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[Botany • 2020] Didymocarpus albiflorus (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR


Didymocarpus albiflorus Souvann. & Phonepaseuth

in Souvannakhoummane & Phonepaseuth, 2020. 

Didymocarpus albiflorus, a new species from central Lao PDR, is described and illustrated with photographs. The new species is similar to D. middletoniiand D. brevipedunculatus, but can be distinguished by a combination of characters (see diagnosis and note). A detailed description, illustration, photographs, distribution, ecology and provisional conservation assessment and key to the species of Didymocarpus in the flora of Lao PDR are provided.

Keyword: Chayamaritia, Didymocarpus middletonii, Didymocarpoideae, Gesneriaceae, Plant taxonomy, Flora of Lao PDR

Fig. 1. Didymocarpus albiflorus Souvann. & Phonepaseuth,
A, habit; B. flower top view; C, flower lateral view; D, opened calyx; E, calyx tube; F, opened corolla, showing pistil, stamens and staminodes; G, fertile stamens; H, fruits.
Line drawing by K. Souvannakhoummane from KS-Bio140 (HNL).

Fig. 2. Didymocarpus albiflorus Souvann. & Phonepaseuth,
 A, habit; B, inflorescences and flowers; C, opened corolla, showing pistil, stamens and staminodes; D, fruit.
A & D, photos by P. Phonepaseuth and B–C by K. Souvannakhoummane from KS-Bio140 (HNL).

Didymocarpus albiflorus Souvann. & Phonepaseuth, sp. nov., 

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to Didymocarpus middletonii, but differs in having longer stem, calyx tube funnelform, pale green with reddish blotches, glabrous, corolla white with 9 grayish stripes inside. 

Distribution. Currently known from type locality at Darn Sinxay temple area, about 20 km from central Vientiane. 

Ecology and habitat. The species grows on shaded rocks covered with moss in mixed deciduous forest with sufficient seasonal run-off water, at an elevation of 210 m a.s.l. It grows with Begonia martabanica A.DC. (Begoniaceae) and Monolophus bracteatus (K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen) Veldk. & Mood (Zingiberaceae). The massive flowering and fruiting were observed in August and September. 

Vernacular name. ດອກແກຢົກຂາວ ‘Dok Kea Yok Khao’ [funnel white jade flower] (suggested here). 

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the white flowers.  

Notes. The new species is similar to Didymocarpus middletonii, but differs in having longer stem (ca. 17 cm long versus 0.3–0.7 cm long), calyx tube funnelform, pale green with reddish blotches, glabrous (vs. tube urceolate, dark red, multicellular eglandular hairs), corolla white with 9 grayish stripes inside (vs. light red at base, reddish to blackish purple with 9 dark stripes inside). This species is also similar to D. brevipedunculatus Y.H.Tan & Bin Yang, but differs in that the leaves ovate-elliptic (vs. ovate), inflorescences occur on axil near the top of stem with 3–4 flowers (vs. one per axil with numerous flowers), peduncles ascending to erect (vs. pendulous), calyx pale green with reddish blotches (vs. pale green to white), corolla inside with 9 white-grayish longitudinal (vs. inside with 9 purplish to deep red longitudinal stripes), ovary multicellular eglandular hairs (vs. glabrous).

Keooudone Souvannakhoummane and Phongphayboun Phonepaseuth. 2020. Didymocarpus albiflorus (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.  Taiwania. 65(2); 109-113. 

[Botany • 2020] Towards A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae) in Northwestern South America (Northern Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela)


(A) Cyrtochilum superbiens; (B) C. pastasae; (C) C. pastasae;
C. maranthum; (E) C. maranthum; (F) C. orgyale;
C. divaricatum; (H) C. ioplocon.

in Szlachetko & Kolanowska,. 2020. 
(photos: Luis Carlos Piña, Maria Luisa Hincapié & Marta Kolanowska

This article is a presentation of taxonomic diversity of the orchid genus Cyrtochilum in Northwestern South America. The morphological characteristics of over 90 species occurring in northern Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are presented together with illustrations of their floral segments. Information about the distribution of each taxon is provided. Ten morphologically consistent groups have been delineated to facilitate identification of Cyrtochilum representatives in the studied area. Keys for determination of species within each group are provided. Seven new species of Cyrtochilum are described and one new combination is proposed.

Figure 1: Photos of Cyrtochilum representatives.
(A) C. superbiens (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié); (B) C. pastasae (photo: Marta Kolanowska); (C) C. pastasae (photo: Marta Kolanowska); (D) C. maranthum (photo: Marta Kolanowska); (E) C. maranthum (photo: Marta Kolanowska); (F) C. orgyale (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié); (G) C. divaricatum (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié); (H) C. ioplocon (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié).

Figure 1: Photos of Cyrtochilum representatives.  (I) C. halteratum (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié); (J) C. tetracopis (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié); (K) C. trifurcatum (photo: Marta Kolanowska); (L) C. aemulum (photo: Marta Kolanowska); (M) C. annulare (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié); (N) C. gargantua (photo: Luis Carlos Piña & Maria Luisa Hincapié).

In our opinion, the broad concept of Cyrtochilum proposed by Neubig et al. (2012) should be rejected and only pseudobulbous, 1-4-leaved plants characterised by the right angle between the lip and gynostemium, the sessile lip which is hastate, pandurate to oblong-ovate or ligulate and much smaller than tepals should be included in this genus.

The diversity of Cyrtochilum s.str. in Northwestern South America was so far poorly recognised. Noteworthy, the vegetative organs are often absent in the type material of numerous species described in the past. We believe that our work is the first in depth step to reveal the actual variation of the genus representatives in the studied area and to conduct more detailed biogeographical and molecular analyses in the future. The deficiency of comprehensive research on morphology of Cyrtochilum; and lack of identification key have resulted in common mistakes in the identification of representatives of this genus. The incorrect determination of specimens was noted in numerous herbaria (notes on herbarium labels) as well as in the previously published local floras (photos not corresponding to the species name). These errors in identification of analysed material can led to an incorrect reconstruction of the phylogeny and infrageneric relationships within Cyrtochilum and its relatives.

The taxonomic separateness of three species pairs (Cyrtochilum hastatumC. ionodon, C. diceratum–C. englerianum and C. tetracopis–C. monachicum) requires further studies.

Dariusz L. Szlachetko and Marta Kolanowska​. 2020. Towards A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae) in Northwestern South America (Northern Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela). PeerJ. 8:e8566. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8566

[Herpetology • 2019] Wilsonosaura gen. nov. • A New Cryptic Genus of Terrestrial Lizard (Gymnophthalmidae: Cercosaurinae) from the eastern Andes of central Peru


Wilsonosaura josyi (Köhler, 2003)

in Lehr, Moravec & von May, 2020. 
SALAMANDRA: German Journal of Herpetology. 56(1)

We describe a new terrestrial genus of the family Gymnophthalmidae, subfamily Cercosaurinae, from central Peru on the basis of genetic and morphological characters. The monotypic Wilsonosaura gen. n. can be distinguished morphologically from all other genera of Cercosaurinae except of Proctoporus by having lower palpebral disc semi-transparent and undivided, dorsal scales weakly keeled to smooth, lateral scales distinctly smaller than dorsal scales, lateral scales forming a distinct longitudinal line of smaller scales, and absence of distinctly enlarged gulars. Wilsonosaura gen. n. can be distinguished from most species of Proctoporus by following characters: frequent occurrence of prefrontal shields, presence of weakly keeled to nearly smooth dorsal scales, by having a continuous line of lateral scales at the middle of flanks occasionally widened vertically by additional lateral scales interspacing the dorsals. Nevertheless, an unambiguous morphological character distinguishing the new genus from Proctoporus has not been identified. Phenotypic synapomorphies are not known for the new genus. In previously published phylogenies, Wilsonosaura gen. n. was identified as a distinct clade separated from all other cercosaurines. Wilsonosaura gen. n. is distributed in the regions of Junín, Pasco, and Huancavelica in upper montane forests and puna habitats from 2400 to 3726 m a.s.l. of the eastern Andes. We transfer Euspondylus josyi Köhler, 2003 as designated type species to Wilsonosaura gen. n. as Wilsonosaura josyi (Köhler, 2003) comb. n. and update the species diagnosis, description, and distribution. 

Key words: Squamata, taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny, morphology, cryptic genus, Wilsonosaura gen. n., Euspondylus josyi, new combination. 

Figure 5. Life males of Wilsonosaura josyi gen. n. et comb. n. in dorsolateral and ventral views.
 MUSM 31160, SVL = 53.6 mm (A, B), NMP-P6V 75867, SVL = 59.6 mm (C, D), MUSM 31991, SVL = 58.7 mm (E, F).
Photos by E. Lehr.

Figure 6. Life females of Wilsonosaura josyi gen. n. et comb. n. in dorsolateral and ventral views.
 MUSM 31188, SVL = 56.1 mm (A, B), MUSM 31973, SVL 48.7 mm (C, D).
Photos by E. Lehr (A, B) and J. Moravec (C, D).

Family Gymnophthalmidae Fitzinger, 1826
Subfamily Cercosaurinae Gray, 1838

Genus Wilsonosaura gen. n.  

Type species: Euspondylus josyi Köhler, 2003.
Suggested English name: Wilson’s microtegu. 

Unnamed clade II (Torres-Carvajal et al. 2016, Moravec et al. 2018, Lehr et al. 2019) 
Cercosaurini clade 2 (Vásquez-Restrepo et al. 2019) 

Content: one species: Wilsonosaura josyi (Köhler, 2003) comb. n. 
(previously Euspondylus josyi Köhler, 2003).

Diagnosis: Phenotypic synapomorphies are not known for this genus. Morphologically, Wilsonosaura gen. n. can be distinguished from all other genera of Cercosaurinae (except Proctoporus) by the combination of the following characters: lower palpebral disc semi-transparent, undivided (divided in Anadia, Andinosaura, Centrosaura, Euspondylus, Gelanesaurus, Oreosaurus, Petracola, Rheo­saurus, Riama, and most Placosoma species; opaque in Pholidobolus); dorsal scales homogenous (heterogenous in Centrosaura, Echinosaura, Gelanesaurus, Neusticurus, Potamites, Rheosaurus; minute tubercles on posterior dorsal scales in Placosoma; slightly rugose in Selvasaura); lateral scales distinctly smaller than dorsal scales (lateral scales not distinctly reduced in size in Macropholidus); lateral scales forming a distinct longitudinal line of smaller scales (irregular pattern of smaller laterals in Dendrosauridion), dorsal scales weakly keeled to nearly smooth (smooth dorsal keels in Dendrosauridion), and short snout bluntly rounded (moderately long snout pointed in Dendrosauridion); absence of distinctly enlarged gulars (medial gulars distinctly enlarged forming longitudinal rows in Cercosaura). Frequent occurrence of prefrontal shields, presence of weakly keeled to nearly smooth dorsal scales, and a continuous line of lateral scales at the middle of flanks being occasionally widened vertically by additional lateral scales interspacing the dorsals distinguish Wilsonosaura gen. n. from most species of Proctoporus. Nevertheless, an unambiguous morphological character distinguishing the new genus from Proctoporus has not been identified 
(see e.g., Oftedal 1974, Cadle & Chuna 1995, Altamirano-Benavides et al. 2013, Kok et al. 2013, Torres-Carvajal & Mafla-Endara 2013, Echevarría et al. 2015, Borges-Nojosa et al. 2016, Chávez et al. 2017, Sánchez-Pacheco et al. 2017b, Moravec et al. 2018, Lehr et al. 2019). 

Figure 9. Selected collecting sites and habitats of Wilsonosaura josyi gen. n. et comb. n. (A) Hatunpata, 3710 m a.s.l., 28 June 2013, (B) Trancapampa, 3550 m a.s.l., 2 July 2013, (C) Bosque de Sho’lett, 2430 m a.s.l., 27 January 2012, and (D) right slope near road leading to Satipo (before Maraynioc), 3726 m a.s.l., 24 April 2012.
Photos by J. Moravec (A, B, C), and E. Lehr (D).

Distribution: Peru: Regions of Huancavelica (TorresCarvajal et al. 2016), Junín, and Pasco in upper montane forests and puna habitats between 2430 and 3710 m a.s.l. (Fig. 1).

Etymology: The generic name Wilsonosaura is derived from the last name Wilson and the Greek noun σαύρα (lizard; saura is the feminine form). We dedicate the new genus to Dr. E. O. Wilson in recognition of his lifelong contributions to biodiversity research and conservation.

 Edgar Lehr, Jiří Moravec and Rudolf von May. 2020. A New Cryptic Genus of Terrestrial Lizard (Gymnophthalmidae: Cercosaurinae) from the eastern Andes of central Peru. SALAMANDRA: German Journal of Herpetology. 56(1); 1–15.  
Resumen. Describimos un nuevo género de lagartija de la familia Gymnophthalmidae, subfamilia Cercosaurinae, del centro del Perú, usando caracteres moleculares y morfológicos. Wilsonosaura gen. n. se puede distinguir morfológicamente de todos los demás géneros de Cercosaurinae excepto Proctoporus por tener un disco palpebral inferior semi-transparente y no dividido, escamas dorsales ligeramente quilladas a lisas, escamas laterales notoriamente más pequeñas que las escamas dorsales, escamas laterales formando una línea longitudinal distinta a lo largo del cuerpo y ausencia de escamas gulares notoriamente grandes. Se puede diferenciar Wilsonosaura gen. n. de la mayoría de especies de Proctoporus mediante los siguientes caracteres: presencia frecuente de placas prefrontales, presencia de escamas dorsales ligeramente quilladas a lisas, presencia de una línea continua de escamas laterales en el medio de los flancos (ocasionalmente más ancha en aspecto vertical debido a la presencia de escamas laterales junto a las dorsales). Sin embargo, no se ha identificado un carácter morfológico inequívoco que distinga al nuevo género de Proctoporus. No se conocen sinapomorfías fenotípicas para el nuevo género. En una filogenia previamente publicada, Wilsonosaura gen. n. fue identificado como un clado distinto separado de todos los demás cercosaurinos. Wilsonosaura gen. n. está distribuido en las regiones de Junín, Pasco y Huancavelica, en los Andes orientales, y habita bosques montanos y puna a elevaciones entre 2400 y 3726 m s.n.m. Transferimos Euspondylus josyi Köhler, 2003 y la designamos como especie tipo de Wilsonosaura gen. n., como Wilsonosaura josyi (Köhler, 2003) comb. n. y actualizamos la diagnosis, descripción y distribución de esta especie. 

Palabras clave: Squamata, taxonomía, sistemática, filogenia, morfología, género críptico, Wilsonosaura gen. n., Euspondylus josyi, nueva combinación

[Botany • 2020] Pothos boyceanus (Araceae) • A New Species from the Western Ghats, India


Pothos boyceanus G. Rajkumar, Shaju, Nazarudeen & Prakashk.

in Rajkumar, Shaju, et al., 2020.

Pothos boyceanus sp. nov. (Araceae) of the subgenus Allopothos (sensu Schott, 1855) has been discovered from the evergreen forests of Valara in Idukki district of Kerala, India. The species has a close affinity with Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivadasan, Mohanan & Sathishkumar, but differs in a set of characters including the presence of a ligule, long winged petiole, asymmetric lamina, long single cataphyll, slender peduncle, presence of a stipe, long cylindric spadix with a lorate spathe equal to the length of spadix and 1˗3 seeded ovate berry ripening milky white at base and light violet towards tip.

Keyword: Allopothos, Araceae, India, Kerala, new species, Pothos, Pothos boyceanus, Western Ghats

Fig. 2. Pothos boyceanus G. Rajkumar, Shaju, Nazarudeen & Prakashk. sp. nov. A. Habit. B. Growing apex showing long flagellum. C. Inflorescence. D. Infructescence showing long spathe.

Fig. 1. Pothos boyceanus G. Rajkumar, Shaju, Nazarudeen & Prakashk. sp. nov.
 A. Habit, flowering branch with apical flagellum. B. Single flower. C. Infructescence showing long spathe. D. Pistil. E. Stamen. F. Tepal. Drawed by Dr. T. Shaju.

Pothos boyceanus G. Rajkumar, Shaju, Nazarudeen & Prakashk., sp. nov.

 This species has a close affinity with Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivadasan et al., but differs in a set of characters including the long, sheathing slightly winged petiole with the sheath terminating in a short ligulate portion, asymmetric leaf blade, single long cataphyll subtending inflorescence, slender peduncle, long lorate spathe, long cylindric spadix with a distinct stipe, and milky white ripe berries with light violet heads (Table 1).

Distribution and habitat: India, Kerala, sporadic along the foot hills of the southern Western Ghats, near the 4th Milestone, Valara, Idukki district; prefers rich damp soil and dappled shade of riparian habitat at an altitude between 300 ˗350 m asl., climbing on trees in tropical evergreen forests, in association with Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd., Antidesma montanum Blume, Glycosmis macrocarpa Wight, Humboldtia vahliana Wight, H. sanjappae Sasidh. & Sujanapal, Polyalthia malabarica var. longipedicellata Alister et al., Ormosia travancorica Bedd., Ixora nigicans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn., Myristica malabarica Lam., Villebrunea integrifolia (Gaud.) Miq., Kunstleria keralensis Mohanan & Nair, Smilax zeylanica L., Ochlandra travancorica (Bedd.) Benth. ex Gamble and Hydnocarpus macrocarpa (Bedd.) Warb. 

Etymology: The specific epithet ‘boyceanus’ is given as a mark of respect to Dr. Peter C. Boyce, who has made remarkable  contributions on the systematics of Araceae of South East Asia.  

Gopalaprabhu Rajkumar, Thankappan Shaju, Ahammed Nazarudeen and Raveendranpillai Prakashkumar. 2020. Pothos boyceanus (Araceae), A New Species from the Western Ghats, India. Taiwania. 65(2); 114-118. 

[Entomology • 2020] Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 Flower Flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia


 Psilota alexanderi Young, 
Psilota purpurea Thompson & Young 
Psilota xanthostoma Young

in Young, Skevington & van Steenis, 2020.

The 34 species of Australian Psilota are revised, with 26 new species described (Psilota aislinnae Young sp. nov., Psilota alexanderiYoung sp. nov., Psilota apiformis Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota auripilaYoung and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota azureaThompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota bicolorYoung and Ferguson sp. nov., Psilota brunnipennis Young sp. nov., Psilota calva Young sp. nov., Psilota darwiniYoung sp. nov., Psilota flavoortaYoung and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota fuscifrons Young sp. nov., Psilota lividaYoung and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota longipila Thompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota mcqueeniYoung sp. nov., Psilota metallicaThompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota nigripilaYoung sp. nov., Psilota occidua Young sp. nov., Psilota pollinosa Young and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota purpureaThompson and Young sp. nov., Psilota smaragdinaYoung sp. nov., Psilota solataYoung and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota spathistylaYoung and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota spinifemur Young sp. nov., PsilotaviridescensYoung and van Steenis sp. nov., Psilota xanthostoma Young sp. nov., Psilota zophosYoung sp. nov.) and one new record for Australia (Psilota basalis Walker, 1858). Previously described Australian species are redescribed, with the males of Psilota auricauda Curran, 1925 and P. basalis (Walker, 1858) described for the first time. Six previously described species (Psilota erythrogaster Curran, 1926, Psilota hirta Klocker, 1924, Psilota queenslandica Klocker, 1924, Psilota rubra Klocker, 1924, Psilota rubriventris Bigot, 1885, and Psilota shannoni Goot, 1964) are morphologically indistinguishable from related species. P. erythrogaster, P. rubra, and P. rubriventris are therefore treated under the Psilota cuprea (Macquart, 1850) species complex while P. hirta, P. queenslandica, and P. shannoni treated under the Psilota tristis Klocker, 1924 species complex. Lectotypes for the following species are designated: Coiloprosopa nitida Macquart, 1850, Merodon muscaeformis Walker, 1852, Orthonevra basalis Walker, 1858, Psilota coerulea Macquart, 1846, and Psilota viridis Macquart, 1847.

Keywords: Diptera, Taxonomy, Hover Flies, Hoverflies, Haireye, Oceania, male genitalia, true fly, flower visitor, Eristalinae

 Psilota alexanderi Young sp. nov.

Psilota purpurea Thompson & Young sp. nov.

Psilota xanthostoma Young sp. nov.

 Andrew D. Young, Jeffrey H. Skevington and Wouter van Steenis. 2020. Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 Flower Flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia. Zootaxa. 4737(1); 1-126. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4737.1.1 

[Mammalogy • 2020] Ichthyomys pinei • A New Species of Crab-eating Rat of the Genus Ichthyomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from Ecuador


Ichthyomys pinei
 de Córdova, Nivelo-Villavicencio, Reyes-Puig, Pardiñas & Brito, 2020

Pine’s Crab-eating Rat | Rata Cangrejera de Pine  || DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2019-0022
Illustration: Glenda Pozo-Zamora 

Based on two adult specimens collected in the Río León (Azuay, Ecuador), we describe a new highland species of a small crab-eating rat of the genus Ichthyomys Thomas (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Ichthyomyini). It is distinguishable from Ichthyomys hydrobates (Winge, 1891), the species phenetically closest to it, by its smaller size, bicolored tail (unicolored in I. hydrobates), broad and heavily fringed hindfoot (narrower and moderately fringed in I. hydrobates), and several craniodental traits (e.g. rostrum short broad; nasals anteriorly truncated; interorbital region narrow; supraorbital margins smoothly rounded; supraorbital foramina small, zygomatic plate very narrow; incisors opisthodont; length of M3 half that of M2). The new species occurs in the western Andes in southern Ecuador and is allopatric with Ichthyomys stolzmanni Thomas, 1893, which also has a bicolored tail but is larger. The new species brings the number of Ecuadorean Ichthyomys to four, Ecuador thus becoming the country with the greatest diversity of Ichthyomyini (four genera and eight species).

Keywords: Andes; biodiversity; Ichthyomyini; morphology; Neotropics; new species; taxonomy

Figure 2: Dorsal and ventral views of stuffed study skins of Ecuadorean species of Ichthyomys, including
(A, B) adult female Ichthyomys pinei, sp. nov. (MZUA 234, holotype); (C, D) adult male I. stolzmanni (MECN 4914); (E, F) adult male I. tweedii (MECN 12229); (G, H) adult male I. hydrobates (MEPN 5834). Scale=10 mm.

Illustration: Glenda Pozo-Zamora 

Family Cricetidae Fischer, 1817
Subfamily Sigmodontinae Wagner, 1843
Tribe Ichthyomyini Vorontsov, 1959

Genus Ichthyomys Thomas, 1893

Ichthyomys pinei sp. n.  
Pine’s Crab-eating Rat or Rata Cangrejera de Pine

Etymology: This species is named in honor of Ronald H. Pine (Lawrence, KS, USA). Dr. Pine has engaged in vertebrate surveys in various countries in five continents, and has published numerous scholarly articles, mostly focused on Latin American bats, rodents and marsupials. The species epithet is formed from the surname “Pine”, taken as a noun in the genitive case, with the Latin suffix “i” (ICZN 31.1.2).

Javier Fernández de Córdova, Carlos Nivelo-Villavicencio, Carolina Reyes-Puig, Ulyses F.J. Pardiñas and Jorge Brito. 2020. A New Species of Crab-eating Rat of the Genus Ichthyomys, from Ecuador (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae). Mammalia.  DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2019-0022

Scientists discover a new crab-eating rat species in Ecuador sciencediscoveries.degruyter.com/scientists-discover-new-crab-eating-rat-species-ecuador via @DG_Discoveries

[Ichthyology • 2020] Ammoglanis obliquus • A New Psammophilic Species of the Catfish Genus Ammoglanis (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from the Amazon River Basin, northern Brazil


Ammoglanis obliquus 
Henschel, Bragança, Rangel-Pereira & Costa, 2020

Ammoglanis obliquus sp. nov., a minute catfish species reaching a maximum adult size of 15.5 mm, is described from the Rio Preto da Eva drainage in the central Brazilian Amazon. It is distinguished from all of its congeners in possessing an exclusive combination of character states, including the presence and number of premaxillary and dentary teeth, number of interopercular and opercular odontodes, presence of cranial fontanel, number of dorsal-fin rays, number of anal-fin rays, number of caudal-fin rays, number of pelvic-fin rays, number of pectoral-fin rays, absence of pelvic splint, antorbital morphology, and absence of supraorbital and autopalatine morphology. It is considered to be a member of a clade also including A. pulex and A. amapaensis due to the unique oral, antorbital, and autopalatine morphology. Ammoglanis obliquus is regarded as more closely related to A. pulex than to any other congener, as both species exhibit a similar colour pattern, an absence of the metapterygoid, and the presence of two finger-like projections on the chin region.

Key Words: Taxonomy, tropical rain forest, Sarcoglanidinae, systematics

Figure 2. Live specimen of Ammoglanis obliquus: UFRJ 12448; 13.0 mm SL.

Figure 1. Ammoglanis obliquus: UFRJ 12477, 14.1 mm SL (holotype): Amazonas river basin. A. Lateral left view; B. Dorsal view.

Ammoglanis obliquus sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Ammoglanis obliquus differs from all its congeners except A. pulex by the presence of seven diagonal rows of dark cromatophores forming a banded pattern on flank of live specimens (vs trunk with three longitudinal rows of dark chromatophores in A. diaphanus and A. amapaensis, or whitish with few minute dark chromatophores scattered on body in A. multidentatus), the absence of metapterygoid (Fig. 3; vs presence), and by the presence of two finger-like projections on chin region (de Pinna and Winemiller 2000: fig. 2b; vs absence). It is distinguished from A. pulex by the presence of dentary teeth (Fig. 4A; vs absence), the presence of premaxillary teeth (Fig. 4B; vs absence), by having 6+6 caudal-fin rays (vs 5+5), and by the absence of the pelvic splint (vs presence). It further differs from A. diaphanus, A. amapaensis, and A. multidentatus by the absence of the sesamoid supraorbital (Fig. 5, vs presence), by having fewer premaxillary teeth (3 vs 9–12 in A. diaphanus, 8–11 in A. amapaensis, and 10 or 11 in A. multidentatus), fewer dentary teeth (4 vs 8 in A. diaphanus, 7 or 8 in A. amapaensis, and 11–13 in A. multidentatus), and fewer dorsal-fin rays (total of 8 vs 10 in A. diaphanus, 9 in A. amapaensis, and A. multidentatus). It is distinguished from A. diaphanus and A. multidentatus by the presence of 6 pectoral-fin rays (vs 7 in A. diaphanus and 7 or 8 in A. multidentatus), and the presence of a scythe-shaped antorbital (vs antorbital straight, with its tip not curved mesially); from A. amapaensis, by the presence of a wide cranial fontanel (vs dorsal surface of the neurocranium totally ossified, without a fontanel; Mattos et al. 2008: fig. 4), absence of separate ossification of the anterior cartilage of autopalatine (vs presence); from A. multidentatus, by possessing fewer opercular odontodes (8–11 vs 15 or 16), fewer interopercular odontodes (5–8 vs 10 or 11), fewer anal-fin rays (total of 8 vs 9), and fewer pelvic-fin rays (total of 4 or 5 vs 6).

Distribution: Known only from its type locality in Rio Preto da Eva drainage, Amazonas river basin, northern Brazil.

Etymology: From the Latin obliquus, meaning oblique, referring to the conspicuous diagonal banded colouration pattern of living specimens.

Ecological notes: This species is known only from a small clearwater tributary of Preto da Eva river, which is a left margin tributary of the Amazonas river. Individuals were found associated with a sand-bank lying on the centre of an artificial widening of the main course, next to a road. The stream course margins were lined by gallery rainforest, and the water column was about 1 m deep with a weak current. The sand-bank was composed of coarse, yellow sand and with sparse patches of small banks of macrophytes. Capture was accomplished by scooping of the superficial layer of sand with fine hand-nets. Specimens of Potamoglanis Henschel, Mattos, Katz & Costa, 2018 and Ammocryptocharax Weitzman & Kanazawa, 1976 were frequently captured together with Ammoglanis obliquus. This area as a whole is under high deforestation pressure due to local human occupation.

 Elisabeth Henschel, Pedro H. N. Bragança, Filipe Rangel-Pereira and Wilson J. E. M. Costa. 2020. A New Psammophilic Species of the Ccatfish Genus Ammoglanis (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from the Amazon River Basin, northern Brazil.  Zoosystematics and Evolution. 96(1): 67-72. DOI: 10.3897/zse.96.48952

[Botany • 2020] Kaempferia aurora & K. caespitosa (Zingiberaceae) • Two New Species of Kaempferia subgenus Protanthium from northern Thailand


Kaempferia aurora Noppornch. & Jenjitt. 
& K. caespitosa Noppornch. & Jenjitt.

in Nopporncharoenkul, Laongsri & Jenjittikul, 2020.

Kaempferia aurora sp. nov. Noppornch. & Jenjitt., from Tak province near the Thailand‐Myanmar border, and K. caespitosa sp. nov. Noppornch. & Jenjitt., from Lampang province, northern Thailand, are described as new species of K. subgen. Protanthium (Horan.) Baker. Their diagnostic characters are compared with those of similar species. Detailed illustrations, photographs of dissected flowers, information on phenology, distribution and ecology, and preliminary conservation statuses are provided for both new species. An identification key to the species of Kaempferia subgen. Protanthium in Thailand is also revised and presented.

Keywords: anther crest, floral morphology, flowering phenology, Kaempferia auroraKaempferia caespitosa, new taxa

Kaempferia aurora Noppornch. & Jenjitt., sp. nov. 

Etymology: The specific epithet ‘aurora’ is derived from Latin and means dawn, referring to the anthesis time of the species. The flower is fully open and functional for a short period in early morning (06 a.m. to 07 a.m. at anthesis) and then immediately wilts within an hour.

Vernacular names: This species is named ‘Proh Fah Sang - เปราะฟ้าสาง’ [Proh = Kaempferia, Fah Sang = dawn] and ‘Dok Din Arun Rung- ดอกดินอรุณรุ่ง’ [Dok Din = flower which occurs on the ground, Arun Rung = dawn]. These names refer to the anthesis time of the species which is fully open in early morning. ‘Dok Din See Sanim - ดอกดินสีสนิม’ [See Sanim = brownish orange colour] and ‘Dok Din Umpun - ดอกดินอำพัน’ [Umpun = amber] refer to the color of wilted flower.

Kaempferia caespitosa Noppornch. & Jenjitt., sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific epithet ‘caespitosa’ refers to the clump‐forming or tufted habit of the species. This character state is rare in Kaempferia subgen. Protanthium.

Vernacular names: This species is named ‘Proh Pha Souk - เปราะผาสุก - ดอกดินผาสุก’ [Pha Souk = comfortable] and ‘Dok Din Mueang Ngao - ดอกดินเมืองงาว’ [Mueang Ngao = district name of type locality].

Nattapon Nopporncharoenkul, Woranuch Laongsri and Thaya Jenjittikul. 2020. Two New Species of Kaempferia subgenus Protanthium (Zingiberaceae) from northern Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany. 38(2): e02633. DOI: 10.1111/njb.02633 

ดอกดินอรุณรุ่ง-Kaempferia aurora Noppornch. & Jenjitt. และ ดอกดินผาสุก-Kaempferia caespitosa Noppornch. & Jenjitt. ดอกดินสกุลเปราะ (Kaempferia subgen. Protanthium) 2 ชนิดใหม่ล่าสุดที่มีรายงานการพบครั้งแรก (new species) ในประเทศไทย

ดอกดินอรุณรุ่ง (K. aurora)...พบครั้งแรกปี 2559 ที่ อ.แม่สอด จ.ตาก ได้ตัวอย่างเพิ่มเติมและการช่วยเหลือจากทีมสวนพฤกษศาสตร์สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ อ.แม่ริม จ.เชียงใหม่ (QSBG) ทำให้มีโอกาสศึกษาดอกดินชนิดนี้ในพื้นที่จริง...
ดอกดินผาสุก (K. caespitosa)...พบครั้งแรกปี 2559 โดยทีม QSBG ที่ จ.ลำปาง ตัวอย่างใน living collection ของ QSBG ...

ดอกดินทั้ง 2 ชนิดมีลักษณะทางสัณฐานวิทยาของดอกคล้ายคลึงกับดอกดินชนิดที่เคยรู้จักก่อนหน้า (existing species) อยู่ไม่น้อย แต่จากการศึกษาลักษณะทางสัณฐานวิทยาและเอกลักษณ์ทางเซลล์พันธุศาสตร์เชิงลึกอย่างละเอียด พบหลักฐานที่ชัดเจน...ทำให้สามารถระบุและแยกเป็นชนิดที่แตกต่างไปจากชนิดเดิม


[Herpetology • 2020] Opisthotropis hungtai • Re-examination of the Chinese Record of Opisthotropis maculosa (Squamata, Natricidae), resulting in the First National Record of O. haihaensis and Description of A New Species


Opisthotropis hungtai 
Wang, Lyu, Zeng, Lin, Yang, Nguyen, Le, Ziegler & Wang, 2020

Hung-Ta Chang’s Mountain Keelback | 张氏后棱蛇 || DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.913.48622 

The taxonomic status of the previous record of Opisthotropis maculosa Stuart & Chuaynkern, 2007 from Guangdong and Guangxi, southern China, is revised based on the comparison of morphological and molecular data collected from the Chinese specimens and the holotype of O. maculosa from Thailand and O. haihaensis Ziegler, Pham, Nguyen, Nguyen, Wang, Wang, Stuart & Le, 2019 from Vietnam. Results reveal that the population from Shiwandashan Nature Reserve in southern Guangxi, China belongs to O. haihaensis, and represents the first national record for China; the populations from western Guangdong and southeastern Guangxi are described as a new species, Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov. We suggest that O. maculosa should be removed from the Chinese herpetofauna checklist. The new national record of O. haihaensis and the description of the new species bring the total number of Opisthotropis to 13 in China.

Keywords: New national record, Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov., southern China, taxonomy

Figure 4. Morphological features of the adult male holotype SYS r00946 of Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov.
A Habitus view in life B habitus view in preservative C close-up of mid-dorsal body D–E close-up of head scales. Photos by Jian Zhao and Jian Wang.

Figure 5. Comparisons of head scalation of Opisthotropishaihaensis and Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov. Line illustration by Zhi-Tong Lyu.

Figure 6. Morphological features of the adult female paratypes of Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov. from Dawuling Forestry Station, Guangdong, China.
A, B Habitus view and close-up of mid-dorsal body of SYS r001515 C–E habitus view and close-up of head scales of SYS r002017. Photos by Jian Wang.

Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov.

Chresonymy: Opisthotropis maculosa Stuart & Chuaynkern, 2007: Yang et al. (2011) (part); Wang et al. (2017a), Ren et al. (2019).

Etymology: The species name “hungtai” refers to Professor Hung-Ta Chang (=Hong-Da Zhang, 张宏达), an outstanding botanist, who established the Tropical and Subtropical Forest Ecosystem Experimental Center in Heishiding Nature Reserve, promoting the development of ecological research in southern China. We suggest the English common name Hung-Ta Chang’s Mountain Keelback and the Chinese name Zhang Shi Hou Leng She (张氏后棱蛇).

Diagnosis: Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov. is characterized by the following combination of characters: (1) TL 464.3–501.2 mm in adult males, 393.2–511 mm in females, (2) tail moderate, TaL/TL 0.20–0.26 in males, 0.19–0.22 in females, (3) internasal not in contact with loreal, prefrontal not touching supraocular, frontal touching preocular, (4) one preocular, one or two postocular(s), (5) temporals 1+1, (6) supralabials seven, the fourth and fifth in contact with eye; (6) maxillary teeth 16–18, (7) anterior pair of chin shields longer than or equal to posterior pair; (8) ventrals 170–189 (+ 2 preventrals) in males, 168–175 (+ 2 preventrals) in females, (9) subcaudals 76–98 in males, 69–84 in females, (9) nasal cleft pointing to the second supralabial, (10) body scale in 15–15–15 rows, (11) body scales smooth, tail scales smooth or indistinctly keeled, (12) chin shields yellow with brownish black mottling, and (13) body and tail dorsum dark, each with a light spot per scale.

Distribution and habits: Opisthotropis hungtai sp. nov. is currently known from Heishiding Nature Reserve (ca 300 m a.s.l.) and Dawuling Forestry Station (ca 900 m a.s.l.) in western Guangdong, and Mt. Wuhuang (ca 500 m a.s.l.) in southeastern Guangxi.

The specimen from Mt. Wuhuang was collected in a rocky stream. Besides, specimens from Heishiding Nature Reserve were found in pelitic gutterways along the dirt path, and specimens from Dawuling Forestry Station were collected in a pelitic stream. The collection sites were all surrounded by well-preserved, dense deciduous forest.

 Jian Wang, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Chao-Yu Lin, Jian-Huan Yang, Truong Quang Nguyen, Minh D. Le, Thomas Ziegler and Ying-Yong Wang. 2020. Re-examination of the Chinese Record of Opisthotropis maculosa (Squamata, Natricidae), resulting in the First National Record of O. haihaensis and Description of A New Species.  ZooKeys. 913: 141-159. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.913.48622


[Ichthyology • 2020] Careproctus shigemii • A New Species of Careproctus (Cottoidei: Liparidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk and A Redescription of the Blacktip Snailfish Careproctus zachirus


Careproctus shigemii
Matsuzaki, Mori, Kamiunten, Yanagimoto & Kai, 2020

A new snailfish, Careproctus shigemii, is described on the basis of three specimens collected in the southern Sea of Okhotsk, off Hokkaido, Japan. The new species has previously been confused with Careproctus zachirus Kido 1985, known from the Aleutian Islands, eastern Bering Sea, the Pacific Ocean off southeastern Kamchatka and the northern Kuril Islands, and the southern Sea of Okhotsk off Hokkaido, Japan, because of their similar appearance, including a noticeably elongate pectoral fin extending beyond the anal-fin origin, the gill slit entirely above the pectoral fin, no opercular flap projection, one suprabranchial pore, and trilobed teeth. However, C. shigemii is clearly differentiated from C. zachirus in having dorsal and anal fins margined with black (vs. white margined dorsal and anal fins with a black submarginal band), and a black caudal fin (vs. pale pink caudal fin), when fresh. Careproctus shigemii differs additionally from C. zachirus in having the cephalic pore pattern 2-6-6-1 (vs. 2-6-7-1), 30–35 pyloric caeca (vs. 20–31), and a shorter pectoral fin lower lobe, 8.2–9.9% SL (vs. longer lobe, 15.9–25.6% SL). A large sequence divergence between C. shigemii and C. zachirus (0.028 in uncorrected p-distance) in the DNA barcoding region (COI) also supports the validity of each species. A redescription of C. zachirus is also provided on the basis of the holotype, paratypes and non-type specimens.

Keywords: Careproctus shigemii, COI, Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Western North Pacific

Careproctus shigemii sp. nov. 
AMF-2-11-04-00-0031, paratype, 231.4 mm SL.

Careproctus shigemii sp. nov.
(New Japanese name: Otohime-Kon’nyaku-uo)

Distribution. Known only from the southern Sea of Okhotsk off Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan. Collection depths ranged from 200 to 300 m. By comparison, C. zachirus in the same area occupies depths of ca. 500–800 m.

Etymology. Named after the late Shigemi Fujimoto, a fisherman of Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan, who assisted our team in collecting various marine organisms, including the present new species, and contributed significantly to our efforts to understand the marine biodiversity of Rausu and Shiretoko Peninsula, a World Heritage Area.

Koji Matsuzaki, Toshiaki Mori, Moeko Kamiunten, Takashi Yanagimoto and Yoshiaki Kai. 2020. A New Species of Careproctus (Cottoidei: Liparidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk and A Redescription of the Blacktip Snailfish Careproctus zachirus. Ichthyological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00734-w

Aquamarine Fukushima Discovered in Shiretoko, Hokkaido!公 表 Announcement of the release of a new species of  deep-sea fish “Otohime Konjac” re-how.net/exhibition/418862

[Botany • 2020] Begonia puerensis (Begoniaceae) • A New Tuberous Species from Yunnan, China


Begonia puerensis W.G. Wang, X.D. Ma & J.Y. Shen

in Wang, Ma, Li, et al., 2020. 
普洱秋海棠 || DOI: 10.1111/njb.02618

Begonia puerensis sp. nov., a new tuberous species of Begonia sect. Reichenheimia (Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China is described and illustrated. The morphological similarity between the new species and the similar species B. discreta, B. harmandii and B. qingchengshanensis is compared and discussed and a key to Begonia sect. Reichenheimia in China is provided. The new species is assessed as Endangered (EN) following the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Keywords: Begonia, new taxon, taxonomy, tuberous herb

Begonia puerensis W.G. Wang, X.D. Ma & J.Y. Shen, sp. nov.

Etymology: The epithet puerensis refers to the distribution of new species in Puer district, Yunnan province.

Wen‐Guang Wang, Xing‐Da Ma, Ren‐Kun Li, Ji‐Pu Shi, Shou‐Zhou Zhang and Jian‐Yong Shen. 2020. Begonia puerensis sp. nov. (Begoniaceae), A New Tuberous Species from Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany.  38(1) DOI: 10.1111/njb.02618

Newly discovered begonia in need of urgent protection news.cgtn.com/news/2020-02-19/Newly-discovered-begonia-in-need-of-urgent-protection-Od2Y1gnO8w/index.html via @cgtnofficial

[Botany • 2020] Hechtia ibugana (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae) • A Novelty in the Genus Hechtia from Jalisco, Mexico


Hechtia ibugana Flores-Argüelles, Espejo & López-Ferr. 

in Flores-Argüelles, López-Ferrari, Espejo-Serna & Romero-Guzmán, 2019.  

Hechtia ibugana a new species from the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, is described and illustrated. The new taxon is compared with H. pretiosa and H. rosea, species that also present sepals and petals rose to reddish, as well as with H. iltisii and H. santanae, endemic species of the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Keywords: Hechtia, Puerto Vallarta, Sierra Madre del Sur, Monocots

FIGURE 1. A–H. Hechtia ibugana Flores-Argüelles, Espejo & López-Ferr.
A. Detail of pistillate flowers. B. Detail of staminate flowers. C. Fruits. D. Detail of inflorescence indumentum. E. Staminodes. F. Pistillate plant in the type locality. G. Rosettes at the type locality. H. Open Quercus forest with presence of Cryosophila nana in the type locality (Photographs by A. Flores-Argüelles).

Hechtia ibugana Flores-Argüelles, Espejo & López-Ferr., sp. nov. 

Diagnose: The new species is similar to Hechtia iltisii but it differs by its silvery lepidote blade at base (vs glabrous), smaller spine distance (3.4–13.4 vs 5–30 mm), inflorescence sterile branches absent (vs present), triangular rose petals (vs ovate green) and green anthers (vs yellow).

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the Herbarium Luz María Villarreal de Puga (IBUG), of the Instituto de Botánica of the Universidad de Guadalajara, where the project Flora of Jalisco is being carried out and the alma mater of the first and fourth authors.


Alejandra Flores-Argüelles, Ana Rosa López-Ferrari, Adolfo Espejo-Serna and Ariosto Rafael Romero-Guzmán. 2019. A Novelty in the Genus Hechtia (Hechtioideae, Bromeliaceae) from Jalisco, Mexico. Phytotaxa. 414(2); 105–112. DOI:  10.11646/phytotaxa.414.2.2

[Phycology • 2020] Pyropia meridionalis • An Appraisal of the Genus Pyropia (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) from southern Africa based on A Multi-gene Phylogeny, Morphology and Ecology, including the Description of A New Species


Pyropia meridionalis M.M. Reddy, R.J. Anderson et J.J. Bolton

in Reddy, De Clerck, Leliaert, et al., 2020. 

• An appraisal of the genus Pyropia from southern Africa was carried out using an integrative taxonomic approach.
• A new, kelp-associated, species was described from the region.
• Species boundaries were confirmed for two other species of Pyropia endemic to the region.
• Species-level relationships of southern African Pyropia were considered in a global phylogenetic context.

Since its reinstatement, the diversity of the genus Pyropia has never been fully assessed in the Benguela Marine Province in southern Africa (South Africa and Namibia), although it has been included in previous, more general biodiversity assessments. The aim of the present study was to revisit the diversity and identity of species of Pyropia from the region, using an integrative taxonomic approach, including a multigene phylogeny, morphological characterisation and ecological data. The phylogenetic affinities of southern African Pyropia to other species around the world were assessed using three unlinked loci (cox1, rbcL, nSSU rDNA). A species first collected on the South African coast ca. 60 years ago is described as a new species, Pyropia meridionalis, and extended descriptions and further information provided on the distribution and ecology for two previously described species endemic to the Benguela Marine Province: Py. saldanhae and Pyaeodis. Lastly, the identity and occurrence of Py. gardneri, a species widely distributed in North America, could not be confirmed in South Africa, while the cosmopolitan Pysuborbiculata likely occurs in the region but is currently lacking molecular data. The phylogenetic relationships between species from southern Africa and other species occurring in the Southern Hemisphere support the notion of historic connectivity in the Southern Ocean, but also indicate a much more complex historical biogeographical history as some clades are deeply divergent while others are more closely related.

Keywords: Bangiales, Integrated taxonomy, Molecular systematics

Morphological and anatomical features of Pyropia meridionalis sp. nov. 
a) Pymeridionalis attached to its host Cymbula compressa; b) General morphology (holdfast inset); c) Surface view of cells along the thallus margin; d) Surface view of non-reproductive cells; e) non-reproductive in cross section of thallus, showing blade thickness; f) Rhizoidal cells near thallus base; g) Surface view of reproductive cells; h) Cross section of thallus showing female reproductive cells with distinct trichogynes on opposite ends; i) Female reproductive cells (larger & elliptical) and spermatia (lanceolate to fusiform); j) Zygotosporangium.

Pyropia meridionalis M.M. Reddy, R.J. Anderson et J.J. Bolton sp. nov.

Etymology: This species is named for its distribution along the coastline of southern Africa, (meridionalis in Latin means southern).

 Maggie M. Reddy, Olivier De Clerck, Frederik Leliaert, Robert J. Anderson and John J.Bolton. 2020. An Appraisal of the Genus Pyropia (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) from southern Africa based on A Multi-gene Phylogeny, Morphology and Ecology, including the Description of Pyropia meridionalis sp. nov. South African Journal of Botany. 131; 18-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.sajb.2019.12.027 

[Mammalogy • 2020] Mirostrellus joffrei • A New Genus of Vespertilionid Bat: The End of A Long Journey for Joffre’s Pipistrelle (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)


Mirostrellus joffrei (Thomas, 1915)

in Görföl, Kruskop, Tu, Estók, Son & Csorba, 2020. 

Knowledge as to the taxonomic status of enigmatic bat species often is hindered by limited availability of specimens. This is particularly true for aerial-hawking bats that are difficult to catch. One such species, “Hypsugojoffrei, was originally described in Nyctalus due to its long and slender wings, but subsequently transferred to Pipistrellus, and most recently to Hypsugo, on the basis of morphology. Analysis of newly available material, which more than doubles the known specimens of this taxon, demonstrates that it is morphologically and genetically distinct from all other bat genera. We accordingly describe it as belonging to a new, monotypic genus. We provide a detailed description of its external and craniodental traits, measurements, and assessment of genetic relationships, including barcode sequences to facilitate its rapid identification in future. The new genus belongs to a group that includes the recently described Cassistrellus, as well as Tylonycteris, and its closest relative, Philetor. We also describe the echolocation calls emitted by members of the taxon in different situations, which may facilitate finding them in previously unsampled locations. Based on the new data, the species occurs from Nepal to North Vietnam and China, which suggests that it could be more widespread than previously thought.

Keywords: Indomalayan region, mtDNA, nuDNA, phylogeny, systematics, Vespertilionini

Habitus of a live adult female Mirostrellus joffrei from Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam (HNHM 26034). Note the coloration of the dorsal and ventral side, which is unique for this species.

Close up of the head of an adult male Mirostrellus joffrei from Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam (HNHM 26040).

Mirostrellus gen. nov.

Type species: Nyctalus joffrei Thomas, 1915.

Etymology: From the Latin “mirus” meaning “surprisemarvel,” which reflects that both the systematic position and the wide distribution of this bat (previously thought to be extremely rare) were pleasant surprises for the authors.

Diagnosis: A medium-sized vespertilionid, with a FA of 35.7–40.2 mm. The fifth finger of the wing is shortened (on average 20 mm shorter than the fourth finger) and the pelage is sparse and velvety. The supraorbital tubercles are well-developed, protruding for 1.47–1.76 mm measured from the lachrymal opening; the sagittal crest is barely visible, being only approximately 0.1 mm high. The upper canine is characterized by a developed posterior secondary cusp. The taxon has two upper and lower premolars and its lower molars are myotodont.

Lateral view of skull of Mirostrellus joffrei from Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam (HNHM 26041).

Dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of the skull and mandible of a male Mirostrellus joffrei from Tram Ton forest station, Vietnam (ZMMU S-186691). Scale bar =5 mm.

Lateral views of skulls of a) Mirostrellus joffrei (ZMMU S-186691); b) Philetor brachypterus (ROM 102019); c) Pipistrellus stenopterus (ZMMU S-103149); d) Hypsugo pulveratus (ZMMU S-167186); e) H. macrotis (MHNG 1486.94); f) H. alaschanicus (ZMMU S-108373); g) Tylonycteris malayana (ZMMU S-186637); h) Cassistrellus dimissus (MHNG 1926.053); i) Nyctalus leisleri (ZMMU S-176068). Scale bar =5 mm.

Penis of Mirostrellus joffrei from Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam (HNHM 26041). Not to scale.

Geographic distribution: The only known species of Mirostrellus gen. n. has an Indomalayan distribution, ranging from Nepal, NE India (Sikkim, Meghalaya), through the northern part of Myanmar, to North Vietnam (Saikia et al. 2017). In the National Museum of Prague (Czech Republic), four hitherto unreported specimens from western Yunnan, China (Zao Teng He, ..., 1,451 m a.s.l.), were revealed by SVK. The species probably also occurs between these localities as it is difficult to capture and so may be missed during faunal surveys (Fig. 10).

Tamás Görföl, Sergei V. Kruskop, Vuong Tan Tu, Péter Estók, Nguyen Truong Son and Gábor Csorba. 2020. A New Genus of Vespertilionid Bat: The End of A Long Journey for Joffre’s Pipistrelle (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Journal of Mammalogy. gyz202. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyz202

[Mollusca • 2020] Craspedotropis gretathunbergae • A New Species of Cyclophoridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda), discovered and described on A Field Course to Kuala Belalong Rainforest, Brunei


Craspedotropis gretathunbergae 
Schilthuizen, Lim, van Peursen, Alfano, Jenging, et al., 2020

Terrestrial Caenogastropoda form an important but threatened component of the Borneo tropical rainforest malacofauna, where the group is nearly as rich in species as the Stylommatophora. They are, however, more sensitive to drought, temperature extremes and forest degradation.

New information:
On a field course at Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre in Brunei Darussalam (Borneo), a new caenogastropod species, belonging to the genus Craspedotropis, was discovered by the course participants. The participants decided to name the species Craspedotropis gretathunbergae n. sp., in honour of the climate change activist Greta Thunberg, as caenogastropod land snails, such as this species, are likely to suffer because of climate change.

Keywords: Land snails, Borneo, lowland dipterocarp rainforest, new species

Figure 1. Craspedotropis gretathunbergae n. sp., holotype (IBER-UBD 7.00141), shell in apertural view. Photo by Pierre Escoubas.

Figure 2. Active individual of Craspedotropis gretathunbergae n. sp. (paratype, IBER-UBD 7.00142), taken from a video file (Suppl. material 1). Image by Pierre Escoubas.

Figure 3. Craspedotropis gretathunbergae n. sp. (paratype, IBER-UBD 7.00143) a, shell with operculum in apertural view. b, detail of the body whorl in lateral view. c, detail of the shell in umbilical view.

Craspedotropis gretathunbergae, sp. n.

Nomenclature: Craspedotropis Blanford 1864 sensu Vermeulen (1999). 
Type species: Craspedotropis cuspidata (Benson 1851)

Diagnosis: Amongst the Bornean cyclophorids, Craspedotropis gretathunbergae n. sp. is most similar to C. borneensis (Godwin Austen 1889), which, however, is somewhat less slender, has 7 - 9 spiral ribs and more broadly reflected apertural lip. In addition, the operculum of C. borneensis has raised whorl margins, which is not the case in C. gretathunbergae n. sp. Other Asian species, with which the new species may be confused, are: (i) Cyathopoma conoideum Sykes 1898, which has a more slender shell and the spiral ribs arranged in a different pattern, with the second rib located just above the suture; (ii) C. sivagherrianum Beddome 1875, which is smaller, has 7 spiral ribs and a nearly closed umbilicus; (iii) C. beddomeanum Nevill 1881, which has more (7 - 8) and more prominent, spiral ribs, more globular whorls and a rounder aperture; (iv) C. procerum Blanford 1868, which is stockier, has 9 - 12 spiral ribs and a peristome that is strongly thickened by folds.

Etymology: We name this species in honour of the young climate activist Greta Thunberg, because caenogastropod microsnails from tropical rainforests, like this new species, are very sensitive to the droughts and temperature extremes that are likely to be more frequent as climate change continues. Via mutual contacts, we have approached Ms. Thunberg and learned that she would be 'delighted' to have this species named after her.

Following Recommendation 51C of the Code (ICZN 1999), if it is desired that authorship of the name be included as part of the name, instead of listing all authors, the species can be referred to as Craspedotropis gretathunbergae Schilthuizen et al., 2019, provided that all authors of the name are cited in full elsewhere in the same work, either in the text or in a bibliographic reference.

Distribution: Borneo: Brunei Darussalam: Temburong District: Ulu Temburong lowland rainforest.

Ecology: In tropical mixed dipterocarp lowland rainforest. All individuals were found alive at the foot of a steep hill-slope, next to a river bank, foraging at night on the upper surfaces of green leaves of understorey plants, up to 1 m above ground level.

Taxon discussion: 
The generic classification of minute cyclophorids in Southeast Asia is somewhat confused. The genera Craspedotropis Blanford 1864, Cyathopoma Blanford 1861 Blanford and Blanford 1861, Jerdonia Blanford 1861 (Blanford and Blanford 1861; sometimes considered a subgenus of Cyathopoma) and Ditropopsis Smith 1897 appear poorly defined and may be partly overlapping or synonymous (Vermeulen et al. 2015, Vermeulen 1999). In its general shell form (a tall conical shell with spiral ribs), the present species is similar to several species of Cyathopoma (e.g. the South Asian C. conoideum Sykes 1898, C. sivagherrianum Beddome 1875, C. beddomeanum Nevill 1881 and C. procerum Blanford 1868) and Craspedotropis, especially C. borneensis (Godwin Austen 1889), known from Sarawak. Given the geographical proximity of the latter, we have tentatively placed the new species in the same genus, Craspedotropis.

All work described in this paper (fieldwork, morphological study, microphotography, taxonomic description and diagnosis) was carried out in a field centre with basic equipment and no internet access, by untrained ‘citizen scientists’ guided by expert scientists, on a 10-day taxon expedition. While we are aware that this way of working has its limitations in terms of the quality of the output (for example, we were unable to perform dissections or to do extensive literature searches), the benefits include rapid species discovery and on-site processing of materials.

 Menno Schilthuizen, Jonathan P. Lim, Anthonie D. P. van Peursen, Massimiliano Alfano, Awang Bikas Jenging, Daniele Cicuzza, Alexandre Escoubas, Pierre Escoubas, Ulmar Grafe, Jamil Ja, Peter Koomen, Aleks Krotoski, Denise Lavezzari, Laura Lim, Rudie Maarschall, Ferry Slik, Derek Steele, Dennis Teck Wah Ting, Ine van Zeeland and Iva Njunjić. 2020. Craspedotropis gretathunbergae, A New Species of Cyclophoridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda), discovered and described on A Field Course to Kuala Belalong Rainforest, Brunei.  Biodiversity Data Journal. 8: e47484. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e47484

[PaleoMammalogy • 2019] Proclinodontomys dondasi • A New Echimyid Genus (Rodentia, Caviomorpha) in Central Argentina: Uncovered Diversity of A Brazilian Group of Mammals in the Pleistocene


Proclinodontomys dondasi 
Candela, Cenizo, Tassara, Rasia, Robinet, Muñoz, Valenzuela & Pardiñas, 2019

We describe a new extinct spiny ratProclinodontomys dondasi n. gen. n. sp. (Rodentia, Caviomorpha, Echimyidae), represented by a noteworthy preserved skull and mandible from the early-middle Pleistocene outcrops at the coastal cliffs of SE Buenos Aires Province (Central Argentina). Phylogenetic analyses allow us to propose that the new species described here and the already known Eurzygomatomys mordax (Winge) represent a new genus closely related to the living Euryzygomatomys spinosus and Clyomys laticeps. The new genus differs from Euryzygomatomys and Clyomys by having much more procumbent upper incisors, a more developed fossa for the M. temporalis, more flared and laterally expanded zygomatic arches, frontal less markedly expanded posteriorly, jugals much deeper anteriorly than posteriorly, with the dorsal border descending more abruptly posteriorly, smaller orbital cavity, and external auditory meatus relatively smaller and slanted upward and backward. Several features of the new species reflect a higher degree of adaptation to semifossorial habits than those of E. spinosus. The origin of the semifossorial ecomorphotype within echimyids may have been triggered by the expansion of relatively open and arid environments that arose near the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. The record of this new echimyid in Central Argentina indicates that during the early-middle Pleistocene, the southern limit of the geographic range of extinct representatives of the Brazilian lineage of semifossorial echimyids extended farther south than that of their living members.

Skulls of Echimyidae.
 (1–3) Proclinodontomys dondasi n. gen. n. sp. (MPH-P 0173, holotype) in dorsal (1), ventral (2), and lateral (3) views;
(4–6) P. mordax n. comb. (ZMUC 1/1845:13368) in dorsal (4), ventral (5), and lateral (6) views;
(7–9) E. spinosus (MACN 18103) in dorsal (7), ventral (8), and lateral (9) views.
Abbreviations: bs, basisphenoid; eam, external acoustic meatus; fm, foramen magnum; fr, frontal; I, incisive; if, incisive foramen; iof, infraorbital foramen; ipf, interpremaxillar foramen; ju, jugal; lps, lateral process of supraoccipital; M1, first molar; M2, second molar; M3, third molar; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; oc, occipital; pa, parietal; P4, fourth premolar; pl, palatine; pmx, premaxilla; sq, squamosal; tb, tympanic bulla. Scale bars = 10 mm.

Mandibles of Echimyidae. Left hemimandible of Proclinodontomys dondasi n. gen. n. sp. (MPH-P 0174) in lateral (1) and occlusal (2) views; right hemimandible (reversed) of E. spinosus (MACN 18103) in lateral (3) and occlusal (4) views.
Abbreviations: cp, coronoid process; mc, masseteric crest; m1, first molar; m2, second molar; m3, third molar; mn, masseteric notch; p4, fourth premolar. Scale bars = 10 mm.

Family Echimyidae Gray, 1825 
Subfamily Eumysopinae Rusconi, 1935 

Genus Proclinodontomys new genus 

Type species.—Proclinodontomys dondasi n. gen. n. sp. 
Other species.—Proclinodontomys mordax n. comb. (Winge, 1887).

Etymology.—From Greek pro = anterior, clino = inclination, odonto = tooth, mys = mouse; in reference to the fact that is a rodent with the front teeth inclined forward.

Proclinodontomys dondasi new species

Etymology.—The species name honors Alejandro Dondas (1948–2016), colleague and friend, tireless finder of fossils at the Atlantic cliffs of Buenos Aires Province and for many years head of the Paleontology Department of the Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales de Mar del Plata “Lorenzo Scaglia.” The specific epithet is formed from the surname “Dondas,” taken as a noun in the genitive case, plus the Latin suffix “i” (ICZN, 1999; Article 31.1.2).

Proclinodontomys mordax (Winge, 1887) new combination 
1887 Mesomys mordax Winge, p. 72, pl. 8, fig. 7. 
1946 Euryzygomatomys mordax (Winge); Paula-Couto, p. 5.

Adriana M. Candela, Marcos Cenizo, Daniel Tassara, Luciano L. Rasia, Céline Robinet, Nahuel A. Muñoz, Carola Cañón Valenzuela and Ulyses F. J. Pardiñas. 2019. A New Echimyid Genus (Rodentia, Caviomorpha) in Central Argentina: Uncovered Diversity of A Brazilian Group of Mammals in the Pleistocene. Journal of Paleontology. 94(1); 165–179. DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2019.73  

Hallaron una rata espinosa fósil de más de 400 mil años de antigüedad CTyS.com.ar/index.php?idPage=20&idArticulo=3907


[PaleoIchthyology • 2020] Thiollierepycnodus wagneri • A New Genus of Pycnodontidae (Actinopterygii) from the Upper Jurassic of France and Germany, included in A Phylogeny of Pycnodontiformes


Thiollierepycnodus wagneri (Thiollière, 1852)

in Ebert, 2020.

The new genus Thiollierepycnodus is erected here to accommodate ‘Gyroduswagneri or ‘Proscineteswagneri, a taxon known since the 19th century from the marine Kimmeridgian Plattenkalk of Cerin (France) and since 2014 at the excavation site of the Naturkunde-Museum Bamberg in Wattendorf (Germany). Thiollierepycnodus is placed in Pycnodontidae (Upper Jurassic to Eocene), which is the most advanced family of Pycnodontiformes. With 154–152 Myr (Upper Jurassic), Thiollierepycnodus belongs to the stratigraphically oldest Pycnodontidae, still possessing some primitive features such as four incisiform teeth in the dentary, a crown of bifurcated anterior dentary teeth, reduced scale bars posterior to the dorsal fin origin, but the area of pterygiophores without scales and nine to 10 postanal ventral keel scales and approximately 10 complete scale rows posterior to the cloaca. A phylogenetic analysis leads to the placement of this taxon in Proscinetinae. This and the introduction of two additional taxa from the Cretaceous of Lebanon in the phylogeny are further steps to enlighten the broader evolutionary patterns of Pycnodontidae.

Keywords: evolution, fossil fish, Kimmeridgian, Proscinetinae

Figure 4. Cranium of Thiollierepycnodus wagneri from Cerin, France.
A, photograph of specimen (MHNL20015207). B, camera lucida drawing of (MHNL20015207). C, photograph of specimen (MHNL20015202). D, camera lucida drawing of (MHNL20015202). Due to reasons of space, the heads are rotated from their ‘normal’ position (approximately 20 degrees in Fig. 4A, B and approximately 40 degrees in Fig. 4C, D).

Figure 2. Thiollierepycnodus wagneri holotype (MHNL20015207) from Cerin, France.

Systematic palaeontology 

Actinopterygii Cope, 1872 
Neopterygii Regan, 1923 
Pycnodontiformes Berg, 1937 (sensu Nursall, 2010)

Pycnodontoidei Nursall, 1996 (sensu Poyato-Ariza & Wenz, 2002) 
Pycnodontoidea Agassiz, 1833 (sensu Poyato-Ariza & Wenz, 2002) 
Pycnodontidae Agassiz, 1833 (sensu Nursall, 1996) 
Proscinetinae Poyato-Ariza & Wenz, 2002

Thiollierepycnodus Ebert, gen. nov. 

Etymology: The genus epithet refers to Victor Joseph de l’Isle Thiollière (1801–1859) who first recognized and described the species, plus the suffix pycnodus because Thiollière first assigned this species to the genus Pycnodus.

Thiollierepycnodus wagneri (Thiollière, 1852), comb. nov. 

Pycnodus wagneri Thiollière, 1852: Thiollière, 1853: pl. 7, fig. 1; Thiollière, 1854: 23; Thiollière, 1873: 12. 
Microdon wagneri (Thiollière, 1852): Heckel, 1856: 201; Wagner, 1860: 396; Zittel, 1887: 247, fig. 258; Woodward, 1895: 225; Eastman, 1914: 368, pl. 53, figs 1, 2. 
Gyrodus wagneri (Thiollière, 1852): Saint-Seine, 1949: 127, pl. 13, fig. B, pl. 14, fig. B. 
Proscinetes? wagneri (Thiollière, 1852): Poyato-Ariza & Wenz, 2002: 151.

Distribution: All specimens above are from the Plattenkalk of Cerin, France, except the specimen from the NKMB, which is from Wattendorf, Bavaria, Germany. 

Etymology: The specific epithet in Thiollierepycnodus wagneri refers to Dr Johannes Andreas Wagner 1797– 1861, who was professor of zoology at the university in Munich and conservator of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Germany. 

Type locality: Cerin, Ain, France. 

Type horizon: Upper Kimmeridgian up to the eigeltingense horizon of the Tithonian (lowest horizon of the Tithonian).

Figure 7. Caudal fin of Thiollierepycnodus wagneri from Cerin, France. A, (MHNL20015214). B, (MHNL20015204).

Martin Ebert. 2020. A New Genus of Pycnodontidae (Actinopterygii) from the Upper Jurassic of France and Germany, included in A Phylogeny of Pycnodontiformes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 188(2); 434–454. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz087

Medinilla vexillifer


Medinilla vexillifer C.W. Lin & Rubite

in Lin & Rubite, 2020. 

Medinilla vexillifer C.W. Lin & Rubite (Melastomataceae) from the Philippines is a new species described and illustrated. It most resembles M. calcicola Merr., but differs in its shorter petioles that are 0.2−0.8 (vs. 1−2) cm long, lanceolate to ovate (vs. obovate) leaf lamina, cordate (vs. acute to acuminate) leaf base, upper leaf surface that is densely covered with brownish-yellow stellate and dendroid trichomes (vs. glabrous leaf surfaces), terminal or axillary (vs. only axillary) inflorescences, to 15 (vs. 2−2.5) cm long, and 4- or 5-merous (vs. 5-merous) flowers. This exquisite species has hairy leaves and apendulous inflorescence with bright pink bracts and white petals. The bracts are long-persistent and last for about five months, which may result in its high horticultural potential.

Keyword: Dissochaeteae, Medinilla, Melastomataceae, Luzon, new species, Philippines

Fig. 2. Medinilla vexillifer C.W. Lin & Rubite.
A, B, C. Habit; D. Stem; E. Leaf; F. Portion of leaf adaxial surface, showing stellate trichomes; G. Portion of leaf abaxial surface, showing dendroid trichomes; H. Dendroid trichomes; I. Secondary bracts; J, K. Calyx and secondary bracts; L. Flower; M. Hypanthium and secondary bracts; N. Cross section of an ovary; O. Seeds. B-O from C.W. Lin 676 (TAIF).

Fig. 1. Medinilla vexillifer C.W. Lin & Rubite.
A. Habit; B, B'. Part of leaf, adaxial and abaxial surfaces; C. Vestiture of stem; D. Stellate and dendroid trichomes; E. Inflorescence; F, G. Bracts and secondary bracts; H, H'. Flower, face and side views; I. I'. Stamens, ventral and side views; J. Hypanthium; K, K'. Calyx, showing 4 and 5-merous conditions; L. Cross section of an immature fruit; M. Fruit. All from C.W. Lin 676 (TAIF).

Medinilla vexillifer C.W. Lin & Rubite, sp. nov.

 Type: PHILIPPINES. Original locality not known; possibly from Luzon Island. 
Type specimen pressed from plants purchased from a floral market in Manila, Philippines and cultivated in a nursery in Taiwan, 25 Nov. 2018, C. W. Lin 676 (holotype PNH!; isotype SING!, TAIF!).

 Scandent multi-branched shrub up to 80 m long. Stem terete, internodes to 10 cm long, shorter on the distal branches; nodes rather thickened, knobby, with densely covered with brownish-yellow dendroid trichomes, glabrescent, bark becoming striate on older stems; young stems about 3 mm in diameter, green.

Distribution and ecology: The exact collection locality of Medinilla vexillifer is unknown; according to Mr. Tan (pers, comm., 2018), the new species has been imported to the Singapore from Manila in 2013 so we assume it originated Luzon Island in the Philippines. 

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the many colorful and pendeulous inflorescences, resembling countless flag.

Che-Wei Lin and Rosario Rivera Rubite. 2020. Medinilla vexillifer (Melastomataceae: Dissochaeteae), An Elegant New Species from the Philippines. Taiwania. 65(2); 149-153.  taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract.php?type=abstract&id=1665


[Botany • 2020] Combretum eugeneanum • A New Species of Combretum Sect. Ciliatipetala (Combretaceae) from South Africa


Combretum eugeneanum R.G.C.Boon, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk

in Boon, Jordaan & van Wyk, 2020.

Combretum eugeneanum, a new species from northeastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and confined to the Maputaland Centre of Plant Endemism, is described, illustrated, mapped, and compared with southern African members of the genus with which it may be confused. In a narrowly defined genus Combretum, the new species belongs to Combretum sect. Ciliatipetala. In herbaria, it has usually been confused with close relatives C. apiculatum and C. edwardsii, as well as several other more distantly related members of the genus, in particular C. woodii. The new species is also closely related to the recently described C. stylesii. It is readily distinguished as an essentially glabrous woody climber or scrambling shrub needing other vegetation for support, leaf apices rarely apiculate, tertiary veins raised on the adaxial leaf surface, inflorescences few-flowered and subcapitate, upper hypanthium cupuliform, flowers with orange-red centres (discs) and peltate scales comprised of essentially eight radial cells, most of which are subdivided by at least one tangential wall, the resulting outer and inner cell(s) often with at least one additional radial wall. Combretum eugeneanum grows in Sand Forest and associated sandy bushveld, and its range and habitat does not overlap with that of C. edwardsii or C. stylesii, both of which are also very often lianas.

Keywords: anatomy, Combretoideae, Combretum eugeneanum, endemism, Maputaland Centre of Endemism, peltate scales, scales, taxonomy, Eudicots

FIGURE 3. Combretum eugeneanum R.G.C.Boon, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk.
A. Flowering branchlet. B. Fruiting branchlet. C. Flower. D. Flower with half removed. E. Hair-tuft domatia in principal lateral vein axils of abaxial leaf blade surface. Scale bar = 10 mm (A & B), or 1 mm (C–E). A based on Ward 2644, B based on Moll 5632, C based on Ward 2661, D based on Moll 4359. Artist: Daleen Roodt.

FIGURE 1. Combretum eugeneanum R.G.C.Boon, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk.
 A. Trunk of a plant reaching the Sand Forest canopy at False Bay Park, Hluhluwe. B. Flowers at Tembe Elephant Park; note orange-red disc. C. Fruiting branchlet at Ndumo Game Reserve. Photograph taken in March when samaras fully grown, but before drying during autumn and early winter. Note glutinous seed pod. Photographs: R.G.C. Boon.

Combretum eugeneanum R.G.C.Boon, Jordaan & A.E.van Wyk, sp. nov.,  

Diagnosis:— Closely related to Combretum apiculatum, but easily distinguished from this species by being a scrambling shrub to woody climber (vs. usually a single-stemmed tree up to 8 m tall with a rounded canopy), leaf apex acute to obtuse, sometimes acuminate, very rarely apiculate (vs. leaf apex always apiculate), inflorescence a few-flowered subcapitate spike of up to 15(–16) flowers, flowers compactly arranged (vs. an elongated many-flowered spike with about 25 flowers), upper hypanthium cupuliform (vs. campanulate), fruit 18–20 × 22–24 mm (vs. 20–30 × 15–25 mm), and scales of 8 radially arranged cells with most of these cells usually subdivided by at least one tangential wall, the resulting outer and inner cell(s) often with at least one additional radial wall (vs. usually simple 8-celled). Also related to C. edwardsii and C. stylesii; all three being scramblers or climbers, but the range of C. eugeneanum does not overlap and habitat differs. Older growth of the new species is almost totally glabrous, whereas C. edwardsii and C. stylesiihave leaves, petioles and branchlets with dense hairs. Additionally, in C. edwardsii the red-brown scales are visible with the naked eye and the inflorescence is an elongated spike, whereas in C. eugeneanum the scales are invisible without magnification and the inflorescence is subcapitate.

FIGURE 2. Combretum eugeneanum, leaf and scale morphology.
A. Leaves, showing adaxial (top) and abaxial (bottom) lamina surfaces. Note the thin glutinous (shiny) secretion on the lamina surfaces and raised tertiary veins on the adaxial surface. B. Selection of scales (stained with Sudan IV) from leaves of the same collection (Ward 1970) to show variation in size, shape and number of cells. Scale bar in mm refers to leaves; one in µm to scales. Photographs: R.G.C. Boon (leaves) and A.E. van Wyk (scales).

FIGURE 5. Lepidoptera recorded on Combretum eugeneanum.
 A. Larva of the moth Desmeocraera vernalis (family Notodontidae, subfamily Dicranurinae), hitherto only recorded as using members of Combretum as food plant.
B. Hairy larvae of a moth that probably belongs to family Erebidae, subfamily Lymantriinae, feeding on bark-growing lichens. It is not host-plant specific and larvae were also seen feeding on the bark of other tree species. Photographs: G. Lang.

Etymology:— The specific epithet honours Eugene John Moll (1941– ), eminent South African plant ecologist and author of books on tree identification. He has undertaken vegetation studies in, amongst others, KwaZulu-Natal, where he has collected many herbarium specimens from Maputaland, several of which turned out to be new records, or new taxa (Glen & Germishuizen 2010).

Common names:— Maputaland climbing bushwillow; maputalandrankboswilg (Afrikaans).

 Richard G.C. Boon, Marie Jordaan and Abraham E. van Wyk. 2020. A New Species of Combretum Sect. Ciliatipetala (Combretaceae) from South Africa. Phytotaxa. phytotaxa.434(1); 1–12. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.434.1.1

[Entomology • 2020] The Oriental Genus Purusha Distant, 1906 with Two New Species and A Key to the Genera of Eurybrachini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae) [Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XV)]


Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843) 

in Constant, 2020. 

The Oriental genus of Eurybrachidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) Purusha Distant, 1906 is reviewed and a key to the genera of Eurybrachini is given. Two new species, P. bellissima sp. nov. and P. vietnamica sp. nov. are described from Myanmar and North Vietnam, respectively. Purusha rubromaculata Distant, 1906 is proposed as a junior synonym of P. reversa (Hope, 1843). All species are illustrated, including all type specimens and the male genitalia for the first time. Distribution maps, identification key to species and biological data are provided. The sexual dimorphism in the genus is discussed. Five species are currently placed in Purusha.

Keywords: Eurybrachinae; planthopper; Fulgoroidea; Auchenorrhyncha; sexual dimorphism

Fig. 18. Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843).
 A–B.♂ in nature, Thailand, Betong, 27 Jun. 2015 (photographs by L. Day).
C–D. ♀ in nature, Thailand, Betong, 7 Dec. 2014 (photographs by S. Atdhabhan). D. Defensive posture with wings raised.
E. Illustration in the original description.

Jérôme Constant. 2020. Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XV). The Oriental Genus Purusha Distant, 1906 with Two New Species and A Key to the Genera of Eurybrachini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae). European Journal of Taxonomy. 602; 1–40. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.602

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