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[Herpetology • 2010] Cyrtodactylus lomyenensis • A New Cave-dwelling Species of Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Khammouane Province, southern Laos


Lomyen Bent-toed Gecko | Cyrtodactylus lomyenensis
Ngo & Pauwels, 2010

A new cave-dwelling bent-toed gecko, Cyrtodactylus lomyenensis sp. nov. is described from a karst forest in Gnommalath District, Khammouane Province, southern Laos. It differs from all other species of Indochinese-Thai Cyrtodactylus in the following combination of characters: maximum SVL of at least 71.2 mm; head dorsum yellowish with irregular brown blotches; presence of a brown nuchal loop reaching the posterior edge of the orbit; four narrow yellowish-cream transversal bands with irregular anterior and posterior black edges on a brown background between limb insertions; no precloacal groove; 39-40 precloacal-femoral pores in males, arranged in a continuous row; females with 32 precloacal-femoral pores in a continuous row, smaller than those of males; five postanal tubercles on each side; 16-18 subdigital lamellae on first toe; 19-23 subdigital lamellae on 4th toe; no tubercles on tail dorsum; and a median row of enlarged subcaudal scales.
Key words: Cyrtodactylus, Gekkonidae, description, new species, Khammouane, Laos, cave-dwelling

Ngo Van Tri, Olivier S. G. Pauwels. 2010. A New Cave-dwelling Species of Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Khammouane Province, southern Laos. Zootaxa. 2730:44-56.

[Herpetology • 2014] Cyrtodactylus jaegeri • A New Species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Khammouane Province, Laos


Cyrtodactylus jaegeri
 Luu, Calame, Bonkowski, Nguyen & Ziegler, 2014

We describe a new species of the genus Cyrtodactylus based on two adult specimens from Khammouane Province, Laos. Cyrtodactylus jaegeri sp. nov. is distinguished from the remaining Indochinese bent-toed geckos by a combination of the following characters: a moderately sized Cyrtodactylus with a maximum SVL reaching 68.5 mm; dorsal pattern consisting of a dark nuchal loop and four narrow brown body bands between limb insertions; dorsal tubercles in 15-17 irregular rows; ventrals in 31-32 longitudinal rows at midbody; lateral skin folds present with interspersed tubercles; precloacal-femoral pores 44 in the male, in a continuous series; enlarged femoral scales and precloacal scales present; postcloacal tubercles 3-6; subcaudals transversely enlarged. Cyrtodactylus jaegeri sp. nov. is the ninth species of Cyrtodactylus known from Laos.

Key words: Cyrtodactylus jaegeri sp. nov., Indochina, karst forest, morphology, taxonomy

 Vinh Quang Luu, Thomas Calame, Michael Bonkowski, Truong Quang Nguyen and Thomas Ziegler. 2014. A New Species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Khammouane Province, Laos. Zootaxa. 3760(1):54-66. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3760.1.3

[Herpetology • 2014] A Review of Genus Cyrtodactylus (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) in Fauna of Laos with Description of Four New Species; Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis, C. darevskii, C. multiporus & C. spelaeus


We describe four new species of the genus Cyrtodactylus based on the results of phylogenetic analysis of 673 bp of the COI mtDNA gene and morphological description of voucher specimens from Khammouane and Vientiane provinces, Laos. The three of the new species, namely Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus darevskii sp. nov. and Cyrtodactylus multiporus sp. nov., are described from a small area in monsoon tropical forests on limestone in the environs of Nahome Village, Boulapha District, Khammouane Province, Central Annamites. 
Cyrtodactylus darevskii sp. nov. differs from all other Laotian Cyrtodactylus by a combination of the following morphological characters: (1) maximum SVL up to 100 mm; (2) dorsal pattern formed by the narrow dark nuchal band and 4–5 dark transverse breaking bands with light yellowish posterior edges between limbs; (4) 38–46 ventral scales; (5) continuous series of 38–44 precloacal and femoral pores in males and 24–34 precloacal and femoral pores in females; (6) preclocal groove lacking; (7) 4–5 postcloacal spurs present in both sexes; (8) one median row of subcaudal scales. Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis sp. nov. appears to be closely related to the recently described C. jaegeri Luu et. al., 2014 and can be distinguished from this species and the remaining Laotian congeners by a combination of the following morphological features: (1) medium size, with a maximum SVL up to 73 mm; (2) males with continuous series of 40–44 precloacal and femoral pores; (3) preclocal groove lacking; (4) 32–38 longitudinal rows of ventral scales at midbody; (5) weakly keeled tubercles present on the dorsum and lacking on the head; (6) 5–6 enlarged postcloacal spurs in both sexes; (8) one median row of subcaudal scales; (7) dorsal pattern consisting of wide dark nuchal band and 4–5 dark wide transverse bands. Cyrtodactylus multiporus sp. nov. is distinguished by a combination of the following morphological attributes: (1) maximum SVL of up to 98 mm; (2) dorsal patterns consisting of dark irregular separate spots between limbs and on the dorsal surface of the head; (3) nuchal band absent; (4) 30–38 ventrals; (5) continuous series of 58–60 precloacal and femoral pores in males; (6) preclocal groove lacking; (7) 5–6 postcloacal spurs present in both sexes; (8) one median row of subcaudal scales. Cyrtodactylus spelaeus sp. nov. is described from a cave in north of Vientiane Province of Laos and differs from other congeners by a combination of the following characters: (1) maximum SVL of 98 mm; (2) dorsal pattern formed by oblong dark irregular butterfly-shaped blotches with light contrast margins; (3) nuchal band with light edging consists of two separate parts, which contact in occipital region; (4) 37–39 ventral scales; (5) 7–8 precloacal pores in males; (5) preclocal groove lacking; (6) 2–3 postcloacal spurs present in both sexes; (7) ten rows of enlarged dorsal tubercles. Our study increase the number of Cyrtodactylus species known for Laos to fifteen. COI DNA-barcoding is successfully applied to reveal cryptic diversity within the genus Cyrtodactylus.

Keywords: Central Annamites, COI barcoding, Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus darevskii sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus multiporus sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus spelaeus sp. nov., Laos, sympatry, taxonomy 

 R. A. Nazarov, N. A. Poyarkov, N. L. Orlov, N. S. Nguyen, K. D. Milto, A. A. Martynov, E. L. Konstantinov and A. S. Chulisov. 2014. A Review of Genus Cyrtodactylus (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) in Fauna of Laos with Description of Four New Species. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS. 318(4):391-423.

[Herpetology • 2014] Polypedates pseudotilophus • A New Species of Polypedates (Amphibia: Anura) from Sumatra, Indonesia


Katak Bertanduk | Polypedates pseudotilophus 
Matsui, Hamidy & Kuraishi. 2014

A rhacophorid tree frog from Sumatra that was once identified as Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger, 1893) is sufficiently divergent genetically and morphologically from topotypic specimens from Borneo as to be recognized as a distinct species. It is herein described as Polypedates pseudotilophus sp. nov. Th e Sumatran frogs can be distinguished easily from the Bornean population by the possession of a much more weakly developed supratympanic bony crest, smoother dorsal skin, and a large, hourglass-shaped dark marking, instead of longitudinal stripes on the dorsum.

Key Words: Cryptic species, Polypedates otilophus, Polypedates pseudotilophus sp. nov., Sumatra, taxonomy, Indonesia.

Masafumi Matsui, Amir Hamidy and Norihiro Kuraishi. 2014. A New Species of Polypedates from Sumatra, Indonesia (Amphibia: Anura).
Species Diversity.
19: 1–7. DOI: 10.12782/sd.19.1.001

Katak "Bertanduk" hingga Begonia Batak, "Harta Karun"
Indonesia yang Terungkap Tahun 2014  http://kom.ps/AFpAiy

[Herpetology • 2014] Limnonectes larvaepartus • A Novel Reproductive Mode in Frogs: A New Species of Fanged Frog with Internal Fertilization and Birth of Tadpoles from Sulawesi Island, Indonesia


Figure 2. Limnonectes larvaepartus.
(a) MVZ 268323 (male, left) and MVZ 268307 (female, right) collected from Desa Uaemate along the Tasio-Tibo Road, Kabupatan Mamuju, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Island (02.61287S, 119.14238 E, 89 m elev.); (b)Limnonectes larvaepartus female (MVZ 268426) with tadpoles removed from the oviduct. Note the large yolk reserves available to the tadpoles; (c) An in situ adult male L. larvaepartus (JAM 14234) observed calling while perched on the edge of a small pool 2 m away from a 2 m wide stream; several L. larvaepartus tadpoles were present in the pool including the two visible within the yellow circle; (d) dorsal and ventral views of ~stage 25 L. larvaepartus tadpoles (JAM 14271) released by a pregnant female (JAM 14237) at the moment of capture.

We describe a new species of fanged frog (Limnonectes larvaepartus) that is unique among anurans in having both internal fertilization and birth of tadpoles. The new species is endemic to Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. This is the fourth valid species of Limnonectes described from Sulawesi despite that the radiation includes at least 15 species and possibly many more. Fewer than a dozen of the 6455 species of frogs in the world are known to have internal fertilization, and of these, all but the new species either deposit fertilized eggs or give birth to froglets.


 Iskandar, D. T.; Evans, B. J.; McGuire, J. A. 2014. A Novel Reproductive Mode in Frogs: A New Species of Fanged Frog with Internal Fertilization and Birth of Tadpoles. PLoS ONE. 9 (12): e115884. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115884.g002

  These Froggies Went A Courtin' And Gave Birth To Live Tadpoles http://n.pr/1vuxHWM

[Herpetology • 2014] Taxonomic Status and Redescription of Flectonotus ulei (Anura: Hemiphractidae), with A Key for the Species of Fritziana



Based on preserved specimens from the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Flectonotus ulei Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 is resurrected from its synonymy with Flectonotus fissilis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920) and is redescribed. Analysis of osteological characters and brood pouch structure confirms that F. ulei belongs to Fritziana. The species is small for the genus (snout-vent length in males, 19.2-26.9 mm, n = 2; in females, 20.3-21 mm, n = 4) and was found in bromeliads. Flectonotus ulei is characterized by dorsal pattern consisting of interorbital pentagon or hexagon-shaped mark delimited by heavy dark line, diameter of tympanum smaller than that of disc of third digit, and a brood pouch covering the eggs dorsally except for a narrow longitudinal slit; eggs arranged in rosette.

Keywords: Amphibia; Atlantic Rain Forest; Bromeliad breeder; Hemiphractidae; Southeastern Brazil; taxonomy.

Manuella Folly, Fabio Hepp, Sergio P. Carvalho-e-Silva and William E. Duellman. 2014. Taxonomic Status and Redescription of Flectonotus ulei (Anura: Hemiphractidae), with A Key for the Species of FritzianaZoologia (Curitiba) 31(4); 393–399.
DOI: 10.1590/S1984-46702014000400011 scielo.br/pdf/zool/v31n4/11.pdf

[Botany • 2014] Begonia natunaensis • A New Species (sect. Reichenheimia, Begoniaceae) from Natuna Island, Indonesia


Begonia natunaensisC. W. Lin and C.-I Peng, sp. nov. Sect. Reichenheimia

 Begonia natunaensis, a new species of sect. Reichenheimia from Natuna Island, Indonesia, is here described and illustrated. Begonia natunaensis resembles B. goegoensis N.E. Brown in having suborbicular, peltate leaves with an abruptly tapering tip, differing in the number of tepals in staminate flowers (2 vs. 4) and in pistillate flower (2 vs. 3) and the petiole (terete vs. 4-angular). The new species is also similar to another peltate-leaved Begonia, B. sudjanae Jans., but is distinguishable by being glabrous (vs. hispid throughout), the staminate tepals 2 [vs. (2–)4], and pistillate tepals 2 [vs. (2–)3]. Geographically, B. natunaensis is endemic to Natuna Island in the South China Sea, whereas B. goegoensis and B. sudjanae are distributed in western Sumatra, ca. 1,000 km away from Natuna.

KEY WORDS:Begonia goegoensis, Begonia natunaensis, Begonia sudjanae, Indonesia, Natuna Island, New species, Sect. Reichenheimia.

Distribution and ecology:Begonia natunaensis is endemic to Mt. Ranai, eastern Natuna Island, Indonesia (Fig. 3). The new species was found on wet sandstone cliffs in a waterfall area, associated with mosses in rock crevices, ca. 100 m elevation.

Vernacular name: Natuna Island Begonia

Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from the type locality, Natuna Island of Indonesia.

Che-Wei Lin and Ching-I Peng. 2014. Begonia natunaensis (sect. Reichenheimia, Begoniaceae), A New Species from Natuna Island, Indonesia.
Taiwania. 59(4): 368‒ 373. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2014.59.4.368

[Botany • 2014] Begonia hosensis • A New Species (sect. Reichenheimia, Begoniaceae) from Sarawak, Malaysia


Begonia hosensis C. W. Lin & C.-I Peng, sp. nov. Sect. Reichenheimia

 Begonia hosensis, a new species of sect. Reichenheimia from Sarawak, Malaysia is here described and illustrated. Begonia hosensis resembles B. andersonii, differing in the stipule prominently keeled and female flower 5- (vs. 4-) tepaled. Ecologically, the two species are also separable: B. hosensis occurs on granitic cliffs ca. 400 km east of Kuching, the only known locality of B. andersonii, a limestone species.

KEY WORDS: Begoniaceae, Begonia hosensis, Borneo, Malaysia, new species, Sarawak, sect. Reichenheimia.

Distribution and ecology:Begonia hosensis is endemic to southwestern Hose Mountains, Sarawak,
Borneo (Figure 3). It is a lithophyte on wet granite cliffs in evergreen Dipterocarp forest, associated with mosses in rock crevices, at 480-590 m altitude.
Vernacular name: Hose Mountain Begonia
Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from the type locality, Hose Mountains, in central Sarawak, Borneo.

Che-Wei Lin, Shih-Wen Chung and Ching-I Peng. 2014. Begonia hosensis (sect. Reichenheimia, Begoniaceae), A New Species from Sarawak, Malaysia.
Taiwania. 59(4): 326– 330. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2014.59.4.326

[Botany • 2014] Five New Species of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand


Five new species of Didymocarpus are described from Thailand: Didymocarpus brevicalyxNangngam & D.J.Middleton, Didymocarpus formosus Nangngam & D.J.Middleton, Didymocarpus kasinii Nangngam & D.J.Middleton, Didymocarpus pauciflorus Nangngam & D.J.Middleton and Didymocarpus tribounii Nangngam & D.J.Middleton. Full descriptions, distributions, ecology, phenology and colour plates are provided for all taxa.

KEY WORDS:Didymocarpus, Gesneriaceae, new species, taxonomy, Thailand

Pranee Nangngam and David J. Middleton. 2014. Five New Species of Didymocarpus (Gesneriaceae) from Thailand. THAI FOR. BULL. (BOT.) 42: 35-42. 

[Botany • 2014] Porpax thaithongiae | เอื้องรังนกไทยทอง • A New Species (Orchidaceae) from the degraded limestone hills the western part of Thailand


เอื้องรังนกไทยทอง | Porpax thaithongiae
Suddee, Prommanut & Watthana | photo: BKF

Porpax thaithongiae, a new species from the degraded limestone hills in Umphang District, Tak Province in the western part of Thailand is described and illustrated.

KEY WORDS:Porpax, new species, Orchidaceae, Thailand

Thailand.— NORTHERN: Tak [Umphang District, Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary, Doi Hua Mot, 879 m alt., 13 April 2013, Suddee, Rueangruea, Prommanut & Pansamrong 4433 (BKF); ibid, 3
July 2013, Prommanut 307 (BKF)].
Distribution.— Endemic (known only from the type locality).

Phenology.— Flowering: April–May.
Ecology.— Dry deciduous dipterocarp forest on degraded limestone hills; 800–900 m alt.

Vernacular.— Ueang rangnok thai thong (เอื้องรังนกไทยทอง)
Etymology.—Porpax thaithongiae is named in honour of Assoc. Prof. Dr Obchant Thaithong of the Department of Botany, Chulalongkorn University, who has long contributed to Thai orchids study.

Conservation.— DD (Data Deficient). More exploration is needed in order to gain more information for conservation assessment. 

Somran Suddee, Phattaravee Prommanut and Santi Watthana. 2014. Porpax thaithongiae (Orchidaceae) A New Species from Thailand. 
THAI FOR. BULL. (BOT.) 42: 100–103. 

[Botany • 2014] Begonia kanburiensis • A New Species (sect. Diploclinium, Begoniaceae) from Kanchanaburi, southwestern Thailand


 Begonia kanburiensis Phutthai
A. habitat and habit; C. inflorescence and bracts; D. staminate flower; E. pistillate flower.

Begonia kanburiensisPhutthai, a new species which belongs to Begonia section Diplocinium, was discovered in Kanchanaburi Province during surveys for a revision of the genus for the Flora of Thailand. It is a limestone endemic and its IUCN status is considered to be ‘Vulnerable’.

KEY WORDS:Begonia, new species, Thailand

 Thamarat Phutthai, Mark Hughes and Kitichate Sridith. 2014. Begoniakanburiensis (sect. Diploclinium, Begoniaceae), A New Species from Thailand. THAI FOR. BULL. (BOT.42: 43–47.  

[Herpetology • 2014] Big, Bad, and Beautiful: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Horned Frogs (Anura: Ceratophryidae)


The horned frog family, Ceratophryidae, currently comprises three genera and 12 extant species, distributed from the Caribbean lowlands to the Pampean grasslands. Horned frogs are fossorial species that are remarkable in terms of their adult and larval morphology, karyotype, behavior, and other aspects of their biology. In this paper we present a molecular phylogenetic analysis with the goals of: (1) exploring the relationships among the species of Ceratophryidae; (2) studying the evolution of polyploidy; (3) studying the evolution of cocoon formation and larval development duration associated with surviving in semiarid environments; and (4) reviewing the ceratophryid fossil record that could be relevant as calibration points in molecular divergence estimations. The analysis included 11 of the 12 extant species and, when possible, multiple exemplars per species, as well as multiple outgroups. Sequence data were obtained on seven mitochondrial and six nuclear genes for up to 8200 bp per specimen. Our results indicate that the individual monophyly of Ceratophrys and Lepidobatrachus is well corroborated. The monotypic Chacophrys is recovered as the sister taxon of Lepidobatrachus, but with Jackknife frequency < 50%. Lepidobatrachus asper is the sister taxon of L. laevis + L. llanensis. Relationships within Ceratophrys are congruent with an earlier proposal, with a clade composed of the species possessing a dorsal bony shield (Ce. aurita, Ce.cranwelli, Ce. joazeirensis, and Ce. ornata), and another clade composed of Ce. stolzmanni, Ce. calcarata, and Ce. cornuta. Unlike earlier proposals, the octoploid species (Ce. aurita, Ce. joazeirensis, and Ce. ornata) are not monophyletic, as the diploid Ce. cranwelli, and Ce. ornata are sister taxa. This result implies an ambiguous optimization of ploidy levels, with either a single origin of octoploidy with a subsequent reversal to diploidy, or two independent origins of octoploidy being equally parsimonious; both alternatives are quite unusual from the perspective of chromosome evolution. Our results suggest that ceratophryids diversified in semiarid environments and three independent events resulted in three species subsequently occupying temperate or tropical humid areas. This early diversification in semiarid areas explains the retention of characteristics associated with these environments (like the production of a cocoon of dead skin during estivation, and possibly an accelerated larval period and development) in species present in humid areas. A revision of the fossil record of this family of frogs indicates that there are only two fossil remains that could serve as calibration points for molecular clock estimation, but a number of issues associated with them preclude their use.

Keywords:Ceratophrys, Chacophrys, Divergence time estimation, Fossil calibration, Hyloides, Karyotype evolution, Lepidobatrachus, Semiarid environments

 Julián Faivovich, Laura Nicoli, Boris Blotto, Martín O. Pereyra, Diego Baldo, J. Sebastían Barrionuevo, Marissa Fabrezi, Erik R. Wild and Celio F. B. Haddad. 2014. Big, Bad, and Beautiful: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Horned Frogs (Anura: Ceratophryidae). South American Journal of Herpetology. 9(3):207-227. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.2994/SAJH-D-14-00032.1

[Herpetology • 2014] Taxonomic Revision of the Pseudogekko compresicorpus complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae), with Descriptions of Three New Species


Recent phylogenetic analysis of false geckos, genus Pseudogekko, revealed unrecognized diversity within these exceedingly rare and enigmatic Philippine forest geckos. Newly available genetic datasets revealed that two of the four currently recognized species are complexes of multiple, deeply divergent evolutionary lineages. In this paper we evaluate species diversity in the Pseudogekko compresicorpus Complex and describe three new species in this unique clade of endemic Philippine geckos. For nearly a century, P. compresicorpus has been recognized as a single, ''widespread'' species with a geographic range spanning three major faunal regions and several isolated islands. This perception of the species' wide geographic range has persisted due to the rarity of this species. We evaluate morphological data, in light of a recent phylogenetic study on the genus, to define species limits in P. compresicorpus, finding character-based evidence that unambiguously supports the recognition of four unique evolutionary lineages within the complex, three of which we describe as new species. These evolutionary species correspond to monophyletic lineages supported in recent molecular studies. We also address the historically controversial generic affiliation of Pseudogekko labialis and conclude that this poorly known species is a member of the genus Lepidodactylus. All species recognized in this study possess allopatric geographic ranges and differ from congeners by numerous diagnostic characters of external morphology and, therefore, should be recognized as full species in accordance with any lineage-based species concept. This study nearly doubles the known diversity of Philippine false geckos.

Keywords: Biodiversity, Conservation, Endemism, False geckos, Philippines, Species complex, Taxonomy

 Cameron D Siler, Luke J Welton, Drew R Davis, Jessa L Watters, Conner S Davey, Arvin C Diesmos, Mae L Diesmos and Rafe M Brown. 2014. Taxonomic Revision of the Pseudogekko compresicorpus complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Gekkonidae), with Descriptions of Three New Species. Herpetological Monographs. 28(1):110-139.
DOI: 10.1655/HERPMONOGRAPHS-D-14-00005

[Crustacea • 2014] Christmaplax mirabilis • A New Family, Genus and Species of Cavernicolous Crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudozioidea) from Christmas Island, Australia


Fig. 4.Christmaplax mirabilis, new species;
paratype female, 8.3 × 11.3 mm, ZRC 2014.0814, in situ.
Photographed by Yoshihisa Fujita.
 A new genus and species of cavernicolous pseudozioid crab, Christmaplax mirabilis, is described from Christmas Island, Australia. The new crab was found in a subterranean pool located near the underwater entrance of a marine cave on the northwestern coast of the island. Christmaplax mirabilis has cavernicolous adaptations (e.g., reduced eyes, elongated ambulatory legs and pale colour) and superficially resembles anchialine crabs of the genus Orcovita (Varunidae). The characters of the female gonopores, male gonopods 1 and 2, and male abdomens show that it is a member of the Pseudozioidea. However, Christmaplax mirabilis cannot be placed in any of the three recognised pseudozioid families (Pseudoziidae, Planopilumnidae and Pilumnoididae), requiring the establishment of a new family, Christmaplacidae. The genus Flindersoplax Davie, 1989, previously placed in Pseudoziidae, is also transferred to the Planopilumnidae.

Key words: Taxonomy, Pseudozioidea, new family, new genus, new species, Christmas Island, Australia

Tohru Naruse and Peter K. L. Ng. 2014. A New Family, Genus and Species of Cavernicolous Crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudozioidea) from Christmas Island, Australia.

[Botany • 2014] Miliusa pumila | ระฆังน้ำพราย • A New Species (Annonaceae) from southern Thailand


ระฆังน้ำพราย | Miliusa pumilaChaowasku

A new species, Miliusa pumila Chaowasku, is described and illustrated. It has been cultivated in Bangkok, Thailand, but was originally from S Thailand. Miliusa pumila can be principally distinguished from its most morphologically similar species, M. filipes Ridl., by the differences in leaf blade length, pedicel length, and number of stamens per flower. The new species can be mainly distinguished from M. thailandica Chaowasku & Kessler, its sister species previously elucidated by means of molecular phylogenetics, by the differences in leaf base, outer petal length, and inner petal size.

Keywords: Malmeoideae, Miliuseae, phylogeny, systematics, taxonomy

 Tanawat Chaowasku. 2014. Miliusa pumila (Annonaceae), A New Species from southern Thailand. Willdenowia. 44(3):407-413. DOI: 10.3372/wi.44.44311

[Herpetology • 2014] Microcaecilia butantan • A New Species of Microcaecilia Taylor 1968 (Gymnophiona: Siphonopidae) from northern Brazil


Microcaecilia butantan Wilkinson, Antoniazzi & Jared, 2015


A new species of siphonopid caecilian, Microcaecilia butantan sp. nov., is described based on four specimens from Belterra, in the State of Pará, Brazil. The new species differs from all other Microcaecilia in having a combination of more than 135 primary annuli and long premaxillary-maxillary tooth series that extend posteriorly beyond the choanae. Some specimens were dug from soil in a cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) plantation suggesting that this form of agriculture provides an environment suitable for at least some caecilians.

Keywords: caecilians, South America, systematics, taxonomy

FIGURE 2.Microcaecilia butantan sp. nov.
(A) Specimen in life dorsal view. Bar = 5 mm. (B) Specimen in life ventral view. Bar = 5 mm. (C) Habitat at type locality.

Etymology. The specific epithet is in honour of the Instituto Butantan, which enabled the discovery of the species through the Butantan na Amazônia (Butantan in Amazon) project. To promote stability the species epithet is considered to be noun in apposition for nomenclatural purposes.

Suggested English name. Butantan microcaecilia.

Wilkinson, Mark, Marta M. Antoniazzi & Carlos Jared. 2015. A New Species of Microcaecilia Taylor 1968 (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Siphonopidae) from Brazil.
Zootaxa. 3905(3): 425–431. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3905.3.8 

[Herpetology • 2014] First Report of a Hybridization between Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas from Jeju Island, South Korea


In this study, we report for the first time a hybridization between Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas in South Korea. On 7th May 2012, a sea turtle (Jeju sea turtle 01, JST01) was found in the east coast of Jeju Island, South Korea. The morphological characteristics of JST01 were compared with those of C. caretta and C. mydas that were frequently observed in Korean Seas. Interestingly, JST01 showed similar morphological characters such as body color, appearance of carapace, shape of upper beak, serration on marginal scute, and two claws with those of C. caretta. On the other hand, JST01 showed also similar patterns in several characteristics including the numbers of marginal, inframarginal and costal scute, smooth carapace without keel, no contact between costal scute and nuchal scute with those of C. mydas. From these results, we suggest that JST01 is one of hybrid animals bred between C. caretta and C. mydas, because JST01 has species specific characters from both species. We anticipate that our study would be useful and have significant impact onto study inter-specific hybridization in the groups of sea turtle.

Key Words: Green turtle, Chelonia mydas, Hybridization, Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta

 Kyo-Soung Koo, Sang-Hyun Han and Hong-Shik Oh. 2014. First Report of a Hybridization between Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas from Jeju Island, South Korea. Korean Journal of Environmental Biology. 32(4):377-381. DOI: 10.11626/KJEB.2014.32.4.377

The Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) principally occupies tropical and subtropical waters, although juveniles are known to occur seasonally in temperate coastal waters. Collaboration with commercial fishers in eastern Canada yielded the most northerly records of this species in the northwest Atlantic. Here we report on the first confirmed record of a Green Turtle in eastern Canada and on the occurrence of a rare Green Turtle–Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) hybrid. Hybridization between the Carettini and Chelonini is extraordinary given that these groups have been genetically distinct for 50 million years or more.

Key Words: Green turtle, Chelonia mydas, hybrid, Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta, Atlantic Canada.

MICHAEL C. JAMES, KATHLEEN MARTIN and PETER H. DUTTON. 2004. Hybridization Between a Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, and Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta, and the First Record of a Green Turtle in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist. 118 (4): 579-582. http://www.fmap.ca/ramweb/papers-total/James_Martin_Dutton_2004.pdf

[Paleontology • 2015] Dearcmhara shawcrossi • Ichthyosaurs from the Jurassic of Skye, Scotland


Dearcmhara shawcrossi
 Illustration: Todd Marshall

Fossils of Mesozoic vertebrates are rare in Scotland, particularly specimens of marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs. We describe a suite of ichthyosaur fossils from the Early to Middle Jurassic of Skye, which to our knowledge are the first ichthyosaurs from Scotland to be described and figured in detail. These fossils span approximately 30 million years, from the Sinemurian to the Bathonian, and indicate that ichthyosaurs were a major component of Scottish marine faunas during this time. The specimens include isolated teeth that could represent the most northerly known occurrences of the widespread Sinemurian species Ichthyosaurus communis, a characteristic component of the famous Lyme Regis faunas of England, suggesting that such faunas were also present in Scotland during the Early Jurassic. An associated humerus and vertebrae from Toarcian–Bajocian-aged deposits are named as a new genus and species of basal neoichthyosaurian, Dearcmhara shawcrossi. The taxonomic affinities of this taxon, which comes from a critical but poorly sampled interval in the fossil record, suggest that non-ophthalmosaurid neoichthyosaurians dominated European assemblages around the Early–Middle Jurassic boundary, and were later replaced by ophthalmosaurids, whose radiation likely took place outside Europe. Many of these specimens were collected by amateurs and donated to museum collections, a co-operative relationship essential to the preservation of Scotland’s fossil heritage.

Dearcmhara shawcrossi gen. et sp. nov. 
Etymology.Dearcmhara, Scottish Gaelic for ‘marine lizard’; shawcrossi, in honour of Brian Shawcross, who collected the specimens and magnanimously donated them to a museum collection instead of retaining them in private hands. In English phonology Dearcmhara is pronounced as ‘jark vara’ (IPA for Scottish English Phonology: d͡ʒɐrk vɐrɐ). Note that in other English phonologies the open vowel (i.e. ‘a’) can be pronounced differently, and the alveolar trill (‘rolled r’) is the alveolar approximant (ɹ).

Stephen L. Brusatte, Mark T. Young, Thomas J. Challands, Neil D. L. Clark, Valentin Fischer, Nicholas C. Fraser, Jeff J. Liston, Colin C. J. MacFadyen, Dugald A. Ross, Stig Walsh and Mark Wilkinson. 2015. Ichthyosaurs from the Jurassic of Skye, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology.
First published online January 11, 2015, doi: 10.1144/sjg2014-018

 Ancient Scottish Sea Reptile Not 'Nessie,' But Just As Cute http://n.pr/1x4tyJG @nprnews

[Herpetology • 2015] Contributions to the Herpetofauna of the Albertine Rift: Two New Species of Chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae) from An isolated Montane Forest, south eastern Democratic Republic of Congo; Rhampholeon hattinghi & Kinyongia mulyai


Rhampholeon hattinghi sp. nov. and Kinyongia mulyai sp. nov.


Two new species of chameleons from the genera Rhampholeon and Kinyongia are described from an isolated montane forest remnant situated toward the southern end of the Albertine Rift bordering Lake Tanganyika. The closest known localities of species from these genera are 200km and 400km to the north respectively, separated by large intervening tracts of lowland savannah and Brachystegia (Miombo) woodland - habitats not normally inhabited by species of these genera. Rhampholeon hattinghi sp. nov. and Kinyongia mulyai sp. nov. bear superficial resemblances to previously described species (Rh. boulengeri Steindachner and K. adolfifriderici  (Sternfeld)).Rhampholeon hattinghi sp. nov. has a relatively smooth supra-orbital ridge, deep axillary but absent inguinal mite pockets, prominent white spots on the base of the tail and a uniquely derived hemipenal morphology with billowing parasulcal evaginations. Like K. adolfifriderici, Kinyongia mulyai sp. nov. is devoid of a rostral appendage but differs in having a longer and narrower head, a higher upper labial scale count and by the absence of a dorsal crest in the male. To place these new chameleons within the context of their respective genera, Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses were carried out utilising two mitochondrial (ND2 and 16S) and one nuclear marker (RAG1).  Both chameleons were found to have morphological features that distinguish them from other congeners. Based on phylogenetic analysis they are clearly separate evolutionary lineages and are described as new species.

Keywords: Albertine Rift, Democratic Republic of Congo, Katanga, Afromontane, Biodiversity, Chamaeleonidae, East Africa, new species, reptiles, RhampholeonKinyongia

Tilbury, Colin R. & Krystal A. Tolley. 2015. Contributions to the Herpetofauna of the Albertine Rift: Two New Species of Chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae) from An isolated Montane Forest, south eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Zootaxa. 3905(3): 345–364. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3905.3.2 

[Herpetology • 2015] Cyrtodactylus inthanon | ตุ๊กกายดอยอินทนนท์ | Doi Inthanon Bent-toed Gecko • A New Forest-dwelling Bent-toed Gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Cyrtodactylus) from Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand


Cyrtodactylus inthanon  Kunya, Sumontha, Panitvong, Dongkumfu, Sirisamphan & Pauwels, 2015
ตุ๊กกายดอยอินทนนท์ | Doi Inthanon Bent-toed Gecko

DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3905.4.9 | photo: N. Panitvong [siamensis.org]

 We describe a new forest-dwelling Cyrtodactylus from Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand. Cyrtodactylus inthanon sp. nov. is characterized by a maximum known SVL of 87.3 mm; 18 to 20 longitudinal rows of dorsal tubercles; a continuous series of 34 to 37 enlarged femoro-precloacal scales, including four to six pitted (female) or porebearing (male) scales on each femur separated by a diastema from five pitted (females) or pore-bearing (male) precloacal scales; no precloacal groove or depression; transversely enlarged subcaudal scales; and three to five irregular beige dorsal bands between limb insertions. The discovery of a new reptile endemic to Doi Inthanon reinforces the high importance of this mountain in terms of biodiversity conservation.

Keywords: Cyrtodactylus inthanon sp. nov., taxonomy, new species, Doi Inthanon National Park

Distribution and natural history. The species is known only from Doi Inthanon, from 700 to 1010 m a.s.l., where it is common. We encountered it while it was active at night on trees and large rocks along streams. It moved slowly when disturbed by torch light and bit when handled. It was found at direct proximity to the reptiles Acanthosaura lepidogaster (Cuvier) (Agamidae), Gekko gecko (Linnaeus), Hemidactylus frenatus Duméril & Bibron and H. platyurus(Schneider), Hemiphyllodactylus chiangmaiensis Grismer, Wood & Cota (Gekkonidae), Ahaetulla prasina (Boie) (Colubridae), Amphiesma khasiense (Boulenger) (Natricidae) and Trimeresurus popeiorum Smith (Viperidae), and the amphibians Ansonia inthanonMatsui, Nabhitabhata & Panha (Bufonidae), Leptolalax pelodytoides (Boulenger), Megophrys major Boulenger and M. minorStejneger (Megophryidae), Amolops marmoratus (Blyth), Hylarana nigrovittata (Blyth) and Odorrana livida(Blyth) (Ranidae). Captive specimens ate meal worms and crickets and seemed to quickly dehydrate with decreasing hygrometry. The new species’ known range entirely falls within Doi Inthanon National Park.

Etymology. The specific epithet inthanon refers to the type locality. It is a noun in apposition, invariable. We suggest the following common names: ตุ๊กกายดอยอินทนนท์ 'Took-kai Doi Inthanon' (Thai), Doi Inthanon bent-toed gecko (English), Cyrtodactyle du Doï Inthanon (French), Doi Inthanon Bogenfingergecko (German), Doiinthanonkromvingergekko (Dutch).

Kirati Kunya, Montri Sumontha, Nonn Panitvong, Wuttipong Dongkumfu, Thana Sirisamphan and Olivier S. G. Pauwels. 2015. A New Forest-dwelling Bent-toed Gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Cyrtodactylus) from Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand. Zootaxa. 3905(4):573-584. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3905.4.9

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