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[Botany • 2020] Eriocaulon longibracteatum (Eriocaulaceae) กระดุมรัศมี • A New Species from Thailand and Cambodia


Eriocaulon longibracteatum Khorngton, Soulad. & Praj.

in Khorngton, Souladeth & Prajaksood, 2020. 
"กระดุมรัศมี" || DOI: 10.1007/s12225-020-9879-1 

Eriocaulon longibracteatum, a new species from Thailand and Cambodia is described here. A detailed description, recognition, distribution, habitat, conservation status, phenology and illustration of the species are provided. 

Eriocaulon longibracteatum Khorngton, Soulad. & Praj. sp. nov. 

Sirinan Khorngton, Phetlasy Souladeth and Amornrat Prajaksood. 2020. Eriocaulon longibracteatum (Eriocaulaceae), A New Species from Thailand and Cambodia. Kew Bulletin. 75: 20. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-020-9879-1  

           กระดุมรัศมี เป็นพืชใบเลี้ยงเดี่ยวที่มีขนาดเล็ก ใบเรียงเวียนเป็นกระจุกแบบกุหลาบซ้อน ทำให้พืชนิดนี้ดูคล้ายพวกหญ้าหรือพวกกก ช่อดอกเหมือนเม็ดกระดุมเสื้อ และการที่พืชชนิดนี้มีใบประดับช่อดอกที่ยาวมาก จึงเป็นที่มาของชื่อ Eriocaulon longibracteatum พืชนี้ออกดอกในช่วงเดือนกันยายนถึงเดือนพฤศจิกายนของทุกปี พบได้ตามพื้นดินทรายบริเวณที่โล่ง ชุ่มน้ำ หรือพบในป่าดิบ ปัจจุบันทั่วโลกพบพืชชนิดนี้เพียง 3 แห่งใน 2 ประเทศ คือ ประเทศไทยพบที่จังหวัดชลบุรีและจังหวัดกาญจนบุรี และในประเทศกัมพูชา พบที่จังหวัด Mondulkiri ทำให้พืชชนิดนี้อยู่ในกลุ่มสิ่งมีชีวิตที่ใกล้การสูญพันธุ์ตาม IUCN Red List Categories (2012)

[Invertebrate • 2020] Astrolirus patricki • A New Sponge-associated Starfish (Asteroidea: Brisingida: Brisingidae) from the northwestern Pacific Seamounts


 Astrolirus patricki
 Zhang, Zhou, Xiao & Wang, 2020

Seamounts are important deep ocean entities that serve as reservoirs for varied types of habitats and fauna. During the Chinese cruises in the northwestern Pacific seamount areas, a new starfish species of order Brisingida, Astrolirus patricki, was found at 1,458–2,125 m depth. All specimens of the new species were observed in situ attaching on hexactinellid sponges, suggesting a possible close relationship between the two taxa. A. patricki sp. nov. is the second known species of the genus, characterized by the abutting plates in the intercostal integument, separated first pair of adambulacral plates and densely distributed proximal spines. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted for order Brisingida to incorporate the new species as well as Hymenodiscus cf. fragilis (Fisher, 1906), Freyella cf. attenuata Sladen, 1889 and two Brisinga spp., for which we present the molecular data for the first time. Phylogenetic trees suggest a close relationship between A. patricki sp. nov. with Brisinga species rather than with Hymenodiscus species, which is inconsistent with morphological taxonomy. This study highlights the distinct morphological and ecological characters of the new species and provides new data for future investigation on Brisingida phylogeny.

Figure 1:In situ photographs of  Astrolirus patricki sp. nov. (A) Holotype RSIOAS044. (B) Paratype RSIOAS028. (C) Paratype RSIOAS003. (D) Paratype RSIOAS052. (E) Paratype MBM286625.

Figure 2:  Astrolirus patricki sp. nov., abactinal view.
 (A) Paratype RSIOAS028. (B) Paratype RSIOAS003. (C), (D), (H), holotype RSIOAS044, (C) Abactinal surface of disk and proximal part of arms, with red arrow pointing at the madreporite body, white arrow at the interradial plate and yellow arrows at the marginal plates. The red frame indicates the proximal region of arm connecting the disk and genital region, where pedicellariae do no form regular costae. (D) Abactinal surface of arm genital area with mosaic plating, red arrows show the costae bands. (E) Paratype RSIOAS003, abactinal surface of arm genital area, red arrows show the costae bands. (F) Paratype RSIOAS052, zoom in view of the abactinal disk, showing the multiple sharp spinelets on disk plates. (G) Paratype RSIOAS052, a piece of dissected skin from abactinal disk, shot from the inner side of the skin, showing the small round disk plates. (H) Abactinal surface at the middle of arm, black arrows indicate the pedicellariae bands.

Order Brisingida Fisher, 1928

Family Brisingidae G.O. Sars, 1875

Genus Astrolirus Fisher, 1917

Diagnosis to Genus. Intercostal integument covered by thin plates; the first pair of adambulacral plates do not touch by their interradial faces, but are separated by a pair of marginal plates; first pair of marginal plates unit closely with a large interradial plate in the interradial faces.

Astrolirus patricki sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Arms 7, robust. Intercostal integument densely covered by irregular, abutting plates. No syzygy between proximal arm plates. The first pair of adambulacral plates separated by a pair of marginal plates. A large interradial plate above the first marginal plates, visible from the abactinal side, covered by scattered spinelets. Mouth spines and proximal adambulacral spines robust, densely distributed. Suboral spines 3–4; subambulacral spines 1–2, proximal ones truncate, capitate. One lateral spine to each adambulacral plate, starting from about the 8th. A pair of gonads to each arm.

Etymology. The name is originated from the character “Patrick Star” in the famous cartoon “SpongeBob Squarepants”, who always spends time with his best friend “SpongeBob”, a benthic sponge. Since all specimens of the new species were observed in situ living on sponges (Fig. 1), it was name by Patrick to reflect this curious relationship.

The new species Astrolirus patricki sp. nov. reported in this study represents the second known species in the genus, which is distinguished from its congener by the form and organization of costae and intercostal plates as well as numbers of spines and arms. Morphological description and molecular data delimitate the new species and provide reference for future taxonomic and phylogenetic study of related species. The current phylogenetic analysis on order Brisingida indicates an intermediate position of A. patricki sp. nov. between Brisinga and Hymenodiscus, but more samples and multi-gene analysis are needed in the future to clarify the actual systematic and phylogenetic relationships among these genera.

Ruiyan Zhang, Yadong Zhou, Ning Xiao and Chunsheng Wang. 2020. A New Sponge-associated Starfish, Astrolirus patricki sp. nov. (Asteroidea: Brisingida: Brisingidae), from the northwestern Pacific Seamounts. PeerJ. 8:e9071. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9071

Chrysopa niki


Chrysopa niki
Badano & Makris, 2020

photos by Christodoulos Makris. 

Cyprus is rich in endemics; however, all but two lacewing species are shared with the mainland. Thus, the discovery of a new morphologically distinct species of chrysopid belonging to the extensively studied genus ChrysopaChrysopa niki n. sp., appears remarkable. While most Chrysopa species differ in relatively subtle morphological characters, the new taxon is set apart from all Western Palaearctic congeners due to a unique combination of pattern, venational, leg and genital characters. The characteristics of C. niki n. sp. suggest that it might be an endemic to Cyprus, not strictly related to other congeners, underlining the importance of the discovery. The biogeography of Cypriot Neuroptera is discussed in light of this new finding.
Keywords: Neuropterida, green lacewings, Mediterranean, biogeography, endemics, new species

Family Chrysopidae Schneider, 1851
Subfamily Chrysopinae Schneider, 1851

Tribe Chrysopini Schneider, 1851

Genus Chrysopa Leach in Brewster, 1815

Figure 1. Chrysopa niki n. sp., live specimens, habitus. 
A, ♂ (Cyprus, Kalo Chorio, 17.VI.2016, not collected). B, ♂ paratype, pale morph (Koilani, Agia Mavri). C, ♀ paratype (Koilani, Agia Mavri).
All photos by Christodoulos Makris.

Chrysopa niki n. sp. 

Etymology: The new species is named after Niki Makri, the daughter of one of the authors, C. Makris. The specific name is a noun in apposition.

Davide Badano and Christodoulos Makris. 2020. A New Unexpected Species of Chrysopa Leach from Cyprus with Biogeographic Remarks (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.)International Journal of Entomology. DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2020.1756911  

Résumé: Une nouvelle espèce inattendue de Chrysopa Leach de Chypre avec des remarques biogéographiques (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae). Chypre est riche en espèces endémiques, mais tous les névroptères à l’exception de deux sont partagés avec le continent. À cet égard, la découverte d’une nouvelle espèce de chrysope morphologiquement distincte appartenant au genre Chrysopa, Chrysopa niki n. sp., est remarquable. Tandis que la plupart des espèces de Chrysopa se distinguent par des caractères morphologiques relativement subtils, le nouveau taxon se differencie de tous ses congénères du Paléarctique occidental grâce à une combinaison unique de caractères de coloration, des nervures et des genitalia. Les caractéristiques de C. niki n. sp. suggèrent qu’il s’agit d’une espèce endémique de Chypre, non strictement affine d’autres congénères, soulignant l’importance du nouveau taxon. La biogéographie des névroptères chypriotes est discutée en fonction de cette découverte.

[Botany • 2020] Heterostemma cucphuongense (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) • A New Species from Vietnam


Heterostemma cucphuongense T.B.Tran & Rodda

in Tran, Han, Hai, ... et Rodda. 2020.   
Photographs by N.Q. Dat, T.B. Tran, Thuong V.A.

Heterostemma cucphuongense (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Vietnam is described, illustrated and compared with the similar species Heterostemma succosum Kerr. Heterostemma cucphuongense differs from H. succosum by the morphology of the rachis of the inflorescence, the margins of the corolla lobes and the colour of the adaxial surface of the corolla.

Keywords: Ceropegieae, Cuc Phuong National Park

Figure 1. Heterostemma cucphuongense T.B.Tran & Rodda
A flowering branch B flower, view from above (adaxial) C flower, from underneath D corona, from above E ovary F pollinarium.
(Photographs by N.Q. Dat, T.B. Tran, Thuong V.A., photo edit by M. Rodda)

Heterostemma cucphuongense T.B.Tran & Rodda, sp. nov.

Diagnostic characters: This new species is similar to H. succosum Kerr, as both species have shortly pedunculate inflorescences, on which the flowers open in gradual succession (with generally a single flower open) and have relatively large rotate flowers (generally > 14 mm diam.). They are separated by the presence of a distinct rachis that develops in the inflorescence (which is absent in H. succosum); the margins of the corolla lobes are revolute (vs. flat in H. succosum), the pedicels are shorter (5–10 mm, vs. 15–30 mm in H. succosum) and by the colour of the adaxial surface of the corolla (red with white-yellow spots vs. yellow-orange with reddish-brown spots in H. succosum).

Etymology: The species is named after the type locality, Cuc Phuong National Park, in Ninh Binh Province, northern Vietnam.

Distribution and ecology: Heterostemmacucphuongense was only collected once, near one of the main trails in the Cuc Phuong National Park. It was found in primary evergreen forest on soils derived from degraded limestone. It was collected in flower in June.

The Bach Tran, Le Ngoc Han, Do Van Hai, Bui Hong Quang, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Bui Thu Ha, Tran Van Hai and Michele Rodda. 2020. Heterostemma cucphuongense (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), A New Species from Vietnam.  PhytoKeys. 148: 119-124. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.148.50029

[Herpetology • 2020] Five New Species of the Salamander Genus Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from eastern Mexico and the Status of Three Currently Recognized Taxa


(A) Chiropterotriton ceronorum sp. nov., (B) C. perotensis sp. nov., (C) C. totonacus sp. nov.,(D) C. melipona sp. nov., (E) C. casasi sp. nov. & (F) C. chiropterus.

Parra Olea​, Garcia-Castillo, Rovito, Maisano, Hanken & Wake, 2020

The genus Chiropterotriton is endemic to Mexico with a geographical distribution along the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt and the Sierra de Juárez. The recent use of molecular tools has shown that Mexico’s amphibian diversity is highly underestimated, including a large number of cryptic, unnamed species. Chiropterotriton has 18 described species including terrestrial, arboreal and cave-dwelling species. In previous molecular studies, the presence of multiple undescribed species was evident. We present a phylogenetic hypothesis based on mitochondrial data, which includes all described species and six undescribed taxa. Based on the morphological analyses and, when available, combined with molecular data, we describe five new species of the genus; Chiropterotriton casasi sp. nov., C. ceronorum sp. nov., C. melipona sp. nov., C. perotensis sp. nov. andC. totonacus sp. nov. In addition, we redescribe two others: Chiropterotriton chiropterus and C. orculus, and provide a comparable account of one additional sympatric congener. This increases the number of species in the genus to 23, which represent a considerable component of Mexican plethodontid richness.

Figure 5: Photographs of live and preserved specimens of eight species of Chiropterotriton
(A) Chiropterotriton ceronorum sp. nov., IBH 30988; (B) C. perotensis sp. nov., IBH 30745; (C) C. totonacus sp. nov., IBH 31031; (D) C. melipona sp. nov., IBH 30112; (E) C. casasi sp. nov., paratype, MVZ 92876; (F) C. chiropterus, CARIE 0719; (G) C. orculus, IBH 30997; (H) C. lavae, IBH 22365.

The genus Chiropterotriton, an endemic group of Mexican salamanders, has been a taxonomic challenge to researchers for many years. Previously published molecular data indicated that a number of undescribed species were present, but lack of a thorough morphological analysis had stalled the advances in the description of the diversity of this group. This article is a big step towards this goal. Herein we describe five new species of Chiropterotriton and redescribed two more, based on molecular and morphological data, increasing considerably the known diversity of the genus. However, more work is still needed for the description of several more taxa when additional data are available.

Gabriela Parra Olea​, Mirna G. Garcia-Castillo, Sean M. Rovito, Jessica A. Maisano, James Hanken and David B. Wake. 2020. Descriptions of Five New Species of the Salamander Genus Chiropterotriton (Caudata: Plethodontidae) from eastern Mexico and the Status of Three Currently Recognized Taxa. PeerJ. 8:e8800. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8800

[Botany • 2020] Corybas circinatus (Orchidaceae) • A New Species from Palawan, the Philippines


Corybas circinatus 

in Tandang, Bustamante, Ferreras, et al., 2020. 

Corybas circinatus, a new species of helmet orchid endemic to ultramafic habitats on the island of Palawan, Philippines, is hereby described and illustrated. This species is distinct in bearing a small glandular protuberance at the front of its pedicel, a 4-lobed entire labellum, and a distinctive strongly incurved dorsal sepal. The general colouration of the floral and vegetative parts is also highly characteristic, and the general lowland to mid-montane ecology of the species is unique amongst the known Philippines Corybas.

Keywords: Corybas, Diuridae, Acianthinae, helmet orchid, ultramafic, Malesia, taxonomy, Monocots


Danilo N. Tandang, Rene Alfred Anton Bustamante, Ulysses Ferreras, Annalee S. Hadsall, Stephanie Pym-Lyon and Alastair S. Robinson. 2020. Corybas circinatus (Orchidaceae), A New Species from Palawan, the Philippines. Phytotaxa. 446(2); 135–140. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.446.2.7

[Ichthyology • 2020] Acanthobunocephalus scruggsi • A New Miniature Species of Acanthobunocephalus (Silurifomes: Aspredinidae) from the Lower Purus River Basin, Amazon Basin, Brazil


Acanthobunocephalus scruggsi
 Carvalho & Reis, 2020

A second species of Acanthobunocephalus is described from tributaries of the lower Purus River in the Amazon Basin, Brazil. Acanthobunocephalus scruggsi, new species, is distinguished from all other aspredinid species by its reduced number of fin rays: four pectoral-fin rays (vs. five or more), two dorsal-fin rays (vs. three or more, except Amaralia hypsiura), five pelvic-fin rays (vs. six), four to five anal-fin rays (vs. six or more, except Bunocephalus verrucosus), and nine caudal-fin rays (vs. 10, except Hoplomyzontinae, Amaralia, Platystacus, Bunocephalus chamaizelus, and Bunocephalus minerim). Osteological aspects of the new species of Acanthobunocephalus are described using cleared and stained specimens and high-resolution x-ray computed tomography (HRXCT), and compared with Acanthobunocephalus nicoi and other aspredinids. Generic assignment is based on putative apomorphic shared features and a morphological diagnosis for Acanthobunocephalus is presented.

Holotype of Acanthobunocephalus scruggsi, INPA 57946, 21.7 mm SL, Brazil, Amazonas, Beruri, Igarapé Caipirinha, tributary of Lago Ayapuá. 

Acanthobunocephalus scruggsi, new species

Etymology.— Acanthobunocephalus scruggsi in named after Earl Scruggs, a prominent American banjo player known for popularizing a three-finger banjo picking style, also known as ‘‘Scruggs style,’’ which is characteristic of bluegrass music. The name of the species also makes an allusion to the common name given to aspredinid species in general (banjo catfishes), and the remarkable resemblance of the new species with this musical instrument.

Tiago P. Carvalho and Roberto E. Reis. 2020. A New Miniature Species of Acanthobunocephalus (Silurifomes: Aspredinidae) from the Lower Purus River Basin, Amazon Basin, Brazil. Copeia. 108(2); 347-357. DOI: 10.1643/CI-19-309


[Paleontology • 2020] High Frequencies of Theropod Bite Marks provide Evidence for Feeding, Scavenging, and possible Cannibalism in A Stressed Late Jurassic Ecosystem

Dry season at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry showing Ceratosaurus and Allosaurus fighting over the desiccated carcass of another theropod. 
 Types of bite marks observed in the MMQ assemblage with arrows indicating features of note.

in Drumheller, McHugh, Kane, et al., 2020. 
Illustration by Brian Engh (dontmesswithdinosaurs.com).

Bite marks provide direct evidence for trophic interactions and competition in the fossil record. However, variations in paleoecological dynamics, such as trophic relationships, feeding behavior, and food availability, govern the frequency of these traces. Theropod bite marks are particularly rare, suggesting that members of this clade might not often focus on bone as a resource, instead preferentially targeting softer tissues. Here, we present an unusually large sample of theropod bite marks from the Upper Jurassic Mygatt-Moore Quarry (MMQ). We surveyed 2,368 vertebrate fossils from MMQ in this analysis, with 684 specimens (28.885% of the sample) preserving at least one theropod bite mark. This is substantially higher than in other dinosaur-dominated assemblages, including contemporaneous localities from the Morrison Formation. Observed bite marks include punctures, scores, furrows, pits, and striations. Striated marks are particularly useful, diagnostic traces generated by the denticles of ziphodont teeth, because the spacing of these features can be used to provide minimum estimates of trace maker size. In the MMQ assemblage, most of the striations are consistent with denticles of the two largest predators known from the site: Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. One of the bite marks suggests that a substantially larger theropod was possibly present at the site and are consistent with large theropods known from other Morrison Formation assemblages (either an unusually large Allosaurus or a separate, large-bodied taxon such as Saurophaganax or Torvosaurus). The distribution of the bite marks on skeletal elements, particularly those found on other theropods, suggest that they potentially preserve evidence of scavenging, rather than active predation. Given the relative abundances of the MMQ carnivores, partnered with the size-estimates based on the striated bite marks, the feeding trace assemblage likely preserves the first evidence of cannibalism in Allosaurus.

Fig 3. Shed lateral tooth of Allosaurus sp. (MWC 5011) found at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry, white arrow indicates the distal denticles. Mesial denticles are present on such teeth, but were not preserved in this specimen.

 Fig 2. Types of bite marks observed in the MMQ assemblage with arrows indicating features of note.
A, striated marks produced by ziphodont tooth on an Allosaurus sp. pedal claw (MWC 7263); B, a striated score on an Allosaurus sp. vertebral centrum (MWC 8675); C, a score on an Apatosaurus sp. rib fragment (MWC 3853); D, a dense cluster of furrows on a distal Apatosaurus sp. pubis (MWC 861); E, a puncture (white arrow) and a pit (yellow arrow) on an Allosaurus sp. caudal vertebral centrum; F, a dense cluster of striated furrows Apatosaurus sp. ischium (MWC 4011). All scale bars equal 10 mm.

Fig 4. Dry season at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry showing Ceratosaurus and Allosaurus fighting over the desiccated carcass of another theropod.
Illustration by Brian Engh (dontmesswithdinosaurs.com).

The Mygatt-Moore Quarry preserves an unusually highly tooth-marked assemblage from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. Bite marks are consistent with a theropod trace maker, and striations place the traces within the range expected for the known large-bodied theropods from the site: Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. The largest of these traces suggests an individual that is too large to be either taxon based on existing fossils, suggesting they were produced by an even larger taxon such as Saurophaganax or Torvosaurus. While the location of traces on herbivorous dinosaurs are consistent with predation or early access to remains, bite marks found on other theropod material, more specifically Allosaurus, are concentrated on lower-economy bones, suggesting that they represent incidences of scavenging. If the trace maker is Ceratosaurus, this study represents the first incidence of this taxon feeding on another large, contemporaneous theropod. If the trace maker is Allosaurus, this study represents the first time cannibalism has been reported in this taxon and its encompassing clade, Allosauroidea. If the trace maker is a taxon not represented in the fossil assemblage (i.e., Saurophaganax or Torvosaurus), then these bite marks preserve the first indirect evidence of such a taxon in the MMQ, raising the diversity of large carnivores at the site based on bone surface modifications alone in the absence of body fossils. This seems likely for our largest striations, as they are too large to be produced by any taxon of known size in the MMQ.

Together with the high volume of other bone surface modifications, these traces suggest a depositional environment in which remains were exposed at the surface for long stretches of time, allowing more complete utilization of decaying remains than might be expected at other, contemporary sites with more rapid sediment accumulation (e.g., Carnegie Quarry-Dinosaur National Monument). Therefore, the high concentration of bone surface modifications at the MMQ may represent a true sampling of the processes that shaped the fossil site, a signal that seems to have been boosted by a recent shift to bulk collection at the locality. More detailed comparisons of bone surface modification frequencies in samples collected both before and after this change in collection protocol is ongoing, but this case study demonstrates that paleoecological analyses of these taphonomic processes are helped by more complete sampling and are actively biased by targeting of less damaged, more aesthetically-pleasing bones, as is common practice when type and exhibition specimens are preferentially collected.

Stephanie K. Drumheller, Julia B. McHugh, Miriam Kane, Anja Riedel, Domenic C. D’Amore. 2020. High Frequencies of Theropod Bite Marks provide Evidence for Feeding, Scavenging, and possible Cannibalism in A Stressed Late Jurassic Ecosystem.  PLoS ONE. 15(5): e0233115. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233115

In stressed ecosystems Jurassic dinosaurs turned to scavenging, maybe even cannibalism

[Botany • 2020] Salacia megacarpa (Celastraceae: Salacioideae) • A Remarkable New Species of Salacia from the Western Ghats, India


Salacia megacarpa N.V.Page & Nandikar

in Page & Nandikar, 2020. 

A new species of Salacia is described from Karnataka and Kerala states of the Western Ghats, India. It is unique within the genus on account of its obliquely dehiscing anthers and 7–10 cm long, prolate to broadly ellipsoid or ovoid, keeled, greenish‐yellow 5‐ to 8‐seeded fruit with thin epicarp and dry mesocarp. Salacia megacarpa sp. nov. can be grouped with S. fruticosa Heyne ex M.A.Lawson and S. oblonga Wight & Arn. which are the only other species from the sub‐continent which exhibit axillary, ramiflorous, dichotomously branched cymes.

Keywords: branched cymes, dry mesocarp, ellipsoid fruits, endemic, prolate, Salacia


Figure 1:  Salacia megacarpa sp. nov. (A) flowering twig, (B) inflorescence, (C) flower, (D) sepal, (E) petal, (F) stamen, (G) fruit, (H) seed. Illustration: Mayur Nandikar.

Figure 2:  Salacia megacarpa sp. nov.  (A) habit, (B) inflorescence, (C) flower, (D) fruit and seeds.
Photographs by Navendu Page and Mayur Nandikar.

Salacia megacarpa N.V.Page & Nandikar sp. nov.  

Diagnostic characters: A species recognised by its axillary and ramiflorous, branched, 3‐ to 6‐flowered cymes, elliptic‐oblong petals, obliquely dehiscing anthers, large 7–10 cm long, prolate to broadly ellipsoid, or ovoid, distinctly keeled, greenish‐yellow, 5‐ to 8‐seeded fruit with dry mesocarp, thin epicarp and triangular to ovoid or ellipsoid, truncate, ochreous seeds covered with faint reticular meshes.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the largefruits; the largest among Indian Salacia .

Navendu V. Page and Mayur D. Nandikar. 2020. A Remarkable New Species of Salacia (Celastraceae: Salacioideae) from the Western Ghats, India. Nordic Journal of Botany. 38(4). DOI: 10.1111/njb.02647

[Paleontology • 2020] Middle Permian (Roadian) Gastropods from the Khao Khad Formation, Central Thailand: Implications for Palaeogeography of the Indochina Terrane


 Ketwetsuriya, Karapunar, Charoentitirat & Nützel, 2020

A new Permian gastropod assemblage from the Roadian (Middle Permian) Khao Khad Formation, Saraburi Group (Lopburi Province, Central Thailand) which is part of the Indochina Terrane, has yielded one of the most diverse Permian gastropod faunas known from Thailand. A total of 44 gastropod species belonging to 30 genera are described herein, including thirteen new species and one new genus. The new genus is Altotomaria. The new species are Bellerophon erawanensis, Biarmeaspira mazaevi, Apachella thailandensis, Gosseletina microstriata, Worthenia humiligrada, Altotomaria reticulata, Yunnania inflata, Trachydomia suwanneeae, Trachyspira eleganta, Heterosubulites longusapertura, Platyzona gradata, Trypanocochlea lopburiensis and Streptaciskhaokhadensis. Most of the species in the studied assemblage represent vetigastropods  (35.6%) and caenogastropods (26.7%) and most of the species belong to Late Palaeozoic cosmopolitan genera. The studied faunas come from shallow water carbonates that are rich in fusulinids, followed by gastropods, ostracods, bivalves and brachiopods. The gastropod assemblage from the Khao Khad Formation shares no species with the gastropod assemblages from other Permian formations in Thailand, the Tak Fa Limestone and the Ratburi Limestone. However, it is similar to the Late Permian gastropod faunas from South China of the Palaeo-Tethys, therefore it suggests that the Indochina Terrane was not located far from South China.

 Keywords: Gastropoda, Mollusca, Saraburi Group, new species, diversity, Lopburi

Chatchalerm Ketwetsuriya, Baran Karapunar, Thasinee Charoentitirat and Alexander Nützel. 2020. Middle Permian (Roadian) Gastropods from the Khao Khad Formation, Central Thailand: Implications for Palaeogeography of the Indochina Terrane. Zootaxa. 4766(1); 1–47. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4766.1.1 

งานวิจัยนี้เป็นการศึกษาซากดึกดำบรรพ์ (fossil) หอยฝาเดียวยุคเพอร์เมียน (อายุประมาณ 270 ล้านปีมาแล้ว) จากจังหวัดลพบุรี ซึ่งพบทั้งหมด 44 ชนิด โดยในจำนวนนี้พบเป็น 1 สกุลใหม่ และ 13 ชนิดใหม่ของโลก Bellerophon erawanensis, Biarmeaspira mazaevi, Apachella thailandensis, Gosseletina microstriata, Worthenia humiligrada, Altotomaria reticulata, Yunnania inflata, Trachydomia suwanneeae, Trachyspira eleganta, Heterosubulites longusapertura, Platyzona gradata, Trypanocochlea lopburiensisและ Streptacis? khaokhadensis

ผลการศึกษาบางส่วนพบว่าฟอสซิลบางชนิดในกลุ่มนี้มีความเชื่อมโยงกับฟอสซิลในแผ่นทวีป South China และยังบ่งชี้ถึงต้นกำเนิดของบางชนิดในพื้นที่นี้ก่อนมีกระจายตัวไปยังบริเวณดังกล่าว แต่เมื่อเปรียบเทียบกับอีกแผ่นทวีปที่เป็นส่วนของดินแดนไทยด้านตะวันตก (Sibumasu Terrane) ซึ่งตั้งอยู่ในละติจูดที่ต่ำกว่าไปทางขั้วโลกใต้ในช่วงเวลานั้น ไม่พบความเกี่ยวข้อง (ทางสายวิวัฒนาการ) ใดๆ

[Botany • 2019] Hedyotis indirae (Rubiaceae) • A New Species from Western Ghats, India


Hedyotis indirae K.M.P. Kumar & P.T. Aiswarya

in Prabhukumar, Aiswarya, ... et Hareesh, 2019. 

Hedyotis indirae, a new shrubby species of Rubiaceae from Muthikulam forest of Palakkad district, Kerala is described and illustrated here. The species shows similarities with its closely allied taxa H. hirsutissima and H. beddomei, but differs in many qualitative attributes. Detailed description, phenology and distribution notes are provided along with photographs.

KEYWORDSElivalmala, Kerala, Muthikulam forest, Novelty, Palakkad hills

Hedyotis indirae K.M.P. Kumar & P.T. Aiswarya, sp. nov.

Etymology: The new species is named after Dr Indira Balachandran, Director, Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR), Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Malappuram, Kerala, for her outstanding contribution to the field of angiosperm taxonomy and in Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants.

Konickal Mambetta Prabhukumar, Pilathottathil Aiswarya, Raveendran Jagadeesan, Vannaratta Veettil Naveen Kumar, Chandrasseril Narayanan Sunil andVadakoot Sankaran Hareesh. 2019. Hedyotis indirae (Rubiaceae), A New Species from Western Ghats, India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography74(2); 275-279. DOI: 10.1080/00837792.2019.1641298  

[Botany • 2019] Aspidistra corniculata (Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae) • A New Species from northern Vietnam


Aspidistra corniculata Vislobokov

in Vislobokov, Kuznetsov, Kuznetsova & Kuzmicheva, 2019. 

Aspidistra corniculata is described and illustrated here as a new species from northern Vietnam. In flower structure, A. corniculata resembles A. lubae, A. marasmioides, A. multiflora and A. zinaidae but possesses hornlike connective appendages in stamens that distinguish it from all the other close species.

Keywords: connective appendage, taxonomy, Tay Yen Tu, tropical forest, Monocots

Figure 1. Aspidistra corniculata Vislobokov.
A) whole plant in its natural habitat; b) flower with whitish perigone arising from the rhizome; c) flowering plant; d) rhizome with reddish purple flowers from the top down; e) rhizome with reddish purple flower from lateral view; f) particular of the flower, lateral view); g) flower, longitudinal section; h) flower, inner part; i) flower, inner part without gynoecium; j) flower, lateral view; k) gynoecium, from below; l) gynoecium, lateral view; m) perigone with stamen.
Illustration by E.A. Kuzmicheva.

Aspidistra corniculata Vislobokov, sp. nov. 

 Diagnosis: Aspidistra corniculata is morphologically similar to A. marasmioides and A. multiflora, but differs in longer partly reddish purple filaments with connective appendages, in reddish purple perigone tube and narrowly lanceolate leaf blade.

 Etymology:— The specific epithet refers to the hornlike connective appendages of stamens. 

Distribution and ecology:— The species is known only from Tây Yên Tử National Forest, where it grows along the river bank.

Nikolay A. Vislobokov, Andrey N. Kuznetsov, Svetlana P. Kuznetsova, Evgeniya A. Kuzmicheva. 2019. Aspidistra corniculata (Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae), A New Species from Vietnam.  
Phytotaxa. 397(1); 125-128.  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.397.1.15

[Herpetology • 2020] Review of the Genus Brachytarsophrys (Anura: Megophryidae), with Revalidation of Brachytarsophrys platyparietus and Description of Brachytarsophrys orientalis, A New Species from China


 Brachytarsophrys orientalis  Y. Li, Lyu, J. Wang & Y.Y. Wang

in Li, Zhang, Lyu, ... et Wang, 2020.

 The genus-level recognition of monophyletic short-legged toads (Brachytarsophrys) has been recently implicated in the taxonomic debate of Megophrys sensu lato. In the present study, Brachytarsophrys is reasonably regarded as a distinct genus based on significant morphological differentiations and recent molecular analyses. Furthermore, a comprehensive review of this genus is performed, with two species groups proposed based on morphological differences and phylogenetic relationships. Particularly, Brachytarsophrys platyparietus is removed as a synonym of Brachytarsophrys carinense and considered a valid species due to significant genetic divergence and distinct morphological differences. In addition, a new species, Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov., is described based on a series of specimens collected from southeastern China. This work takes the member species of the genus Brachytarsophrys to seven, suggesting that the diversity of Brachytarsophrys is underestimated. In addition, the genus levels of other monophyletic groups within the subfamily Megophryinae are discussed.

Key words: Genus level, Megophryinae, Morphology, Phylogeny, Revision

Figure  1.  Collection localities of samples used in this study. Localities of  Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov.: 1: Huboliao Nature Reserve, Fujian; 2: Shanghang County, Fujian; 3: Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, Jiangxi.
Localities of B. popei; 4: Taoyuandong Nature Reserve, Hunan.
Localities of B. chuannanensis; 5: Hejiang County, Sichuan.
Localities of B. platyparietus; 6: Mt. Fanjing, Guizhou; 7: Mt. Jinzhong, Guangxi; 8: Shiping County, Yunnan; 9: Mt. Mopan, Yunnan; 10: Dayao County, Yunnan; 11: Yanbian County, Yunnan.
Localities of B. feae; 12: Jingdong County, Yunnan.
Localities of B. carinense; 13: Mae Surin NP., Mae Hong Son, Thailand; 14: Omkoi, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 15: Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Localities of B. intermedia; 16: Krong Pa, Gia Lai, Vietnam. 

Figure  1.  Collection localities of samples used in this study and habitat of Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov.
A: Localities of  Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov.: 1: Huboliao Nature Reserve, Fujian; 2: Shanghang County, Fujian; 3: Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, Jiangxi. Localities of B. popei; 4: Taoyuandong Nature Reserve, Hunan. Localities of B. chuannanensis; 5: Hejiang County, Sichuan. Localities of B. platyparietus; 6: Mt. Fanjing, Guizhou; 7: Mt. Jinzhong, Guangxi; 8: Shiping County, Yunnan; 9: Mt. Mopan, Yunnan; 10: Dayao County, Yunnan; 11: Yanbian County, Yunnan. Localities of B. feae; 12: Jingdong County, Yunnan. Localities of B. carinense; 13: Mae Surin NP., Mae Hong Son, Thailand; 14: Omkoi, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 15: Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Localities of B. intermedia; 16: Krong Pa, Gia Lai, Vietnam.
B: Habitat of Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov. in Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province.

Figure  3.  Bayesian inference and maximum-likelihood phylogenies Numbers before slashes are Bayesian posterior probabilities, and numbers after slashes are maximum-likelihood bootstrap supports.

Family Megophryidae Bonaparte, 1850
Subfamily Megophryinae Bonaparte, 1850

Genus Brachytarsophrys Tian & Hu, 1983

Type species: Leptobrachium carinense Boulenger, 1889

Diagnosis: (1) Large body size, habitus thickset and stout; (2) head enormous, and extremely depressed, head width approximately twice skull length; (3) presence of transverse groove, defining head behind; (4) tympanum hidden; (5) maxillary teeth present; (6) pupil vertical; (7) upper eyelid with several conical tubercles, one elongated, forming conical or flattened horn; (8) hindlimbs short and strongly thickset, heels not meeting, separated by greater distance; (9) toes with webbing and fringes; (10) inhabits deep crevices between rocks or boulders of streams during breeding season.

Suggested common name: Short-Legged Toads (in English) / Duan Tui Chan (短腿蟾 in Chinese).

Distribution: Tropical and subtropical eastern and southeastern mainland Asia, including southern China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, and northern Thailand.

Remarks: The genus Brachytarsophrys was established with designating Leptobrachium carinense Boulenger, 1889 as the type species (Tian & Hu, 1983). However, from the original literature, the examined specimen of L. carinense by Tian & Hu (1983) was collected from Jingdong, Yunnan, China, and should not be identified as B. carinense but as B. feae (Boulenger, 1886).

Brachytarsophrys carinense group

Brachytarsophrys carinense (Boulenger, 1889)
Leptobrachium carinense: Boulenger, 1889.
Megophrys carinensis: Bourret, 1942.
Brachytarsophrys carinensis: Tian & Hu, 1983; Rao & Yang, 1997.
Megophrys (Brachytarsophrys) carinensis: Dubois, 1987.
Brachytarsophrys carinense: Delorme et al., 2006.
Megophrys (Brachytarsophrys) carinense: Mahony et al., 2017.

Syntypes: BMNH and NHMW 2291.1-2 (according to Häupl & Tiedemann (1978)) and MSNG 29689 (designated lectotype by Capocaccia (1957)), collected from western slopes of Karens Mountains (800 m a.s.l.), East of Toungoo, Myanmar.

Diagnosis: Based on the original description of Boulenger (1889) and supplementary description of Taylor (1962) and Mahony et al. (2017). (1) Large body size, SVL 124.0–168.0 mm in females, 91.6–123.0 mm in males; (2) head enormous, extremely depressed, head width nearly twice skull length; (3) tongue large, feebly notched behind; (4) canthus rostralis distinct, loreal region to temporal region very oblique; (5) tympanum hidden; (6) maxillary teeth present, vomerine teeth present on two widely-separated vomerine ridges; (7) digits without subarticular tubercles, tibiotarsal articulation reaching axilla in females, commissure of mouth in males; (8) very large, flat, oval inner metatarsal tubercle; (9) toes one third webbed; (10) presence of transverse fold separating head from body; (11) upper eyelid with two to four horn-like conical tubercles; (12) oblique dermal ridge on each side of anterior part of dorsum; (13) stellate bony deposits in skin of parietal region and anterior part of dorsum; (14) single subgular vocal sac in males.

Suggested common name: Broad-Headed Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Kuan Tou Duan Tui Chan (宽头短腿蟾 in Chinese). อึ่งกรายข้างแถบ

Distribution and habitats: Currently, B. carinense is recognized from southern Myanmar and adjacent northern Thailand at elevations of 800 m and upwards. This toad hides in crevices between rocks or between the roots of shrubs during the day (Boulenger, 1889; Taylor, 1962).

Brachytarsophrys intermedia (Smith, 1921)
Megalophrys intermedius: Smith, 1921.
Megophrys intermedia: Bourret, 1942.
Brachytarsophrys intermedia: Rao & Yang, 1997.
Megophrys (Brachytarsophrys) intermedia: Mahony et al., 2017.

Diagnosis: Based on the original description of Smith (1921). (1) Medium body size, SVL 92.0 mm in one adult female, 86.0–103.0 mm in seven adult males; (2) head enormous and depressed, head width nearly twice skull length; (3) tongue feebly notched behind; (4) maxillary teeth present, vomerine teeth present on two widely-separated vomerine ridges; (5) snout round, not protruding beyond margin of lower jaw, canthus rostralis distinct; (6) loreal region to temporal region very oblique; (7) tympanum hidden; (8) presence of transverse groove behind head, separating head from body; (9) digits without subarticular tubercles, tibiotarsal articulation reaching to commissure of jaw; (10) large, flat, oval inner metatarsal tubercles; (11) toes one third to one half webbed, web extending as fringe along either side of toes; (12) paired oblique glandular folds on dorsum; (13) upper eyelid with several conical tubercles, one enlarged to form long horn.

Suggested common name: Annam Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Yue Nan Duan Tui Chan (越南短腿蟾 in Chinese).

Distribution and habitats: The species occurs in the central highlands of southern Vietnam and Laos at elevations above 900 m. Most specimens have been discovered in deep crevices between the rocks or boulders of streams. Loud, harsh male croaks can be heard at all times of the day and night (Smith, 1921).

Brachytarsophrys feae group

Brachytarsophrys chuannanensis Fei, Ye & Huang, 2001  

Suggested common name: Southern Sichuan Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Chuan Nan Duan Tui Chan (川南短腿蟾 in Chinese).

Distribution and habitats: The species is distributed in Hejiang and Junlian counties, Sichuan Province, southwestern China, at 800 to 1 400 m a.s.l.. Specimens are found in or near montane streams surrounded by lush vegetation. They usually hide in crevices between rocks or dirt burrows in streams during the day. Males emit a series of croaks at about 23:00h. The spawning season is around the middle of May (Fei & Ye, 2001).

Brachytarsophrys feae (Boulenger, 1886)
Megalophrys feae: Boulenger, 1886.
Leptobrachium feae: Boulenger, 1889.
Megophrys feae: Gee & Boring, 1929.
Brachytarsophrys feae: Rao & Yang, 1997.
Megophrys (Brachytarsophrys) feae: Mahony et al., 2017.

Holotype: MSNG 29763, female (according to Capocaccia (1957)), collected from Khakhyen Hills, East of Bhamò, Myanmar.

Diagnosis: Based on the original description of Boulenger (1886), supplementary description of Fei et al. (2009), and examined specimens. (1) Moderate body size, SVL 78.5–94.9 mm in five adult males; (2) head enormous, extremely depressed, head width approximately twice skull length; (3) tongue pyriform, feebly notched behind; (4) maxillary teeth present, vomerine teeth present on two vomerine ridges; (5) canthus rostralis indistinct, loreal region concave, temporal region oblique; (6) tympanum hidden; (7) tibiotarsal articulation reaching axilla or commissure of jaw; (8) very large, flat, oval inner metatarsal tubercle, longer than first toe; (9) toes with rudimentary webbing; (10) upper eyelid with several small tubercles, one enlarged, forming horn; (11) absence of dermal ridge on dorsum; (12) stellate bony deposits on each side of parietal region; (13) male with single subgular vocal sac, dorsal surface of first and second finger bases with black brown nuptial pad; (14) tadpole with several transversal stripes on ventral surface.

Suggested common name: Fea’s Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Fei Shi Duan Tui Chan (费氏短腿蟾 in Chinese). อึ่งกรายพม่า

Distribution and habitats: This species is currently recognized from northern Myanmar and Yunnan Province in southwestern China at 650 to 2 100 m a.s.l.. Specimens are found in montane streams, under rocks or deep burrows surrounded by moist evergreen broadleaf forests. Male individuals begin to emit a series of croaks in April. The spawning season is from May to June (Fei & Ye, 2009; this study).

Brachytarsophrys popei Zhao, Yang, Chen, Chen & Wang, 2014 (Figure 7)

Suggested common name: Pope’s Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Po Pu Duan Tui Chan (珀普短腿蟾 in Chinese).

Distribution and habitats: Brachytarsophrys popei populations occur in Taoyuangdong Nature Reserve, Hunan Province, adjacent Mt. Jinggang, Jiangxi Province, and Nanling Reserve, Guangdong Province, southeastern China, at 900 to 1 300 m a.s.l.. The species can be found under rocks in montane streams surrounded by moist subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests. Males emit a series of croaks from July to September (Zhao et al., 2014).

Brachytarsophrys platyparietus Rao & Yang, 1997 

Suggested common name: Flat-Headed Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Ping Tou Duan Tui Chan (平头短腿蟾 in Chinese).

Distribution and habitats: Currently, Brachytarsophrys platyparietus is recognized from Duodihe of Dayao County, Mt. Mopan of Xinping County, Yilong Township of Shiping County, Mt. Jinzhong of Longlin County, Mt. Fanjing of Tongren City, Yumen Township of Yanbian County, indicating its potential distribution areas, which range across central southwestern China at around 2 000 m a.s.l.. These toads inhabit montane streams surrounded by moist subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests. Some adult males have been found near batches of eggs attached to the bottom of a rock, suggesting that adult males may exhibit egg protection behavior (Figure 10).

Figure 11. General aspect of Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov. A: Dorsolateral view of adult male holotype SYS a004227 in life; B: Ventral view of holotype SYS a004227 in life; C, D: Hand and foot of holotype SYS a004227 in life.

Figure 12. Morphological differences between Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov. and B. popei A: Sole of feet in male holotype SYS a004227 of Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov.; B: Sole of feet in female paratype SYS a004486 of Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov.; C: Sole of feet in male holotype SYS a001867 of B. popei; D: Sole of feet in female paratype SYS a001875 of B. popei; E, F: Ventral view of 36th stage tadpole of Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov.

Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov. Y. Li, Lyu, J. Wang & Y.Y. Wang  

Diagnosis: Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov. is characterized by the following combination of morphological characters: (1) relatively small body size, SVL 88.6 mm in single adult female, SVL 76.8–82.7 mm in seven adult males; (2) head enormous and depressed, head width nearly 1.2 times as long as head length and nearly twice skull length; (3) tongue pyriform, feebly notched behind; (4) heels not meeting; (5) tibiotarsal articulation reaching to commissure of jaw; (6) outer metatarsal tubercle absent, inner metatarsal tubercle approximately equal to first toe; (7) smaller webbing, from distal metatarsals to basal toes, webbing formula I (1½)-(2) II (1½)-(3) III (2½)-(4) IV (4)-(2) V in males; (8) lateral fringes of males more developed than those of females, nearly one third as broad as distal toe phalanx in males; (9) absence of a transversal stripe on chest in tadpole.

Male secondary sexual characteristics: Male with single subgular vocal sac; nuptial pad on dorsal surface of first and second fingers, nuptial spines black (in preservative).

Etymology: The specific name “orientalis” refers to the distribution of the new species, which is the easternmost species within the genus Brachytarsophrys.

Suggested common name: Oriental Short-Legged Toad (in English) / Dong Fang Duan Tui Chan (东方短腿蟾 in Chinese).

Distribution and habitats: Currently, Brachytarsophrys orientalis sp. nov. is only known from the Jiulianshan Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province and Gutian Township and Huboliao Nature Reserve in Fujian Province, China, at 200 to 700 m a.s.l.. This species is found under rocks in montane streams surrounded by moist subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests (Figure 1B). All male individuals were observed in August and emitted a series of croaks from hidden positions.


Yao Li, Dan-Dan Zhang, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Jian Wang, Yu-Long Li, Zu-Yao Liu, Hong-Hui Chen, Ding-Qi Rao, Zhi-Fang Jin, Chang-You Zhang and Ying-Yong Wang. 2020. Review of the Genus Brachytarsophrys (Anura: Megophryidae), with Revalidation of Brachytarsophrysplatyparietus and Description of A New Species from China.  Zoological Research. 41(2); 105-122. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.033


[Botany • 2020] Viola umphangensis (Violaceae) • A New Species from Thailand


Viola umphangensis S. Nansai, Srisanga & Suwanph.

in Nansai, Srisanga, Hodkinson & Suwanphakdee, 2020. 
 วาสุกรีอุ้มผาง  || DOI: 10.1111/njb.02668 

Viola umphangensis S. Nansai, Srisanga & Suwanph., a new species from Thailand, is described and illustrated. Morphological, anatomical and palynological characters of V. umphangensis are compared with a similar species, V. betonicifolia Sm. An amended key to the Viola species in the Flora of Thailand account is provided.

Keywords: anatomical characters, new species, palynological characters, taxonomy, Umphang wildlife sanctuary

Viola umphangensis S. Nansai, Srisanga & Suwanph.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to Umphang district, Tak province, the type locality of the new species.

Sulisa Nansai, Prachaya Srisanga, Trevor R. Hodkinson and Chalermpol Suwanphakdee. 2020. Viola umphangensis (Violaceae), A New Species from Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany. 38(4)  DOI: 10.1111/njb.02668  

[Ichthyology • 2020] Trigonostigma truncata • A New Species of Harlequin Rasbora (Teleostei: Danionidae) from Malay Peninsula


 [upper & A] Trigonostigma truncata ปลาซิวข้างขวานใหญ่
[B] T. heteromorpha ปลาซิวข้างขวาน 
Tan, 2020

 Trigonostigma truncata, new species, is described from the coastal swamp forests along the east coast of the Malay Peninsula. It differs from all congeners, in having a gently sloping lateral head and nape shape, the characteristic black triangular marking, newly termed here as the axine, which is large with its caudal apex not reaching caudal-fin base, presence of orange-red colour on the anal fin, a bluish-lilac coloured sheen on body in life, and a shallower body depth as compared to its most similar congener, T. heteromorpha. A key to the genus Trigonostigma and a brief redescription of T. heteromorpha is also included. 

Key words. new species, biodiversity, Southeast Asia, acid waters, Cypriniformes

Fig. 3.  Trigonostigma truncata, new species, live specimen of ca. 30 mm SL (trade material, not preserved).

Fig. 4. A, Trigonostigma truncata, new species, ZRC 54736, 33.7 mm SL, trade material; B, T. heteromorpha, ZRC 61239, 28.4 mm SL, trade material; C, T. espei, ZRC uncat, 28.2 mm SL, trade material (obese individual); D, T. hengeli, ZRC uncat, 23.3 mm SL, Sumatra: Jambi; E, T. somphongsi, not preserved, ca. 15 mm SL (right-side reversed; photograph by N. Panitvong).

Trigonostigma truncata, new species, live specimen of ca. 30 mm SL (trade material, not preserved).
A, Trigonostigma truncata, new species, ZRC 54736, 33.7 mm SL, trade material; 
B, T. heteromorpha, ZRC 61239, 28.4 mm SL, trade material; 

C, T. espei, ZRC uncat, 28.2 mm SL, trade material (obese individual); 
D, T. hengeli, ZRC uncat, 23.3 mm SL, Sumatra: Jambi; 
E, T. somphongsi, not preserved, ca. 15 mm SL (right-side reversed; photograph by N. Panitvong).

Trigonostigma truncata, new species
Rasbora heteromorpha (non-Duncker) – Mohsin & Ambak, 1983: 50 (part); Kottelat et al., 1992: 9, table 1; Kottelat et al., 1993: 63, pl. 18 (part). 
Rasbora cf. heteromorpha – Collins et al., 2012: 10, table 3, supplementary data table S1: 16 (part?). 
Trigonostigma heteromorpha (non-Duncker) – Kottelat & Witte, 1999: 54 (part), fig. 10; Kottelat, 2013: 170 (part); Panitvong, 2020: 142. 
Trigonostigma aff. heteromorpha – Ng et al., 2019: 527 (part). 

Diagnosis. Trigonostigma truncata, new species, is most similar to T. heteromorpha, in having a large black axine starting from approximately mid-body with dorsal apex near dorsal-fin origin, ventral apex near pelvic-fin origin, and caudal apex near caudal-fin base; this axine being the largest amongst all congeners. Trigonostigma truncata differs from T. heteromorpha in the following characters: a gently sloping lateral head profile to pre-dorsal region (vs. a steep convex lateral profile from posterior of head to predorsal region); sub-superior mouth (vs. terminal mouth); caudal apex of axine not reaching caudal-fin base (vs. reaching and extending to hypural plate); dorsal and ventral apices of axine originate posterior to both dorsal-fin and pelvic-fin origins by up to three scale-widths (vs. dorsal apex starting one scale-width posterior to dorsal-fin origin and ventral apex starting at pelvic-fin origin; see Figs. 4, 5); faint or indistinct brown humeral streak just posterior to opercular opening (vs. a distinct black humeral streak); base of dorsal fin hyaline and its middle reddish-orange in life (vs. anterior two-thirds of fin orange-red); presence of distinct orange-red colour on anal fin in life (vs. faint or absence); having a bluish-lilac sheen on the body in life (vs. reddish or purplish sheen); and having a shallower body (depth at dorsal-fin origin 28.3–34.6% SL [mean 32.4], vs. 32.6–38.2% [mean 35.8]).

Distribution. Trigonostigma truncata, new species, is currently known from the east coast of the Malay Peninsula, from south of the Isthmus of Kra in Narathiwat province of southern Thailand to the Malaysian State of Terengganu (Fig. 6). The map in Fig. 6 also shows the distribution of all five species for comparison.

 Field notes. This species is found in lowland freshwater acid swamp-forest stream habitats, usually flowing into riverine habitats. Syntopic species collected from Mae Nam Tod Deng swamp forest in South Thailand include the following: Notopterus notopterus (Notopteridae), Boraras urophthalmoides, Trigonopoma gracile (Danionidae), Kryptopterus minor (Siluridae), Clarias meladerma (Clariidae), Monopterus javanensis (Synbranchidae), Chaudhuria sp. (Chaudhuriidae), Oryzias minutulatus (Adrianichthyidae), Indostomus crocodilus (Indostomidae), Betta imbellis, B. pi, Parosphromenus paludicola, Trichopodus trichopterus, Trichopsis vittata (Osphronemidae), Channa limbata, and C. lucius (Channidae).

Syntopic species collected from Kuala Brang in Terengganu include the following: Osteochilus vittatus (Cyprinidae), Rasbora bankanensis, R. dusonensis, Trigonopoma gracile (Danionidae), Acanthopsoides sp., Lepidocephalichthys furcatus, Pangio cuneovirgata, P. piperata, P. semicincta, P. muraeniformis (Cobitidae), Homalopteroides nebulosus (Balitoridae), Nemacheilus selangoricus (Nemacheilidae), Barbucca diabolica (Barbuccidae), Hemibagrus capitulum, Nanobagrus fuscus, Pseudomystus stenomus (Bagridae), Silurichthys hasseltii (Siluridae), Parakysis verrucosus (Akysidae), Clarias leiacanthus (Clariidae), Neostethus smithi (Phallostethidae), Bihunichthys sp. (Chaudhuriidae), Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus (Zenarchopteridae), Xenentodon canciloides (Belonidae), Doryichthys martensii (Syngnathidae), Brachygobius xanthomelas (Gobiidae), Pristolepis grooti (Pristolepididae), Luciocephalus pulcher, and Parosphomenus paludicola (Osphronemidae).

Syntopic species collected from Dungun swamp in Terengganu include the following: Barbodes cf. binotatus, Desmopuntius hexazona, Osteochilus vittatus, O. waandersii (Cyprinidae), Boraras maculatus, Rasbora einthovenii, R. cephalotaenia, R. paucisqualis, Trigonopoma gracile, T. pauciperforatum (Danionidae), Lepidocephalichthys furcatus, Pangio semicincta (Cobitidae), Homalopteroides nebulosus (Balitoridae), Nemacheilus selangoricus (Nemacheilidae), Neostethus smithi (Phallostethidae), Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus (Zenarchopteridae), Nandus nebulosus (Nandidae), Betta stigmosa, Luciocephalus pulcher, and Parosphromenus paludicola (Osphronemidae). 

Etymology. From the Latin ‘truncus’, meaning cut off, in allusion to the caudal apex of the axine not reaching the base of the caudal-fin. Used as a noun in apposition. 


Trigonostigma heteromorpha (Duncker, 1904) 
Rasbora heteromorpha Duncker, 1904

Distribution.Trigonostigma heteromorpha is the most widely distributed species of the genus, occurring in Malay Peninsula (Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Johor, Pahang), Singapore, Sumatra (North Sumatra and Riau provinces), Riau archipelago islands of Batam, Bintan, and Lingga, Bangka island and Belitung island (see Fig. 5). In Sumatra, T. heteromorpha is found only in North Sumatra and Riau provinces and is replaced by T. hengeli in Jambi and South Sumatra provinces (Kottelat & Witte, 1999; Tan & Kottelat, 2009).

Tan Heok Hui. 2020. Trigonostigma truncata, A New Species of Harlequin Rasbora from Malay Peninsula (Teleostei: Danionidae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 68; 421–433.

[Paleontology • 2020] Scelidosaurus harrisonii from the Early Jurassic of Dorset, England: Postcranial Skeleton


 Scelidosaurus harrisonii Owen, 1861

in Norman, 2020. 

Scelidosaurus fossils were first discovered during the commercial quarrying of the Liassic sea-cliffs between Charmouth and Lyme Regis in Dorset during the late 1850s. The original specimens included a well-preserved skull embedded in a block of argillaceous limestone (marlstone). Shortly after this skull was retrieved, a series of more-or-less contiguous marlstone slabs were recovered, containing most of the skeleton of the same animal (NHMUK R1111). After rudimentary (hammer and chisel) mechanical preparation, Owen published descriptions of this material (Owen, 1861, 1863). These two monographs have been the sole references pertaining to the anatomy of Scelidosaurus for >150 years. The skeleton of the lectotype of Scelidosaurus harrisonii (NHMUK R1111) has since been extracted from the surrounding matrix using an acid-immersion technique. Some additional specimens held in the collections of the Natural History Museum London, the Bristol City Museum and the Sedgwick Museum in Cambridge provide anatomical material that allows detailed description of this taxon, for which we have had, until now, a surprisingly poor understanding.

Axial skeleton: The axial skeleton of Scelidosaurus comprises eight cervical, 16 dorsal, four sacral and > 40 caudal vertebrae. During ontogeny, the posterior centrum articular surface of the 16th dorsal vertebra develops a firm, ligament-bonded junction with the succeeding sacral centrum. Apart from the atlas rib, which is single headed, double-headed ribs are present throughout the presacral vertebral series, and none shows any indication of fusion to its associated vertebra. However, those ribs attached to cervical vertebrae 2–4 were evidently bound firmly by connective tissue to rugose diapophyses. The last two (presacral) dorsal ribs show merger of the capitulum and tuberculum, meaning that they are separated by only a step. The angulation and arching of the dorsal ribs suggest that these animals had a broad (barrel-like) torso. Intercostal uncinate plates were present, attached to the posterior margins of some of the largest dorsal ribs. Their attachment sites are clearly marked, and these plates might have been composed of calcified cartilage in larger individuals. The sacral vertebrae fuse progressively during ontogeny, in an anterior-to-posterior sequence. The sacral ribs are long and robust, and tilt the iliac blade outward dorsally. A sacricostal ‘yoke’ (created by the fusion of the distal ends of adjacent sacral ribs) never forms. The base of the tail has a unique ball-and-socket-style joint between the centra of caudal vertebrae 1 and 2 in only one skeleton. This might have permitted powerful, but controlled, movements of the tail as a defensive weapon (or increased flexibility at the base of the tail, which might have been necessary for reproduction). Caudal ribs are initially long, blade-shaped projections that gradually decrease in size and become stub-like remnants that persist as far back as the midtail (approximately caudal vertebra 25). Haemal arches (chevrons) disappear nearer to the distal end of the tail (approximately caudal vertebra 35). Ossified tendons are preserved as epaxial bundles that are clustered in the ‘axillary’ trough (between the neural spine and transverse processes on either side of the midline). Ossified tendons are restricted to the dorsal and sacral region. Flattened ossified tendons are fused to the sides of sacral neural spines. In life, the ossified tendons might have formed a low-angled trellis-like arrangement.

Appendicular skeleton: The pectoral girdle comprises a long scapula, with a distally expanded blade. The proximal portion is expanded and supports an oblique promontory, forming an acromial process anteriorly and a thick, collar-like structure posteriorly above the glenoid. Between these two features is a shallow basin, bordered ventrally by a sutural edge for the coracoid. The scapula–coracoid suture remains unfused in large (5-m-long) individuals. The coracoid bears a discrete foramen and forms a subcircular dished plate, with the shallowest of embayments along its posterior edge. Clavicles are present as small fusiform bones attached to the acromial process of the scapulae and leading edge of each coracoid. A sternum was reported as ‘some partially ossified element of the endoskeleton’ Owen (1863: 13), but subsequent preparation of the skeleton has removed all trace of this material. The humerus is relatively long and has a prominent rectangular and proximally positioned deltopectoral crest. The ulna is robust and tapers distally, but there is no evidence of an olecranon process. The radius is more rod-like and terminates distally in an enlarged, subcircular and convex articular surface for the carpus. The carpus is represented by an array of five discoid carpals. The manus is pentadactyl and asymmetrical, with short, divergent metacarpals and digits that terminate in small, arched and pointed unguals on digits 1–3 (only). The phalangeal formula of the manus is 2-3-4-3-2. The pelvis is dominated by a long ilium; the preacetabular process is arched, transversely broad, and curves laterally. In juveniles, this process is short and horizontal, but during ontogeny it increases considerably in length and becomes arched. The iliac blade is tilted laterally, meaning that its dorsal blade partly overhangs the femur. The acetabulum forms a partial cupola, and there is a curtain-like medial wall that reduces the acetabular fenestra to a comparatively low, triangular opening between the pubis and ischium. The postacetabular portion of the ilium is long and supports a brevis shelf. The ischium has a long, laterally compressed shaft that hangs almost vertically beneath the ilium, and there is no obturator process. The pubis has a long, narrow shaft and a relatively short, deep, laterally compressed prepubic process that twists laterally (its distal end lies almost perpendicular to the long axis of the ilium). The articular pad on the pubis for the femoral head faces posteriorly. The obturator foramen is not fully enclosed within the pubis, but its foramen is closed off posteriorly by the pubic peduncle of the ischium. The femur is stout and has a slightly medially offset femoral head, and the greater trochanter forms a sloping shoulder continuous with, and lateral to, the femoral head. The anterior (lesser) trochanter is prominent and forms a thick, thumb-shaped projection on the anterolateral corner of the femoral shaft. The fourth trochanter is pendent and positioned at midshaft. In larger individuals, it appears to become thickened and reinforced by becoming coated with metaplastic bone derived from the tendons attached to its surface. The distal end of the femoral shaft is slightly curved and expands to form condyles. There is a deep and broad posterior intercondylar groove, but the anterior intercondylar groove is barely discernible in juveniles and not much better developed in subadults. The tibia and fibula are shorter than the femur. The tibia is structurally dominant, and the shorter fibula is comparatively slender and bowed. The proximal tarsals are firmly bound by connective tissue to the distal ends of the tibia and fibula. The distal end of the tibia is stepped, which aids the firm interlock between the crus and proximal tarsals. There appear to be two roughly discoid tarsals (distal tarsals 3 and 4), and a rudiment of distal tarsal 5 appears to be sutured to the lateral margin of distal tarsal 4. Five metatarsals are preserved, but the fifth is a splint of bone attached to the proximal end of metatarsal 4. Metatarsals 2–4 are dominant, long and are syndesmotically interlocked proximally, but their shafts splay apart distally. Metatarsal 1 is much shorter than the other three, but it retains two functional phalanges (including a short, pointed ungual). The foot is anatomically tetradactyl but functionally tridactyl. The pedal digit formula is 2-3-4-5-0. The digits diverge, but each appears to curve medially along its length, creating the impression of asymmetry. This asymmetry is emphasized, because the three principal unguals are also twisted medially. The ungual of digit 2 is the largest and most robust of the three, whereas that of digit 4 is the smallest and least robust.

The general girth of the torso and the displacement of the abdomen posteriorly (a consequence of the opisthopubic pelvic construction in this dinosaur) constrained the excursion of the hindlimb during the protraction phase of the locomotor cycle. The anterolateral displacement of the hindlimb during protraction is in accord with the freedom of motion that is evident at the acetabulum, the susceptibility of the hindlimb to torsion between and within its component parts, and the asymmetry of the foot. It is probable that thyreophorans (notably, ankylosaurs) used a similar oblique-parasagittal hindlimb excursion to accommodate their equally large and wide abdomens. This surmise accords with the structure of the pelves and hindlimbs of ankylosaurs. Derived stegosaurs might have obviated this ‘problem’, in part, because their hindlimbs were longer and their torsos and abdomens narrower and capable of being ‘stretched’ vertically to a greater extent. Nevertheless, the structure of their acetabula and hindlimbs indicates that the oblique-parasagittal style of hindlimb excursion remained a possibility and might be an evolutionary remnant of the locomotor style of basal, shorter-limbed stegosaurs.

A reconstruction of the endoskeleton of Scelidosaurus is presented on the basis of this updated description. Although quadrupedal, this animal was only facultatively so, judged by its forelimb-to-hindlimb proportions and structure; it therefore betrays bipedality in its ancestry.

Keywords: Dinosauria, Ornithoscelida, Ornithischia, Thyreophora, osteology, vertebral column, girdles, limbs


Dinosauria Owen, 1842 (sensu Gauthier, 1986)
Ornithoscelida Huxley, 1870 (sensu Baron et al., 2017b)
Ornithischia Seeley, 1887
Thyreophora Nopcsa, 1915 (sensu Norman, 1984)

Scelidosaurus Owen, 1859.

  Scelidosaurus harrisonii Owen, 1861. 
Early Jurassic, Dorset, UK.

Etymology: from Greek skelos (σκέλος) = limb or leg and sauros (σαυρος) = lizard/reptile. The epithet harrisonii refers to belonging to James Harrison, the collector. The generic name was probably chosen to distinguish this taxon from the paddle-limbed reptiles that predominate in the Liassic beds of the Charmouth/ Lyme Regis area.

David B. Norman. 2020. Scelidosaurus harrisonii from the Early Jurassic of Dorset, England: Postcranial Skeleton. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 189(1); 47–157. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz078 

[Entomology • 2020] Rivudiva inma & R. oonirikoperi • New Species of Rivudiva Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) with Comments on R. minantenna and R. trichobasis


Rivudiva inma Salles & Nieto

in Salles, Nieto & Cruz, 2020. 

Based on nymphs collected in Espírito Santo and Amazonas, Southeastern and Northern Brazil, two new species of the genus Rivudiva Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) are described. Rivudiva inma sp. nov. shares several characteristics with R. minantenna Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998, but can be distinguished by details of leg setation, such as length and shape of robust setae and presence of setae on trochanter. Rivudiva oonirikoperi sp. nov. is more similar to R. trichobasis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998, but can be separated by the absence of setae on scape and pedicel, shape of distal margin of labrum, and length of maxillary palp. New diagnoses and illustrations are provided for R. minantenna and R. trichobasis, as well as a key to the known nymphs of Rivudiva species.

Keywords: Ephemeroptera, Taxonomy, Neotropics, Atlantic Forest, Amazon, key

Male of Rivudiva inma, sp. nov. 

Rivudiva inma Salles & Nieto, sp. nov.

Etymology. After the Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica (INMA), the Brazilian National Institute of the Atlantic Forest. INMA is located in the city of Santa Teresa, locality of the new species, and one of the institute’s most important mission is the conservation of the Atlantic Forest and, therefore, of the new species.

Rivudiva oonirikoperi Cruz, sp. nov.

Etymology. Õonirikoperi is a word in Baniwa language, from Baniwa indigenous ethnicity, a group of Native American inhabiting the area where the species was collected. This word is attributed to any specimen of Ephemeroptera. However, its literal meaning is “a being [malevolent] that walk inside the water”. The name is in apposition.

F.F. Salles, C. Nieto and P.V. Cruz. 2020. New Species of Rivudiva Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) with Comments on R. minantenna Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty and R. trichobasis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty. Zootaxa. 4786(1); 37–52. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4786.1.3

[Entomology • 2020] Revision of Eupines King (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) of New Zealand


Eupines fraudulenta (Broun, 1886)

in Shen & Leschen, 2020.

The species-rich genus Eupines King of New Zealand is revised to include 48 species, with 22 known species redescribed. Twenty-two new species are described:Eupines (Byraxis) brevis sp. n., E. (B.) caesta sp. n., E. (B.) carinata sp. n., E. (B.) coalita sp. n., E. (B.) complector sp. n., E. (B.) dugdalei sp. n., E. (B.) gigas sp. n., E. (B.) graceae sp. n., E. (B.) huizhenae sp. n., E. (B.) hoarei sp. n., E. (B.) insolita sp. n., E. (B.) mayae sp. n., E. (B.) minuta sp. n., E. (B.) obtusa sp. n., E. (B.) ovalis sp. n., E. (B.) pannicula sp. n., E. (B.) petila sp. n., E. (B.) protibialis sp. n., E. (B.) whirinaki sp. n., E. (B.) waikaremoana sp. n., Eupines (Eupines) undecim sp. n. and Eupines novem sp. n. The following 11 synonymies are proposed: E. (B.) dispar (Sharp) (= E. (B.) munroi Broun syn. n.), E. (B.) hectori Broun (= E. (B.) diversides Newton syn. n.), E. (B.) impar (Sharp) (= E. (B.) sanguineua Broun syn. n., E. (B.) foveatissima Broun syn. n.), E. (B.) monstrosa (Reitter) (= E. (B.) rudicornis Broun syn. n., E. (B.) costata Broun syn. n.), E. (B.) mundula (Schaufuss) (= E. (B.) forficulida Broun syn. n.), E. (B.) paganus (Broun) (= E. (B.) allocera Broun syn. n., E. (B.) sylvicola Broun syn. n., E. (B.) rhyssarthra Broun syn. n.) and Eupinolus altulus (Broun) (= E. (E.) nasuta Broun syn. n.). New combinations are proposed for four species previously described in Eupines: Eupinolus calcaratus (Broun) new comb., Eupinolus nasutus (Broun) new comb., Gastrobothrus ignotus (Broun) new comb. and Gastrobothrus platynotus (Broun) new comb. A key and distribution maps for all New Zealand members of Eupines are provided.

Keywords: Coleoptera, Brachyglutini, rove beetle, taxonomy, nomenclature, New Zealand

Eupines fraudulenta (Broun, 1886)

Jia-Wei Shen and Richard A. B. Leschen. 2020 Revision of Eupines King of New Zealand (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Goniaceritae). Zootaxa. 4777(1); 1-84. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4777.1.1

[Ichthyology • 2019] Pseudobatos buthi • A New Guitarfish of the Genus Pseudobatos (Batoidea: Rhinobatidae) with Key to the Guitarfishes of the Gulf of California


Pseudobatos buthi K.M. Rutledge, 2019

A new guitarfish of the genus Pseudobatos is described based on 82 specimens obtained from the Gulf of California. Sixty-three morphometric measurements were taken on all specimens, and on ten specimens from each of three congeners. A principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis were performed on these morphometric data for discrimination. The new species (∼685 mm TL) is most similar to Pseudobatos productus but differs in having a narrower maximum disc width (30–35% vs. 36–38% TL), shorter distance from nostril to disc margin (2.8–4.0% vs. 4.2–5.2% TL), narrower disc width at anterior orbit (12–19% vs. 20–22% TL), and a narrower tip of snout width (3% vs. 4–6% TL). The species is also less densely scaled between the orbits and has less pronounced rostral thorns than Pseudobatos productus. A key to the guitarfishes of the Gulf of California is also provided.

 Holotype of Pseudobatos buthi, new species (SIO 15-405 [formerly UCLA W50-189], 471.1 TL male) 

Fig. 2. All four species of guitarfishes from the Gulf of California, shown from end of disc to snout.
(A) Pseudobatos buthi, new species (allotype, SIO 15-477 [formerly UCLA W49-122], 383.6 mm TL). (B) P. leucorhynchus (UCLA W53-317, 262.7 mm TL). (C) P. glaucostigmus (UCLA W56-117, 319.4 mm TL). (D) P. productus (UCLA W50-128, 364.5 mm TL).

Pseudobatos buthi, new species
 Spadenose Guitarfish, Guitarra Pala

Etymology.— Named in honor of my mentor, UCLA ichthyologist Donald Buth, who provided me with the opportunity to describe this new species and whose support and guidance has been instrumental in my scientific career.

Fig. 6. The distribution of Pseudobatos buthi, new species, caught by Boyd Walker and colleagues on collecting trips in the 1940s and 1950s. Each red dot represents a different sampling locality. The red star represents the type locality of the holotype.

Kelsi M. Rutledge. 2019. A New Guitarfish of the Genus Pseudobatos (Batoidea: Rhinobatidae) with Key to the Guitarfishes of the Gulf of California. Copeia. 107(3); 451-463. DOI: 10.1643/CI-18-166

Se describe una nueva especie de guitarra en el género Pseudobatos basado en 82 especímenes obtenidos del Golfo de California. Se tomaron sesenta y tres mediciones morfométricas en cada espécimen y en diez especímenes de cada uno de los tres congéneres. En estos datos morfométricos, se realizaron análisis de componentes principales y discriminante lineal para discriminación. Esta nueva especie (∼685 mm TL) es más similar a Pseudobatos productus, pero se diferencia por tener un ancho máximo de disco más estrecho (30–35% vs. 36–38% TL), una distancia más corta desde la fosa nasal al margen del disco (2.8–4.0% vs. 4.2–5.2% TL), un ancho de disco más estrecho en la órbita anterior (12–19% vs. 20–22% TL) y el ancho de la punta de la nariz más estrecha (3% vs. 4–6% TL). Esta especie también tiene una escala menos densa entre las órbitas, y espinas rostrales menos pronunciadas, en comparación con Pseudobatos productus. Además, se provee una clave para las guitarras del Golfo de California.

[Ornithology • 2020] A Comprehensive Molecular Phylogeny of Afrotropical White-eyes (Aves: Zosteropidae) highlights Prior Underestimation of Mainland Diversity and Complex Colonisation History


in Martins, Cox, Irestedt, et al., 2020. 

• Comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Afrotropical Zosteropidae.
• Likely single colonisation of the Afrotropical realm.
• Multiple independent colonisations of oceanic and ecological islands.
 • An underestimation of mainland species diversity.
• Proposed revised taxonomy.

White-eyes (Zosterops) are a hyper-diverse genus of passerine birds that have rapidly radiated across the Afrotropics and Southeast Asia. Despite their broad range, a disproportionately large number of species are currently recognised from islands compared to the mainland. Described species-level diversity of this ‘great speciator’ from continental Africa-Arabia is strikingly low, despite the vast size and environmental complexity of this region. However, efforts to identify natural groups using traditional approaches have been hindered by the remarkably uniform morphology and plumage of these birds. Here, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships and systematics of Afrotropical Zosterops, including the Gulf of Guinea and western Indian Ocean islands. We included exceptional sampling (~160 individuals) from all except one subspecies of the 55 taxa (32 species, plus 23 additional named sub-species) currently recognized throughout the region, in addition to a subset of extra-Afrotropical taxa, by exploiting blood and archival samples. Employing a multi-locus phylogenetic approach and applying quantitative species delimitation we tested: (1) if there has been a single colonisation event of the Afrotropical realm; (2) if constituent mainland and island birds are monophyletic; and (3) if mainland diversity has been underestimated. Our comprehensive regional phylogeny revealed a single recent colonisation of the Afrotropical realm c.1.30 Ma from Asia, but a subsequent complex colonisation history between constituent island and mainland lineages during their radiation across this vast area. Our findings suggest a significant previous underestimation of continental species diversity and, based on this, we propose a revised taxonomy. Our study highlights the need to densely sample species diversity across ranges, providing key findings for future conservation assessments and establishing a robust framework for evolutionary studies.

Keywords: Cryptic species, Islands, Continents, Passeriformes, Species delimitation, Zosterops

 Frederico C. Martins, Siobhan C. Cox, Martin Irestedt, Robert P. Prŷs-Jones and Julia J. Day. 2020. A Comprehensive Molecular Phylogeny of Afrotropical White-eyes (Aves: Zosteropidae) highlights Prior Underestimation of Mainland Diversity and Complex Colonisation History. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 149. 106843. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106843

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