, behavior, reproductive state, diet, and body temperature. Liolaemus absconditus sp. nov. differs from other species of Liolaemus in presenting a distinct combination of morphological character states of lepidosis and color pattern, being phylogenetically close to Liolaemus tandiliensis, Liolaemus gracilis and Liolaemus saxatilis. The new species is a saxicolous and endemic lizard of the Tandilia Mountain Range System of Buenos Aires Province.

Keywords: Reptilia, Argentinean Pampas, Endemic, Lizard, Rocky habitat, new taxon

Laura Estela Vega, Andrés Sebastián Quinteros, Oscar Aníbal Stellatelli, Patricio Juan Bellagamba, Carolina Block and Enrique Alberto Madrid. 2018. A New Species of the Liolaemus alticolor-bibronii Group (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from East-central Argentina.  Zootaxa. 4379(4); 539–555.   DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4379.4.6

[Paleontology • 2018] The Nemegt Basin — One of the Best Field Laboratories for Interpreting Late Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems


A herd of Saurolophus angustirostris moves along a river bank after a storm in the Cretaceous Nemegt Basin. The feet of the large herbivores sink into the soft sediment crushing the skull of a Tarbosaurus bataar that was lying in the mud.

 Illustration based on specimen MPC-D107/05 collected at the Nemegt locality (Nemegt Formation) and discovered by J.Ed. Horton. Artwork by Davide Bonadonna.

Fanti, Bell, Currie & Tsogtbaatar, 2018. 
  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 494

• The Nemegt Basin is perhaps the most important fossil-bearing region of Mongolia.
• The unique fossils of Mongolia have sparked an explosion of illegal fossil poaching in the country.
• We introduce multidisciplinary methodologies to understand the Cretaceous Nemegt ecosystem.
• We discuss biotic response to local and large-scale Nemegt paleocological dynamics.

 Keywords: Mongolia, Late Cretaceous, Paleoecology, Stratigraphy, Vertebrate paleontology

Fig. 1: A herd of Saurolophus angustirostris moves along a river bank after a storm in the Cretaceous Nemegt Basin. The feet of the large herbivores sink into the soft sediment crushing the skull of a Tarbosaurus bataar that was lying in the mud. Illustration based on specimen MPC-D107/05 collected at the Nemegt locality (Nemegt Formation) and discovered by J.Ed. Horton.
Artwork by Davide Bonadonna. 

  Federico Fanti, Phil R. Bell, Philip J. Currie and Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar. 2018. The Nemegt Basin — One of the Best Field Laboratories for Interpreting Late Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems [Dedicated to Ryszard Gradziński, Ivan Antonovĭc Efremov, and Demchig Badamgarav whose pioneer work unraveled the unique Late Cretaceous Nemegt ecosystems.]. [in Federico Fanti, Phil Bell, Philip Currie and Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar (eds.). 2018. The Late Cretaceous Nemegt Ecosystem: Diversity, Ecology, and Geological Signature.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 494; 1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.07.014 

[Paleontology | Ichnotaxa • 2018] Sauripes hadongensis • Lizards ran Bipedally 110 Million Years Ago


Sauripes hadongensis Lee, Lee, Fiorillo & Lü, 2018

A reconstruction of a lizard running bipedally chased by the pterosaur 
Pteraichnus koreanensis, based on the trackway.  
Illustration: Chuang Zhao

Four heteropod lizard trackways discovered in the Hasandong Formation (Aptian-early Albian), South Korea assigned toSauripeshadongensis, n. ichnogen., n. ichnosp., which represents the oldest lizard tracks in the world. Most tracks are pes tracks (N = 25) that are very small, average 22.29 mm long and 12.46 mm wide. The pes tracks show “typical” lizard morphology as having curved digit imprints that progressively increase in length from digits I to IV, a smaller digit V that is separated from the other digits by a large interdigital angle. The manus track is 19.18 mm long and 19.23 mm wide, and shows a different morphology from the pes. The predominant pes tracks, the long stride length of pes, narrow trackway width, digitigrade manus and pes prints, and anteriorly oriented long axis of the fourth pedal digit indicate that these trackways were made by lizards running bipedally, suggesting that bipedality was possible early in lizard evolution.

Figure 1 Photograph and drawing of lizard trackways on the block.

Figure 5 A reconstruction of a lizard running bipedally chased by the pterosaur Pteraichnus koreanensis, based on the trackway (Drawn by Chuang Zhao).

Systematic ichnology
Order Squamata Oppel, 1811

Sauripeshadongensis ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.

Etymology: Ichnogenus named from ancient Greek “sauros” (lizard) and “pes” (foot). Ichnospecies named after Hadong County that yielded the holotype.

Holotype: Manus and pes prints on a mudstone slab (70 × 30 cm) (KIGAM VP 201501: Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Vertebrate Paleontology).

Type locality and horizon: Hasandong Formation, Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-early Albian), an abandoned quarry next to Hadong power plant, Hadong County, South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea.

Diagnosis: Quadrupedal tracks; manus prints are medial to the pes prints; the pes prints are larger than the manus prints; plantigrade and pentadactyl pes prints are longer than wide; the digit length progressively increasing from digits I to IV (ectaxonic); digit V is oriented more laterally and offset from other digits; digit imprint IV is more than twice the length of the metatarsal impression; plantigrade and pentadactyl manus print has similar length and width dimensions; digits II and IV are shorter than digit III (mesaxonic); the interdigital angle between digits I and V of the manus is larger than that of the pes.

Figure 2 Manus and pes tracks ofSauripes hadongensis, n. ichnogen., n. ichnosp. (a) Enlarged photograph and drawing of a manus imprint (B1). (b) A pes imprint (A6). Scale bars equal 1 cm.

Figure 3 Pes tracks of Sauripes hadongensis, n. ichnogen., n. ichnosp. (a) Enlarged photograph and drawing of a pes imprint (A3). (b) A pes imprint (B8). (c) A pes imprint (B9). Scale bars equal 1 cm.

Hang-Jae Lee, Yuong-Nam Lee, Anthony R. Fiorillo and Junchang Lü. 2018. Lizards ran Bipedally 110 Million Years Ago.  Scientific Reports. 8, Article number: 2617.  DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-20809-z

Fossil Footprints Are Oldest Traces of Lizards Running on Two Legs on.natgeo.com/2F5CSKK via @NatGeo

[Entomology • 2018] Comprehensive and Dated Phylogenomic Analysis of Butterflies


in Espeland, Breinholt, Willmott, et al. 2018.

• Phylogenomic data provide a novel view of broad butterfly evolutionary relationships
• Most current diversity originated after the K-Pg mass extinction
• Many accepted higher taxa are para- or polyphyletic
• Ant association originated three times independently in blues and metalmarks

Butterflies (Papilionoidea), with over 18,000 described species, have captivated naturalists and scientists for centuries. They play a central role in the study of speciation, community ecology, biogeography, climate change, and plant-insect interactions and include many model organisms and pest species. However, a robust higher-level phylogenetic framework is lacking. To fill this gap, we inferred a dated phylogeny by analyzing the first phylogenomic dataset, including 352 loci (> 150,000 bp) from 207 species representing 98% of tribes, a 35-fold increase in gene sampling and 3-fold increase in taxon sampling over previous studies. Most data were generated with a new anchored hybrid enrichment (AHE) gene kit (BUTTERFLY1.0) that includes both new and frequently used (e.g., [6]) informative loci, enabling direct comparison and future dataset merging with previous studies. Butterflies originated around 119 million years ago (mya) in the late Cretaceous, but most extant lineages diverged after the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass-extinction 65 mya. Our analyses support swallowtails (Papilionidae) as sister to all other butterflies, followed by skippers (Hesperiidae) + the nocturnal butterflies (Hedylidae) as sister to the remainder, indicating a secondary reversal from diurnality to nocturnality. The whites (Pieridae) were strongly supported as sister to brush-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae) and blues + metalmarks (Lycaenidae and Riodinidae). Ant association independently evolved once in Lycaenidae and twice in Riodinidae. This study overturns prior notions of the taxon’s evolutionary history, as many long-recognized subfamilies and tribes are para- or polyphyletic. It also provides a much-needed backbone for a revised classification of butterflies and for future comparative studies including genome evolution and ecology.

Our study confirms the power of phylogenomic approaches to resolve challenging arthropod phylogenetic relationships. Adding more than 340 genes to the 10 used previously and tripling the number of taxa included in previous studies confirmed some formerly poorly supported nodes and indicated many novel relationships. A well-supported phylogeny with broad coverage across tribes enables tests of existing hypotheses about higher-level relationships and identification of areas needing further study. Critically, it also serves as a needed scaffold for testing entirely new questions about the tempo and mode of butterfly evolution, such as associations between butterfly and plant clades and the impact of the K-Pg mass-extinction event. Moreover, the phylogeny provides the needed framework for broad comparative studies of the origins of key innovations, such as caterpillar-ant symbioses and other hypothesized drivers of lineage diversification, that have shaped the evolution of this highly studied insect group.

Marianne Espeland, Jesse Breinholt, Keith R. Willmott, Andrew D. Warren, Roger Vila, Emmanuel F.A. Toussaint, Sarah C. Maunsell, Kwaku Aduse-Poku, Gerard Talavera, Rod Eastwood, Marta A. Jarzyna, Robert Guralnick, David J. Lohman, Naomi E. Pierce and Akito Y. Kawahara. 2018. A Comprehensive and Dated Phylogenomic Analysis of Butterflies. Current Biology. In Press.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.01.061

At last, butterflies get a bigger, better evolutionary tree http://phy.so/437934009 via @physorg_com

[Ichthyology • 2018] Enneapterygius velatus • A New Deepwater Triplefin (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan


Enneapterygius velatus
Tashiro, Senou & Motomura, 2018

A new deepwater speciesEnneapterygius velatus sp. nov. (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae), is described from two male specimens from Ryukyu Island, southern Japan, the holotype having been collected at a depth of 55 m and an underwater photograph taken between 30 and 41 m depth. The new species is characterized by an extremely long first dorsal-fin spine (length 31.6–34.0 % of SL), the first dorsal-fin spine bases close together, first dorsal-fin base length less than half the distance between the base of the third spine of the first dorsal-fin and origin of second dorsal-fin, first dorsal-fin spine base with developed inclinator muscles, long pelvic fins (tip of second ray extending beyond anal-fin origin), large body scales (8 circumpeduncular scales), the supratemporal sensory canals deeply U-shaped in dorsal view, snout profile weakly rounded, abdomen from between pelvic-fin bases to anal-fin origin covered by cycloid scales, body lacking significant blackish blotches and caudal-fin base with scattered melanophores in preserved specimens.

Keywords: Description, Enneapterygius mirabilis, Enneapterygius tutuilae, Deep-reef, Morphology 

Fig. 4 Underwater photograph of Enneapterygius velatus sp. nov. from Okinawa-jima Island, Japan, 30–41 m depth, 14 May 2012. Photo by T. Katano 

Enneapterygius velatus sp. nov.
(New English name: Sail Triplefin; new Japanese name: Hotate-hebigimpo) 

Distribution. Currently known only from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan [Amami-oshima Island (Amami Islands), and Okinawa-jima and Kume-jima islands (Okinawa Islands)], the Okinawa-jima record being based on an underwater photograph taken at a depth between 30–41 m (Fig. 4). The species inhabits relatively deep reefs. The holotype was collected from a rubble bottom in the outer edge of coral reefs at a depth of 55 m.

Etymology. The specific name “velatus” is derived from Latin meaning “sail”, in reference to the high first dorsal-fin of the species.

Satokuni Tashiro, Hiroshi Senou and Hiroyuki Motomura. 2018. Enneapterygius velatus, A New Deepwater Triplefin (Perciformes: Tripterygiidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. Ichthyological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10228-018-0617-8

[Entomology • 2018] Revision of the Genus Callipia Guenée, 1858 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), with the Description of 15 New Taxa


Callipia rosetta Thierry-Mieg, 1904
C. walterfriedlii  Brehm, 2018
C. augustae Brehm, 2018

   DOI:  10.5852/ejt.2018.404 


The vividly coloured Neotropical genus Callipia Guenée (1858) (Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758, Geometridae (Leach, 1815), Larentiinae (Leach, 1815), Stamnodini Forbes, 1948) is revised and separated into four species groups, according to a provisional phylogeny based on Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene data and morphology. 

Fourteen new species are described using COI data and morphology:
a) in the balteata group: C. fiedleri sp. nov.,C. jakobi sp. nov., C. lamasi sp. nov.;
b) in the vicinaria group:C. hausmanni sp. nov., C. walterfriedlii sp. nov.;
c) in the parrhasiata group: C. augustae sp. nov.,C. jonai sp. nov., C. karsholti sp. nov.,C. levequei sp. nov., C. milleri sp. nov., C. sihvoneni sp. nov., C. wojtusiaki sp. nov. and
d) in the constantinaria group: C. hiltae sp. nov., C. rougeriei sp. nov.
 One new subspecies is described: C. wojtusiaki septentrionalis subsp. nov. 

Two species are revived from synonymy:C. intermedia Dognin, 1914 stat. rev. and C. occulta Warren, 1904 stat. rev. 

The taxon hamaria Sperry, 1951 is transferred from being a junior synonym of C. constantinaria Oberthür, 1881 to being a junior synonym of C. occultastat. rev. The taxon admirabilis Warren, 1904 is confirmed as being a junior synonym of C. paradisea Thierry-Mieg, 1904. The taxon languescens Warren, 1904 is confirmed as being a junior synonym of C. rosetta, Thierry-Mieg, 1904 and the taxon confluens Warren, 1905 is confirmed as being a junior synonym of C. balteata Warren, 1905. 

The status of the remaining species is not changed: C. aurata Warren, 1904, C. brenemanae Sperry, 1951, C. parrhasiata Guenée, 1858, C. flagrans Warren, 1904, C. fulvida Warren, 1907 and C. vicinaria Dognin. 

All here recognised 26 species are illustrated and the available molecular genetic information of 25 species, including Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) for most of the taxa is provided. The almost threefold increase from 10 to 26 valid species shows that species richness of tropical moths is strongly underestimated even in relatively conspicuous taxa. Callipia occurs from medium to high elevations in wet parts of the tropical and subtropical Andes from Colombia to northern Argentina. The early stages and host plants are still unknown.

Keywords: Callipia; taxonomy; Andes; insect; Neotropics

Figs 131–138. Living specimens and habitats. 131. Callipia rosetta Thierry-Mieg, 1904, ♂, Ecuador, Loja province, Podocarpus National Park, Cajanuma, 2897 m, 26 Mar. 2011. The specimen was attracted to light and benumbed. 132. Elfin forests are a habitat of C. rosetta Thierry-Mieg, 1904 and C. walterfriedlii sp. nov., Ecuador, Loja province, Podocarpus National Park, Cajanuma, 3000 m, 30 Jan. 2013. 133. C. walterfriedlii sp. nov., ♀, Ecuador, Loja province, Podocarpus National Park, Cerro Toledo, 2938 m, 27. Feb. 2013. The specimen was attracted to light and benumbed. 134. Habitat (elfin forest) of C. walterfriedlii sp. nov. at Cerro Toledo. 

Figs 131–138. Living specimens and habitats. 135. Callipia augustae sp. nov., ♂, Peru, Cusco province, Wayqecha station, 2900 m, 26 Aug. 2016. The specimen was collected at night, trapped, photographed and released the next morning. 136. Habitat of C. augustae sp. nov. and Callipia sp. near Wayqecha station. 137. C. augustae sp. nov., ♂, Peru, Cusco province, road Wayqecha–Pillcopata, 2284 m, 23 Aug. 2016. The specimen was attracted to UV light and tried to take up fluid (see proboscis). 138. Callipia sp. at Wayqecha station, 4 Sep. 2016. This specimen was attracted to UV light, but escaped into the vegetation when disturbed.

Gunnar Brehm. 2018. Revision of the Genus Callipia Guenée, 1858 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), with the Description of 15 New Taxa. European Journal of Taxonomy. 404; 1–54.   DOI:  10.5852/ejt.2018.404

[PaleoIchthyology • 2018] Tugenchromis pickfordi • A Stem-group Cichlid of the ‘East African Radiation’ from the upper Miocene of central Kenya


Tugenchromis pickfordi
 Altner, Schliewen, Penk & Reichenbacher, 2017

The highly diverse tropical freshwater fish family Cichlidae is sparsely represented in the fossil record. Here we describe the new cichlid †Tugenchromis pickfordi, gen. et sp. nov., from the Upper Miocene (9–10 Ma) of central Kenya. The new taxon possesses a unique combination of characters, including six lateral line foramina on the lacrimal, three lateral line segments, cycloid scales, and a low number of vertebrae (29), dorsal fin spines (13), and dorsal soft rays (9). Its lacrimal morphology and tripartite lateral line suggest an affinity with the present-day Lake Tanganyika tribes Ectodini and Limnochromini, and thus with members of the ‘East African Radiation’ among the African cichlids. To further elucidate the relationships of †T. pickfordi, we used a comprehensive comparative data set comprising meristic data from all present-day tribes of the ‘East African Radiation.’ Principal coordinates analyses support links between the fossil and Ectodini + Limnochromini, and additionally with modern Haplochromini. We conclude that †T. pickfordi could be an extinct lineage within the ‘most ancient Tanganyika tribes,’ or a stem lineage of the ‘ancient Tanganyika mouthbrooders.’ A direct relationship to the Haplochromini is unlikely because its members do not exhibit the derived characteristics of the lacrimal as seen in †T. pickfordi. Because Lake Tanganyika is located in the western branch of the East African Rift System, †T. pickfordi from the eastern branch supports the ‘melting-pot Tanganyika hypothesis,’ which posits that the cichlids of modern Lake Tanganyika are derived from riverine lineages that had already diversified prior to the lake formation.

FIGURE 2. †Tugenchromis pickfordi, gen. et sp. nov. A1–A2, holotype in part (OCO-5-35) and counterpart (OCO-5-22); A3, right lateral view of the specimen (shading refers to ribs from the left side of the specimen);

Abbreviations: cl, cleithrum; cor, coracoid; ep, epural; hs, hemal spine; hyp, hypural plate; lac, lacrimal; nlc, neurocranial lateral line canal; ns, neural spine; o, otolith; op, operculum; ph, parhypural; pha, pharyngeal teeth; ppc, postcleithrum; ptt, posttemporal; pu, preural centrum; rad, radials; sca, scapula; scl, supracleithrum; sop, suboperculum; us, urostyle; un1, uroneural 1; = , tubular lateral line scale; °, pitted lateral line scale. 

CICHLIDAE Bonaparte, 1835


Generic Diagnosis: Lateral line on the trunk divided into three segments, two of which are posterior lateral lines. One posterior segment positioned ventrally, the other dorsally to the anterior lateral line segment. This is a condition not seen in any other cichlid genus.

Etymology: Tugen’ refers to the ‘Tugen Hills’ (named after the local people, i.e., the ‘Tugen,’ a subgroup of the Kalenjin ethnic group), in which the type locality of the new fossil taxon is located. The Greek word ‘Chromis’ (χρόμις) is a name used by the Ancient Greek and was applied to various fish. It is a common second element in cichlid genus names. Tugenchromis is masculine.

Type Species: Tugenchromis pickfordi, sp. nov.


Holotype: OCO-5-22/35, partially complete skeleton in part and counterpart (Fig. 2A1–A3), approximately 60 mm total length, 33.5 mm body length.

Etymology: Species named in honor of the paleontologist Martin Pickford in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the geology and paleontology of East Africa.

Locality, Horizon, and Age: Outcrop Waril in Central Kenya; Ngorora Formation, Member E; late Miocene (9–10 Ma) (see Rasmussen et al., 2017).

Based on lacrimal morphology and meristic data derived from all present-day cichlids of the ‘East African Radiation,’ we propose that the newly discovered cichlid fossil from the upper Miocene of Central Kenya either represents a stem lineage of the ‘ancient Tanganyika mouthbrooders’ or an extinct lineage within the ‘most ancient Tanganyika tribes.’ This result implies that the use of a comprehensive set of comparative material derived from extant cichlids may make it possible to phylogenetically place other fossil cichlids with greater confidence in future studies.

Apart from a lower Miocene cichlid from Uganda (‘cf. Pelmatochromis spp.’), none of the previously described fossil cichlid taxa from Africa, Arabia, and Europe possess distinctive similarities to †T. pickfordi. This indicates that the Ngorora fish Lagerstätte in Central Kenya may provide an unrivalled window into the evolutionary history of African cichlids, particularly into the origin of the ‘East African Radiation,’ i.e., the megadiversity of the present-day cichlids in Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi, and Lake Victoria.

Furthermore, the new fossil provides additional support for the presence of an ancient east-west connection (e.g., proto-Malagarasi River) between the Central Kenya Rift and Lake Tanganyika, which is consistent with previous assumptions regarding the hydrological networks across East and Central Africa during the Miocene.

Melanie Altner, Ulrich K. Schliewen, Stefanie B. R. Penk and Bettina Reichenbacher. 2017 . †Tugenchromis pickfordi, gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Miocene—A Stem-group Cichlid of the ‘East African Radiation’. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37(2); e1297819. DOI:  10.1080/02724634.2017.1297819

[Herpetology • 2018] Xenosaurus fractus • A New Species of Knob-scaled Lizard (Xenosauridae, Xenosaurus) from the Sierra Madre Oriental of Puebla, Mexico


Xenosaurus fractus 
de Oca, Sánchez-Vega & Durán-Fuentes, 2018

A new species of Xenosaurus in the X. tzacualtipantecus clade is described from the Sierra Madre Oriental of northern Puebla, Mexico. The new species differs from all of its congeners in possessing a unique combination of characters. The new species appears to be allopatric and fills in the geographic gap between the geographic distributions of X. tzacualtipantecus and the species in the newmanorum clade to the north and northwest and those of the species in the grandis and rackhami clades to the south and southeast. The new species occurs between approximately 880 m and 1470 m of elevation, and appears to be restricted to cloud forest, which has been replaced by coffee plantations in many areas. An updated key to the species of Xenosaurus is provided.

Keywords: Mexico, new species, Puebla, Sierra Madre Oriental, Xenosauridae, Xenosaurus, Xenosaurus tzacualtipantecus clade

Figure 3. Xenosaurus fractusin life. Specimens not collected.
from Puebla, Municipality of Xochitlán, 200 m N ex-hacienda Apulco, cloud forest, 1450 m.
Photograph by Luis Canseco Márquez.

Figure 3. Xenosaurus fractus in life. Specimens not collected.
from Municipality of Huehuetla (no further data).

Photograph by Luis Canseco Márquez.

Xenosaurus fractus sp. n.

Diagnosis: Xenosaurusfractus may be distinguished from all of the other species of Xenosaurus, except X. tzacualtipantecus, by lacking a continuous dark crossband on the nape, or collar; and having instead a funnel-shaped mark on the nape formed by the dorsal color pattern of the head extending posteriorly, gradually narrowing on the nape (while bordered by the posterior extension of a narrow, dark brown stripe on the canthus temporalis, the posterior extension of a broad, cream subocular stripe, and a broad, black stripe on each side), to the first brown crossband on the trunk (posterior extensions of the subocular stripes remaining narrowly separated medially at their posterior end), versus a mainly uninterrupted dark crossband on the nape enclosed anteriorly by the pale subocular stripes, which extend medially onto the nape producing a pale crossband (often interrupted medially) similar to those on the trunk, and a pale crossband in the scapular region separating the dark crossband on the nape from the first dark crossband on the trunk in the other species.

Xenosaurus fractus may be distinguished from X. tzacualtipantecus by having, on average, more subdigital scales on the fourth toe (26–34, x = 29.9, n = 10; versus 23–28, x = 25.6, n = 8, in X. tzacualtipantecus) and dorsal surface of the limbs barred (black-edged, cream bars on mid upper arm, forearm, thigh, and shank; versus limbs usually not barred in X. tzacualtipantecus [upper arm, forearm, thigh, and shank specked with black; specks usually not forming a distinct pattern; coalescing into narrow lines, bordering ill-defined bars and showing a tendency to anastomose, on thigh and shank in one specimen; n = 8]).

Etymology: The specific epithet is an adjective in the nominative case (masculine, singular declension) derived from the Latin verb frangō (“to break”), meaning “broken” or “fragmented.” The name is in reference to the broken dark crossband on the nape in this species. A continuous dark crossband on the nape, or collar, is present in most species of Xenosaurus, and represented in the new species only by black stripes on the sides of the nape, widely separated by posterior extensions of the dark lines on the canthi temporales and the cream subocular stripes.

 Adrián Nieto-Montes de Oca, Helder Sánchez-Vega and Itzel Durán-Fuentes. 2018. A New Species of Knob-scaled Lizard (Xenosauridae, Xenosaurus) from the Sierra Madre Oriental of Puebla, Mexico. ZooKeys. 737; 141-160.  DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.737.15095

Resumen: Se describe una nueva especie de Xenosaurus del clado X. tzacualtipantecus de la Sierra Madre Oriental del norte de Puebla, México. La nueva especie difiere de todos sus congéneres por poseer una combinación única de caracteres. La nueva especie parece ser alopátrica y llena el hueco geográfico entre las distribuciones geográficas de X. tzacualtipantecus y las especies del clado newmanorum hacia el norte y noroeste, y aquellas de las especies de los clados grandis y rackhami hacia el sur y sureste. La nueva especie se ha encontrado en elevaciones entre aproximadamente 880 m y 1470 m y parece estar restringida al bosque mesófilo de montaña, el cual ha sido reemplazado por cafetales en muchas áreas. También se ofrece una clave actualizada para las especies de Xenosaurus.

[Ecology / Invasive Species • 2018] More Invaders Do Not Result in Heavier Impacts: The Effects of Non-native Bullfrogs on Native Anurans are Mitigated by High Densities of Non-native Crayfish


Liu, Wang, Ke, et al., 2018. 

1. With accelerating species introductions in an era of globalization, co-occurring alien species have become increasingly common. Understanding the combined ecological impacts of multiple invaders is not only crucial for wildlife managers attempting to ameliorate biodiversity loss, but also provides key insights into invasion success and species coexistence mechanisms in natural ecosystems. Compared with much attentions given to single-invader impacts, little is known about the impacts of multiple co-occurring invaders.
2. The American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus Rana catesbeiana) and the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) are two aquatic invasive species in many different areas of the globe. They coexist with native anurans in a variety of permanent lentic waters, which provide an ideal model system to explore the combined effects of multiple invaders from different trophic levels on native species.
3. Based on a global diet analysis covering 34 native and invasive bullfrog populations, and data from 10-year field surveys across 157 water bodies in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China, we observed a reduced impact of bullfrogs on native anurans at high crayfish densities when the two invaders co-occurred.
4. The global diet analysis showed that crayfish occurrence reduced the number of native anuran prey consumed by bullfrogs in both native and invasive populations. After accounting for pseudoreplication of different observations among water bodies, islands, and survey time, model averaging analyses based on GLMMs showed a negative relationship between bullfrog density and native anuran densities for field observations of invasive bullfrogs alone and co-invaded observations with low crayfish density. However, this negative relationship disappeared when the two invaders co-occurred with high crayfish density. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analyses further validated that the impacts of bullfrogs on native frogs were mitigated by the negative interactions between crayfish and bullfrogs.
5. Our results provide novel evidence of a density-dependent antagonistic effect of two sympatric invaders from different trophic levels on native species. This study highlights the importance of considering complex interactions among co-invaders and native species when prioritizing conservation and management actions and will facilitate the development of a more precise framework to predict invasion impacts.

  Xuan Liu, Supen Wang, Zunwei Ke, Chaoyuan Cheng, Yihua Wang, Fang Zhang, Feng Xu, Xianping Li, Xu Gao, Changnan Jin, Wei Zhu, Shaofei Yan and Yiming Li. 2018. More Invaders Do Not Result in Heavier Impacts: The Effects of Non-native Bullfrogs on Native Anurans are Mitigated by High Densities of Non-native Crayfish.  Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12793   

[Cephalopoda • 2018] Idiosepius hallami • A New Pygmy Squid (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae) from eastern Australia and Elevation of the southern Endemic ‘notoides’ Clade to A New Genus, Xipholeptos


Idiosepius hallami
Reid & Strugnell, 2018


A new species of pygmy squid, Idiosepius hallami n. sp., is described from eastern Australia. It differs from I. notoides Berry, 1921 and I. pygmaeus Steenstrup, 1881 (also found in Australian waters) in a number of traits, including the number of club suckers, shape of the funnel-mantle locking apparatus and the modification of the male hectocotylus. Mitochondrial DNA markers (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) indicate that it is also distinct on a molecular level. The new Australian species is also recognised as the taxon from Stradbroke I., Queensland for which the entire mitochondrial genome has been sequenced (Hall et al. 2014). Idiosepius hallami n. sp. is compared with all nominal Idiosepius Steenstrup, 1881 and a current summary of Idiosepius systematics is provided as a basis for future studies. Based on our analyses, we propose the elevation of the ‘notoides’ clade to the new genus Xipholeptos n. gen., retaining Idiosepius as the genetic epithet for all other nominal idiosepiids. This is supported by: monophyly of the two lineages based on molecular data sets, the level of sequence divergence between these lineages, and morphological differences. The ‘notoides’ clade is endemic to southern Australia and its basal phylogenetic position suggests that the family may have originated in the Australasian region. Idiosepiids are found in seagrass beds and among mangroves—among the most threatened ecosystems in the world.

Keywords: Mollusca, new taxa, pygmy squid, XipholeptosIdiosepiusIdiosepius hallami, seagrass, Australia

Idiosepius hallami, attached to a seagrass blade, Cudgen Creek, northern NSW.
 photo: M. Reid

Xipholeptos notoides n. gen. b, live animal, anterio-lateral view, Victoria, Port Phillip Bay, Point Cooke, photo J. Gaskell. c, live animal, dorsal view, Victoria, Port Phillip Bay, Ricketts Point, photo J. Gaskell. d, e, live animal, ventral view, female, AM C.532745, photos A. Reid. 

FIGURE 10. Idiosepius hallami n. sp.a, live animal, dorsal view, NSW, Lord Howe Island, photo A. Reid.
Xipholeptos notoides n. gen. b, live animal, anterio-lateral view, Victoria, Port Phillip Bay, Point Cooke, photo J. Gaskell. c, live animal, dorsal view, Victoria, Port Phillip Bay, Ricketts Point, photo J. Gaskell. d, e, live animal, ventral view, female, AM C.532745, photos A. Reid. 

Amanda L. Reid and Jan M. Strugnell. 2018. A New Pygmy Squid, Idiosepius hallami n. sp. (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae) from eastern Australia and Elevation of the southern Endemic ‘notoides’ Clade to A New Genus, Xipholeptos n. gen.   Zootaxa.  4369(4); 451–486. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4369.4.1

[Crustacea • 2018] The Freshwater Shrimp Family Euryrhynchidae Holthuis, 1950 (Decapoda: Caridea) Revisited, with A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Euryrhynchus


 Euryrhynchus amazoniensis  Tiefenbacher, 1978

in Pachelle & Tavares. 2018. 


The present revision is based on the largest sample of Euryrhynchidae Holthuis, 1950 studied to date, with special reference to Euryrhynchus Miers, 1878. The revision confirms the validity of the 8 currently recognized species of Euryrhynchidae and describes 2 new species related to Euryrhynchus amazoniensis Tiefenbacher, 1978: E. taruman sp. nov. and E. tuyuka sp. nov. The species Euryrhynchus amazoniensis, E. burchelli Calman, 1907, E. pemoni Pereira, 1985 and E. wrzesniowskii Miers, 1878 are redescribed and illustrated based on specimens from the type series and additional material. Additional diagnostic characters are proposed to differentiate the species of Euryrhynchus, previously separated only by the armature of the second pereopod carpus and merus.

Keywords: Crustacea, Amazon, South America, West Africa, Gondwana, new species

Paulo P. G. Pachelle and Marcos Tavares. 2018. The Freshwater Shrimp Family Euryrhynchidae Holthuis, 1950 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) Revisited, with A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Euryrhynchus Miers, 1878.  Zootaxa. 4380(1); 1-110.   DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4380.1.1

[Botany • 2018] Lecanorchis sarawakensis • A New Mycoheterotrophic Species (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae) from Sarawak, Borneo


Lecanorchis sarawakensis Suetsugu & Naiki

in  Suetsugu,Ling,Naiki,et al., 2018.

Lecanorchis Blume (1856: 188) comprises about 30 species of mycoheterotrophic orchids (Seidenfaden 1978, Hashimoto 1990, Szlachetko & Mytnik 2000, Govaerts et al. 2017) characterized by having numerous, long, thick, horizontal roots produced from a short rhizome, presence of a calyculus (i.e. a cup-like structure located between the base of the perianth and apex of the ovary) and an elongate column with a pair of small wings on each side of the anther (Seidenfaden 1978, Hashimoto 1990). The genus is distributed across a wide area including China, Korea, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, New Guinea, Pacific islands, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam (Seidenfaden 1978, Hashimoto 1990, Pearce & Cribb 1999, Szlachetko & Mytnik 2000, Averyanov 2011, 2013).

Lecanorchis sarawakensis in the type locality.
A. Habit. B. Flower, side view. C. Flower, front view.

Lecanorchis sarawakensis Suetsugu & Naiki, sp. nov.

Kenji Suetsugu,Ling Chea Yiing,Akiyo ,Shuichiro Tagane,Yayoi Takeuchi,Hironori Toyama and Tetsukazu Yahara. 2018. Lecanorchis sarawakensis (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae), A New Mycoheterotrophic Species from Sarawak, Borneo. Phytotaxa. 388(1); 135–139. DOI:  10.11646/phytotaxa.338.1.13

[Paleontology • 2018] A Nestling-sized Skeleton of Edmontosaurus (Ornithischia, Hadrosauridae) from the Hell Creek Formation of northeastern Montana, U.S.A., with An Analysis of Ontogenetic Limb Allometry


Edmontosaurus annectens (Marsh, 1892)

in Wosik, Goodwin & Evans, 2018

The Hell Creek Formation preserves one of the most intensely studied late Cretaceous terrestrial fossil units. Over 22 dinosaur genera are currently recognized from this unit, but the record of juvenile individuals is surprisingly limited. Here, we document a nestling hadrosaur that represents the first occurrence of an articulated nestling dinosaur skeleton from the latest Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) of North America. The specimen (UCMP 128181) preserves a partial scapula, nearly complete rib cage, vertebral series from the shoulder to mid-tail, a large portion of the pelvic girdle, and both hind limbs through a combination of bone and/or natural impressions in the concretion. It is assignable to the genus Edmontosaurus based on the shape of the prepubic process, or blade, of the pubis. The specimen represents the earliest ontogenetic growth stage of Edmontosaurus cf. annectens and possesses a femur length of 148 mm. It greatly contributes as a new end member to a sample of associated Edmontosaurus skeletons that is well suited for allometrically testing the hypothesized ontogenetic gait shift in hadrosaurs from bipedal juveniles to quadrupedal adults using individual limb proportions. Although UCMP 128181 does not preserve forelimbs, regressions based on associated Edmontosaurus skeletons (N = 25) reveal overall isometry of the forelimb relative to the hind limb, and within each limb. These data indicate that Edmontosaurus nestlings were anatomically capable of fully quadrupedal locomotion and provide no compelling evidence to support an ontogenetic gait shift in hadrosaurids.

UCMP-128181, Edmontosaurus cf. annectens

Mateusz Wosik, Mark B. Goodwin and David C. Evans. 2018. A Nestling-sized Skeleton of Edmontosaurus (Ornithischia, Hadrosauridae) from the Hell Creek Formation of northeastern Montana, U.S.A., with An Analysis of Ontogenetic Limb Allometry.   Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.  DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2017.1398168   

First baby #dinosaur skeleton from the Hell Creek Formation
Published in @SVP_vertpaleo with Mark Goodwin and @DavidEvans_ROM
Cover art by @SaurianGame. Funded by @ucmpberkeley Welles Fund.


[Herpetology • 2018] Hyloscirtus japreria • A New Species of Hyloscirtus (Anura, Hylidae) from the Colombian and Venezuelan Slopes of Sierra de Perijá, and the Phylogenetic Position of Hyloscirtus jahni


Hyloscirtus japreria 
Rojas-Runjaic, Infante-Rivero, Salerno & Meza-Joya, 2018


A new species of Hyloscirtus, belonging to the H. bogotensis species Group, is described from the Venezuelan and Colombian slopes of the Sierra de Perijá. The new species can be readily distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: mental gland present, disc-shaped and small; ulnar, outer, and inner tarsal folds present; calcar tubercle absent; whitish stripes on external border of upper eyelids and supratympanic folds, longitudinally on the mid-dorsum, on supracloacal fold, outer ulnar folds, inner and outer tarsal folds, and also on dorsal internal surface of shanks. We estimate phylogenetic relationships based on mtDNA (spanning fragments of 12S rRNA, tRNA-Val and 16S rRNA), of all Hyloscirtus species available in Genbank, as well as the new species described herein, H. callipeza, H. jahni, and H. platydactylus, all of which have not been previously sequenced. Our molecular data support the hypothesis of the new species as sister species of H. callipeza and indicates that H. jahni does not belong to the H. bogotensis species Group, but rather is sister species of all other Hyloscirtus (sensu Faivovich et al. 2005). Based on this last result we propose a new species group for H. jahni and the synonymy of Colomascirtus in Hyloscirtus. We also provide the first description of the advertisement call of H. callipeza. With the new species described herein, the number of Hyloscirtus species increases to 37.

Keywords: Amphibia, Advertisement call, Amphibia, Andes, Colomascirtus, Hylinae, Hyloscirtus bogotensis species Group, Hyloscirtus callipeza, integrative taxonomy, phylogeny

Fernando J.M. Rojas-Runjaic, Edwin E. Infante-Rivero, Patricia E. Salerno and Fabio Leonardo Meza-Joya. 2018. A New Species of Hyloscirtus (Anura, Hylidae) from the Colombian and Venezuelan Slopes of Sierra de Perijá, and the Phylogenetic Position of Hyloscirtus jahni (Rivero, 1961)Zootaxa. 4382(1);  121–146.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4382.1.4

[Crustacea • 2018] Australocarcinus insperatus • A New Species of Trogloplacine Crab of the Genus Australocarcinus Davie, 1988 (Brachyura, Chasmocarcinidae) from A Freshwater Stream in Mahé, Seychelles


Australocarcinus insperatus 
Ng & Daniels, 2018 

A new species of freshwater chasmocarcinid crab, Australocarcinus insperatus sp. n., is described from the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. This is the first record of the genus and the subfamily Trogloplacinae Guinot, 1986, from the Indian Ocean, with all other members previously recorded from Australia, New Britain, New Caledonia, and Palau in the Pacific Ocean. The disjunct distribution of Australocarcinus is unexpected considering all trogoplacines are believed to practice direct development, lacking free-swimming larval stages. The new species is morphologically most similar to A. riparius Davie, 1988, from Queensland, Australia, but can be distinguished from its three congeners on the basis of the structures of its carapace, ambulatory legs and male first gonopod.

Keywords: Chasmocarcinidae, freshwater, Indian Ocean, new species, Trogloplacinae, taxonomy

Figure 1. Australocarcinus insperatus sp. n., holotype male (10.7 × 8.6 mm) (ZRC 2017.1072), Seychelles. A overall dorsal habitus B dorsal view of carapace (right side denuded) C right third maxilliped (denuded) D anterior thoracic sternum and pleon E posterior thoracic sternum and pleon F frontal view of cephalothorax G posterior margin of epistome. 

Australocarcinus insperatus sp. n., holotype male (10.7 × 8.6 mm) (ZRC 2017.1072), Seychelles.
Figure 1.  A overall dorsal habitus B dorsal view of carapace (right side denuded) C right third maxilliped (denuded) D anterior thoracic sternum and pleon E posterior thoracic sternum and pleon F frontal view of cephalothorax G posterior margin of epistome.
Figure 2.  A outer surfaces of chelae B right first ambulatory leg showing setose posterior margin on propodus and dactylus C left fourth ambulatory leg D posterior thoracic sternum showing supplementary plate

Figure 2. Australocarcinus insperatus sp. n. A–D holotype male (10.7 × 8.6 mm) (ZRC 2017.1072), Seychelles E–G paratype female (9.5 × 7.8 mm) (ZRC 2017.1073), Seychelles. A outer surfaces of chelae B right first ambulatory leg showing setose posterior margin on propodus and dactylus C left fourth ambulatory leg D posterior thoracic sternum showing supplementary plate E female overall dorsal habitus F female posterior thoracic sternum and pleon G female sterno-pleonal cavity showing vulvae.

Family Chasmocarcinidae Serène, 1964
Subfamily Trogloplacinae Guinot, 1986
Genus Australocarcinus Davie, 1988
Type species: Australocarcinus riparius Davie, 1988, by original designation.

Australocarcinus insperatus sp. n.

Material examined: Holotype: male (10.7 × 8.6 mm) (ZRC 2017.1072), in shallow stream, ca. 800 m from sea, about 2 km south-southeast of international airport, Mahé, Seychelles, coll. SR Daniels, May 2010. Paratypes: 1 male (8.5 × 7.2 mm), 1 female (9.5 × 7.8 mm) (ZRC 2017.1073), same data as holotype.

Diagnosis: Carapace subquadrate, front weakly bilobed, with shallow median concavity (Fig. 1A, B); dorsal surface gently convex (Fig. 1F); dorsal surfaces and margins covered with short uneven tomentum (Fig. 1A, B); anterolateral margins arcuate, with four low teeth: first widest with gently sinuous margin, second lobiform, third wide, fourth (at junction of antero- and posterolateral margins) dentate, directed laterally, protruding beyond margin (Fig. 1B). Posterolateral margin converging towards gently convex posterior carapace margin (Fig. 1B). Epistome compressed, posterior margin with distinct triangular median lobe with median fissure, lateral margins gently sinuous (Fig. 1G). Eye peduncle completely filling orbit, relatively short, mobile; cornea distinct, pigmented (Fig. 1B, F). Third maxillipeds leaving gap when closed; merus quadrate, anteroexternal angle auriculiform; ischium quadrate, slightly longer than merus with very shallow median sulcus (Fig. 1C, D). Chelipeds subequal, relatively stouter in males (Figs 1A, 2E); cutting margins of both chelae with distinct teeth in both sexes, base of fingers with tuft of stiff setae; proximal part of dactylus of right chela with large, triangular tooth directed towards palm (Fig. 2A); ventral surface of cheliped merus with tubercles. Ambulatory legs moderately short; meri unarmed but setose to varying degrees; P2 carpus, propodus and dactylus with very long coarse setae which obscures margins (Figs 1A, 2B); P3–P5 propodus and dactylus setose but setae shorter than on P5 (Fig. 2C); P5 dactylus straight (Fig. 2C). Thoracic sternites 1, 2 fused, broadly triangular, short; separated from sternite 3 by sinuous groove; sternites 3, 4 fused, relatively broad (Fig. 1D). Male pleon with lateral margins of somite 6 and fused somites 3‒5 gently sinuous; telson slightly longer than broad (Fig. 1D, E). Sterno-pleonal cavity of male deep, press-button for pleonal holding small, short tubercle posterior to thoracic sternal suture 4/5 near edge of sterno-pleonal cavity. Male thoracic sternite 8 short, rectangular; supplementary plate narrow, wider along outer part (Figs 1E, 2D). G1 stout; basal part truncate; distal part cylindrical, with rounded tip, covered with short spinules (Fig. 3A–D). G2 prominently longer than G1, basal segment curved; distal segment slightly longer than basal segment, apex cup-like (Fig. 3E, F). Somites of female pleon with slightly convex lateral margins; telson wider than long (Fig. 2F). Sterno-pleonal cavity of female moderately deep, with large vulvae distinctly separated from each other, covering most of thoracic sternite 5, ovate, with low raised lip on outer margin, opening slit-like (Fig. 2G).

Etymology: From the Latin “insperatus” for “unforeseen”, alluding to the unexpected discovery of a species of Australocarcinus in the western Indian Ocean.

 Peter K. L. Ng and Savel R. Daniels. 2018. A New Species of Trogloplacine Crab of the Genus Australocarcinus Davie, 1988 from A Freshwater Stream in Mahé, Seychelles (Crustacea, Brachyura, Chasmocarcinidae).  ZooKeys. 738; 27-35.   DOI:  10.3897/zookeys.738.23708

[Ichthyology • 2018] Resurrection of the Sixgill Shark Hexanchus vitulus Springer & Waller, 1969 (Hexanchiformes, Hexanchidae), with Comments on Its Distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean


Hexanchus vitulus Springer & Waller, 1969

in Daly-Engel, Baremore, Grubbs, et al., 2018. 

The sixgill sharks of the genus Hexanchus (Hexanchiformes, Hexanchidae) are large, rarely encountered deep-sea sharks, thought to comprise just two species: the bluntnose sixgill Hexanchus griseus (Bonaterre, 1788) and the bigeye sixgill Hexanchus nakamurai (Teng, 1962). Their distribution is putatively worldwide in tropical and temperate waters, but many verified records for these species are lacking, and misidentification is common. Taxonomic uncertainty has long surrounded H. nakamurai in particular, with debate as to whether individuals from the Atlantic constitute a separate species. Using 1,310 base pairs of two mitochondrial genes, COI and ND2, we confirm that bigeye sixgill sharks from the Atlantic Ocean (Belize, Gulf of Mexico, and Bahamas) diverge from those in the Pacific and Indian Oceans (Japan, La Reunion, and Madagascar) with 7.037% sequence divergence. This difference is similar to the genetic distance between both Atlantic and Indo-Pacific bigeye sixgill sharks and the bluntnose sixgill shark (7.965% and 8.200%, respectively), and between the entire genus Hexanchus and its sister genus Heptranchias (8.308%). Such variation far exceeds previous measures of species-level genetic divergence in elasmobranchs, even among slowly-evolving deep-water taxa. Given the high degree of morphological similarity within Hexanchus, and the fact that cryptic diversity is common even among frequently observed shark species, we conclude that these results support the resurrection of the name Hexanchus vitulus Springer and Waller, 1969 for bigeye sixgill sharks in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. We propose the common name “Atlantic sixgill shark” for H. vitulus, and provide new locality records from Belize, as well as comments on its overall distribution.

Keywords: Systematics, Mitochondrial DNA, Phylogenetics, Speciation, Elasmobranchs 

An adult Atlantic sixgill shark swims in the waters off Belize.
photo: Ivy Baremore/Maralliance

Toby S. Daly-Engel, Ivy E. Baremore, R. Dean Grubbs, Simon J. B. Gulak, Rachel T. Graham and Michael P. Enzenauer. 2018. Resurrection of the Sixgill Shark Hexanchus vitulus Springer & Waller, 1969 (Hexanchiformes, Hexanchidae), with comments on its distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity.  DOI: 10.1007/s12526-018-0849-x

New species of shark discovered through genetic testing phy.so/438254250 via @physorg_com

[Entomology • 2018] Hyptiogaster arafura • A New Species of the Endemic Australian Genus Hyptiogaster Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Gasteruptiidae)


Hyptiogaster arafura 
Parslow & Jennings, 2018


Hyptiogaster arafura sp. nov. is described from Arafura Swamp, Northern Territory, Australia, as the eleventh species of Hyptiogaster Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Gasteruptiidae). A revised diagnosis of Hyptiogaster is given based on the new species.

Hyptiogaster arafura sp. nov. is described from Arafura Swamp, Northern Territory, Australia, as the eleventh species of Hyptiogaster. 

Ben A. Parslow and John T. Jennings. 2018. A New Species of the Endemic Australian Genus Hyptiogaster Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Gasteruptiidae). Zootaxa. 4379(1); 145–150. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4379.1.11

The 11th species of an endemic Australian wasp genus  phy.so/438251045 via @physorg_com

[Mammalogy • 2018] Molossus fentoni • A New Species of Mastiff Bat (Chiroptera, Molossidae, Molossus) from Guyana and Ecuador


Molossus fentoni
Loureiro, Lim& Engstrom, 2018

We describe a new species of mastiff bat in the genus Molossus (Molossidae), which was previously confused with the common and widely distributed M. molossus, from Guyana and Ecuador based on morphological and molecular differences. It is diagnosed by the following set of morphological characteristics: bicolored dorsal pelage, rounded anterior arch of the atlas, triangular occipital bone, and smaller body and skull size. In a molecular phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, maximum likelihood and parsimony trees recovered eight clades in the genus and a polyphyletic relationship for the M. molossus species complex. The new species was recovered in a well-supported clade that can be genetically distinguished from other species in the genus by its high level of sequence divergence based on the mitochondrial CO1 gene (8.0–10.1%) and on the nuclear gene beta fibrinogen (1.0–3.1%). It is broadly sympatric with M. molossus sensu stricto in northern South America, but morphologically distinct and genetically divergent.

 Keywords: Molossidae, New species, Phylogenetics, South America, Taxonomy

Fig. 5. Holotype of Molossus fentoni sp. nov. (ROM 122583). Adult male with a medium brown dorsal pelage.

Fig. 4. Dorsal, ventral, posterior, and lateral views of the skull of the holotype of Molossus fentoni sp. nov.

Molossus fentoni sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: A set of traits distinguishes Molossus fentoni from other Molossus. In M. fentoni the infra-orbital foramen is laterally directed; the basioccipital pits are rounded and of moderate depth; the occipital is triangular in posterior view; the upper incisors are thin and long with parallel tips and project forward in an oblique plane relative to the anterior face of the canines (Fig. 4); and the anterior arch of the atlas is rounded (Fig. 6).

Distribution: Molossus fentoni is currently known from the administrative regions of Potaro-Siparuni and Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo in Guyana and in Orellana province in Ecuador. Although, it has not been documented in the intervening 2000 km of lowland Amazonian forest, we anticipate that it will be found to have a broader distribution then initially represented in our collections. One individual of M. fentoni was collected in syntopy with M. coibensis, M. m. molossus, and M. rufus at ... east of Pompeya Sur, Orellana, Ecuador on 18 May, 2006.

Etymology: This species is named in honour of M. Brock Fenton, Professor Emeritus, Western University, London, Ontario, and one of the world’s foremost researchers in bat ecology and behaviour. He was born in Guyana to Canadian parents and conducted fieldwork in the country in 1970.

Taxonomic remarks: Husson (1962) designated the lectotype of M. molossus as the larger of the two bats described by Buffon and Daubenton (1763). Later, Husson (1962) restricted the type locality of M. molossus to Martinique, which previously had only been designated as the Americas in the first citation of this specimen (Buffon and Daubenton, 1759). Specimens of M. molossus from Martinique were morphologically analyzed in our study and have all the characteristics described above for M. molossus, and not for M. fentoni. In addition, the DNA sample of M. molossus from Martinique clustered with several other samples of M. molossus from the mainland in the phylogenetic trees (Fig. 2), such as Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil, corroborating its affiliation with M. molossus and the distinction from M. fentoni.

Fig. 8. Schematic comparison of cranial features in Molossus.
A and B – Posterior view; C and D – frontal view; E and F – Ventral view. Numbers represent characters described in the text. 1 – Lambdoidal crest and occipital complex; 2 – Sagittal crest; 3 – Mastoid process; 4 – Infra-orbital foramen; 5 – Upper incisors; 6 – Rostrum shape; 7 – Basioccipital pits.

 Livia O. Loureiro, Burton K. Lim and Mark D. Engstrom. 2018. A New Species of Mastiff Bat (Chiroptera, Molossidae, Molossus) from Guyana and Ecuador. Mammalian Biology. 90; 10-21.  DOI: 10.1016/j.mambio.2018.01.008 

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