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[Botany • 2013] Thismia gongshanensis • A New Species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Yunnan, China


Thismia gongshanensis Hong-Qing Li & Yu-Ke Bi

Thismia Griffith (1844: 221) usually grows among leaf litter in shady wet forests and comprises 47 small mycoheterotrophic species (Chiang & Hsieh 2011, Mancinelli et al. 2012). Individual plants live underground through most of the year, only emerging briefly to flower and fruit after periods of heavy rain (Ho et al. 2009). Although several species have been described in temperate regions, Thismia occurs mainly in tropical portions of America and Asia.

Keywords: Thismiaceae, new species, china

FIGURE 1. Morphology of Thismia gongshanensis.
 A. Habit. B. Magnified flower. C. Dissected flower, showing stamens, style and stigmas. D. Flower from holotype.

Distribution:—Known only from the type locality at Maku Village, Dulongjiang Town, Gongshan 
County, Yunnan Province, China. 
Ecology:—This species grows among leaf litter in shady wet bamboo forest. The dominant species is Chimonobambusa Makino (Poaceae). Other accompanying species include: members of genera Aeschynanthus Jack (Gesneriaceae), Agapetes D.Don ex G.Don (Ericaceae), Amomum Roxb (Zingiberaceae), Balanophora J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (Balanophoraceae), Beccarinda Kuntze (Gesneriaceae), Curculigo Gaertn. (Hypoxidaceae), Monotropa L. (Ericaceae) and Myrmechis (Lindl.) Blume (Orchidaceae). The mitriform perianth suggests myophily (Stone 1980), and a small dipteran species was found visiting T. gongshanensis at the time of collection.

Etymology:— The name of the species was chosen for the place where it was collected. Maku village is in the Dulong River watershed of Gongshan County, northwestern Yunnan, China, neighboring Burma in the west. Its Chinese name should be spelled “gongshan shui yu bei

HONG-QING LI and YU-KE BI. 2013. A New Species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa. 105 (1): 25–28. 
A new species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Yunnan, China … pic.twitter.com/EcN8VMOKoe

[Botany • 2013] Thismia hexagona • A New Species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) the first recod of the Genus and Family from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo


 Thismia hexagona
 Dančák,  Hroneš, Kobrlová & Sochor

A new species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Borneo is described.Thismia hexagona was discovered in 2013 in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest in Ulu Temburong, Brunei Darussalam. The species is circumscribed, illustrated and its position within the Malesian species of the genus is characterised by insertion into the existing determination key. Its most conspicuous feature is bright yellow, sharply hexagonal flower annulus.

 Martin Dančák, Michal Hroneš, Michal Sochor, Lucie Kobrlová, Radim Hédl, Záboj Hrázský, Anna Vildomcová, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri and Faizah Metali. 2013. A New Species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo. Phytotaxa. 125:33-39. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.125.1.5

[Mammalogy • 2009] Distribution of Spiny Tree Mouse Platacanthomys lasiurus Blyth, 1859 in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India

Platacanthomys lasiurus | Malabar Spiny Dormouse
photo: Kalyanvarma | en.wikipedia.org


Spiny Tree Mouse Platacanthomys lasiurus is a rarely known endemic rodent, one of the two representatives of the rodent family Placanthomyidae. It inhabits the tropical forests of the Western Ghats of South India. A field survey was conducted from February 2002 to June 2005 in the Western Ghats to determine the status and distribution of this species. Intensive surveys were conducted in the Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary and the population status was assessed in 17 protected areas and 25 forest divisions using live trapping, questionnaire survey, direct observation and spot lighting. This species was recorded from 10 protected areas and 21 forest ranges, and except for the Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary all reports from other sanctuaries, namely the Neyyar, Thattekkad, Idukki, Chinnar, Eravikulam, Chimmony, Parambikulam and Aralam Wildlife Sanctuaries and Periyar Tiger Reserve, were new. This species occur in extremely low densities, and apart from the tropical evergreen forests it was also recorded in the riverine patches in the tropical moist deciduous forests. The status of this species should be elevated from the Least Concern (IUCN) category to the next category, i.e., Near Threatened.

Keywords: India; Kerala; Muroidea; Platacanthomys lasiurus; rodent; Rodentia; tropical forests; Western Ghats

Jayson, E. A.; Jayahari, K. M. 2009. Distribution of Spiny Tree Mouse (Platacanthomys lasiurus Blyth, 1859) in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. Mammalia. 73 (4): 331–337.

 Divya Mudappa, Ajith Kumar and Ravi Chellam. 2001. Abundance and habitat selection of the Malabar spiny dormouse in the rainforests of the southern Western Ghats, India. 

[Mammalogy • 2014] ค้างคาวยอดกล้วยหลังสีทอง | The Discovery of Kerivoula krauensis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in southern Peninsular Thailand provides New Information on the Distribution and Conservation Status of this Data Deficient Species


Figure 2: Latero-ventral view (A) and the mid-dorsal (B) and mid-ventral (C) pelage of Kerivoula krauensis, PSUZC-MM2013.50, ♂, from Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand.
Figure 1: Distribution map of K. krauensis. Black circle represents new locality in Thailand and black star is the type and only known locality from Malaysia.

In August 2013, an adult male Kerivoula krauensis was captured in a harp trap set in forest understorey in Bala Forest, Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Narathiwat Province, Thailand. This is only the second locality record for the species, the first outside Malaysia and represents a range extension of 254 km, northwards from Krau Wildlife Reserve, Malaysia. This discovery has important conservation implications suggesting that the species is more widespread than previously thought but also confirms previous findings that it appears to live in very low population densities as compared to other Kerivoula found in the same habitat. Information on its taxonomy, echolocation call, distribution and ecology is included. In addition, the new material from Thailand is briefly compared to other known species from the country. 

Keywords: Kerivoula krauensis, first record, echolocation, Thailand 

Figure 2: Latero-ventral view (A) and the mid-dorsal (B) and mid-ventral (C) pelage of Kerivoula krauensis, PSUZC-MM2013.50, ♂, from Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand.

Bounsavane Douangboubpha, Sara Bumrungsri, Pipat Soisook, Sunate Karanpan and Paul J. J. Bates. 2014. The Discovery of Kerivoula krauensis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in southern Peninsular Thailand provides New Information on the Distribution and Conservation Status of this Data Deficient Species. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology. 

[Primate • 2014] Asian Primates: An Updated Taxonomy and Conservation Status Review


The present paper summarises and updates information on the taxonomy and status of Asian non-human primates from a new multi-author synthesis. For each species we include taxonomic authority, species type locality, subspecies, current distribution and conservation status. Including taxa described since the synthesis was published, the Asian non-human primate fauna comprises 119 species and 183 taxa, in 22 Asian countries. We give a breakdown of species by country, by conservation status category, and the number of species per status category in each family and genus. Of the 113 Asian primate species that have been assessed, 17 (15%) are Critically Endangered, 45 (40%) are Endangered and 25 (22%) are Vulnerable. The most endangered genera are RhinopithecusPygathrixNasalisSimiasHylobatesNomascusSymphalangus and Pongo.





Christian Roos, Ramesh Boonratana, Jatna Supriatna, John R Fellowes, Colin P. Groves, Stephen D. Nash, Anthony B. Rylands and Russell A. Mittermeier. 2014. An Updated Taxonomy and Conservation Status Review of Asian Primates. Asian Primates Journal. 4(1): 2-38.

[Cephalopoda • 2014] Deep-Sea Octopus Graneledone boreopacifica Conducts the Longest-Known Egg-Brooding Period of Any Animal


[upper] Graneledone boreopacifica. The subject female brooding her eggs on a nearly vertical rock face. Near the octopus are two Lithodid crabs. The mantle length of the specimen, when first encountered, was 21.2 cm.
[lower] Close-up of the egg capsules in December, 2010. In month 43, the mantles of the embryos can be seen in the apex of each capsule and their dark eyes are apparent.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103437.g001

Octopuses typically have a single reproductive period and then they die (semelparity). Once a clutch of fertilized eggs has been produced, the female protects and tends them until they hatch. In most shallow-water species this period of parental care can last from 1 to 3 months, but very little is known about the brooding of deep-living species. In the cold, dark waters of the deep ocean, metabolic processes are often slower than their counterparts at shallower depths. Extrapolations from data on shallow-water octopus species suggest that lower temperatures would prolong embryonic development periods. Likewise, laboratory studies have linked lower temperatures to longer brooding periods in cephalopods, but direct evidence has not been available. We found an opportunity to directly measure the brooding period of the deep-sea octopus Graneledone boreopacifica, in its natural habitat. At 53 months, it is by far the longest egg-brooding period ever reported for any animal species. These surprising results emphasize the selective value of prolonged embryonic development in order to produce competitive hatchlings. They also extend the known boundaries of physiological adaptations for life in the deep sea.

Figure 1. Graneledone boreopacifica. The subject female brooding her eggs on a nearly vertical rock face at a depth of 1397Neptunea amianta. Near the octopus are two Lithodid crabs and a non-brooding Graneledone can be seen above and to the right of the brooder. The mantle length of the specimen, when first encountered, was 21.2 cm.

Figure 4. Close-up of the egg capsules in December, 2010. In month 43, the mantles of the embryos can be seen in the apex of each capsule and their dark eyes are apparent.

Figure 2. Graneledone boreopacifica, identification marks.
Images of a brooding female over the course of 53 months, each showing the identifying scar on the web between arms R1 & R2. In each frame the characteristic scar is outlined by an oval. a, April, 2007, crawling across the sediment toward the brooding site. b, May, 2007, on the rock face, covering the recently deposited clutch of eggs.
The arrow points to a circular scar on arm L1, which provides additional confirmation. c, May, 2009. d, October, 2009.
The second arrow points to a scar on arm L2. e, December, 2010. f, September, 2011.

Bruce Robison, Brad Seibel and Jeffrey Drazen. 2014. Deep-Sea Octopus (Graneledone boreopacifica) Conducts the Longest-Known Egg-Brooding Period of Any Animal. PLoS ONE. 9(7): e103437. 

[Botany • 2014] Hoya papaschonii • A New Species (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) from southern Thailand with A Peculiar Corona


FIGURE 4. Photographs of a living plant of Hoya papaschonii Rodda
cultivated at the Singapore Botanic Gardens (acc. no. 20132440):
a. Flowering branch and paired fruits; b. Bud; c. Flower, lateral view; d. Flower with two corolla lobes removed, showing the position of the corona basally enveloped by the corolla lobes; e. Flower, longitudinal section; i. Corona, lateral view; j. Corona, top view; k. Flower, longitudinal section with the position of the guide rail highlighted in black; l. Anther and anther appendages (after removal of one staminal corona lobe).
Photographs by M. Rodda. The parts of the gynostegium are labelled as: A = Anther; Aa = Anther appendage; C(is) = interstaminal corona lobe; Cs = Staminal corona lobe; G = Guide rail; Re = Retinaculum; S = Stigma; Sh = Stigma head.

The new Hoya species, here described and fully illustrated, is an epiphytic shrub with white-cream coloured flowers superficially similar to those of Hoya telosmoides. Its gynostegial corona includes five staminal and five interstaminal lobes, the latter never before observed in Hoya. The placement of the new species within Hoya was confirmed by a phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and 5’-ETS regions, and chloroplast psbA-trnH and trnT-trnL intergenic spacers. It belongs to a group of species including Hoya multiflora and Hoya praetorii, characterised together with H. papaschonii by non-climbing habit, thin leaves lacking basal colleters, and short-lived peduncles.
Keywords:Hoya sect. Centrostemma, Hoya sect. Cystidianthus, Hoya sect. Plocostemma, ITS, 5’-ETS, psbA-trnH, trnT-trnL 

Hoya papaschonii Rodda

Similar in habit to Hoya multiflora, and in corolla morphology to Hoya telosmoides but the gynostegial corona presents a unique combination of both staminal and interstaminal lobes.
Type:—THAILAND. Original collection in Yala: Betong, cultivated in Thailand, Ratchaburi Province, Ratchaburi, November 2012, Papaschon Chamwomg KEW2012-011 (holotype BKF, isotypes BCU, K, SING).

Etymology:— The new species is named after the collector and Hoya enthusiast Mr. Papaschon Chamwong who, in 2012, sent a specimen of the new species to Singapore Botanic Gardens for identification.

Distribution and ecology:—Hoya papaschonii is only known from two collections in Betong District, Yala Province in southern Thailand. It was collected in evergreen forest, where it was growing epiphytically. 

Conservation status:— Known only from two collections from Yala Province in Thailand. The distribution area, the population size and the possible threats to the habitat are unknown. We therefore consider H. papaschonii as Data Deficient (DD) (IUCN 2014).

Michele Rodda and Enrico Ercole. 2014. Hoya papaschonii (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae), A New Species from southern Thailand with A Peculiar Corona. Phytotaxa. 175(2): 097–106. 

[Cetology • 2014] Taxonomic Revision of the Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.), and Description of A New Species from Australia; Sousa sahulensis


Figure 6. The external appearance of the Australian Humpback Dolphin Sousa sahulensis, showing the diagnostic dorsal cape, mother/calf porpoising at sea.
Photograph by G. J. Parra 

Figure 6. The external appearance of the Australian Humpback Dolphin Sousa sahulensis, showing the diagnostic dorsal cape, adult-sized specimen porpoising at sea .
Photograph by R. L. Pitman 

The taxonomy of the humpback dolphin genus Sousa has been controversial and unsettled for centuries, but recent work indicates that there are several valid species. A review of multiple lines of evidence from skeletal morphology, external morphology, coloration, molecular genetics, and biogeography, in combination provides strong support for the recognition of four species of Sousa. These include S. teuszii (Kükenthal, 1892), a species with uniform gray coloration and a prominent dorsal hump, which is found in the Atlantic Ocean off West Africa. The species S. plumbea (G. Cuvier, 1829) has similar external appearance to S. teuszii, but has a more pointed dorsal fin. It occurs in the Indian Ocean from South Africa to Myanmar (Burma). The original taxon, S. chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), is reserved for the species that has a larger dorsal fin with no prominent hump, and largely white adult coloration. It ranges from eastern India to central China and throughout Southeast Asia. Finally, we describe a new species of Sousa, the Australian humpback dolphin, which occurs in the waters of the Sahul Shelf from northern Australia to southern New Guinea. It has a lower dorsal fin, more extensive dark color on the body, and a dorsal “cape.” It is separated from the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin by a wide distributional gap that coincides with Wallace's Line.

 Keywords: taxonomy; systematics; phylogenetics; Sousa chinensis; Sousa teuszii; Sousa plumbea; new species; type description

Figure 14. Composite sketches of the external morphology and coloration showing the typical appearance of the four species of humpback dolphins. Illustrations are of young adult males, all drawn to the same scale.
Sousa teuszii (Kükenthal, 1892), S. plumbea (G. Cuvier, 1829), S. chinensis (Osbeck, 1765) and S. sahulensis Jefferson & Rosenbaum, 2014
Illustration by U. Gorter.

Order Cetartiodactyla Montgelard, Catzefils and Douzery, 1997
Cetacea (Brisson, 1762)

Family Delphinidae Gray, 1821
Genus Sousa Gray, 1866

Based on the information reviewed above, we propose the recognition of four valid species of humpback dolphins. Specimens examined and referred are provided in Appendix S2. The four proposed species are described below:

Sousa teuszii (Kükenthal, 1892)

Holotype and Type Locality: The holotype is a skull previously thought to be in the Jena Natural History Museum, but now known to be housed in the Natural History Museum, London (BMNH 1893.8.11). Type locality is “Bucht des Kameruner Kriegsshiffhafens” (the Bay of Warships, Cameroon, West Africa; Hershkovitz 1966). The skull was not figured by Kükenthal (1892), but was illustrated in van Beneden (1892) and Pilleri and Gihr (1972). Best (2007) illustrated the skull from another specimen.

Distribution: This species is found in the shallow coastal waters of western African from Dahkla Bay, Western Sahara (23°50'N) to Tombua, Angola (15°47'S) (Fig. 9). Distribution appears to be discontinuous, with some evidence of separate populations/metapopulations (Van Waerebeek et al. 2004, International Whaling Commission 2011). Currently-known range states include Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, and Angola (Weir 2011), but the distribution of S. teuszii is thought to contain most countries in between. Waters of Ghana may represent a gap in distribution, and whether it occurs today in Nigeria is unknown (International Whaling Commission 2011). Van Waerebeek et al. (2004) suggested S. teuszii most likely inhabited the Niger Delta before the large-scale oil exploration and extraction altered the coastal environment.
Etymology: The species is named in honor of Edward Teusz, who collected the specimen that later became the type and donated it to Dr. Kükenthal at the Jena Natural History Museum. The English common name is the currently used Atlantic humpback dolphin.

Sousa plumbea (G. Cuvier, 1829)

Holotype and Type Locality: The holtype is a skull in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris as MNHN A-3053, but is also labeled with A-14378. Type locality is “Malabar,” northern Kerala, in southwestern India. The holotype skull is illustrated by drawings in van Beneden and Gervais (1880, plate XXXVII, fig. 1-5), and just the lateral view is reprinted in True (1889, plate 1, fig. 2). The holotype and syntypes are described in detail in Robineau (1990).

Distribution: This species is found in shallow waters from Muizenberg, False Bay, South Africa (Best 2007) to the Bay of Bengal, as far east as the Mergui Archipelago, southeastern Myanmar (Burma), including the Red Sea and Persian (Arabian) Gulf (Jefferson and Karczmarski 2001, Smith and Tun 2008) (Fig. 9). Occasional records of Sousa from as far north as Saldanha Bay have been recently reported from Southwest Africa.1 Range states with confirmed records include South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, the Comoros, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanmar (Burma). There is an extralimital record from Israel, where one individual recently passed through the Suez Canal into the Mediterrnean Sea (Kerem et al. 2001).
Etymology: The species name, plumbea, refers to the dark gray (plumbeous, or lead-colored) color of the body. The English common name is the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin, which accurately describes its range.

Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765)

Holotype and Type Locality: Type locality is the “Canton River” (= Pearl River, People's Republic of China). There is no holotype, but a specimen was described and beautifully illustrated by Flower (1870). This individual was viewed as a kind of surrogate for a type specimen until its destruction in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons during a bombing raid in World War II (Pilleri 1979). Porter (2002) recently designated a neotype for Sousa chinensis (BMNH ZD 1999.360), but the male individual was only 5 yr of age, well below the age at which males reach sexual maturity, which is about 12–14 yr, and physical maturity—about 14–17 yr (see Jefferson et al. 2012). Therefore, as suggested by Jefferson and Van Waerebeek (2004), Porter's (2002) neotype may not have the characteristics typical of adults of the species, and on which taxonomic comparisons are usually made. Also, several errors were made in the description. Therefore, we emphasize that Porter's (2002) neotype description should not be used for comparative purposes without due consideration to these problems.

Distribution: This species is distributed in waters from central China (near the mouth of the Yangtze River), south throughout the waters of Southeast Asia as far southeast at least as Borneo, and as far west as the Orissa coast of India (Sutaria and Jefferson 2004). It overlaps in range with Sousa plumbea, although there is no convincing evidence of interbreeding between the two species. Range states include the People's Republic of China (including the SARs of Hong Kong and Macau), Taiwan (Republic of China), Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam.
Etymology: The species name, chinensis, refers to the original location of the animals observed by Osbeck, in the Canton (Pearl) River of southern China. We considered the Western Pacific humpback dolphin, but this is not accurate, as the species occurs in both the Indian and Pacific oceans. The suggested common name is therefore the currently used Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, which accurately describes its range.

Sousa sahulensis sp. nov.

Synonymy: Sousa queenslandensis Gaskin, 1972: 124, fig. 101. Nomen nudum.

Holotype and Type Locality: The holtype is a complete skull in the Museum of Tropical Queensland (MTQ JM20036), collected on 23 June 1985 from Saunders Beach, northeast Queensland, Australia (19°09′20′′S, 146°36′26′′E). The skull is from an adult male specimen 227 cm in total length (CBL = 507 mm), and was measured by TAJ in June 2000 (measurements presented in Table 3). The skull of the holotype is illustrated in Figure 13. A bone sample from the type specimen has been obtained for genetic analysis and the mtDNA control region sequence will be deposited in GenBank. No paratypes are proposed.

Etymology: The species name, sahulensis, is based on the apparent range, over the Sahul Shelf extending between Australia and the island of New Guinea. The suggested common name is the Australian humpback dolphin, which refers to the main area of its known range, and the source of virtually all information available on this species to date.

Distribution: This species is found in the tropical/subtropical waters along the coast of northern Australia, from the Queensland/New South Wales border (31°27′S) to Ningaloo Reef, near Exmouth Bay (22°17′S; Parra et al. 2004). There are seven reliable records (supported by photographs) of humpback dolphins reported from near Kikori, Gulf of Papua, in southern Papua New Guinea in 2013.2 An additional two unconfirmed records have been reported from the same area.3 Therefore, humpback dolphins (apparently S. sahulensis) also occur in at least the southern waters of the island of New Guinea (as was suggested by Mitchell 1975 following Dawbin 1972, but with no details given). Generally, there is very little information available on marine mammal distribution in waters of far-eastern Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. There are reports of humpback dolphins (species unknown) from Bintuni-Berau Bay, West Papua/Irian Jaya, Indonesia (B. Kahn, in litt., 2006); however these must be considered unconfirmed, as detailed descriptions or photographs were not provided. Based on its apparent distribution, Sousa sahulensis is considered to be associated with the Sahul Shelf, which extends around Australia and connects to southern New Guinea. Known range states to date include Australia and Papua New Guinea, and may also include Indonesian portions of New Guinea (i.e., provinces of Papua and West Papua/Irian Jaya).

Thomas A. Jefferson and Howard C. Rosenbaum. 2014. Taxonomic Revision of the Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.), and Description of A New Species from Australia.  Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12152

Scientists name new species of cetacean: The Australian humpback dolphin

[BioGeography • 2014] Borneo and Indochina are Major Evolutionary Hotspots for Southeast Asian Biodiversity


FIGURE 4. Colonization routes of extant Southeast Asian taxa.
a) Colonization routes inferred from ancestral area estimation (DEC model, Lagrange) for lineages among studied taxa in the pre-Miocene, Miocene, and Plio-Pleistocene (see Material and Methods and Fig. 3 for details). Line-color corresponds to inferred area of origin (see inset map), while line thickness corresponds to number of colonizations; multiple colonizations found for a specific source and destination (e.g., Indochina-Sumatra) from a single dataset are counted once only. See Fig. S14 and S15 for group-specific colonization routes.
b) Number of emigration (positive bars) and immigration (negative bars) events observed for pre-defined areas in the pre-Miocene, Miocene, and Plio-Pleistocene.


Tropical Southeast Asia harbors extraordinary species richness and in its entirety comprises four of the Earth's 34 biodiversity hotspots. Here, we examine the assembly of the Southeast Asian biota through time and space. We conduct meta-analyses of geological, climatic and biological (including 61 phylogenetic) datasets to test which areas have been the sources of long-term biological diversity in SE Asia, particularly in the pre-Miocene, Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene, and whether the respective biota have been dominated by in situ diversification, immigration and/or emigration, or equilibrium dynamics. We identify Borneo and Indochina, in particular, as major ‘evolutionary hotspots’ for a diverse range of fauna and flora. While most of the region's biodiversity is a result of both the accumulation of immigrants and in situ diversification, within-area diversification and subsequent emigration have been the predominant signals characterizing Indochina and Borneo's biota since at least the early Miocene. In contrast, colonization events are comparatively rare from younger volcanically active emergent islands such as Java, which show increased levels of immigration events. Few dispersal events were observed across the major biogeographic barrier of Wallace's Line. Accelerated efforts to conserve Borneo's flora and fauna in particular, currently housing the highest levels of Southeast Asian plant and mammal species richness, are critically required.

Key words: phylogenetics, biogeography, geology, palynology, climate change, ecology

Mark de Bruyn, Björn Stelbrink, Robert J. Morley, Robert Hall, Gary R. Carvalho, Charles H. Cannon, Gerrit van den Bergh, Erik Meijaard, Ian Metcalfe, Luigi Boitani, Luigi Maiorano, Robert Shoup and Thomas von Rintelen. 2014. Borneo and Indochina are Major Evolutionary Hotspots for Southeast Asian Biodiversity. Systematic Biology. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syu047

[Mammalogy • 2014] Myotis midastactus | Golden Myotis | Murciélago vespertino de oro • A New Species of Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from northeastern Bolivia


Myotis midastactus Moratelli & Wilson, 2014
Adult female (USNM 584502) captured at Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

 Photograph: Marco Tschapka.

We describe Myotis midastactus sp. nov. from the Bolivian savanna on the basis of differences in fur color, and cranial and external features that unquestionably distinguish it from all other Neotropical Myotis. This new species is morphologically allied to M. simus Thomas, 1901 and other species in the M. ruber group. Myotis midastactus is endemic to Bolivia, where it occurs with 6 congeners—albescens, dinellii, keaysi, nigricans, riparius, and oxyotus. Previously identified as M. simus, M.midastactus is in syntopy with M. nigricans and M. riparius in the department of Santa Cruz, and there is no evidence that true M. simus occurs in Bolivia.

Key words:  Myotinae, Myotis simus, Myotis ruber group, Neotropics, South America

Holotype.— Adult male, AMNH 211156, with skin, complete skull, and postcranial skeleton (Figs. 1 and 2), collected by S. Anderson (field number SA 5871), on 9 September 1965. External and craniodental measurements for the type series are in Table 1.
Type locality.— Cercado, Río Mamoré, Beni, Bolivia, about ´23 km W of San Javier (148340 S, 648550 W).

Distribution.— Myotis midastactus is known only from Bolivia, with all records from the departments of El Beni and Santa Cruz

Etymology.— The name M. midastactus is an allusion to the legend of Midas, the mythical Greek king whose touch turned everything to gold. It is a Latinized word (Gr. Μίδας, Midas; L. tactus, touch) in apposition to Myotis, and literally means Midas touch in reference to the golden-yellow fur, which is unique among New World Myotis. We suggest the English vernacular name Golden Myotis, and the Spanish vernacular, murciélago vespertino de oro.

 Moratelli, Ricardo & Wilson, Don E. 2014. A New Species of Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from Bolivia. Journal of Mammalogy. 95 (4): E17–E25. doi: 10.1644/14-MAMM-149
Ricardo Moratelli. 2012. Myotis simus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Mammalian Species. 44(1); 26-32. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1644/892.1

Bolivian golden bat revealed as 'new species'http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/28583377
Bat conservation in threatened ecosystems of Bolivia
Aguirre, L.F., A. Vargas & S. Solari. 2009. Clave de campo para la identificación de los murciélagos de Bolivia. Centro
de Estudios en Biología Teórica y Aplicada. Cochabamba, Bolivia. 38 pp [Key for Bolivian Bats]

Myotis midastactus is the fifth new species of bat Dr Moratelli has described. Others include Myotis diminutus, a tiny bat species found in the Ecuadorian Andes; Myotis lavali from north-eastern Brazil, Myotis izecksohni found in Atlantic forest in southern Brazil, and Myotis handleyi from the mountains of northern Venezuela.

Ricardo Moratellia and Don E. Wilsonb. 2011. A new species of Myotis Kaup, 1829 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from Ecuador. Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde. 76(5); 608–614.  DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mambio.2010.10.003 http://news.mongabay.com/2010/1116-hance_tinybat.html

[Ichthyology • 2012] Serrapinnus sterbai • Description of a new characins (Characiformes: Characidae: Cheirodontinae) from the eastern parts of Brazil with comments on S. gracilis (Géry, 1960) comb. nov. and S. littoris (Géry, 1960) comb. nov.


Serrapinnus sterbai Zarske, 2012

Serrapinnus sterbai spec. nov. from the eastern parts of Brazil (probably Araguaya drainage) is described. Typically there are (1) a black longitudinal band from the eye to the basis of caudal-fin, (2) an incomplete lateral line with eight to 12 pored scales, (3) 32 to 34 scales in a longitudinal line, (4) 21 to 23 anal-fin rays (total), (5) 32 to 33 vertebrae (4+9–10+18 – 20), (6) 14 to 16 gill-rakers on the first left arch (5 – 6 /9–10), (7) five seven- to ninecuspid premaxillary teeth, (8) two to three sevencuspid maxillary teeth, (9) five sevencuspid mandibulary teeth, (10) head relatively small (3,93 to 4,71 times in SL) and (11) body depth moderately high (2,63 to 3,18 times in SL). The species is easy to identify from all other members of the genus by its coloration. Cheirodon gracilis Géry, 1960 and Cheirodon littoris Géry, 1960 are transferred into the genus Serrapinnus

Key words: Teleostei, Characiformes, Serrapinnus, new species, Brazil, South America.

 Zarske, A. 2012. Serrapinnus sterbai spec. nov. – Beschreibung eines neuen Salmlers (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae: Cheirodontinae) aus Brasilien mit Bemerkungen zu S. gracilis (Géry, 1960) comb. nov. und S. littoris (Géry, 1960) comb. nov. Vertebrate Zoology. 62 (1): 3–17.
Serrapinnus sterbai spec. nov. – Description of a new characins (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae: Cheirodontinae) from Brazil with comments on S. gracilis (Géry, 1960) comb. nov. and  S. littoris (Géry, 1960) comb. nov. 

[Paleontology • 2014] Herd Structure in Late Cretaceous Polar Dinosaurs: A Remarkable New Dinosaur Tracksite, Denali National Park, Alaska, USA


The discovery of a new tracksite of mostly hadrosaurid dinosaur footprints, made by a herd living in an ancient high-latitude continental ecosystem, provides insight into the herd structure and behavior of northern polar dinosaurs and perspective on populations of large-bodied herbivores in an Arctic greenhouse world. This tracksite occurs in the Upper Cretaceous Cantwell Formation in the Alaska Range (Denali National Park, Alaska, United States), and it is the largest tracksite known from this far north. Preservation of the tracksite is exceptional: most tracks, regardless of size, contain skin impressions and they co-occur with well-preserved plant fossils and invertebrate trace fossils of terrestrial and aquatic insects. Statistical analyses of the tracks show that individuals of four different age classes of hadrosaurids lived together in a large social group. Our research results independently corroborate the growth curve for hadrosaurids proposed by paleohistologists that suggests that these dinosaurs experienced a period of rapid growth early in their life history.

Figure 2. Denali National Park, Alaska
B: Left side of tracksite; each dimple in the bedding plane represents a dinosaur footprint.

Figure 3. A–C: Size ranges of tracks found at Denali National Park, Alaska, tracksite.
D: Adult hadrosaurid track with skin impressions. Scale bar for C1 is 5 cm.

Figure 4. A: Bivariate plot of footprint length-width measurements (N = 127) with results of cluster analysis superimposed, showing growth stages 1–4. Different size classes are consistent with populations of animals that breed seasonally (Ricklefs and Miller, 2000).

In summary, available data strongly suggest that polar hadrosaurids were year-round residents of the high latitudes. Furthermore, the Denali National Park and Preserve tracksite assemblage represents the first definitive evidence that Arctic hadrosaurids lived in multigenerational herds, a behavioral pattern not previously recognized from either bone beds or other track assemblages. The demographic profile of this dinosaurian herd also shows that a warm greenhouse polar world was capable of supporting a thriving large-bodied herbivore population.

 Anthony R Fiorillo, Stephen T Hasiotis and Yoshitsugu Kobayashi. 2014. Herd Structure in Late Cretaceous Polar Dinosaurs: A Remarkable New Dinosaur Tracksite, Denali National Park, Alaska, USA. Geology. 42(8):719-722. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1130/G35740.1

Denali duck-billed dino tracks discovered

[Paleontology • 2014] Laquintasaura venezuelae • A Palaeoequatorial Ornithischian and New Constraints on Early Dinosaur Diversification


Laquintasaura venezuelae
Barrett, Butler, Mundil, Scheyer, Irmis & Sánchez-Villagra, 2014

Current characterizations of early dinosaur evolution are incomplete: existing palaeobiological and phylogenetic scenarios are based on a fossil record dominated by saurischians and the implications of the early ornithischian record are often overlooked. Moreover, the timings of deep phylogenetic divergences within Dinosauria are poorly constrained owing to the absence of a rigorous chronostratigraphical framework for key Late Triassic–Early Jurassic localities. A new dinosaur from the earliest Jurassic of the Venezuelan Andes is the first basal ornithischian recovered from terrestrial deposits directly associated with a precise radioisotopic date and the first-named dinosaur from northern South America. It expands the early palaeogeographical range of Ornithischia to palaeoequatorial regions, an area sometimes thought to be devoid of early dinosaur taxa, and offers insights into early dinosaur growth rates, the evolution of sociality and the rapid tempo of the global dinosaur radiation following the end-Triassic mass extinction, helping to underscore the importance of the ornithischian record in broad-scale discussions of early dinosaur history.

Keywords: Ornithischia, end-Triassic extinction, Lower Jurassic, osteohistology, palaeobiogeography

Barrett, Paul M.; Butler, Richard J.; Mundil, Roland; Scheyer, Torsten M.; Irmis, Randall B.; Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo R. 2014. A Palaeoequatorial Ornithischian and New Constraints on Early Dinosaur Diversification. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281 (1791): 1–7. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2014.1147

Laquintasaura venezuelae: New Herbivorous Dinosaur Discovered in Venezuela

[Herpetology • 2009] Morerella cyanophthalma • A New Tree-frog Genus and Species (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from Ivory Coast, West Africa


Morerella cyanophthalma
Rödel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé and Perret, 2009

 We describe a new genus and species of hyperoliid tree- frog from the Upper Guinean rain forest, West Africa. Morerella gen. nov.Rödel, Kosuch, Grafe, Boistel & Veith is characterized by a slender body and large protruding eyes; a horizontal oval pupil; a small but distinct tympanum; a medium sized, medioposterior gular gland, without thin dilatable skin beneath and around the gland in males; spinosities on ba ck and on extremities of males; sphenethmoid not visible dorsally; ventroanterior portion of sphenethmoid unfused; non-imbricate neural arches that do not completely roof the spinal canal; transverse processes of eighth vertebra not angled markedly forward; a greatly forked omosternum; a completely ossified sternum; posterolateral process of hyoid absent and anterior horn composed of an anteromedial and a lateral process; round discs on finger and toe tips; complete ly mineralized intercalary elements of phalanges; sexes dichromatic in coloration; short tonal advertisement call, notes grouped, not pulsed; terrestrial eggs and aquatic larval stages. The new genus differs genetically from other hyperoliid genera by 18-35% sequence divergence (>1300 bp of cytochrome b , 16S and 12S rRNA sequences). Its phylogenetic relations hips within this family remain obscure. So far the genus is comprised of one species, Morerella cyanophthalma sp. nov. Rödel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé & Perret, that is only known from a few sites in the Banco National Park, Ivory Coast. Specimens from another Ivorian locality, the Azagny National Park, may be conspecific. Based on the IUCN red list criteria, the new species is classified as Critically Endangered.

 Key words:Morerella gen. nov. , Morerella cyanophthalma sp. nov. , conservation, phylogeny, natural history, rainforest, West Africa

Morerella gen. nov. 
Rödel, Kosuch, Grafe, Boistel & Veith

Morerella cyanophthalma sp. nov. 
Rödel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé & Perret


Rödel, M-O., Kosuch J., Grafe T. U., Boistel R., Assemian N. E., Kouame N. G., et al. 2009.  A New Tree-frog Genus and Species from Ivory Coast, West Africa (Amphibia: Anura: Hyperoliidae). Zootaxa. 2044, 23-45.

[Herpetology • 2014] A Phylogenetic Analysis of the southern African gecko genus Afroedura Loveridge (Squamata: Gekkonidae), with the description of nine new species from Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa


Afroedura hawequensis

A molecular phylogeny of the largely rupicolous geckos of the gekkonid genus Afroedura is presented based on a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence data. Previously recognized species groups are only partly recovered, with A. pondolia retrieved as very distantly related to the congeners to which it was previously considered allied. Afroedura hawequensis forms a monotypic group that is sister to all other species, which are allocated to the A. nivaria, A. transvaalica, A. africana, A. multiporis, A. marleyi, and A. langi groups. The taxonomic status of species occurring in the former Transvaal province of South Africa (now Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces) is reviewed based on morphological and molecular evidence. Afroedurarupestris sp. nov. is described in the A. multiporis group, A. maripi sp. nov., A. pongola sp. nov., and A.rondavelica sp. nov., are described in the A. marleyi group, andA. broadleyi sp. nov., A. granitica sp. nov., A. leoloensis sp. nov., A. pienaari sp. nov., and A. waterbergensis sp. nov. are described in the A. langi group. In addition, A. haackei, A. namaquensis, and A. tirasensis, are all raised to specific status. The description of nine new species highlights Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces as previously unrecognized centers of diversity for the genus Afroedura. A key to the species of Afroedura is provided.

Keywords: Afroedura, Afroedura broadleyi sp. nov., Afroedura. granitica sp. nov., Afroedura leoloensis sp. nov., Afroedura maripi sp. nov., Afroedura pienaari sp. nov., Afroedurapongola sp. nov., Afroedura rondavelica sp. nov., Afroedura rupestris sp. nov.

Jacobsen, Niels H. G., Arianna L. Kuhn, Todd R. Jackman & Aaron M. Bauer. 2014. A Phylogenetic Analysis of the southern African gecko genus AfroeduraLoveridge (Squamata: Gekkonidae), with the description of nine new species from Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa. Zootaxa. 3846(4): 451–501.

[Herpetology • 2011] The Dangerously Venomous Snakes of the Philippine Archipelago with Identification Keys and Species Accounts


 Alan E. Leviton, Rafe M. Brown and Cameron D. Siler. 2011. The Dangerously Venomous Snakes of the Philippine Archipelago with Identification Keys and Species Accounts. In: Gary C. Williams and Terrence M. Gosliner [eds.] The Coral Triangle: The 2011 Hearst Biodiversity Philippine Expedition, Publisher: California Academy of Sciences. 473-530. 

[Herpetology • 2014] Phylogenetic Analysis of the King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah in Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA sequences


 King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah
"Venomous Snake" Thai Postage Stamps 1981 [1 Dec. 1981]
Ophiophagus ?hannah from southern Thailand
photo: M. Sumontha | siamensis.org

Background: Snakes possess adaptive characteristics of morphology that may result in incorrect reconstruction of phylogeny. Molecular approaches have become the major source of new information for advancing our understanding of evolutionary, genetic relationships, and species identification.

Objective: We studied DNA sequences of Ophiophagus hannah in different parts of Thailand and compared them with those of O. hannah from other countries. 
Materials and Methods: We studied the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and control region (CR) sequences of 12 individuals O. hannah from different localities across Thailand. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences were compared to the published sequences of O. hannah deposited in NCBI GenBank database from other countries.

Results: O. hannah could be categorized into 2 Clades, 5 haplotypes, and 4 localities based on 43 different nucleotide positions from the 736 bp of ND2 and 673 bp of CR. Clade A was haplotype A from southern Thailand. Clade B consisted of haplotypes B, C, D, and E. Haplotype B and C came from northern Thailand. Haplotype D came from western Thailand, while haplotype E was O. hannah from central Thailand. The DNA sequences of Clade B were similar to the sequences of O. hannah in Myanmar and southern China that are already deposited in NCBI GenBank database.

Conclusion: We found a different genotype of O. hannah from southern Thailand and suggest that this may be a new species of O. hannah. 

A male King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah from Klong Naka Wildlife Sanctury, Ranong
photo: Suwit Punnadee | siamensis.org

King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah from Prachuap Khiri Khan, central Thailand
photo: M. Sumontha | 

Ophiophagus hannah (OH), known as the king cobra, is the world's largest venomous snake with a length up to 5.8 meters. King cobras feed mainly on other snakes including rat snakes, small pythons, and even other venomous snakes such as various members of the true cobras (genus Naja) and members of the krait family. When food is scarce, they may also feed on small vertebrates, such as lizards, birds, and rodents. O. hannah are distributed across south Asia, southeast Asia, and the southern areas of east Asia (e.g. southern China) where it is not common. They can be found throughout Thailand where the largest known king cobra was caught at Nakhon Si Thammarat in southern Thailand [1]. O. hannah likes living in light wooded areas and in open grasslands. However, they can also be found on agricultural land. They often lives near water. They can swim and climb well. They can also move forwards very quickly with an upright head and anterior part of body. King cobras are active at night and during the day. The venom of the king cobra consists primarily of neurotoxins, but it also contains cardiotoxin and some other compounds. Like other venomous creatures, the toxic constituents are mainly proteins and polypeptides [2]. The traditional classification of snakes is based on morphological and histological characteristics [3]. However, snakes possess adaptive characters in various respects of morphology, which may cause misinterpretation of morphological characters to reconstruct incorrect or unresolved phylogeny. Because of this possible confusion, molecular approaches, such as DNA sequencing, have become the major source of new information for advancing....


Sunutcha Suntrarachun, Lawan Chanhome and Montri Sumontha. 2014. Phylogenetic Analysis of the King Cobra, Ophiophagus hannah in Thailand based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Asian Biomedicine. 8(2):269-274. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5372/1905-7415.0802.289

A male king cobra was from Klong Naka Wildlife Sanctury, Ranong: by Suwit Punnadee

[Paleontology • 2014] Sustained Miniaturization and Anatomical Innovation in the Dinosaurian Ancestors of Birds

Mesozoic theropod: Carcharodontosaurus , Sinocalliopteryx and Ichthyornis
 illustration: Davide Bonadonna | theropoda.blogspot.com

The dinosaur lineage that evolved into birds shrank in body size continuously for 50 million years.

Recent discoveries have highlighted the dramatic evolutionary transformation of massive, ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs into light, volant birds. Here, we apply Bayesian approaches (originally developed for inferring geographic spread and rates of molecular evolution in viruses) in a different context: to infer size changes and rates of anatomical innovation (across up to 1549 skeletal characters) in fossils. These approaches identify two drivers underlying the dinosaur-bird transition. The theropod lineage directly ancestral to birds undergoes sustained miniaturization across 50 million years and at least 12 consecutive branches (internodes) and evolves skeletal adaptations four times faster than other dinosaurs. The distinct, prolonged phase of miniaturization along the bird stem would have facilitated the evolution of many novelties associated with small body size, such as reorientation of body mass, increased aerial ability, and paedomorphic skulls with reduced snouts but enlarged eyes and brains.

Michael S. Y. Lee, Andrea Cau, Darren Naish and Gareth J. Dyke. 2014. Sustained Miniaturization and Anatomical Innovation in the Dinosaurian Ancestors of Birds. Science. 345(6196); 562-566
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1252243

New Research Traces Evolution of Theropod Dinosaurs into Flying Birds

[Palaeontology • 2014] Phunoichelys thirakhupti • A New Primitive Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Upper Jurassic Phu Kradung Formation of the Khorat Plateau, Northeastern Thailand


Figure 1. Phunoichelys thirakhupti gen. et sp. nov. from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic) of Phu Noi Locality, NE Thailand.
(a–c) PRC 230 (holotype), shell in dorsal (a, b) views, and detail of ornamentation on carapace (c);
(g–m) PRC 232, (g–i) right costal 1 (PRC232-1) in dorsal (g, h) and ventral (i) views; (j, k) left costal 4 (PRC232-5), (l, m) left costal 6 (PRC232-6).
Scale bar = 5 cm for (a), (b), (d), (e) and (g–m), 1 cm for (c) and (f).
Figure 3. Reconstruction of the shell of Phunoichelys thirakhupti gen. et sp. nov. from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic) of Phu Noi Locality, NE Thailand. (a) Carapace in dorsal view; (b) plastron in ventral view.

A new genus and new species of primitive eucryptodiran turtle, Phunoichelys thirakhupti gen. et sp. nov., is described on the basis of shell remains from the lower part of the Phu Kradung Formation, at Phu Noi locality, Kalasin Province, NE Thailand. It is assigned to Xinjiangchelyidae on the basis of the marginals covering the lateral end of the costals and the anal scutes invading the hypoplastra. The new taxon is further characterized by a low and rounded carapace without a cervical notch; the whole carapace and plastron covered with a clear ornamentation consisting of tiny irregular vermiculated furrows; a complete neural series that reaches the suprapygal; a very wide and short cervical scute; relatively wide vertebral scutes; and a long first thoracic rib that extends along the full width of the first costal. The sutured plastron/carapace connection and the marginals covering the lateral end of the second to seventh costals suggest that the turtles from Phu Noi may be related to some primitive xinjiangchelyids from the Sichuan Basin. The discovery of a xinjiangchelyid turtle in the lower part of the Phu Kradung Formation supports a Late Jurassic age for that part of the formation.

Keywords: Testudines; Eucryptodira; Xinjiangchelyidae; Phunoichelys thirakhupti; Late Jurassic; Phu Kradung Formation; NE Thailand

Figure 3. Reconstruction of the shell of Phunoichelys thirakhupti gen. et sp. nov. from the Phu Kradung Formation (latest Jurassic) of Phu Noi Locality, NE Thailand. (a) Carapace in dorsal view; (b) plastron in ventral view.

Haiyan Tong, Wilailuck Naksri, Eric Buffetaut, Varavudh Suteethorn, Suravech Suteethorn, Uthumporn Deesri, Saitong Sila, Phornphen Chanthasit and Julien Claude. 2014. A New Primitive Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Upper Jurassic Phu Kradung Formation of the Khorat Plateau, NE Thailand.Geological Magazine. in press. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0016756814000223

A xinjiangchelyid eucryptodiran. The type species is Phunoichelys thirakhupti box.com

[Mammalogy • 2013] Tapirus kabomani • A New Species of Tapir from the Amazon


Tapirus kabomani
Cozzuol, Clozato, Holanda, Rodrigues, Nienow, de Thoisy, Redondo & Santos, 2013

All known species of extant tapirs are allopatric: 1 in southeastern Asia and 3 in Central and South America. The fossil record for tapirs, however, is much wider in geographical range, including Europe, Asia, and North and South America, going back to the late Oligocene, making the present distribution a relict of the original one. We here describe a new species of living Tapirusfrom the Amazon rain forest, the 1st since T. bairdii Gill, 1865, and the 1st new Perissodactyla in more than 100 years, from both morphological and molecular characters. It is shorter in stature than T. terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) and has distinctive skull morphology, and it is basal to the clade formed by T. terrestris and T. pinchaque (Roulin, 1829). This highlights the unrecognized biodiversity in western Amazonia, where the biota faces increasing threats. Local peoples have long recognized our new species, suggesting a key role for traditional knowledge in understanding the biodiversity of the region.

Key words: Amazon, biodiversity, cladistics, genetics, morphometry, new species, Tapirus

FIG. 3.— Camera-trap photos of 2 specimens of Tapirus kabomani in the type locality (southern Amazonas State from Brazil). a) Lateral view of the head and anterior body of a male (right) and female (left) specimens.

Tapirus kabomani, new species

Etymology.— Arabo kabomani signifies tapir in the Paumarí native language from southern Amazonas, Brazil, where the holotype was collected in December 2009.
Type locality.— Southern Amazonas, Brazil, near BR 319 Highway, about 90 km north from Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil (88070 45.7300S, 638420 09.6400W; Fig. 2).

Distribution.— The new species is present in Amazonas,  Rondônia, and Mato Grosso states in Brazil and in Amazonas Department in Colombia. The habitats in the localities where the species was recorded so far are mosaics of forest and open savanna. Local people’s knowledge and photographic documents also suggest that it may be present in the eastern Amazon along the Guiana Shield (Amapá in Brazil and southern French Guiana; Fig. 2).

Mario A. Cozzuol , Camila L. Clozato , Elizete C. Holanda , Flávio H. G. Rodrigues , Samuel
Nienow , Benoit de Thoisy , Rodrigo A. F. Redondo , and Fabrício R. Santos. 2013. A New Species of Tapir from the Amazon. Journal of Mammalogy. 94(6):1331-1345.
DOI: 10.1644/12-MAMM-A-169.1

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