We describe four new species of the genus Cyrtodactylus based on the results of phylogenetic analysis of 673 bp of the COI mtDNA gene and morphological description of voucher specimens from Khammouane and Vientiane provinces, Laos. The three of the new species, namely Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus darevskii sp. nov. and Cyrtodactylus multiporus sp. nov., are described from a small area in monsoon tropical forests on limestone in the environs of Nahome Village, Boulapha District, Khammouane Province, Central Annamites.
Cyrtodactylus darevskii sp. nov. differs from all other Laotian
Cyrtodactylus by a combination of the following morphological characters: (1) maximum SVL up to 100 mm; (2) dorsal pattern formed by the narrow dark nuchal band and 4–5 dark transverse breaking bands with light yellowish posterior edges between limbs; (4) 38–46 ventral scales; (5) continuous series of 38–44 precloacal and femoral pores in males and 24–34 precloacal and femoral pores in females; (6) preclocal groove lacking; (7) 4–5 postcloacal spurs present in both sexes; (8) one median row of subcaudal scales.
Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis sp. nov. appears to be closely related to the recently described
C. jaegeri Luu et. al., 2014 and can be distinguished from this species and the remaining Laotian congeners by a combination of the following morphological features: (1) medium size, with a maximum SVL up to 73 mm; (2) males with continuous series of 40–44 precloacal and femoral pores; (3) preclocal groove lacking; (4) 32–38 longitudinal rows of ventral scales at midbody; (5) weakly keeled tubercles present on the dorsum and lacking on the head; (6) 5–6 enlarged postcloacal spurs in both sexes; (8) one median row of subcaudal scales; (7) dorsal pattern consisting of wide dark nuchal band and 4–5 dark wide transverse bands.
Cyrtodactylus multiporus sp. nov. is distinguished by a combination of the following morphological attributes: (1) maximum SVL of up to 98 mm; (2) dorsal patterns consisting of dark irregular separate spots between limbs and on the dorsal surface of the head; (3) nuchal band absent; (4) 30–38 ventrals; (5) continuous series of 58–60 precloacal and femoral pores in males; (6) preclocal groove lacking; (7) 5–6 postcloacal spurs present in both sexes; (8) one median row of subcaudal scales.
Cyrtodactylus spelaeus sp. nov. is described from a cave in north of Vientiane Province of Laos and differs from other congeners by a combination of the following characters: (1) maximum SVL of 98 mm; (2) dorsal pattern formed by oblong dark irregular butterfly-shaped blotches with light contrast margins; (3) nuchal band with light edging consists of two separate parts, which contact in occipital region; (4) 37–39 ventral scales; (5) 7–8 precloacal pores in males; (5) preclocal groove lacking; (6) 2–3 postcloacal spurs present in both sexes; (7) ten rows of enlarged dorsal tubercles. Our study increase the number of
Cyrtodactylus species known for Laos to fifteen. COI DNA-barcoding is successfully applied to reveal cryptic diversity within the genus
Keywords: Central Annamites, COI barcoding, Cyrtodactylus khammouanensis sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus darevskii sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus multiporus sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus spelaeus sp. nov., Laos, sympatry, taxonomy
R. A. Nazarov, N. A. Poyarkov, N. L. Orlov, N. S. Nguyen, K. D. Milto, A. A. Martynov, E. L. Konstantinov and A. S. Chulisov. 2014. A Review of Genus Cyrtodactylus (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) in Fauna of Laos with Description of Four New Species. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS. 318(4):391-423.